Vacation Through Time Part Two

Back in the 21st century, Harry stood on the edge of a village in Italy, soaking in the sun and the atmosphere of where he was. This was one of the best vacations in his life so far although he wondered if he would be ready to see it end any time soon.


He turned around and saw a tall blonde with alluring blue eyes approaching him. He gazed at her body, her blonde hair hung down her face and framed it in the most alluring fashion. She had an ample bust, D-Cup breasts at the very least, with the chance for them to grow longer. She wore a tight black top that hugged like a second skin showing off her cleavage as well as an ample amount of her toned and taut stomach. The tight leather skirt that she wore on her lower body showed off a pair of ivory pillars that had an excellent shape, along with her delicious and fairly amazing ass. It looked like it could stop traffic from miles around.

"Lavender," Harry told the teenager.

"Fancy meeting you here," Lavender remarked as she threw her arms around him and pressed her large breasts against his muscular chest to greet him with a friendly hug.

Lavender Brown smiled as she wrapped her arms around Harry Potter and enjoyed the experience of her body being pressed against his. The blonde teenager gave a wistful sigh at the thought of the opportunities that had been missed so far.

Harry knew that Lavender had a reputation, a lot of it was by her own creation. She was a bit of a tease but to call her a slut or a whore would be completely unfair. Well, there were rumors about her and the Patils twins and what they got up to that was the extent of what Harry considered to be credible.

Lavender, meanwhile, calculated her next move. It was hard to get her hands on Harry at Hogwarts given his rather full dance card. Even though there were whispers that there were about three or four of him running around, she dismissed that as hearsay.

"How are you doing since you got out of Hogwarts?" Lavender asked him.

Granted, it only had been a couple of days technically but it would only be polite for her to ask. The blonde locked eyes on Harry and he pulled away from her.

"Well you know me, keeping busy," Harry told her and the blonde smiled at him.

"Right, you've always got to keep busy," Lavender agreed with him as she looked around at her surroundings before setting her focus back on the main attraction.

"So, you're on holiday as well?" Harry asked her.

"Yes….I'm….I'm on holiday, with Parvati and Padma," Lavender told him as she smiled towards him. "We were just about to try on our bikinis and head to the beach. The only problem is….they're a little too small as we've matured since we last wore them."

Lavender placed her hands on her breast briefly at the word "matured." Harry got the emphasis of what she said and he watched her bouncing breasts that strained through her top. She had breasts that were on par with Fleur right now and would continue to grow until they were on the same level as Karen, Amy, and Diana. Right then and there he decided that it was now time to stake his claim towards her good genetics.

"They're down by the beach house, my aunt owns it," Lavender told him and Harry nodded. "Is there anyone here with you Harry?"

She figured that was a stupid question, given that it was Harry and he was always in the company of several extremely beautiful women. The woman smiled at the thought of being one of those women, being beneath him, as he dominated her and made her his bitch.

"Yes, Hermione is here, along with her mother Charlotte, as well as my friends Nyssa and Lindsey," Harry told her and Lavender's eyes flashed with a small amount of desire towards him.

He could tell that she was eating up the thought of being with him and Harry was going to milk it for all that it was worth.

"Wow, you actually got Hermione to go a vacation," Lavender told Harry, she was impressed by this feat.

She liked Hermione in a sense, she was properly devoted to Harry, as she should be. He did save her life during his first year. Still, there was times where that girl could lose her mind and get too obsessed with her studies, which was fairly often. It annoyed everyone around her to the point where she and Parvati wanted to tie her down for some corrective therapy.

"The girls are out for now but they'll be meeting me soon, I'm sure that they'll find me," Harry told Lavender. "And yes, it was amazing to get Hermione to go on vacation but she's been pretty good lately."

"Did you drug her pumpkin juice?" Lavender asked him and Harry smiled a mysterious smile which told her all that she needed to know.

"Well that's for me to know and you to find out," Harry told her as he allowed Lavender to lead the way.

She made sure to show off her thong covered ass as it swayed one side to the other. He watched as it swayed enticingly in front of his eyes. As Harry watched her she stumbled slightly which caused her purse to fall to the ground. As she bent forwards slightly to pick up her fallen handbag her skirt slipped up and her black thong was bared towards him.

"Whoops, I'm clumsy today," Lavender told Harry but he turned towards her.

"I'm sure you need to sit down for a minute," Harry told her and she nodded.

"I'll be fine, don't worry," Lavender replied as she continued to lead the way to the beach house.

She thought that soon she would be getting a piece of this. Reaching into her purse she took out her keys in order to unlock the door. Her ass wiggling enticingly as she lead him inside.

