(Four teenagers entered the house of a woman that has been to the game world before. An imaginary world that is different from the normal human world).

Jake:(he entered the house and his friends filled him). hello, is anyone here?(he asked).

woman:why are you here?

Kyla:we wanted to know what you passed through when you were in the game world.we have been to the world once and it was super incredible.

Woman:when I entered the game,I met my self in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. My emerald green eyes came wide open, I saw

myself as I rose up from my bed to face the mirror

directly opposite it. I turned to my alarm clock

which read exactly 6:30 AM. I had woken up before

it rang again.

This was becoming a daily habit as I woke up

before the alarm which was scheduled to go off at

7:00.1 jolted off the bed and shivered a little as the

cold tiles came in contact with my bare feet. I then

immediately walked over to my slippers and put

them on before heading out of my room.

"Mum, dad?", I called out after peeping into my

parent's room and realizing they weren't there,

"dad?"I called again a little louder this time but

there was still no response.

"Donald?", I called after coming out of my twin

brother's room and noticing he was also not there.

This is strange, where did everybody go by six in

the morning", I thought loudly as I quickly

descended the stairs and headed towards my elder

siblings room.

I decided to check my elder brother, Richard's

room first. I opened the door slowly as it made a

slight creaking noise and I peeked inside only to

find nothing but scattered clothes, untied bed

and other messy things all around the place. It was

a typical teenage boy room.

"Richard!?", I yelled twice as I came out of the

room but l still received no reply. I now headed to

my eldest sister's; Elizabeth's room, I opened the

door slowly like I did to my eighteen years old


Panicked and fear were beginning to touch my

features as I came out of my empty sister's room.

This was just to seven and nobody was in the

Where could everybody have gone by this time l

kept thinking Until was snapped out of my trance

by a loud clatter which seemed to have come from

the kitchen.

I headed towards the kitchen hoping to find my

family in it but on reaching my destination, my

eyes widened in shock as I saw the view in front of

me, my mum was lying lifelessly on the kitchen

floor near a large growing puddle of a red liquid;


"Mum?" I forced out as my voice quivered in fear,

"dad?" I whimpered with tears rolling down my

cheeks when I saw him laying next to my mum

with three people which seemed to be Donald,

Richard and Elizabeth kneeling over him.

At first I thought they were moaning over my

parent's body not until I got closer and got the

shock of my life; my siblings were literally eating

my parents and the moans were not moan of

sadness but sounded more like moans of hunger.

They had long claws in which they all used to tear

my parents flesh and sharp teeth in which they

used to chew the raw human flesh.

"What the hell is wrong with you guys!?" I yelled as

tears flowed freely down my cheeks then the

three of them head snapped towards my

direction. With a sickening look in their eyes they all

stood up in total uniform including my dead

parents and they all started walking towards me.

"Uhm guys?" I whimpered in fear as they all

stargazed towards my body which was now

instinctively moving backward until I hit the wall. A

quiet shriek escaped my mouth as I had nowhere

to go and they were gaining on me.

"Alright guys, if this is a joke or something you can

stop it now cause l'm really freaking out" I screamed as they were getting closer and seemed


not to be joking.

They were now directly in front of me and they

were all opening their mouth in an attempt to bite

through my flesh and as my dad did, I screamed


very loudly and my alarm clock rang.


I immediately sit up on my bed and checked my

hand in which my dad had bitten me, there wa

nothing there.


"It was all a dream" I said gladly, heaving a sigh of

relieve.I stretched my hand to switch off my alarm

clock which was still buzzing loudly. After doing

that I face my mirror and realized my long brown

hair which I knotted into a bun was a total mess. I

must have been rolling in my bed.

I swiftly turned to my right hand side

and got off the bed and as my feet came

down on the tiles, I shivered a little due

to it's coldness.

Deja reve.

As the thought of that came to my mind,

I quickly dashed out of my room not

even bothering to put on my slippers

and ran to my parent's room.

I started breathing heavily asI was

panicking and freaking out, 'what if

my dream was coming to pass, what

if my whole family had turned into

monsters that were going to eat me'

these thoughts ran through my mind as

I realized my parent's room was empty.

I quickly closed the door and dashed

towards Donald's room but unlike

my dream, he was in his room and

Elizabeth wasn't living with us, she was

already in college in another town.

"Can't you knock" Donald demanded

"Where is mum and dad" I asked

totally ignoring the request of my twin totally ignoring the request of my twin

brother who quickly used his bed sheet

to cover his body, he was wearing justa

pair of boxers.

"They are out of the country" he replied

like it was the most obviuos thing in the

world, "what happened?"

"I totally forgot they were travelling

today and I had this weird dream

where" I was about to narrate my

whole dream to my twin brother when

I got interrupted by the door of his

room coming wide open with a loud

bang following it as it the wall.

A head poked inside which was

Richard's but he couldn't see me as his

whole body was not inside the room.

"Hey donny, have you seen Ella?, I

checked her room and she was not

ther-" he was saying before Donald cut

him off.

"Why dosen't anyone respect my

privacy in this house, I could have been

naked for christ sake" Donald blurted

out because his elder brother didn't


"Over here" I said calling Richard's

attention by waving my left hand in the


"Oh, there you are" Richard who was

still standing at the door said before

coming in fully as we both ignored my

twin brother.

"Uuhgguh" Donald mouthed.

"Well then, breakfast is ready" he

informed us.

You made breakfast?. Yuck." Donald

said sticking out his tongue in disgust

at the thought of Richard making

breakfast. Richard was actually very

terrible in cooking. "You better go and

wake that sleepyhead friend of your-"

Donald was saying before getting

interrupted by his door swinging open

and a loud bang following it as it hit the

wall once again.

