Vacation in the Past Part One: Camelot

Near enough to midnight, Harry arrived to the main chambers of the Castle. Lily, Rose, Faora, Jaime, Kara, Karen, and Diana were all with him. There was an amount of uncertainty on their faces along with curiosity about what this was all about.

As was custom with anything like this, things would be explained in due time, as the group wondered what that explanation would be and wondered if they would like the explanation given.

"Castle archives indicate that this is the day you were sent back through time for a little vacation in the past," Peve told them.

Lily was quick to jump on this one. She looked at the holographic image of the creator of the castle with a raised eyebrow. "And how do you know this?"

Peve's smile widened as she informed Lily. "Because, Harry told me that I sent him into the past when he traveled to it."

Faora offered a frustrated grimace and a shrug. "Time travel….it's best not to think about the ins and outs of it too much."

That was a statement that went without saying.

"Yes, while it's uncomfortable to think about the mechanics of it too much, you can take one thing to the bank, you need to go to the past so you can stabilize the time stream," Peve told Harry, and Kara and Karen both nodded, smiles crossing over their faces.

Harry on the other hand was wondering exactly how vital this was, given several subtle and not so subtle hints that Peve had dropped, he was going to hazard a guess that this trip through time was going to be an extremely vital one. So he threw his head up high and readied himself for what he was sure was going to be an amazing adventure.

"The time portal will take you through time to a predetermined point," she explained to them when she was sure that she had their full and undivided attention. Then again, it was not every day where people talked about being sent through time. The dark haired mistress of the castle took a few seconds to pause before speaking again. "It does require a great deal of power to manifest hence why Alura and Lara have been dormant during your most recent visit to the castle."

Harry thought that made sense, traveling through time and space was not going to be the easiest thing in the world, otherwise everyone would be able do it. With that thought on his mind, Harry prepared himself to enter the portal, staring it down for a moment in thought. His heart hammered a drum beat upon his ribcage as he focused on the portal.

'It doesn't seem too bad,' Harry thought to himself but if he learned one thing, it was appearances could be rather deceiving. He was erring on the side of caution for now; the portal was across from him, ready and waiting for him.

His green eyes locked on the portal; there was a few seconds where he hesitated, because there was a question in his mind.

"So, any idea what we're supposed to do or are we just going to have to guess?" Harry asked and Faora smiled, her brother was always one who was going to be blunt no matter what the situation.

"I'm sure there's going to be certain information that we'll need to learn for our survival, if I'm not mistaken," Lily told them and Peve jumped in.

"Yes, you will know it," Peve agreed with them as she knew she could not tell them everything because certain events would flow naturally once they arrived there.

Fortunately, Harry left her very detailed instructions on what she told him when she sent him into the past the first time. All she had to do was follow those instructions to the letter to ensure a stable time loop that would hold up. It was one of those things that made more sense when a person was living it then actually thinking about it.

"So, we might as well not stand around and split hairs about this anymore," Jaime remarked, despite her very bad experiences with time travel in the past. She was willing to do this, especially if it was needed to stablize the current timeline. The dark haired Potter girl locked hands with her male counterpart.

"The portal is ready, all you need to do is step through it," Peve informed them. "I will download the relevant information into your minds as you do so."

It was every piece of information that Harry gave her, down to the very last comma, therefore there would be no room for errors. She was confident that Harry knew what to tell her.

It was hard to tell where this time loop had begun. Time was an enigma like that.

Harry, leading by example as always, took his first step through the time portal. The green eyes of this wizard flared with determination. Kara followed him, along with Faora. Then Jaime took a tentative step towards the portal, with Karen standing next to her. Rose and Lily edged through the portal after them.

There was a few second pause and then a sizeable pop that resounded as the group went through time and space with swift precision.

Flying head over heels through the portal they went, landing with a huge thud on the ground.

'And perhaps I should have mentioned that the landing mechanism is not the most sophisticated,' the crystal on Harry's neck commented. 'Don't worry, I'm transparent."

'That's good to know,' Harry agreed with her as he took a look around with his surroundings.

"So, where are we?" Kara asked as she looked around.

Lily recognized their surroundings nearly immediately due to her studies and a smile crossed her face. "Ladies and gentleman….welcome to Camelot."

Harry suspected as much, but he wondered about the legends and there were many about this place. He wondered how many of them were true, well he would find out in due time.

Harry and his girls were about ready to venture into the unknown.

Morgaine Le Faye sat on the throne of her stronghold, pondering. She was one of the most powerful sorceresses in the world and she was not known well for her patience.

Her dark hair framed her face as she smiled. Her glowing purple eyes shimmered with an intensity that could not be matched. Her face resembled that of an angel but that was a mask for the sadistic intentions that rested behind those faintly glowing orbs. Her intentions were that of chaos and she prepared to lead a round of disorder wherever she went. Her robes wrapped snugly around her body, giving a hint of the ample bosom, delicious rear, and long legs that would cause many men to be driven to distraction and leave them unable to recognize the sinister intentions that lingered in her eyes.