"The twins and their mother aren't back yet," Lavender informed him as she locked her eyes on Harry. "I guess that allows us to spend some time together alone."

"It does seem that way," Harry agreed with her, a smile crossing his face as his eyes traveled over the body of the teenaged blonde.

"I'll be back, don't go away," Lavender told him, swaying her ass as she walked off, taking her time as she moved.

Harry leaned back on the couch and figured that this was going to go in an interesting way. He waited for her.

"Harry, I need some help upstairs, could you please come up here?"

"Just one minute," Harry told her as he made his way up the stairs.

Harry walked up the stairs and saw that the bedroom door was opened. He made his way towards the door, a smile across his face. He wondered how this would go. He walked into her room and saw her there, in all of her glory.

She was a vision to say the very least.

Lavender's hair was tied back, allowing him to see her beautiful face displayed for him in all of its tantalizing glory. Harry enjoyed where this one was going, a lot. Her slender neck was most delicious as a choker set it off, in addition was wearing a tight black corset that her breasts were about to burst out from underneath. Her toned stomach, and the panties that showed her delicious tight ass was a sensual sight. She wore thigh high stockings and she bent over the bed.

"I'm so horny, Harry," Lavender stated to him as she stepped towards him and wrapped her arms around him, her tongue poking out. She offered him a little girl pout, biting down on her lip and said in a small voice. "Will you help me, hmmm?"

Harry pushed her back on the bed.

Lavender breathed in as his mouth found hers. While she did not intend to find him on this vacation, it was amazing how things worked out. His hands groped around her as he continued to kiss her, forcing her back onto the bed.

"You're going to get more than you've bargained for," Harry told her in a breathy voice in her ear which caused her pussy to twitch.

Lavender nodded her head, excited about the possibilities about what he could do to her and she spread her legs to welcome his invasion.

Harry stood in Camelot looking out of a tower into the distance. He had gotten a message to visit someone and he had no idea what to make of it. The emerald eyed wizard stepped forward into the distance, with Diana joining him.

"So…is this the real deal?" Diana asked him.

"I don't know," Harry admitted to her, although he wondered if he was going to get this lucky.

He had been here for some time now, a few weeks, close to a month. It was amazing to be in this place and time, it was a true cornerstone of magical history. There were a couple of adventures although nothing as worthy of a re-telling as his first one.

"If this is the real deal though, I don't think history gives him enough credit," Harry remarked as he looked around at the interior design of the castle that he was visiting. It was all topsy turvy with the walls looking different colors. "Merlin is quite the wacky interior director."

Diana smiled as she looked around. She saw what appeared to be a stuffed owl hanging from the ceiling and several more. She felt a shiver, its eyes had been staring at her and it was just a tiny bit unsettling. Harry placed his arm around her waist and pulled her into him.

"Well you can't fault him for lack of originality," Diana told him.

'You might be able to fault him for being a kook,' Faora thought through the bond link, a dry tone dancing through her voice although there was a smile on it despite the fact.

'Genius and insanity, there's a fine line between it,' Lily suggested to Faora who grudgingly agreed, despite her initial reservations.

'I guess…I guess,' Faora thought to Lily although there was a certain amount of uncertainty within her tone.

'Well, it's true, although I can't help but wonder if Merlin decides to cross the line a bit too much in his attempts at genius,' Harry thought to them although he was highly amused by the castle.

He and Diana walked up a spiraling staircase as they got a look at a library with what appeared to be a dragon door knocker. They entered the library but found empty shelves. There was not a book there on the shelf.

'See, nuts, having a library that doesn't have any books on it,' Faora thought.

'Careful, Faora, you're channeling Hermione,' Kara piped in with a smile.

'I'm not that bad!" Faora protested, sounding offended that such a comparison was being made.

Karen decided to give her two cents. 'No, but still channeling something like that's a road of no return.'

There was silence as Faora said nothing, at least not at the moment.

Diana and Harry allowed themselves to be amused as they continued to tour the castle. They wondered how trusting Merlin was to allow them in here on their own. He had urgent business to attend to, thus he was a bit late.

'Nothing like the legends, well mostly nothing like the legends,' Harry remarked to them.

'Well records around this time will scarce, so there was a lot cobbled together through guesswork and hearsay,' Rose commented to them.

Diana could hear the sounds of combat outside and she got giddy; there was a combat arena out here where they could test their skills. Although she noted a distinct lack of women, something that was a sign of the times for sure.

Although she might have to educate them a little bit, just out of the friendly spirit of competition of course, not to prove any point.