"I'm already awake dumbass" my

blond, blunt best friend Lisa came into

view as she entered the room. She slept

in our guest room because her parents

had also travelled with mine. We've

been friends since we were three years

old and we knew each other very well.

She was very blunt to the extent that

she would abuse anyone that messed

with me or her and I mean anyone, she might even get physical sometimes.

Our parents were very close so she had

come to sleep over countless times and

since her elder brother and sister were

also in the same college with Elizabeth

[in another town], she would have been

alone at home so she decided to come

and sleep over.

"Seems like the words 'privacy and

respect' dosen't exist anymore" Donald

complained, sarcasm dripping in his


"Oh, they do but you just don't deserve

any of the two. Idiot." Lisa mocked,

seeming to know the reasons why he

said that.

Lisa and Donald never got along since I

have known both of them. They always

acted like Tom And jerry with Lisa

being the mouse and Donald Being the


All of us exited Donald's room except

Donlad who stayed behind supposedly

to get prepared.

"Did Richard prepare breakfast?" Lisa

asked as the dining table which was full

of burnt food came into view. "yup" I answered simply

"Seems like I'm skipping breakfast

then" Lisa replied walking pass the

dining and heading to the living room.

She also knew how terrible Richard was

at cookinng.

"O c'mon, Ella, am I that bad in

cooking?" Richard asked me giving me

the puppy dog eyes which were so cute

on him because of the sparkling green

eyes he shared with me.

"No, no. You are not-" I was about to lie

to him when I got cut off by Lisa who

was now in the living room.

"Yes, yes you are" she blurted, "no

offence but infact you are not bad, you

are terrible, very very terrible" she

spoke again.

"You are the worst, man" Donald, my

seventeen year old twin brother said

while walking down the stairs.

He was now wearing a blue top and

black jean trousers with a black leather

jacket in his left hand.

He walked over to the table to join

Richard and I, on getting to the table, he

took a sit in his favourite spot and joined us in eating.

Tm going up to take my bath" Lisa

informed us, "unlike some people" she

added directing her voice to Donald as

she walked up the stairs.

"Yuck!" Donald exclaimed spitting out

the food in his mouth, "what is this?"

he asked with disgust touching his


"Spagetti and meat balls" Richard

who seemed to be enjoying his food

answered simply.

I was actually shocked by his reply,

I was thinking the meatballs were

burnt plantain and the spaggeti was

burnt scrambleld eggs and with the

expression on Donald's face it simply

said the food was no good.

"I think I will also skip breakfast" I told

Richard as I dropped my spoon and

headed upstairs to take my bath.

"Yeah, me too" I heard Donald say as

I climbed the stars, "I can't eat over

salted burnt food" he muttered, heading

to the living room since he was already

dressed and wasn't taking a bath today.

"Whatever. Suit yourself" Richard Stack who now the only one left at the table

muttered as he continued eating.

I entered my room and locked the door

as I took off my night gown and walked

into the bathroom.

In my house, every room had its

own bathroom so their was enough

bathrooms for everybody and even two

general ones to spare.

I spent ten minutes in the bathroom

having a good bath before I came out

and wore a black tank top on a pair

of blue jeans then slid on a blue jean

jacket, carried my bag and headed out

of my r0om.

On reaching the living room, I saw Lisa

and Donald watching the only thing

they both liked; Wrestling.

I branched the kitchen and opened the

fridge, grapped an energy bar and a

box juice then closed the fridge back

and headed to the living room to join

Lisa and Donald.

The three of us watched Wrestling

for about fifeteen minutes before

Richard who we were waiting for came


"I'm ready" Richard informed us

and we all stood up and carried our

backpacks after Donald switched off

the tv.

The four of us exited the house and

headed to the garage and when we

reached there, we all entered the car.

As Richard entered the driver's seat, he

started the car and we headed out of

the house.

After he drived out he parked the car in

front of the house and got down to lock

the gate and once he was done with

that, he ran back to the car, entered it,

started it and drove off as the four of us

headed to school with no idea of what

was awaiting us.What It Meant

It was a twenty minutes drive from my

house to my school and the journey was

a silent one till we reached the school.

On reaching the school, Richard drove

into the parking lot and we all got down

immediatly the car came to a total halt.

We were already twenty minutes late so

we all ran to the school hallway which

was totally empty.

We dropped our bags in our lockers and

headed to our various classes. Richards

who was in grade 12 headed straight to

his class, and Donald, Lisa and I who

were in grade 11 also headed to our's.

We opened the class door to come face

to face with Mr Grimes or as we like

to call him, we came face to face with

baldie'; the school's most strict teacher.

"Late again, I see'" our Math teacher

said droping the chalk in his hand on

the black desk in his front. "Detention

for three of you" he yelled at us

"But sir-" Donald was about to defend

himself before getting cut off by the

bald teacher in our front.

"But, but, buh nothing!" he yelled again,

mimicking Donald.

Detention for all three of you. Period."

"Alright" we all sighed as we went to sit

in our various seats.

Donald went to sit with his two friends;

Jack and Kevin, while I and Lisa went to

sit at the back of his class.

"Great, now we've got detention" Lisa

muttered as she took her seat.

"C'mon. Don't tell me you are going

to blame Donlad for this" I asked her,

raising my brows up.

"Ella, I never mentioned any names.

Alright, tell me, when have I ever

blamed Donald for something he

didn't do?" she asked also raising her


"Uhh, A MILLION TIMES" I said like

it was the most obvious thing in the

world. "And you were about to do it

again just now, I'm sure if I had giving you one more second, you will have

been blaming Donald by now"

"Yeah, that's because he is the reason

we got detention. Trust me, if he hadn't

been with us, we woudn't-" Lisa was

cut off by Mr baldie.