She gazed into an orb resting in her hand and scryed across the kingdom. After her latest run in with Arthur, she was cooling her heels slightly. That wizard that he had in his employ, well he was quite a zany one but he was utterly competent. There was a part of Morgaine that respected him but only a small part, a microscopic part to be exact.

"My lady," one of her subordinates stated as he approached her, inclined on one knee.

"Yes," Morgaine said, she was not in the mood for any games and she decided that they should get to the point.

The man before her nodded. "A magical vortex has opened to the North of here."

Morgaine's interest was piqued immediately; it was not every day that mysterious magical vortexes opened up, after all. The sorceress got to her feet and prepared to depart.

"My lady perhaps you should…."

"Caruthers, you know what your task is, as is mine," Morgaine said to him in an abrasive tone

He nodded, dutifully, she was his boss, he was the lackey, perhaps hoping to learn something from her.

Of course, Morgaine, in her arrogance, had not counted on the fact that there were a few lessons of her own that she might want to learn. That was to come, sooner rather than later.

The witch made her way down the stairs from her stronghold. It was your standard castle, with dungeons, many bed chambers, and also a huge library of what few magical tomes that she had been able to acquire. They had been collected and were among the rarest. In some cases, they were the only copies ever written, although there was no one who acquired more rare books than that scatterbrain wizard that was the power behind Arthur's throne.

There was no time to consider those facts, she was going to search for the source of the anomaly. The sorceress made her out of the castle.

Her dark hair blew in the breeze as she pulled her cloak on tightly. It could be an enemy or likely some figment of her subordinate's imagination. Whatever it was, Morgaine made her way towards the source of the disturbance and she stopped suddenly.

She saw a young man with the most bewitching green eyes. It took her a second to catch her bearings but only a second. He was in the company of a bevvy of extremely beautiful women.

Perhaps it was Morgaine's imagination but they didn't appear to be from around here, at least that's what her assumption was.

Harry shook his head after a brief second as he heard the approaching figure. Faora stood on her heels and tried to resist the temptation to hover, no matter how obvious it was to do so. The dark haired woman kept her hands ready in a battle pose.

'Don't look now, but I think we're about ready to find out the reason why we got sent here,' Diana told them through the link.

Faora, Harry, Kara, Karen, Lily, Jaime, and Rose all braced themselves for the arriving party.

'Is that who I think it is?' Jaime thought to them and they nodded.

"Announce yourselves or suffer the consequences," the woman said in a warning voice as Harry turned towards her with a smile.

He had a good idea who this person was but he had to make sure.

"Who are you?" Harry asked with a smile on his face.

The woman answered this statement in an extremely haughty voice, placing her hands on her hips as she focused her eyes on Harry. There was a few seconds where both of them stood facing each other. "I am Morgaine Le Faye."

This statement interested Harry. She was the poster child of dark witches throughout all time, a person that others tried to pattern themselves after. The woman's eyes were that of a stormy night sky and Harry wondered if she was going to attack. She looked like the type that might be on a hair trigger.

Lily's expression was calm although there was a sense that she would fight if she was pressed into it. "We have been sent to this location."

Morgaine's rage did not completely fade although she would have to admit that they indulged her curiosity. "You mean on a quest?"

Harry's smile blossomed over his face. "Yes, precisely."

Morgaine's interest heightened a few notches and it appeared that she was mulling something over in her mind.

'Well, she hasn't hexed us, that's a good sign,' Kara offered to them mentally as the members of the bond link all nodded.

'Or maybe she's trying to figure out the best one to use to take us down,' Harry amended to them mentally and there was a slight second where they all stood on their guards.

"There is a reason why you have arrived here," Morgaine concluded after a few seconds as she surveyed them all. "And you are…."

"Harrison Evans," Harry told her. It was a simple name, nothing to arouse suspicion.

Morgaine watched him, not saying anything. There was a lot of deception out there, so she took absolutely nothing at face value. She wanted to see what his game was, if he had one.

Faora wondered why he did not use the Potter name but there was no time to ask now instead of later.

"Well, Mr. Evans, I trust that you would not have been able to get beyond this barrier unless you had certain powers within you," Morgaine said to him, giving a not so subtle hint that she knew about his heritage.

"You'll find that I have many abilities, some of them that you haven't seen before," Harry commented with a smile as he took a step towards her.

Morgaine did not take a step back or react in any way. Mostly because she wondered how far he'd push this matter, how willing he was to do so.

Curiosity was something that she indulged herself in now and it was also an element where she tried to figure out if she was able to get certain things done.

"Fair enough," Morgaine told him, once again she was trying to figure what this was all about and to do that, she needed to bring Harrison and his group up to the castle. If that was his real name that is and there were more than enough people in this day and age using deception and aliases to fool her. Therefore she had to proceed with extreme caution.

