'It wasn't a lie', what wasn't a lie? Our friendship? Our bond? Or her love for me? Because from where I am standing, all I see is lies and deceit. But maybe… I grit my teeth, no! she's playing games with me again, but this time around, I know what kind of a woman she is and I'll damned if I let her walk all over me, again. I open my hidden liquor cabinet from the bottom of my desk and remove a bottle of vintage bourbon, filling my glass I walk towards the couch on the far left of my office. I close my eyes, take a long sip of my bourbon and release a shuddering breath,
"Where are you taking me?" she asked, sitting behind me on my 'Royal Enfield Bullet 350', "somewhere special" I reply as I maneuver my way through the curvy path. Aurora has her delicate arms wrapped around my waist and her front is pressed up against my behind. Over the last six months Aurora and I have spent every waking hour together, her company brings me solace like no other, her smiles light up my entire being and the way her laughter sends a shiver through my body is so thrilling, I want to bask in it and never want to let her go. Right now, I am taking Aurora to my favorite spot, this place, which I call "the drift" is a personal discovery I never really shared with anyone, or rather I never found anyone worth sharing it with, until her. "You're going to love this place, beauty" I say, using the new term of endearment I gave her. I glanced at the rear mirror and saw her cheeks turn cherry red, they always did that whenever I call her 'beauty', it's so fucking adorable that I'd do it a million more times just to see her blush.
After a ride of thirty minutes, we finally arrive at our destination, I park my ride along the edge of the road and Aurora got down. I silently weave my fingers through hers and pull her along with me, we walk through heavy bushes and come across a dense cluster of trees "what is this place" Aurora asks again as we move towards the edge of the cliff, "you'll come to know soon enough Aurora" irritation evident in my voice, this girl had no patience. When we are only thirty yards away from the location, I step behind her and tell her "Now, I am going to cover your eyes beauty" "wait… why?" I tap her little nose ones, "remember… it is a surprise, trust me" I place my palms over her eyes and carefully walk her forward.
I bring my hands back to my side and bend down to whisper in her ear "open your eyes beauty" not a second later, a gasp leaves her mouth and she whispers "wow! This is so beautiful Micha" we are at the top of the cliff, overlooking all of Greenville, the sun is setting on the horizon, painting the sky in the colors of pink, blue and purple. The water beneath the cliff is sparkling like the stars have made their way to the earth. But my eyes aren't on any of this, they are on the girl in front of me, the way her eyes glisten with excitement and awe, the way her plump lips form the most beautiful smile that lights up her whole face, "Yes, it is" I reply, not taking my eyes off her. She turns to me and says "thank you so much for sharing this gem with me" grinning from ear to ear she looks at me with pure adoration in her eyes, my gaze drops to her pink, bee stung lips and I can't hold it back anymore.
I grab her waist with one hand and place the other one behind her neck, pulling her close I press my lips to her sweet ones, her breath hitches and she seems momentarily shocked, but then her hands move to grip my hair and tug at it. I groan with pleasure and deepen the kiss, tasting her sweet edges and gently stroking her tongue. Our first kiss.
Buzz… the phone rings in the background and I startle awake, getting up from my place on the couch I move towards my desk, "What is it, Bianca?" I ask with a sigh and wait for her to reply, "Mr. Gilbert is here for your 5'o clock meeting sir" oh for fucks sake! Another exasperated sigh leaves my mouth, "send him in Bianca and please ask miss Sinclair to join us. I need her to take notes" I don't wait for her answer, just cut the call and place my glass on the marble desk with more force than necessary.
Two days, only two day's in her presence and I am already slipping away, I still remember those days when I preferred filling my stomach with liquor rather than actual food, all because of her, because I couldn't handle her absence, because I was weak and miserable. This is not going to work, I need to keep my feelings in check, I need to get laid and fuck her out of my mind. With renewed vigor, I walk out of the office and towards the conference room, Mr. Gilbert is already sitting at one of the chairs and Aurora is hovering near the conference room door. I give her a fleeting glance and step inside to greet the old man.
Throughout the meeting, Aurora keeps it to herself and quietly takes notes, Ryan Gilbert mostly does all the talking and I give my input wherever needed, forty-five minutes later, Gilbert promises another meeting soon and leaves Aurora with me. I turn to finally acknowledge her presence, "Email me the notes you took during the meeting, and please order a bouquet of red and pink roses from the best floweriest around the city" I look at my watch "by 6:30pm". I didn't give her the time to question me, I turned and walked away.
For the next forty-five minutes, I took care of the paper work and went through the important emails and I had to admit, she was doing a pretty good job. By the time it was 6:30pm, someone tapped softly on my door, "come in" I said, not looking up from my computer. "Your bouquet is here" my head snapped in her direction, "keep it on the table" I said nonchalantly, she placed the flowers delicately on the table and stood in front of me "do you need anything more Mr. Calloway? Or do you mind if I leave now?" her tone was sharp, like she didn't want to be here just as much as I didn't. "I think you've done enough for the day miss Sinclair, your service is no longer required" she didn't think for too long, just nodded and left.
I picked up my phone and texted Carol to fix a date,
Michael: free at 7 tonight?
She replied almost immediately,
Carol: for you? Always.
Michael: great, meet me at our regular place
Carol: sounds good
I shut down the system, pick up the bouquet and make my way to the restaurant we always visit. After a fifteen-minute-long ride, I make my way towards our regular table and notice that Carol has already arrived. I bend down and kiss both of her cheeks, "Good evening Carol, how have you been?" I say with a nod, she gives me a flirtatious smile, which looks fake as fuck and replies "now that you're here, I think I'll be just fine". Usually, all of her forwardness turns me the fuck on, but right now it does nothing to stir my goods and it is pissing me to no end. All I see is my red-haired vixen, with her blood red lips and that tight as hell black skirt.