"Anything you will like to share with the

class Ms Donovan?" Mr baldie asked

tilting his neck and giving Lisa an odd


"No Sir"

Well then, I will be glad if you could



he yelled.

"Rude too" Lisa muttered

"What did you say?"


"Better. Now open your textb0ok to

page 81 and pay attention, would you"

Mr Baldie requested.

We both did as he said and as I was

about to take out my textbook, my

eyes caught five soldier's vans and two

S.W.A.T vans all heading south.

Then I saw four more police cruiser and

three more S.W.A.T vans also heading

that way. Something was happening

and whatever it was seemed serious.

I was about to shrug it off when I saw

seven more soldier vans, five soldier

truckes, six S.W.A.T vans, two ammo

tanks and two helicopter pass by again.

The helicopter noise must have

attracted the others as I saw my other

classmates also peeping oustide.

I thugged on Lisa's sleeve as I showed

her the passing trucks and helicopters.

"Woah. Whatever may be going on

seems very serious" Lisa stated.

"Yeah. Really serious. About fifeteen

other ha-"I was cut off by Mr Grimes

"Ms Donovan!" Baldie yelled facing Lisa

"O c'mom, I wasn't even the one

talking" Lisa defended. She and this

teacher didn't really get along.

"Well that's none of my bui-" Mr Baldie

was interrupted by a soldier on truck

which was passing by. The soldier was

holding a megaphone up to his mouth.

"My dear civilians, please enter your

various houses, lock all doors and stay

as quiet as possibly, it is very important

that you adhere to this warnings. We

are in an extintion level danger. This is

not a drill, I reapeat, this is not a drill.

MY fellow civilians, please" the soldieer

warned as his truck drove by.

Students in the class started murmuring

and asking diffrent question as some

were panicking and some were in total


Whatever was happening must be very

very serious I thought to myself as I was

seeing differerent people rushing home

and more and more truck rushing by.

"Everyone quiet!" Mr Baldie yelled

as the class was beginning to be

very noisy, "I don't think whatever is

happening is very serious or might

affect us, so lets just quiet down and

continue our studies" he said but no one

seemed to believe him as fear was very

evident on his face.

"O c'mon, didn't you just hear what the

soldier guy said" Kevin; one of Donald's

friend said standing from his seat and

kicking his chair back as other people

were argreeing with him and the class

ne full of was full of noise again.

"Alright. Alright, everyone quiet down.

Lets switch on the TV and listen to the

news" Mr Baldie said as he picked the

remote and switched on the TV. As he

switched it on, a show called Drake and

Josh was on.

"See, if this was very serious, the news

would have been on by no--" Mr Baldie

was cut off by a newcaster on the TV


"We interupt this program for a very

urgent report. Good day, my name is

Mark Hawkins from chanel three news.

It's just in that--" the newscaster was

interruptep by raster but came back

on few seconds later, "-eadly virus is

spreadin-- [raster]--not safe out there.

The virus is called the Z syndr-- [raster]

-through a bite or any body fluied from

an infec-- [raster]- to stay away from

anybody around you that might ha-

Iraster]-- very hard to kill. The only

way they can be kil- [raster] -and it

is very importa--/raster]-- they are

not the person you once kne-- [raster]

- very deadly monsters. Please it is

important you adhere to the folowing

rules, firstly-" the newcaster was

cut off finally as the power went off.

This sounds very serious" Mr Baldie moutheda

"It is very serious" Lisa said laying

emphasis on the word 'IS'

The class was once again filled

with noise as Mr Baldie exited it to

supossedly go and find out what was

going on. It seemed not to be only my

class that had gotten the message as

students started walking out of their

classes and into the hallway.

I, Lisa, Donald, Jack and Kevin all got

out of our class after some other student

had gotten out. The hallway was so

crowded and noisy as people were

asking diffrent questions.

"Why is the power down?"

"Which kind of virus is this?"

"What's with all the combat vehicle?"

"What exactly is going on?"

I heard as other students asked this

questions and many more as we walked

down the hallway. Everyone was

squeezing through to get pass the crowd

of students as we were all rushing to the


I was busv thinking of what could be of students as we were all rushing to the


I was busy thinking of what could be

happening when I was snapped out of

my trance by very loud scream. We all

ran to the doors to see what the cause

of the scream was and we got the shock

of our lives when we saw what was


What we saw was unexplainable, it was

undescribable, it was unbelieveable. It

was something we could only see in a

movie, dream or something we could

only imagine. We saw THE BEGINNING



I was very shocked and disturbed as

I saw the cause of the loud scream; a

woman directly across the school on

the other side of the street was being


A man who was covered in blood and

had a chump of him neck missing was

trying to literally eat this woman.

The disturbing thing about this was

the man's look; his eyes were crazy

diseased as his pupils were almost not

visible, his fingernail had turned to long

sharp claws and his neck and leg were

bent in an odd angle.

He looked exactly like my siblings from

my nightmare and the thought of this

sent a shiver down my spine. This man

shouldn't even be walking or alive but

he still stargered towards the woman.

Thick red liquid poured from his mouth

as he open his mouth to release a loud

uncomfortable snarl. The woman he was attacking was just

screaming and moving backwards

frantically but all hopes on her were

lost as she hit the wall, having nowhere

else to run.

The man caught up with her and took a

large bite out of her reapetedly.

It was few seconds later that the

soldiers arrived shooting the man

twice in his head and he slumped to

the ground. We were all expecting the

soldiers to help the attacked woman but

we were shocked as she was also shot

and blood splattered on the wall behind


Everyone gasps as the saw the brutal

act of the soldier as he entered the truck

back and drove towards south. Their

were diffrent murmurs filling the hall

once again but they were cut off by a

loud scream, this time a lot closer.