Harry smiled, he was going to be lead into her inner sanctum, although he had plenty of backup. Not that he couldn't handle himself but it would be wise to go into this with all of his wits about him. The emerald eyed wizard stepped towards her, although he did so with his eyes firmly locked onto her's.

'So, do you think that we can trust her?' Kara asked as she gave Harry a searching look.

Harry pondered for a second as he asked her. 'Well trust is a funny word. Although there was a reason why we were sent here during this time, so we'll see what happens.'

'Fair enough,' Kara thought as she was ready to wait and watch to see what was going to transpire next.

Faora's gaze eyed the architecture of the castle, taking it all in. The details were amazing as she suspected. It was tall with an amazing structure. The stones were smooth and looked to be built to last. She wondered if this castle was around during her time, because it was something that was built to last and to be sustained throughout time.

She did not impress very easy, although this did impress her.

Morgaine was trying to piece together the significance of the mysterious arrivals after the introductions were given. There was something about their attire that seemed rather odd…quite easily pointing out that they were not from around here. The dark haired woman studied the group with extreme intensity. A smile crossed her face as she tried to pick up the pieces and string things together.

"You were sent here," Morgaine concluded after Harrison told his tale. There was a second where the green eyes of Harry Potter locked onto her's and both of them stared each other down.

A weedy looking man entered the chambers.

'Well there's a trustworthy looking fellow,' Rose commented although there was a certain amount of sarcasm dancing in her tone. The woman's eyes closed as her mouth flickered into a prominent smile.

'Yeah….so it seems,' Harry said to her as he pulled her into a one armed hug and stared him down.

Harry wanted to keep his eyes on the person before him although there was a slight amount of nervousness in his gaze. He wondered if he could trust this person at all, careful as he might be.

'Watch him, but don't do anything until we know the deal,' Harry thought to his group, answering the unasked question.

"This is Archibald Caruthers," Morgaine said in a dismissive voice. "Pay him no mind."

Harry could not help but be amused by the dismissive tone that dripped from her voice although the man in question was not amused. In fact, his eyes flared with a certain amount of annoyance, although he kept himself calm and respectful.

'We definitely need to keep an eye on him,' Harry thought to the girls who agreed.

Morgaine leaned back in her chair, it resembled one that anyone of regal station would own. The woman's gaze focused on Harry. "In this kingdom, there is one rule and that is power is beyond all else. I've been having some problems with upper management."

"Arthur," Faora commented in a brisk voice.

"You have done your homework," Morgaine told her in an appraising voice as she clasped her hands together.

'Of course, I have,' Faora replied, almost insulted that someone would consider that she would be anything but prepared. Being prepared was what Faora was and she prepared to consider her options.

"Well, you are well known," Lily said to the woman and now Morgaine's smile widened as her ego was very subtly stroked. It was best to keep her ego satisfied if they wanted to get out of here with their sanity and health intact, or at least intact for the most part.

"Yes, well there must a reason why you were sent here?" Morgaine told them, she was not about to wait around for the answer much longer.

"Our….guide wasn't certain why we need to be sent, although there have been rumors that someone is trying to open a portal to make a deal with unsavory beings," Harry answered her and the woman raised an eyebrow. Her tone grew grim as she made her next statement.

"That's an extremely serious accusation to make," Morgaine offered him as she folded her hands over her lap and she raised an eyebrow as she waited for him to continue.

"And it could be a serious problem if we allow them to succeed," Jaime remarked to Morgaine and the witch nodded. "My lady, if you could extend us the courtesy of allowing us to stay and perhaps….ensure that there is no treachery."

"Trechery….and what reason will you give for me to believe you?" the woman asked them.

Harry's smile crossed over his face, he had an answer on the tip of his tongue as always. "And what reason have I given you not to believe me?"

"Your reasoning is circular at best," Morgaine remarked but she would have dismissed this more easily had she not sensed some sort of problem herself. If they had information, vague as it might be, it might be vital to allow them to stick around until she was able to determine what they knew. "But….this is a serious matter….I must keep you at hand. Be warned that I do not like to play games."

"Nor do I my lady but I can assure that my reason to be here is noble," Harry told the woman.

"Yes, well we'll see to that," Morgaine offered, she did want to find out even more about her strange visitors who appeared to have fallen out of the sky.

She clapped and allowed some guards to lead them to their bed chambers.

'Well….she's about what I expected,' Karen said as the group walked down the hallway.

'We are sure that she can't hear us through the link, right?' Diana thought.

'No, even the most powerful magic won't be able to hack the bond,' Harry remarked to her, placing his hand on hers. 'If someone tries to read our minds, all they'll get is a bunch of static….an endless loop….until it ends.'

'Redundancy is very redundant,' Faora remarked to him but Harry smiled at her.

They were shown to their rooms and say what one wanted to about Morgaine Le Faye, she did have excellent tastes.