"And this might be Merlin's bed chambers," Harry told Diana and the Amazon princess raised her eyebrow.

"How did you figure that out?" Diana asked him and Harry smiled at her.

"Call it an educated guess," Harry said as he pointed to the plaque on the outside of the room that told them that this was in fact where Merlin slept.

Diana raised an eyebrow, who was she to argue with undisputed logic like that? Harry smiled and placed his arm around her waist, pulling her in tightly to him. The Amazon rested her head on his shoulder as the door swung open.

"I guess it's judged us worthy or it's a trap of some sort," Harry told Diana and she eyed him but nodded.

Magic was strange like that, it had its own quirks and the two entered the bed chambers.

It was the most normal room in the castle, just a bed, with a chest of drawers and a closet. Not that Harry was about to open up the closet or the chest of drawers. The wallpaper was a dull grey which contrasted with the multi-colors of the rest of the castle.

Harry and Diana kept their eyes locked onto each other and both had grins on their face that they were unable to keep off. The two of them leaned in close to each other and Harry placed a hand on her side.

"So, we have some time to kill and a perfectly good bedroom to indulge ourselves with," Harry told Diana and the Amazon princess corked an eyebrow in surprise at his daring before she said a few words.

"In Merlin's bed chambers?"

"Sure, do you have any problems…."

Diana shook her head, she had no problems with this at all, in fact she was looking excited about the prospects that this room offered. Her hands locked on her hips and then in a swift motion, they moved around Harry's waist.

Harry smiled as she kissed him deeply, her legs wrapping around his waist. With another instant movement, she pushed him back onto the bed.

The games were about to begin as Harry's hands feverishly worked open the clasps of her outfit to reveal her shapely breasts to the world. The emerald eyed wizard watched her, with a smile on his face as he was about to feast on her amazing globes.

"Naturally, I know what you did."

Harry and Diana were face to face with the legendary wizard himself, the man who in the future would have many swears based off of different parts of his body. It would be amusing and the fact that he looked almost nothing like the pictures added to their mirth.

For instance, the term "Merlin's Beard" might as well have been false advertising, because Merlin did not have a beard. That fact took both Diana and Harry aback the first time he saw that Merlin was clean shaven..

"The energies in the air, I have seen it before," Merlin mused. He was a bit scatter brained, which made Harry wonder about if history was being kinder to the man in retrospect. "It has to do with shifts of temporal flux or to put things in a more concise tone, it has to do with time travel."

Harry smiled as he nodded.

"Yes, I suppose that there's no use in trying to lie about it," Harry remarked to Merlin as he looked at the living legend.

"No, it was transparent the moment that you arrived here what the game was," Merlin commented but then the wizard grew increasingly grave. "Although I must warn you about Morgaine…."

"She's dangerous, you shouldn't trust you, yes, I know, I know, but I can handle it," Harry ranted in a bored tone.

"I was merely going to warn that she tends to have wild mood swings," Merlin stated in confusion.

'And this makes her different from all women, how?' Faora asked through the link. Amusement rang through her tone.

'I'm going to abstain from any comments,' Harry thought as he smiled.

'And that's why you're the smartest wizard of your age or any other,' Jaime commented in a gushing tone of voice.

"But it appears that despite everything, you're more than up for dealing with spirited females," Merlin told him.

Harry thought that was more or less the understatement to end all understatements.

"So….how does history judge me?" Merlin asked him. He knew already, having bounced all over time in his pursuit for knowledge under a variety of different guises over time. He was careful not to upset the balance of time but he wanted to leave behind a legacy that was worthy to be remembered by.

"Well, you're a legend, to put it bluntly," Harry remarked to him.

Merlin thought that there would be legends; naturally a superior enchanter such as himself would have gotten a fairly famous reputation throughout time. That was his thought anyway and he was sticking to it.

Harry could tell that Merlin might have an ego that was nearly on par of his own. His green eyes locked upon those of the enchanter's.

"Although I'm sure that history does not give you the proper credit that you deserve," Harry added. "But there are a lot of wand wavers that respect you."

Merlin's eyebrow raised. To be a wand waver past the age of fourteen during this time period would mean that you were weak and the fact that the weakest essentially worshiped him, well he was not sure he was on board with that.

Harry could tell that there was a great deal of uncertainty in his eyes.

"There have been some decent wizards and witches honored in your name," Harry added.

Merlin was surprised, the fact that magical users would willingly acknowledge the accomplishments of women. It was a brand new world for sure.

"Well, I'm intrigued, the future is a bright place," Merlin commented to them.

'It's a mixed bag really but since we've taken control of it, it's about to turn around,' Faora offered with a smile on her face.