A student standing at the door was

being attacked by someone else who

had the same feautures of the man from

ealier. My heart jumped as I felt a cold

hand grab by shoulder.

I shrieked at first but I was no longer

bothered when I turned and came face to face with Richard. He was holding a

wodden baseball bat covered in blood.

"What the hell are you still doing here,

we have to get out of here. Where is

Donald" he asked.

Over here" Donald yelled walking

towards us with his two freind Jack and


Good, now lets go'" Richard ordered

as he grabbed my hand, "we can't pass

the front anymore, there are too much

of does things there, we gotta pass

the back" he yelled over the noise of

scream from different places.

We all followed including a friend of

Richard; Debby. We left the crowded

hall and were about to branch to

another hallway leading to the other

school exit door but we stoped right in

our tracks as we came in contact with

about six infected people.

"Shit" Richard cursed, "go back" he

yelled as we all turned around and

headed towards the crowded hallway

once again but we stoped again as

about another twelve infected people

cut us off.

In here" Richard yelled as he stood beside an opened door which led to the

school's library directing all of us in as

he quickly closed the door shut after


"What the hell is-- AHHHHH!" Jack

screamed as an infected person

grabbed his neck and took a huge bite

out of it.

"O shit" Richard cursed as he ran

towards the studernt who was biting


Once he reached them, he swung his

bat really hard, hitting the students

right in the eyes but it was as if nothing

had happened as the student sprung

towards Richard knocking him down.

Everything seemed to be in slow motion

as the hungry infected people were

pounding on the door, Jack fell to the

ground and started shaking violently,

like he was going through a seizure and

as Richard and the infected student

were battling with each other on the


"Jack!" Kevin and Donald yelled as

they ran to their friend who was now

gasping for breath, "It's alright pal,

Everything is going to be okay" They

consoled their dieing friend.

"Uhm, guys, a little help here" Richard

who was still battling with the infected

student yelped while trying to grab

his baseball bat with his left hand and

blocking the infected with his right

I, Lisa and Debby all stayed in a corner

as Richard kept battling with the

student, Kevin kept conforting Jack and

Donald ran to the baseball bat Iying

on the ground, picked it and started

hitting the infected person continously

which gave Richard the chance to kick

it off himself.

After kicking him off, Richard quickly

grabbed the bat from Donald and hit

the student in the head really hard

that the eyeball literally disconected

from it's socket but the student didn't

feel anything as he lunged for Richard


What the hell is this thing I thought to

myself as I saw what was happening.

Richard dodged the infected which

lunged at him as he hit it once again,

but still to no good result, he kicked

the infected away from himself as he

charged towards it, hitting it on the

head rapidly till it's head scattered

before it finally stoped moving. It wasn't a good scene at al.

Richard heaved a sigh of relieve as

he droped the bloody bat in his and

slumped to the ground as he was

breathing heavily.

"Jack?" Kevin said shaking his friend's

lifeless body, "J- Jack?" he stammered

again with tears rolling down his

cheeck. This was the first time I was

seeing Kevin cry.

"Is he dead?" Debby asked looking at

the lifeless body in Kevin's front

"No. No, this can't be, he can't be dead"

Kevin sobbed, "Jack?" He muttered as

he saw his friend's hand twitch slightly,

"You alright bud-"

"Kevin get away from him!" Richard

yelled as he ran towards them picking

up the bloody bat again then wacking

it in Jack's head reapeatedly. Everyone

was shocked by his act as he continued

hitting Jack's head.

"What the fuck is wrong with you man,

he is not fucking dead" Kevin yelled as

he hit Richard's chest pushing him back

a little.

"Trust me man, he is dead, if I ha--"

Richard was about to defend himself

"He wasn't dead, I saw his hand move!"

Kevin yelled moving his face very close

to Richard's

"I said he was dead, any second he

would have woken up as one of those

things and he would have attacked

you, I have seen that happen!" Richard

yelled back also moving is head very

close to Kevin's, if anyone of them were

to move an inch they would be kissing.

"Alright guys I don't think this is the best

time to fight" Debby adviced, getting

between the two boys who were about

to fight, "any second now, that door will

be knocked down and we will all die

sO we have to get out of here as fast as


"I agree with her" Lisa peered in.

"Well, the door is not an option so we

have to find another way out of here" I


"How about the windows" Debby


"No way. That's too high up, it's about

fifteen feet high" Richard replied "We could make a staircase or

something like that with one of these

shelves" Donald said pointing at the

shelves which carried books.

"Alright, but we have to do whatever we

are going to do fast because that door

is gonna break down anytime soon"

Richard agreed

We all stood up from our positions on

the ground as we all walked towards

the shelve closest to the window.

On reaching there, I and lisa pushed

all the books on it to the ground and

everybody grabbed the shelve. We all

grunted as we lifted it due to the weight.

Struggling while carrying the very

heavy and big shelve we all heaved a

sigh of relief and lucky for us, it was the

perfect height to the window.

Kevin picked up the baseball bat as he

climed the shelve which was firmly

rested on the wall, when he reached

the window, he hit the glass with the

bat but it just cracked a little, he it

again and again until the glass finally


"Ella, can you toss your jacket over here" Kevin requested andI did exatly

as he said throwing my jean jacket to

him leaving myself in only my black

tank top.

Once I tossed the jacket, he grabbed

it and placed it on the window sill

supposingly as a cushine in other for

the glass to not injure anyone of us.

"Wow, this is high" Kevin exclaimed as

he peeped outside, "luckily it is grass

down there so it shouldn't hurt a lot".

He threw the baseball bat down first

before jumping to the other side.