'Yes, these rooms are just as you described them, to the letter,' Peve hummed as she hung from Harry's neck.

'So….everything that future me said that's going to happen… going to happen?' Harry inquired, hoping to have a minimal amount of headaches.

'Well….yes….although as I said I can only reveal so much out of fear that complications might arise if you know too much about what is going to happen before it happens. Events need to come together in a certain order,' Peve offered.

Harry, Kara, Diana, Faora, and Karen took one set of rooms, while Jaime, Lily, and Rose took the one on the other side. They were connected, so if any of them needed to scratch certain itches….well it was just as simple of walking through the door.

Harry saw the amazing curtains that fluttered in the breeze and his smile widened as it kept flapping in the window. The wizard arched his back a tiny bit as he continued to watch the curtains. The carpeting on the floor was crimson red and without a blemish.

Kara plopped down on the bed and then sat next to Harry.

'We might want to take turns keeping an eye on Wormtail's ancestor,' Harry thought to them.

'You don't know him and Pettigrew are related,' Faora thought although she was amused.

'You can't deny that there's a passing resemblance between the two,' Harry offered to her and that was a point that Faora could not deny. She used this downtime to snuggle into Harry' s cheek, his arm wrapped around her waist as he pulled her in close.

Harry's kept the wide smile on his face as he brought his sister in close to him. Kara, Karen, and Diana were with them.

'And a place like this must have a library,' Karen added in interest.

'Careful….don't want to channel Hermione's spirit,' Kara warned her older counterpart.

'Honestly, Kara,' Karen fired back in a teasing tone of voice and there was a groan from all at that one.

'Please don't do that again,' Harry remarked as he looked around. 'This castle is well put together…..given that everything around here is crap.'

'Literally in the cases of what's in the street,' Kara commented wrinkling her nose.

'Hygiene was not a product of this time,' Faora chimed in and that was a statement that could be agreed about by all.

"So far, nothing at all," Harry offered after a few days of being there.

"Well, the trip isn't a total loss, if nothing happens for a little bit, that at least gives us a chance to unwind," Kara offered as she placed her head on Harry's shoulder and the emerald eyed wizard placed his arm around her. "Plus this is an amazing place."

"There's no way I can debate about that," Faora said to them as she sat down next to Harry as well. "It's an amazing piece of history."

"Well be patient, something's going to break, just because Caruthers hasn't made his move yet. Doesn't mean he isn't going to eventually," Harry told Kara and Faora and both Kryptonians nodded.

Thanks to the magic of magic, they were able to set up something where they would be able to live with many modern conveniences liked indoor plumbing. He thought that they were going to make this trip as comfortable as they could.

Also they may learn a few lessons before their time here was done.

'So far, nothing, Harry,' Jaime added to him, she was the one who was currently keeping an eye on the man. 'Morgaine is on her way to your chambers though, I think she wants a word with you.'

'I'll meet her halfway,' Harry told her.

Harry slipped out of the room, and in no time he came face to face with the wicked witch herself.

"Hello, Mr. Evans," Morgaine remarked as she saw the young man standing before her in all of his glory and said glory was fairly glorious if she had to say so herself.

She tried to keep her thoughts strictly on business.

"Lady Le Faye," Harry told her with a smile on his face. "Are there any…."

"Problems, no," Morgaine said as she watched him. "Whoever you think is behind this, they've either acquired a touch of cowardice or they are not about to pull the trigger at all."

There was a huge part of Harry that hoped that it was the latter in this situation.

"In the meantime, I hope that you're enjoying your stay," Morgaine told him and Harry nodded. "Excellent, I would hate for your time here to be anything but accommodating."

"I'm sure you would," Harry told her, a smile crossing his face in spite himself. He was amused by the antics of this witch although he kept a careful gaze on her. It was better to be safe than sorry after all especially when dealing with a wild card like her. "So far nothing on my end as well."

"Are you sure your….superior…..was correct in sending you to this particular place?" Morgaine asked. She normally heard about any treachery but there was nothing that stood out for her.

"Yes…..but I'm not sure exactly when the person will make their move," Harry commented.

"Just where did you come from anyway?" Morgaine asked him.

"I've had a long journey," Harry told her evasively.

Morgaine was used to people speaking in riddles, that dotty fool of a wizard was the master of it. She took certain statements in a greater stride than she would normally have but her patience did have certain bounds.

"You seem like you were from the North of here," Morgaine said to him, trying to expertly fish for more information from him.

"Well, from the North, in a sense," Harry told her.

He did wonder if the witch would put two and two together.

'She's already poking around, she'll figure out where you're from in time,' Peve told him but there was a slight pause in her tone. 'I would advise not telling her though, at least not yet.'

Right,' Harry thought to her and a smile crossed his face.