'Truer words have never been spoken,' Kara thought as there was a bit of indignation that Karen offered through the link. 'What?'

'The ground swelling of confidence is overwhelming, although it might be the ego,' Karen projected to them dryly.

Jaime decided to chime in with a few words of her own. 'You know….you know it's almost like you don't have any faith in us.'

'Never said that,' Karen said but she decided that there was a good reason why those three had a healthy amount of confidence; they backed it up with their intelligence.

Diana edged out, she was interested by the fighting and wanted to get a better look at what was occurring.

"Away, wench!" one of the men shouted to the Amazon in a dismissive tone.

Diana raised an eyebrow. "I beg your pardon?"

'Oh boy, this might hurt,' Rose offered with a grimace.

'You think?' Lily asked to her younger sister in amusement.

'I don't think, I know, he's going to say something to Diana that's going to cause her to hand his ass to him on a plate.'

"I want a challenge," Diana told them with a smile.

"You wouldn't stand one round against me," the man remarked with arrogance dripping from his voice, puffing up his chest. He was the burly type, but he was all show for the most part.

"I think that I'd be the judge of that," Diana said coolly.

'Oh this is going to be good, we need to get down here and see it in person,' Kara thought, rubbing her hands together in glee.

'What is it?' Morgaine asked curiously.

'You've figured out the link, good,' Harry told her.

'Naturally, it is rudimentary bond based mental linking sorcery,' Morgaine told them in a smug voice, almost challenging him to challenge her knowledge.

'Of course,' Harry told her as he placed his chin within his hand. 'But some puffed up pretty boy's with blood red hair is about to get knocked around by Diana.'

'Oh, entertainment, we'll be there in a flash,' Morgaine commented.

Merlin watched, perhaps he should intervene but he could not keep his eyes off of the events taking place. He placed his hand on the side of his head and leaned back, a sigh escaping his mouth.

'Well, I hope I don't have to clean up a mess after the fact,' Merlin thought with a tut in his thoughts.

"One round, to show you your place," the warrior stated as he stood tall, even though Diana towered over him.

Kara, Karen, Faora, Jaime, Lily, Rose, and Morgaine all turned up to watch the action and their arms folded over their chests, or underneath depending on the level of their endowment.

Kara wished they had popcorn because this was going to be good. Harry stepped over, to place his right arm around her waist as he pulled Lily in with his left, the other girls moving around them.

Diana stood in a battle stance, a sword and shield in her hands. She could tell that this useless wretch of a man thought that he was going to be able to humiliate her. The two of them went face to face. They locked eyes with each other.

The man charged Diana, determination swimming through his eyes. The Amazon Princess dodged his sword by side stepping the blow. She sent him to the ground with a huge kick to the back of the leg and she used her shield to knock his sword out of his hands with a deft motion.

"Impossible," the warrior started but he pulled out a dagger to get the better of this wench.

Diana dodged it, grabbing his arm and twisted it around him into a full nelson hold. He tried to struggle out of the hold and Diana shoved him down.

She broke the hold and grabbed him around the waist. A suplex dumped him onto his back, painfully. She could have drove him down on his neck but she wanted his humiliation and his misery to be felt. Diana grabbed him by the hair and flung him against a pillar.

"I think that I've won," Diana concluded as he held him pinned again the pillar with one arm as he kicked his legs, trying to struggle out of the grasp she used to hold him in place.

"So…so you have."

"Well that was fun," Kara said with a smile as she looked at them.

"I think this mandates a feast," Merlin remarked as he clasped his hands together, holding them together. He rocked back and forth on his heels like a small child on a sugar high and they all had to agree with that.

Harry wondered if Luna was descended from Merlin. They did have a lot in common personality wise with the randomness.

Lily stood outdoors watching the stars. She wore a tight green top that wrapped around her body, showing off her ample breasts. Her cleavage was deep and her stomach was toned. The tight leather pants that she wore wrapped around her lower half nicely. Her ass and toned legs were a delicious sight to behold, only a fool would argue that. She bent over, stretching, placing her hands on the back of her thighs as she bent down for a few seconds.

'It's a nice night to be out here for a reason that you'll find shortly,' Peve the AI stated as Harry stepped outside.

Rose joined them as well, she was dressed the same as Lily, except she had a blue top on. She placed her hands on her hips. Harry stood between his mother and his aunt.

"The library here is amazing," Rose told him.

"All of the texts that were lost to time," Lily whispered to them but Harry added with a smile.

"Not for long," Harry commented to them.