"Uhm guys" Debby said worry touching

her feautures, "that door is going to

come down soon" she informed us

while pointing at the door in which the

hinges were starting to come off. How

powerful are this things.

As one out of two hinges came off,

Debby, I and Lisa shrieked. Debby

immediattly climed the make-shift

ladder followed by Lisa and Donald.

"You go" Richard ordered and I did

exactly as he said. I climbed the shelve

but came to a total halt when I saw the

height I was going to have to jumped.

Fortunatly there was no infected

nearby except for the one's that were about to break the door.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath

ready to jump but screamed when the

last hinge finally fell, knocking the door

down and more than twenty infected

rushing in.

O shit" Richard cursed, "Ella just

fucking jump!" Richard yelled as the

infecteds were now rushing towards us.

I began to panick as I saw the horde

that was rushing towards us but I was

afraid of height so jumping fifteen feet

wasn't going to be easy.

Ella just jump for christ sak-" Richard

wanted to yell again but was cut off as

an infected grabbed his leg, trying to

pull him down, "shit" he cursed as he

was struggling and kicking frantically

but got pulled down hitting the floor

really hard.

After hitting the ground, a loud groan

escaped his mouth but his eyes came

wide open again as the infected

grabbed his leg and more were gaining

on him. He kicked and pushed and

did everthing he could to get lose from

the strong grip of the infected and it

worked as it left him.

He ran back to the shelve and started

climbing up once again but fell again

as the partition he was about to step on

broke and he was once again grabbed

by the infected he had once kicked

away and the remaining of them were

just about ten feet away.

He kicked and struggled even more

this time but when the infected did

not leave him, he kicked the head and

stepped on it reapeatedly until thick

blood started pouring out and it's grip

fell so Richard dashed towards the

shelve narrowly escaping the other

infected as he climed up.

I told you to jump"Richard yelled at


"I'm sorry" I looked down and saw

that the infected were almost grabbing

his legs again so I closed my eyes and

jumped down landing with a loud thud

and a pang of pain as I fell hard on my

back. Richard jumped seconds later

suprisingly landing on his feet. He lost

balance for a second but regained it

back quickly as he pulled me up.

"SO what next?" Kevin asked.

"We have to get out of here and we When that was settled, we all agreed tob

go north even though it was long. We

walked as silently as we could hiding

behind bushes and stuffs like that and

luckily we were able to go unnoticed

until we were directly opposite the

parking lot

We couldn't go further anymore

because of the huge hoarde of infected

that were roaming around aimlessly.

The only thing that was seperation

us from the parking lot and our great

escape was the interlouged driveway.

It spread across about thirty feet and it

was full with infected people.

"What do we do now?" Kevin asked

Richard waited a few seconds before

answering, "we go through" he said in a

serious tone.

You are kidding right" Kevin


"No" Richard replied, "T'm not".

"What the fuck is wrong with man, we

can't just go through a horde of those

things. You have seen what they can do"

Kevin yelled/whispered trying to keep us unnoticed from the infected.

"We go through. The car we are

going into is not far, the infected are

spreading and they are not as fast as us

so on my mark we will all run into that

blue pathfinder. I've got the keys with

me" Richard ordered.

"You are crazy dude. Really crazy"

Kevin mouthed finally accepting defeat.

Three, two, one, now!" Richard yelled

and on his count we all started running

as fast as we could.

Everyone ran as fast as they could as

Richard was hitting any infected that

came near us with his baseball bat. I

was very scared but I knew this was the

worst time to freeze so I just closed my

eyes and dashed forward.

My eyes Snapped open when I hearda

very loud scream.I turned around to

see who the sream had come from and

whimpered as I realized it was Donald.

One of the infected had jumped on him

and was trying to bite him.

The slimy siliva was dripping on his

face as he was lying on his back wit his

two hands above him and on the neck

of the infected, he was trying to prevent it from biting him.

Richard who was still dashing forward

had no idea of what was going on

behind him.

I stood still on a spot ruminating

whether to continue running or to go

back and help Donald when an infected

person tried to attack me.

I shrieked as my leg automatically

started running toward our blue

pathfinder. I looked back once again to

see Donald still fighting for his life.

We were very close to the car and were

about ten feet away when Richard

suddenly stoped.

"O shit!, everyone into the school bus!"

he yelled as he turned to his right and

entered the school bus which was the

closest car to him.

Lisa, Debby and Kevin followed in tow

then I saw the reason for the sudden

change of plans, about ten other

infected had come out of nowhere and

were coming towards us.

I quickly entered the bus too as the

infecteds rapidly and violently banged

on the bus.

"Where is donald?" Kevin asked as he

noticed his best friend was missing.

"He's gone".

So we are at the end of chapter three

and Donald is gone... ouch. Lets keep

reading to find out what's going to

happen next. "What the hell do you mean he's gone"

Kevin yelled, as his voice shacking a bit.

The infecteds got him" I answered

back as a tear found it way down my


"This is all your fault" Kevin yelled

pushing Richard in the chest causing

him to fall backwards.

Richard quickly jumped back up and

landed a punch right on Kevin's jaw.

Seconds later kevin returned one of his

hitting Richard below the eye.

I watched as the two of them fought

with more tears rolling down my


We had no idea of what was going on or

whether we would survive and I wasn't

even sure if my parents were still alive.

Everything seemed to be in slow motion

as I thought of these devastating things."Both of you would you fucking stop

fighting this instant!" Lisa yelled, "we

are all supposed to be working together

and finding a way to get out of but

here the two of you are... fighting" she

continued authoritatively.

"If you both want to kick your asses just

wait till we get to somewhere safe, then

you could kill each other, I don't give a

fuck but we better get out of here alive"

She added

Surprisingly the two boys heeded her

warning and stopped fighting but they

still stared daggers at each other.