"You are an enigma, Harrison Evans," Morgaine concluded as she smiled. She appreciated the irony of those words coming for her mouth especially, given what happened in her past. The woman's hand opened and closed, almost absent-mindedly as she thought about what was happening. "You and your lovers, you have been a challenge to have around. I wonder if you have been misplaced in time."

"Some might assume the same of you, I've never seen anything like this castle before," Harry told her and Morgaine's lips curled into a slight smile.

"Your assumption is interesting and correct, although Arthur's castle is equally as amazing," Morgaine said, grudgingly giving credit where it was due.

'Mine is better,' Peve told Harry but his amusement appeared within his tone as he answered the woman.

'Of course it is,' Harry told her.

"This castle is yours to explore, as I'm sure that you'd find the library to be worthy of exploration for an enlightened young man such as yourself," Morgaine remarked with a smile across her face. Although there was something calculating about her smile but Harry just suspected that was in her nature, at least that's what he was going to assume for now. "Farewell, Mr. Evans."

"Farewell, Lady Le Faye," Harry commented and in a daring action, he took her hand in his as he offered a slight kiss.

She was so shocked by this brazen action that she did not even think to blow his head off and by the time that she could recover from the action, he already turned and started to walk away from her seemingly without a care in the world as confidence radiated from him.

Harry made his way towards the next room and a pair of hands pulled him into the room.

"Now, before you went off to meet with her," Kara said as she pushed Harry down on the bed. She was wearing some extremely lacy red lingerie that barely covered what needed to be covered. "I believe that we wanted to have some fun."

Faora was wearing black lingerie, with her breasts nearly spilling up of the cups. The white lingerie that Karen wore put them all to shame, it was about two and a half sizes too small and her breasts were about to rip through the top. Diana wore a black piece of lingerie, having joined the party.

Harry was about to have some fun with his Alpha wives and he was glad for that.

Diana started the party with a searing kiss upon his lips and the fun just escalated to the next level from there.

Adrian Caruthers stepped forwards into the secret location where his contact had told him to meet for a taste of ultimate power. He had hated being at that witch bitches beck and call. She couldn't even get his first name right half of the time, it was a disgrace. He could have power; he would be even greater than that scatterbrained fool Merlin if given the chance.

"Master, I have arrived just like you asked," Caruthers said as he dropped down to one knee on the stones which glowed faintly with the indication of the suppressed power within. He would willingly give himself to the man in question if even half of the power he granted him was close to what he felt in this place, it would be extraordinary. His eyes flickered with the promise of it and his hands tightened into a clutch.

"So you have," the grumbling voice declared as the stones flashed. Six glowing demonic eyes stared back at him from the veil. "Tell me, Caruthers….do you wish to live forever?"

"Yes, master, I wish to live forever, give me the keys to power, and I will not let you down," he remarked in a weedy tone of voice. His voice was oily and his eyes flashed with greed. He nearly gulped down the energy that surrounded him. A beat of his heart later signaled that his benefactor would be ready to speak to him for better or for worse.

It would be for worse.

"Yes, you have done everything that was required of you, you have weakened her kingdom and pitted that senile bag of bones against her, not that they needed much prodding," the sinister voice commented from the shadows. Flames licking upwards, to surround it in a purple fury.

"Give it to me, give me the power, I must have it!"

There was a thunderous cackle.

"The Arch Demon grants his most devoted followers that privilege but I sense your devotion to me is of nothing but greed and cowardice," the thunderous voice echoed and Caruthers took a step back in fear, shaking his head.

"No, my liege, it's nothing but devotion, I will get down on my knees and…."

"Be silent," the demon stated as eldritch power swirled around the temple. Causing shivers to run through his body. "There is another here that could threaten me other than the witch. I sense him. He has the stench of the Endless all over him. Those fools….I will not allow them to take me down. They will be crushed."

"That's right, my liege, they will be crushed," Caruthers commented in a smug tone of voice.

"He could be monitoring your every movement, we need to work quickly," the demon told him in a fierce tone of voice and Caruthers shifted, there was a nervousness that flickered within his eyes. His heart hammered within his chest.

"I'm at your service."

The stones shifted, there were symbols upon them that Caruthers could not translate but he did carve them in like he said.

"I need blood," the demon stated in a hungry tone of voice and it was the tone that indicated that there was a need to sate that hunger.

Caruthers was in too far deep to pull out of the deal now, even though that he wanted to, and he did not want to. He saw the power that could lay within his grasp, and his heart thumped against his ribs. He prepared himself to push forward past his fear and seize it's glory for his own.

"Caruthers, what are you doing?"

That witch was about to ruin everything, the weedy man realized that. He clutched his hand together and came face to face with Morgaine.

"So, this treachery, you think you can outmaneuver me?"

Morgaine offered that statement, her voice dripping with danger, and her eyes narrowed in rage. There was a sense she was about to lose sight of her sanity but she reeled it in and kept her hands folded together. Her eyes dripping with even more malice than ever before.