The books were lost a few hundred years from now, so there was some kind of attraction to a library that they could be set up. It would be one of the most exotic magical libraries in existence, although there would be some books that they would have to keep from the general public due to security reasons.

Harry pondered about naming it the Hermione Granger Memorial Library given her good behavior and not freaking out over being banned from studying for the past six months. She had been doing well, hopefully she would not have any relapses and perhaps this would be incentive to keep her on the straight and narrow. The memorial part came from the very real thought that one day he would end up finding her dusty skeleton in a library, bony hands clenching onto some massive tome. At least that's what his idea was.

Rose and Lily were doing what they could to copy Morgaine's library. She also helped, not wanting her precious books to be lost in time. She would rather have them in the hands of someone she could trust like Harry and not have them in the hands of some idiots that would cause untold chaos.

There was a blinking light in the sky.

"That's not a shooting star is it?" Rose asked.

"I don't think I've seen a shooting star like that," Lily breathed but it stopped blinking. Despite that fact, her eyes kept locked on the spot. "We're at the halfway point, aren't we?"

"Yeah, best time to get fresh air," Harry told the two Evans sisters and they smiled.

"Plus, it could allow us some one on one time," Rose said as she pressed her arms around Harry, pulling him against her.

Harry was perfectly fine with this; he felt his aunt's body pressed against him, her arms wrapped around him. They shared a long kiss between themselves.

Rose's mind went into overdrive as Harry kissed her long and hard. It was the kind of kiss that caused someone's panties to dampen to the greatest degree. He grabbed her around the hips and pulled her into him, pushing her body against him. The woman's breathing continued to get labored.

"My turn, don't be a hog," Lily told her sister and pulled her off. "Or I'll give you a spanking."

Rose smiled seductively at her sister. "I think that Harry would enjoy seeing that."

Lily ignored that little interplay; she groped Harry and pulled him into a kiss, jamming her tongue into his mouth. Harry returned the kiss, their tongues connecting together as Harry cupped her ass and pulled her into him.

There was a long moan as Harry ran his hands underneath her top, cupping her breasts. Lily returned the kiss eagerly, running her heated mound down his crotch, the two of them rubbing together.

Rose reached behind Harry, and started to remove his shirt, revealing his toned chest and abs, which she ran her hands down. Lily joined Rose in working Harry over, he was sandwiched between two sexy sisters and loving every moment of it.

"I think someone wants attention," Lily breathed huskily as she dropped to her knee and squeezed his hardening member

Harry smiled at her, lust burning through his eyes as he cupped her breast, feeling her erect nipples. "Well get to work then.

The two of them where draped over Harry, with Rose's head resting on his lap and Lily's head resting on his shoulder. All three were panting from the exertion of their fun although Harry was barely winded. He wrapped his arms around them and there was another shooting star through the air. There was another explosion through the air and there was a few seconds where Harry paused, putting his hand on the side of his face.

'It's time,' Peve thought to them.

Harry, Lily, and Rose hastily put their clothes on each other and tried to walk forward towards the ship as it was about ready to drop down onto the ground. There was an explosive boom of the ship as the trio scrambled towards the sight of the crash.

Harry, Lily, and Rose stepped towards the ship, awed expressions dancing in their eyes and all of them watched the ship sink down.

It was a sleek design of Kryptonian origin. As with all technology from that planet, it was a lot bigger on the inside.

Harry stepped towards the ship but paused, as the door clicked open in front of the ship. His green eyes focused on the person in front of the ship.

There was a clicking sound and there was a sense that someone was about to exit the ship. She stepped out, a tentative step at that.

Harry saw a curtain of dark hair that covered this woman's face. She had the same emerald green eyes that were shared by Lily, Rose, and Harry. She had a thin black robe that wrapped around her ample breasts and parted at the bottom to show a hint of her toned stomach, along with a delicious belly button. The bottoms were a ceremonial skirt that showed her delicious legs and they were tanned, toned, something that Harry felt he could run his hands over for hours. She truly did look like she could be his twin sister.

The inside of her ship was amazing, with blinking lights all around. It looked like the inside of one of the palaces that Faora took him when he did his training in the mind scape.

"Hello," Harry told her in Kryptonian and she blinked.

"You are Kryptonian?" she asked in surprised astonishment.

"Yes, my name is Har-Zod," Harry told her and Peve-Rell's eyes widened.

Her grandfather was a member of the House of Zod, so it was a family name that she knew. The woman stepped forward to get a closer look at this young man that could be her twin brother.

"I am on the third planet from the sun in the third solar system, is that correct?" Peve asked to him.

"Yes, you are," Harry told and she smiled.