"Better" Lisa muttered as she came to sit

next to me.

We were all too busy with the fight stuff

and all that we didn't even notice a leg

behind the last seat.

"What is that?" I asked pointing at the

leg with the anonymous owner.

After seeing this, Richard grabbed the

baseball bat and started walking slowly

towards it while Kevin just stood stil,

cleaning blood off his jaw.

"Please don't hit me" a quivering voice

begged, I wasn't sure if he said hit or eat but as long as he wasn't one of the

infected, we were not planning on

doing any of the twvo.

"It's just the school bus driver"

Richard informed us as he lowered

his bat which was already raised in

anticipation to hit the driver.

"Hi, my name is John-" Mr John was

about to introduce himself when he was

cut off by Kevin.

"Yeah yeah. Where are the keys to this

junk?" he asked.

"Uhmm" Mr John stammered.

"Well" Kevin urged.

"They fell off while I was running to

safety" Mr John muttered as he looked


"Around where did it fall?" Richard

asked stepping in front of Kevin and

giving him a kind of look that said 'T'm

in charge here'.

"Over there" Mr John said, pointing at

the side we had all ran from.

"I see it" I informed as I pointed to

where the key layed. It was on the

ground about seven feet away from the bus.

"I see it too" Debby and Lisa said in


"Where?" Richard asked, still searching

for it.

"It's right there on the ground" Lisa was

trying to describe the location.

I walked to the window where an

infected was banging and violently

attacking. The infected was a student,

he also attended most of my classes

but we had never talked. There were

also more infected beside him and all

around the bus but I focused more on

this one.

His pupils had now become invisible

with tiny vein spreading across his

eyes. His head was shaking violently

and he was hitting it on the bus

continuously but didn't even act like he

was feeling any pain, like all he knew

was something was stopping him from

getting to a delicious meal; me.

It was like he didn't know there was a

glass in his front, it was as if all he knew

was that something was preventing

him from getting to me but he was


He became more violent as I neared

the window and stopped attacking as I

went out of view.

"I think they attack only when they see

someone who is not infected" I told my

new observation to the group. I walked

to the window then moved my face

closer to it causing the infecteds near

it to become more vicious and violent

then I walked out of their eyesight and

they became less violent once again.

"Alright, so they attack only when they

see someone that is not infected, noted.

But we still need a plan to get that key

and get out of here" Richard stated. "So

who's going to go get it?" He added.

Hell would have to freeze over before I

was going to volunteer to get out of this

temporary safe place and head into a

horde of those infected out there.

I was snapped out of my trance when

the emergency evacuation alarms

started to sound. The very loud alarms

seemed to have attracted the infected as

they stopped attacking the bus and all

started shuffling around.

When no infected was within about ten

feet of the bus again, Richard spoke up.

"Ill go get it" he said as a look of

determination made it's way to his face.

The infecteds where still shuffling

around as if they were trying to trace

where the alarm was coming from but

they couldn't.

Richard picked up the baseball bat with

that determined look still plastered

across his face. We all stared as he

made his was to the door and opened it

as slow as he could.

There wasn't any infected near the bus

anymore but they were still not very far


Richard quickly walked to the key but

tried to remain as silent as possible,

when he reached it, he bent down

slowly still looking up at the infected

roaming about nearby.

He picked it up, but then and there he

did the most stupid thing ever, he let

the keys jingle. As this happened the

evacuation alarms stopped and the

closest infected turned around and saw

Richard, it gave an horrifying snarl

and the other infected turned around

and started chasing Richard who had

started running towards the bus."Ill go get it" he said as a look of

determination made it's way to his face.

The infecteds where still shuffling

around as if they were trying to trace

where the alarm was coming from but

they couldn't.

Richard picked up the baseball bat with

that determined look still plastered

across his face. We all stared as he

made his was to the door and opened it

as slow as he could.

There wasn't any infected near the bus

anymore but they were still not very far


Richard quickly walked to the key but

tried to remain as silent as possible,

when he reached it, he bent down

slowly still looking up at the infected

roaming about nearby.

He picked it up, but then and there he

did the most stupid thing ever, he let

the keys jingle. As this happened the

evacuation alarms stopped and the

closest infected turned around and saw

Richard, it gave an horrifying snarl

and the other infecteds turned around

and started chasing Richard who had

started running towards the bus.The Infected which gave the horrifying

snarl was very close to Richard and

before we knew what was happening,

it jumped on him, causing both the

baseball bat and the key to fly away.

I could hear Richard groan as he hit

the ground and I knew he needed help

as the infected was trying to bite him

and the rest of them were coming at

him fast but my body seemed to have


He was trying to reach the baseball bat

when Kevin got down from the bus, ran

to him, picked up the key and ran back

closing the door shut behind him.

"What the fuck man, you could have

helped him out there!" I barked at

Kevin as he entered and quickly went

to the drivers seat.

"T'm pretty sure he can help himself"

Kevin snarled back as he sat in the

driver's seat.

He was about to start the vehicle when

Debby stormed forward and snatched

the key from his hand.

"If you don't go and help him then none

of us is getting out of here" she said

then Kevin noded towards the bus door causing us all to look there and there

Richard was, standing and breathing

heavily. His chest and shoulders rising

and falling in rage.

Richard had escaped death for the third

time in the last thirty minutes.

"You made it-" I was about to talk when

Richard stormed pass me and toward


When he reached the driver's seat, he

grabbed him by the shirt and tossed

him to the back causing Kevin to hit his

back against the wall of the bus then

Richard landed a powerful punch on

Kevin's mouth and kept raining down

more punches.

I was about to go and stop them but

Debby pulled me back.