"Your time has ended, witch!" Caruthers breathed out as his eyes glowed with hate.

"Funnily, I doubted that any spell in existence would enable you of all people to grow a spine but perhaps I was wrong," she commented in a callous tone of voice.

"You discounted me, no matter what, well you'll feel my wrath, you'll feel my power!" Caruthers bellowed, his tone quite mad.

Morgaine smiled, and there was a sense that she was just letting him talk himself silly, at least a little bit. The woman's eyes continued to dance with that sense of malice.

"Will I?" she asked him. She stared him down. "You have an oddly high opinion of your powers, powers that you don't know how to wield obviously."

To emphasize her point or so she thought, she sent Caruthers crashing to the ground with a bolt of orange light. It struck his chest and his limbs twitched from the impact, a pained grimace flashing across his face. His breath became extremely labored for a second.

"You're not dealing with just your run of the mill sorcerer any more, lady," Caruthers stated in a surprisingly deep voice.

It was at this point where Harry showed up, with Faora, Diana, and Kara following him. The four of them stopped short, and Jaime and Karen skidded in right behind them, with Rose and Lily taking up the rear.

"I told you I smelled a rat," Harry said to the group as Morgaine acknowledged them briefly, keeping, her eyes on Caruthers.

"Well your hunch was correct, although this fool being behind it, I'm disappointed in the caliber of enemy that I see before me," she remarked in a crisp tone of voice.

"I don't think he's the real adversary," Harry offered as he heard the rocks around the temple start to rattle.

In fact, one could scratch not thinking he was the real enemy off of the list because Harry now knew for sure that Caruthers was not the adversary that he had to deal with. His heart thumped within his chest, dancing a devious beat over and over again as he waited for something, anything to break.

The ground cracked beneath them as a sinister red light bathed them in it's glow.

Several winged purple creatures popped up out of the ground, with sharp claws, even sharper teeth, and nasty tempers abound, surrounding the two of them. There was a sense that these monsters were not among the happiest in the world. Their eyes glowed and their sharp teeth gritted in fury.

"So, this is the crisis you informed me about?" Morgaine asked, seeing this underworld abominations dance before her.

"Believe me, it's only begun," Harry told her.

"You are correct on that front, sorcerer, it has only begun and soon they will be free!" the Arch Demon cackled. "As will I, my power grows."

'Wonderful, this is one of those powerful demons that yap on and on at the mouth and never shut up,' Faora commented in frustration. 'Can't tell you how much I love them.'

'I'm sure you could but we've got to send him back before he gets a foothold here.,' Harry remarked to her and Faora's head inclined in response as she focused her heat vision.

'On it,' she agreed as she blasted her enemy with a furious force. She dodged three of the demons with super speed, they were not fully formed. This allowed her to take them down.

The battle was just beginning.

Faora's warrior spirit thirsted for a challenge, and she was not the only one, Karen, Kara, and Diana all hungered for the thrill of battle.

The two Potters, Jaime and Harry, also hungered for the thrill of the hunt, the spirit of competition, something to indulge themselves in beyond their wildest thoughts and dreams.

'It's before us, all we have to do is seize it,' one of the demons breathed as he thought to his brothers.

"They really think that they could get by us," Harry told them in disbelief.

He summoned up the full force of a whirlwind spell and scattered the creatures.

Morgaine, meanwhile, was in her element. Her eyes glowed with the amazing power that one would expect from this extremely powerful witch. Her intensity could not be matched by any means on Earth. Her hair blowing in the breeze.

Caruthers acted like he was having a seizure as the Arch Demon possessed him, tempted him, working its insidious tentacles into his body in order to force the man to do its bidding.

"Soon fellow demons, I will be brought in those world, feast upon their flesh!" he screamed.

Harry smiled as he just let him go on.

"Why won't you shut up?" Faora asked as she sent a burst of heat vision, dodged behind Caruther's and tried to punch him in the back of his head.

A magical shield appeared and her hand bounced off of it.

This left him open for a combined ice breath attack from Kara and Harry. Both pursed their lips and blew, sending the frigid ice towards him. There was a thunderous rattle as the demon was caught off guard.

"We must not allow him to pass beyond this point," Morgaine grunted as she bound three of the demons and caused them pain as they were secured.

Several others were circling around her like particularly demented vultures and even the great Morgaine Le Faye would not be able to take them down as they overwhelmed her. She bit down her lip and frustration coursed through her eyes as her heart thudded harder.

When she was backed against the wall, that was when Morgaine Le Faye rose to the challenge. With swift precision she threw her arm back and blasted her enemy with an intense blast of energy. A bolt of energy shot through her hand and it struck several of the demons with precision. There was a loud crack as the demons burst from the impact of the attack.

Morgaine smiled, she got that one with precision and she was about ready to go for another attack.

One of the creatures was short and stunted, like a troll and it wielded a flaming axe. Diana smiled as she pulled out a really big sword.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Diana asked with a smile.