She saw the same type of eyes that stared back at her in the mirror.

Peve felt a burning need to find out more, there was something strange going on, and she was sent to this world on a mission that would cause her to be here as long as was necessary. She had no idea why she was sent here but she got a transmission that told her that her talents would be appreciated. She stepped towards him as he lead them to the castle.

Peve was extremely young at this time, the same age as Harry in fact, looking to be in her early twenties physically her beauty could not be denied. She was a child prodigy that she made Jor-El look like a drooling idiot. She sat down at the table in the library and tried to get used to this new world.

"Don't worry, your ship is being stored until you decide to leave," Morgaine remarked. She was interested in learning more about it. She had seen a few pictures of similar architecture in the past and she was curious about to learn more about what the ship had to offer. "Although your ship is not among the first that I've seen."

Peve was not the only one who picked up interest in this, Faora, Kara, Karen, and Harry were curious and Jaime, Lily, and Rose's curiosity could be felt through the bond.

"How so?" Harry asked her.

"I've seen similar markings to it before," Morgaine told them as she slipped into the next room to retrieve something.

She returned a few seconds later, with a book in her hands. Scanning through it, after a moment Morgaine held the book open to a page, showing it to Harry, Kara, Faora, Karen, and Peve.

Harry turned his head towards the symbols and looked them over, mouth slightly open. There was a sense of familiarity that passed through his eyes.

He read the words on the page as he scanned them over. His green eyes taking in every single inch of the paper as he tried to figure out what he was reading.

"Thousands of years prior to now, there was a mysterious gift from the stars, she was worshiped as a god," Harry whispered as he translated the markings on the picture.

Morgaine raised an eyebrow. "How…."

Harry waved his hand and a projection spell shot up, revealing the symbols that rotated around them.

"See that?" Harry asked her and Morgaine turned to take a look at the symbols.

The witch took in the symbols, looking at them. Interest flickered through her eyes as she read over every single inch of the symbols, scanning them eagerly through her eyes. Her interest heightened to a brand new level.

"I see," Morgaine concluded as she scanned them.

"It's amazing but….who is she?" Faora asked, there was a certain amount of curiosity that came with learning information like this. She wanted information and she would have liked it promptly.

"I don't know," Morgaine admitted, this was knowledge that she wanted to know.

Kara helped herself to another stack of books and flipped through them. She wanted to see if there were anything that she could cross reference. The blonde bit down on her lip as she intently flipped through the books.

She gasped as she dropped the book down the table.

"Okay, weird," Faora concluded as she raised an eyebrow and Lily turned up to join them.

"What's weird?" Lily asked in a curious tone of voice and Kara wordlessly handed her the book.

The redhead ran her hand down the edge of the book, biting her lip as she read over every word of it underneath her eyes.

She saw the picture and squinted at it.

The blonde hair, the blue eyes, the determined expression. She wore elegant clothes, a combination of white and silver that wrapped around her body. She was tall and very familiar.

"An ancestor of some kind I presume?" Lily asked Kara and the blonde raised an eyebrow, shrugging her shoulders.

"I don't know but the resemblance is really scary," Kara remarked as she stared intently at her doppleganger in the picture.

"Maybe some sort of time travel that hasn't happened yet?" Faora suggested.

"Or a coincidence," Lily chimed in but Kara shook her head before she offered one statement to her.

"I don't believe in coincidences," Kara told her and for something like this, she would be a fool to think that something like this was a coincidental situation.

Faora remained thoughtful placing her hand on her chin and pushing it back.

"You know, there were others who have visited Earth through the years, at least that's what the rumor was," Faora mused.

"Yeah, I heard the whispers throughout history," Kara told them and the smile crossed her face. Her arms folded across his chest and she sighed.

She wondered about this. She only knew bits and pieces about her ancestors, there were a lot of gaps through Kryptonian history. Records had been destroyed in wars or destroyed by government edict. The blonde watched it as Harry placed his arm around her waist and pulled her in even close.

"I'm sure this is a mystery that we'll figure out," Harry told her and he decided to consult with his AI copy.

'I cannot say, it's a journey that you must take on your own,' Peve commented in a soft tone of voice.

Harry figured as much and he respected that. He was curious about any Kryptonians that visited here before Peve did. Earth was an interesting curiosity to them going back to another time.

"I hope….well we'll figure that out," Harry told her and Kara smiled, she hoped so because this mystery was something that was going to annoy her a little bit.

Other Kryptonians that came to this world a long time ago, it was something that had been hinted about, talked about but he had no idea what happened, at least until this day. Now he was completely curious to see if he could find out any more and with Kara, Karen, and Faora on the case, they could find out such things.