"Leave them for a while, Kevin's

deserves it" she muttered into my ear.

After about three minute of Richard

beating Kevin we decided to separate

them because I was sure if we didn't

Richard would beat the hell out of him.

Not like he hadn't done that already.

Kevin's face was now swollen and all

bashed up. There were little smears of

blood evervwhere on it and he looked very terrible.

"Maybe I should drive, it wouldn't be

good for you to drive in your state"

Mr John's quivering voice said as he

collected the key from Richard whose

face was also bruised a little and was

panting heavily.

Mr John started the engine and the

bus started moving, I was happy that

the bus didn't do like it always does in

movies, where their getaway vehicle

won't work and they will all die.

After Mr John joined the main road, I

stared outside of a window and saw we

that our little beloved city of Entila had

now become a disaster

There were car crashes every here and

there which caused the bus to sway

from right to left frequently. Different

papers layed on the ground, some were

covered in blood and some were not.

Different household equipment layed

waste on the ground and it looked like

some idiots still thought of looting when

this whole thing started.

Buildings were on fire and dead bodies

littered the street like glitter on a

babies hair. Our city was now a total


Although I haven't seen any infected

so far, I still had an eerie feeling going

down my spine. I didn't know if that

was even the actual cause of the feeling

but all I knew was that it was there.

Everything seemed quiet and peaceful

and I rested my back on the chair but

suddenly hit it hard on the seat in front

as Mr John suddenly pressed the break

and skidded to the right causing the

car to tumble about four times until it

finally landed on it's side.

I groaned in pain as I tried to move

and started to wonder the reason for

the sudden stop and turn but then my

unasked question was answered. I saw

the reason and it wasn't a good reason

at all.

A lot and by a lot I mean more than

a hundred of the infected were all

dashing towards the bus at high speed

and the peaceful silence had now

turned into loud growls, snarls and


I tried to get the strength to pull myself

up but I couldn't and suddenly my eyes

started becoming heavy and everything

went dark.I woke up to the ear piercing screams

of Mr John, at first I thought an infected

had gotten him and was biting but

not untilI turned around and saw the

actual reason.

A glass that probably broke from the

windshield had pierced his leg, I also

vomited as I saw this. The glass was

about six inches wide and twelve

inches long and it came out of the other

side of his leg.

I turned away from his sight and saw

something worse, a glass had pierced

Debby's head and blood was gushing

out. Her lifeless body layed on the

ground near a puddle of blood.

"Debby?" I called as I shook her body

but she didn't answer, debby was dead

I turned around and saw that the

infected were still running towards us

and I started to panic. My body refused

to move, debby was dead, Mr John was

injured and screaming into my ear and Richard, Lisa and Kevin were still


"Richard!" I yelled trying to wake him

up and fortunately, he did.

"Oh shit, we have to get out of here"

he sprung into action, standing up.

He picked the baseball bat and broke

a window then climb out. As he was

climbing out, Kevin and Lisa also woke


Small pieces of shattered glass were

in Kevin's face but he was still able to

stand. I struggled to get myself up andI

successfully did but I felt a pang of pain

throughout my whole body.

Richard was already out of the bus and

was standing on top of it, he helped Lisa

out and I and Kevin helped Mr John out.

When they were both out, I stretched

my hand and Richard pulled me up

then Kevin came out by himself.

After Kevin came out, Richard poked

his head back into the bus supposedly

looking for Debby and I heard a small

sob escape his mouth as he saw her.

The infected people were now getting

close to us, they were about thirty feet

away from the bus and we had no time to waste.

"Uuhm guys, we have to get out of here"

I yelled, jumping off the bus.

Lisa also jumped then we all helped

Mr John down, after that, Richard

and Kevin jumped off the bus and we

started running towards the closest car,

on getting to the green crv, I peeked

inside to check for the key but it wasn't


We kept moving around cars and kept

checking inside but unfortunately we

found no keys in our first five cars,

which kind of person still remembers

to take their key when running for their


The infecteds were now gaining on us

and Mr John was slowing our pace as

Richard, Lisa and Kevin had to help him


I was starting to panic as I kept on

checking cars and finding no keys

inside. I checked the inside of a blue

honda jeep but there was still no key


"Everyone get in" Richard ordered as

Lisa and Kevin helped Mr John into the

car.Their is no key inside" I stated.

"T'l hotwire it" Richard replied.

"So you can hotwire a car and you had

me walking around here and searching

for a car with a key, and where did you

even learn how to do that"

"I never said I know how to hotwire a

car, I just want to try"

"I just want to try?!" I yelled in disbelief,

"and what if it doesn't work" I added as

an afterthought.

"Look Ella, we don't have the time for

this so just get into the car" Richard


I grunted as I did as he said and entered

the back seat where Lisa and Mr john

were seated. Kevin sat at the front

beside the driver's seat and we all

waited for Richard to enter the car.

Mr John's wound was bleeding very

bad and we had to do something about

it or else he could lose a lot of blood.

Richard entered the car and pulled off

a small plastic from under the steering

wheel and started fidgeting with some


I watched with my fingers crossed as

Richard continued fidgeting with the

wires and my foot started tapping the

floor rapidly as anxiety started to build

in me.

The infecteds were now getting very

close to us and my foot were tapping

faster then I heaved a sigh of relief as

the car engine roared to life.

But my relief was short-lived as the car

jerked up and went off back.

"What the fuck" I heard Richard curse,

"shit, it's out of fuel. Everybody out"

Richard Ordered as the doors on all

sides of the car opened and we all

stormed out.

The infecteds were only a few feet away

from us so we all started running as

fast as we could, including Mr John.