The troll, being entirely brave or extremely stupid, charged towards the Amazon Princess. The metal clung together as they pushed back and forth against each other. Sparks flew as both tried to get position. Diana was just a little bit stronger and most certainly smarter.

Diana's spirit was something that could not be denied and she smashed her foot against the side of the troll's knee. The demonic creature gave a howl as she swung the sword into him.

Lily blasted her enemies back with a huge crunch and she stood ready to fight back, as she caused them to fly back through the portal. The energy blasts ricocheted off of the wall and knocked out seven targets in an attack that would only hit three.

'Well my mother is amazing,' Harry thought to himself as his eyes glowed with fury and he took out the demons with expert precision, the blasts bouncing off of the walls like a ping pong style attack.

The head demon, now possessing Caruthers, stepped to face Le Faye.

"That fool of a wizard thought he could defeat me but he was only able to imprison me, what makes you believe that you'll have any better luck?" the demon taunted her.

"Just try me," Morgaine told him in a fierce tone of voice as she lifted her hand and prepared to blast her enemy with everything that she had. Ready to give her all in order to take him down. The woman's eyes flashed with malice.

"Believe me, you're being tried," the demon remarked with a thunderous roar as he cracked the hands of his puppet together.

Harry, whilst blasting the demonic entities back, was going over something in his head.

'He's dependent on that body,' Harry thought to his bonded and all of the girls agreed.

'Yes, I figured, it's the only way for him to anchor himself to this world,' Karen said.

'Exactly,' Faora agreed as she used heat vision to fry a group of demons. 'Our barriers are holding but they won't hold for much longer.'

'As long as we hold them long enough, we'll be able keep them from getting out into the kingdom and feasting upon the people there,' Harry said as he closed his eyes.

He locked onto the portals energy signature and it was no secret that dealing with portals was a notoriously tricky thing. He had to reverse the energy flow and send everything back through it.

One step at a time but Harry would get it, he had to get it. If he didn't get it, well they were all pretty much fucked.

Morgaine, meanwhile, looked extremely tense as she went against the traitor.

"A fool you are," Morgaine commented to him and there was a few seconds where she stared him down.

"You call me a fool," the man behind the eyes of the person formally known as Caruthers stated. He was going to flatten her.

"I could call you a lot worse if you prefer," she stated, going for a binding spell.

He broke out of it immediately and pushed forward, grabbing her around the throat and slamming her back against the ground with a thunderous thump.

"You will pay for those words rolling off your vile tongue," he growled as he was about ready to strangle the woman for her insolence.

Harry used the portal energies to reverse the positioning and send the enemies back through the portal. With that thought out of the way, he picked up the pace.

Kara, Karen, and Diana helped him herd them through, while Lily, Rose, and Jaime locked onto the portal energies to reverse the pull.

Meanwhile, Harry had a date with a demon and boy was he the ugly type. Really not someone you wanted to take to the prom.

"You think you can stop me!" he bellowed.

"Yes," Harry dead panned in one word as he summoned a white bolt of light and shot it through the air, impacting his adversary in the chest full force with it. Then he nailed him with a good old fashioned punch to the face to rock him back.

The demon screamed as his blood curdled but he managed to stagger despite the situation.

"I'll….destroy you!" the demon bellowed as he tried to keep his attention fixed to his enemy.

"I've heard that so many times I've lost count," Harry remarked in a dry tone of voice as he stood back and prepared to deliver his next attack, one that would pack a punch, or at least he assumed the attack would pack a punch.

It was true, it was a statement that he'd heard over and over to the point of exhaustion. It was getting to the point where Harry could pretty much set his watch by the number of times it had been said to him.

The demon was not willing to go down without a fight, which was fine because Harry was not willing to go down without one either. His gaze locked onto the creature and the two of them stared each other down.

Something had to give, the real question was what?

Harry's hands twitched for a brief second but he kept them steady and firm. He was going to blast this enemy for all he was worth.

Morgaine got up to her feet and saw him. He was so fast, like an animal who was about to corner his prey. Green eyes flooded with something that was akin to the ultimate personification of power. All she had to do was watch.

"Your error is grave if you think that you can…."

Seven bolts of energy aimed at the same source happened, which soon began eight. Morgaine joined in with Harry and his group, with all of them determined to blast this fiend into the next realm.

"You think that…"

Caruthers fell to the ground, his skin completely dry and his body a husky, destroyed shell of what it once was. It was completely dusty, destroyed, the personification of what one might consider to be destroyed.

The demons were disappearing into the night, pop, pop, pop, pop. All of them faded into the ether, about ready to vanish all the way to the end of time. There was a thunderous bang as they faded off into nothing.

Morgaine did not relax yet though. She knew better than to relax because there would be a sense that if she let her guard down for a second, her enemies would destroy her just like that.