Time passed, a fair amount of time although Peve told them one simple thing that they needed to know and that Harry appreciated.

'Much like you on Paradise, you stand outside the pull of time, therefore none of you will age physically,' Peve the AI informed them.

Harry was intrigued by this statement; there was no two ways about it.

"Oh, well that pretty much lines up with pretty much everything else along the lines of how much sense it makes," Harry told them.

"As in only among the rules of magic," Faora told them. She added. "Which there does not seem to be none, despite the fact that Hogwarts wished to teach you differently. Likely to limit your imagination."

"Yes, about along those lines," Harry agreed with her, a smile crossing his face as he placed his hand on the book that he was reading.

Thanks to the combination of magic and technology, they were able to copy a great deal of the texts that were here on paper for future consumption. Books that were rumored to only exist in passing but that had been lost through the course of history.

Harry figured that they would be a reminder of what future generations could properly hold in their hands. His eyes fixed onto the books, skimming the tomes eagerly.

"Okay, it's hard not to get lost in these," Harry said as he soaked in the knowledge from the books, a smile crossing his face as he went over them. He flipped through the book that was on his lap, talking about Potions.

Ingredients that did not exist in his times from magical creatures that were hunted into extinction, along with plants that could no longer be grown at all. A smile flickered over his face, as he thought about some ideas that he could implement.

'So how feasible is this?' Harry thought to her.

'Very feasible but we got to be careful not to scramble the natural order of things,' Faora told him as she placed her hand on the top of Harry's and smiled at him. 'The strategy is very sound though.'

'I'm glad it seems to be that way,' Harry commented to her as he leaned in and gave her a kiss. 'We harvest the animal parts that we can, replicate them with use of our technology.'

'It would be synthetic but it could work given the cells that we have, both with plants and animals,' Faora thought. 'And I'm sure Lucretia would enjoy the challenge.'

'I might enjoy it as well,' Lily chimed in, she wanted to spend some time with Lucretia, picking her brain about various Potions. She thought that it would be an extremely educational experience to do so.

Harry, meanwhile, had an interesting project that he was undertaking, although it was extremely long term.

"This is technology that my family has been working on for years after a chance encounter with the other side, a fluke," Peve told Harry and Harry fixed his eyes on her.

He knew that the inspiration for the Keys had to come from somewhere.

"There is a legend that three keys are needed to bridge the veil between life and death," Peve continued, seeing Har-Zod's interest, and striking whilst the iron was hot.

Harry picked up right where she left off, a smile on his face as he spoke. "A key to circumvent the barrier of the afterlife, a key to hide ourselves from danger, and a key to that is the personification of pure power."

"Correct," Peve told him, pleased to see that he was getting the idea.

She reached over to the side and grabbed his hand in triumph as they sat down.

"It will take time to forge these keys but if we can tap into certain energies, we should be able to manifest them in no time," Peve told him.

"Correct," Harry said to her with a smile across his face.

Peve thought that there was something about Harry that was extremely amazing, he was someone who only came along once in an eternity but he was there in this time and she had him right in her crosshairs. She smiled at the thought of what was to come.

"It will take three years for us to create them properly and without any flaws," informed Peve.

She knew that such a project would take an extremely long time, at least that's what she remembered from the notes she inherited from her ancestors. The woman kept her gaze on him.

"It's more than fair," Harry told her and she was pleased that he was not angry.

Harry had an idea that it would take an extremely long time to get these things all together but he knew the end result would be worth it.

He also saw on her ship what he assumed was the work that lead to the beginning of the castle, although that was more of a long term project of the Hallows and they were a pretty long term project from what Harry recalled. There were a lot of things that would need to be collected, a lot of ducks that needed to be placed in a row.

Well, assuming that we succeeded in creating them because we already did is a faulty assumption,' Harry thought to Kara who nodded in agreement.

'We'll work through it, it's not that we have to go anywhere,' Kara thought to Harry and she squeezed his hand in confidence.

That helped build the bond that the two of them that they shared.

'And when the Hallows get united in the future, the sky is the limit for what we could do with them,' Harry told her and Kara nodded eagerly.

'Agreed,' Kara told him, the smile growing bright and wide across her face.

The future was extremely bright, that much they could take to the banks. The hints of the things that they would built and the foundation.

'Everything on my ship should allow us to build a hallmark that will be a staple of this hidden world for years,' Peve the AI commented to Harry.

'Oh,' Harry thought, he'd be lying if his curiosity was not grabbed just a little bit by this statement. Emerald eyes danced with more interest than ever before.

