
"Can… Can I have some of that bread?"

"Fuck off!"


A kick came flying to the head of a child. The child could be 8 to 9-year-old or he could be 14-15, given his long but frail frame, it was hard to decide.

The child had coarse brown hair, brown eyes, and the color of his skin was brown too. Despite the stabbing pain from the kick, his face didn't show any emotion. Blood trickled down from his head above his right eyebrow, but it got swiped away as if it was mere sweat.

He struggled to stand up and walked away. As he dragged his dying body, unnoticed within the buzzing crowd of workers, his last breaths felt like his face was underwater. Not a feeling he fancied much.

"Are you hungry, my child? Come with me. In the house of Almighty Perun, everyone gets to eat and drink. Come!"

The child looked up and found a white-garbed priest smiling at him. The white teeth shined between his black beard and mustache.