She looked at what was left of Caruthers, it was an unsightly mess that was a heap of humanity. It was something that she intended to mop up although she felt a small stab of sympathy for him.

Said sympathy fleeted for a second however.

"A pathetic end to a pathetic man," Morgaine told him and with a snap of her fingers she burnt what was left of his remains to ash. Then turned to face Harry. "So….I suppose that I'm in your debt."

She said this as she winced, some of those attacks were far from pleasant.

"Well, we can easily discuss this when we're back up in your castle, once we've determined whether or not all demonic residue has been purged," Harry commented and already he was trying to scan, with the help of the others.

'Nothing, the portal has been sealed, there isn't even a pinprick left,' Lily thought to herself and there was a nod of satisfaction, as smug as it might have been.

Morgaine performed her own tests, she was not about to leave a matter like this to any kind of chance after all. The witch inclined her head, satisfied with how everything turned out, at least for now.

Back at her castle, Morgaine thought about what happened during that battle. How things could have went much worse. How this could have meant her own destruction but it did not. She had been given a reprieve of sorts and that was something that she could appreciate a lot.

All thoughts went back to one person and one person alone and that was Harrison Evans. Morgaine was not going to lie, she did not impress easily. But when she did, she really did impress hard. She respected power and that was something that he had in spades.

She'd summoned him to her personal chambers, it was an honor that was given to a select few. Morgaine was dressed in thin black robes that showcased a little more than she should would normally show off but she was looking to make a lasting impression on him.

Time crawled by to a sense where she wished she had some way of keeping track of it. So far, nothing happened and she wondered if he would turn up. After the battle he had, she suspected that his collective might say something about him relaxing but she would find out before too long. The woman placed her hand on her hip and waited in the most impatient way possible.

She was about to say something about waiting but as it turned out, she did not have to wait for too much longer. The door swung open and Harrison Evans stood on the other end of the door.

"I always keep an appointment," Harrison told her.

"For the record, you were not late," she told him as she shifted her body towards him and drank him every inch of him.

"I'm glad to hear that," Harry commented as he stepped towards her, closing the gap in between both of them. "So….are you…."

"Yes….I've had worse battles and today's could have gone in a more unfavorable outcome," Morgaine remarked as she shifted her gaze towards him. A smile crossed her face as she watched him a slight bit. "So….are you…."

"The same," Harry told her as he watched the woman. Both of them stared each other down and there was a few seconds where neither said a word.

Harry was trying to figure out what she thought about him. He could delve into her mind but that would take the fun and the adventure out of the situation.

"I am within your debt," Morgaine told him. "And I pay my debts seriously."

Harry wondered how far he could push this. "How seriously?"

"Very seriously," Morgaine remarked as she took a step towards him. "The question is, are you in the mood to collect?"

Harry's eyes traveled over her body as he drank in her very impressive form. Her luscious dark locks, alluring eyes, and large breasts were a treat. He thought that he could take advantage of her being willing to pay back her debts.

"Well, since you're so willing," Harry told her as he stepped towards her and she backed off into the bed that was in her room.

"The sooner I settle this debt, the sooner this situation allows us to work together," Morgaine told him as she shifted and showed a hint of a very teasing thigh. She placed her hand on the back of her head and leaned back for a second.

"And the sooner we can work together as equals," Harry told Morgaine and she nodded in agreement.

"Quite," Morgaine said as Harry placed his hands on her waist.

She never allowed a man to touch her like this but yet there was something that seemed right. She had teased the touching to get what they wanted and a little enchantment or two made the men fall to her, without given them anything in return.

"So are you game for me to collect?" Harry asked Morgaine and she offered a slight breath as her heartbeat.

There was something rather alluring about him and she did not even consider his enchanting green eyes that locked onto hers. Harry leaned towards her.

Morgaine watched as his lips met hers. She paused for a second, as if considering what to do.

He deepened the kiss, pulling the two of them together and there was a few seconds where she hesitated and they continued their warm embrace.

His arms tightened around her waist and he deepened the kiss further which she finally returned. Her mouth opened up and allowed his tongue to enter her. Morgaine ran her hands down his back.

He pushed her back on the bed and his lips left hers. She protested the absence and Harry pressed his lips to the side of her neck, kissing her, as his hands roamed underneath her robes.

"Time to collect," Harry breathed in a tone that caused her to get wet and she nodded.

He gave her a few more teasing kisses down her face and then peppered her neck with them.

She reversed the play and turned her around, wrapping her arms around him. The woman's eyes flickered towards his face and she ran her hands down him, rubbing his chest down. Her hands worked him over and Harry smiled.

"I'm more than ready, lover," Morgaine breathed in his ear and she pulled his shirt off.

She saw his chest, muscular and ready for her. He was like a god and put together in a way that most magical users in their time was not. Her hands teased his body and she worked down, unbuckling his belt.

She was going to enjoy feeling him up and was about ready to enjoy the experience.