'Just wait and see, everything will manifest in due time,' Peve encouraged him with a smile.

Harry thought about that and she did have a point, good things came to those who waited.

Right now the construction of the Hallows was first and foremost on their mind, then other projects would come after that.

Faora sat on a balcony at the edge of the castle, looking at the world around her.

It was primitive compared to the world that they came from. Although in some ways, she found adapting to the simple pleasures that this world offered to be a challenge that she eagerly grabbed onto. The dark haired woman pushed her hand across the back of her head.

"Deep thoughts?" Harry whispered to her.

"Always," Faora replied back as he grabbed her around the waist and pulled her into a tight embrace. She rested back, her head resting on his shoulder. His hands roamed through her dark locks, a smile across his face that could not be beaten by any means. "Just thinking about the future."

"It's going to be a bright one when we get back to it," Harry told her.

'And we're going to lead it," Kara thought with a bright smile across her face, confidence brimming through her eyes.

'Yes, and it's going to be amazing when we do,' Karen added, feeling like she might as well jump in on the conversation.

'That's the passion that we need to lead the world to a new age,' Diana thought to them.

Faora agreed with them more than ever before, it was passion that drove the best of them, and it drove those who dared to dream, even though they might be branded as fools with their heads in the clouds. Faora disagreed with that. It was the thoughts, the hearts, and the minds of people that brought them to this special point.

"It just proves that the world can grow if it grew from this," Faora told Harry and her brother smiled. "Just think about how much our world would like in a thousand years."

"It will be perfect," Harry remarked to her.

"Naturally, Har, because it would be our creation," Faora commented.

That confidence was what one would expect of the children of Zod, dreaming about a world.

"And with any luck I'll be a part of that future."

Harry and Faora turned around to see Morgaine standing at the edge of the catwalk, her arms folded across her chest.

"It's an amazing thought for sure what you two could build," Morgaine told them.

"It's going to be more than a thought, it will be reality," Harry informed the sorceress.

That was a point that Morgaine had no doubt about in her mind. It would be reality and power beyond most, if not all, measure. They were building the future, one building block at a time. It was a matter of putting the proper pieces together to forge a reality that could not be formulated by the means of most. It was beyond the thoughts of many for certain.

"I will place my body in a crypt that will be protected by the strongest enchantments imaginable," Morgaine informed him and Harry inclined his head, nodding to show his agreement. "Once those enchantments are in play, only you will be able to open the crypt and wake me."

Harry was all ears and gave Morgaine the floor to tell him all that he needed to know about her plans.

"I will place my body in the crypt that will be protected by the strongest enchantments imaginable," Morgaine informed him and Harry inclined his head, nodding to show his agreement. "Once those enchantments are in play, all you must do is touch the crypt."

"It sounds like it will work," Harry told her.

"I will return to you, to see what the world is like in your time, for I'm sure it is as amazing as you described," Morgaine told him. "The problem is adapting…."

"Don't worry, I have ways to simplify that process and I have plenty for you to do," Harry said, thinking that there were a few pupils that she could teach some tricks to.

Faora caught hint of Harry's plans and decided to defer to him this time. He was the one that would say whether or not that this was a good idea or not. Although they would be over the moon at learning from the Dark Lady herself.

"A bright night and a quiet one," Harry commented as he placed his arm around Faora's waist.

Yes after the initial excitement, they did not really have anything to deal with, except for a small adventure or two. Nothing that they would really write home about, nothing that they would remember past time.

The good news was that the Hallows were coming along as planned although that was a long term project more than anything. The Castle was already being built on the great foundation that he put out there.

'One step at a time Har-Zod, one step at a time,' Harry thought to himself, his lips curling in amusement.

'Thinking to yourself and speaking to yourself in the first person is a sign of madness,' Faora thought to him in amusement.

'So is being related to you,' Kara commented in amusement.

Faora crossed her arms but she would have to agree with that point, somewhat, almost, maybe.

Not that she would ever concede it out loud. Regardless, she rested in her brother's arms as he wrapped them around her waist as she leaned into him.

It was a beautiful night and she thought that it was going to get even more amazing as the future continued to present itself.

"One step at a time, we have plenty of time," Faora commented to Harry as he ran his hands down the back of her hair.

"All of the time in the world," Harry told her as the wind blew, it was both a beautiful and eerie sight.

Morgaine smiled, the two of them were strong, actually all of them were strong. Yet, the two of them, along with Kara, had started to blaze a path that would lead them a long way into the future.

Most of the fools in this kingdom, including Merlin and Arthur, would be dust, but she would be present for a long time.

The thought of which had to make her smile.