The Wailing Land of Mist



As the three carriages reached the third level, screams of living and dead welcomed the group with open arms.

The mist became viscous, blurring the visibility even more. The black spots on the lizards opened up and sucked in the mist. Their dead eyes gained a bit of life as they relished the intoxicating feeling of being alive. And that also meant that these Crawlers famous for their speed, not their bravery, won't go further, even one more step.

Tomislav and others stepped out from the carriages. The earth beneath their feet was muddy as if the place was under the wrath of a downpour just before their arrival. Dense black clouds had covered the sky above them, but there was no sign of lightning.

There was a slight gust of wind, struggling to show its might, but got trampled over by the gray mist.

The entire place felt like an unfinished painting.

"The Wailing Land of Mist!"