Obviously no one wanted to die by

getting eaten by some people you didn't

know who are infected with some crazy


We all ran to the next car which was

a sky blue camry but before we could

enter, two infecteds cut us off. Richard

lunged at the first one, knocking it to

the ground and started whacking it in

the head with the baseball bat I hadn't even realized was still with him.

The second one was about to lung at

him when Kevin intercepted giving it

a punch in the face but I didn't think a

punch in the face was going to affect

this thing in anyway.

I and Lisa just helped Mr John and both

ran to the car then gently placed him

in it, and as if Lisa had been reading

my mind, she answered my unasked


"Let's go help them" she said as she

jerked her head towards Richard and

Kevin who were still fighting with the

two infecteds.

We both ran towards them and as soon

as we reached there, I was shocked as

Lisa jumped on the infected guy's back

and started screaming as she tried too

strangle him.

I stood still starring at her in awe that I

didn't notice that the infected that was

attacking Richard had left him and had

chosen me as his next meal.

He launched himself at me knocking

me off my feet and started trying to bite

me but was launched off me as Richard

whacked him in the head really hard,giving hm a chance to strIke It again

and again until it stoped moving.

Richard was about to go and help Lisa

and Kevin when another infected

launched himself at him knocking himm

down and sending the baseball bat

flying. The horde that was after us had

now gotten to us and it was the closest

one that was attacking Richard.

I shrieked as I saw this and I started

running towards the car, on reaching

it, I looked back and saw Mr John lying

in the chair but I wasn't sure if he was

dead or unconscious. I leaned in and

checked his neck for a pulse and felt a

faint one.

I removed my hand and sat properly

then removed the plastic board from

under the staring wheel just like

Richard had done earlier then I started

fidgeting with the wires also like

Richard had done earlier hoping the

little I saw him do and what I had seen

I movies was going to help me but was

interrupted as an infected came out of

nowhere and lunged at me inside the


It was so stupid of me to leave the door

open but it never crossed my mind that

an infected could come and attack me.

I shrieked as the infected became more

violent trying to take a bite out off the

and while trying to move back I saw the

glass on Mr John's leg.

I stretched my hands and removed it

causing him to jolt up and scream in

pain then I immediately stabbed the

infected in the head and he or rather, it

slumped and fell but before I could do

anything else, I saw another infected

heading my way then I did something I

should have done a long time ago and

closed the door shut.

I continued fidgeting with the wires

then I looked up briefly at the side

mirror and I saw that Richard, Lisa and

Kevin were still fighting for their lives

but the infecteds were increasing and

it was just a matter of time before they

wouldn't be able to save themselves


I looked back down and continued

my work with the wires but I couldn't

concentrate over Mr John's screams

and the infected that was hammering

against the window but I continued


After about a few seconds of twisting

different wires together, the car engine

roared to life. I didn't actually know the exact thing I did but I thanked God that

it worked.

After the car was on, I quickly changed

the gear and drove backwards towards

Richard and the rest not even bothering

to waste time doing any other thing.

I drove backwards really fast hitting

any infected in my way and the ones

near Richard, Lisa and Kevin who were

still fighting off the infecteds.

I was actually surprised that none

of them had gotten bitten, not that I

wanted that to happen.

After hitting most of the infecteds near

what remained of our little group and

careful not to hit anyone of them, I

stopped the car beside them and left the

door opened and called them in.

I was about to jump to the back and let

Richard entered the driving seat when

an uninvited guest did instead. The

infected grabbed my leg and was about

to bite it when Richard pulled it out and

hit it with the baseball bat then entered

the car back.

Before I knew what was happening,

Kevin and Lisa were also in the car and

Richard had started to drive away.I heaved a sigh of relief and plopped

down in my seat as Lisa, Kevin and

Richard were all breathing heavily and

Mr John still groaning in pain.

"Nice work Ella" Richard commented.

"Yeah" I breathed almost out of breath.

"Thanks" I looked over to Lisa who had

just talked.

"You are welcome" I replied then

looked at Kevin. "Well?" I prompted

in anticipation for him to thank me or


"Thank you for saving my life" he said

sounding kind of sarcastic like I hadn't

just done that.

I just hissed and looked out the window.

The Infecteds went out of view as

Richard turned a corner. They were

about thirty five feet away from us and

they were not going to catch up with

us anytime soon long as the petrol

didn't finish, on the thought of this, I

quickly stood up and checked the fuel

Gage which was almost half.

I plopped back down and looked at Mr

John, he was still groaning, sweating

seriously and riding in pain then I bleeding seriously then I looked around

the car in search for something whichI

could use to tie it and stop the bleeding.

After a few seconds, I saw a clothe on

the ground and picked it up. It was a

scarf and it was perfect for his leg. I

Wrapped it around his leg and tied and

he seemed least a little.

After thatI sat back down and got


"So where are we going?" Kevin asked

but no one replied and suddenly the car


"What the fuck" Richard muttered, he

untied the wires I had twisted together

and twisted them again but the car still

didn't start. I turned to my right and

looked out the window to make sure the

horde of infected was no longer close to

us and they weren't.

I was about to face Richard back when

I heard a sound on my other side,

I looked there to see about twenty

infecteds hitting the glass door beside

our car.

"Shit, we gotta get out of here ...Now" I yelled as the glass cracked.

"Calm down Ellie, that glass is holding

them off" Kevin spoke making me


"First of all, don't call me that and

second of all can't you see that glass

has cracke--" I was about to say but was

cut off as the glass shattered to pieces

and infecteds came gushing out. Like

seriously couldn't we get a break or

something, luck was obviously not on

our side today.

"We've gotta get out of here" Kevin

yelled as he tried to open the door on

his side but I was quick to pull it close

as about three infecteds slammed

into it. I had just saved this jackass


IfI hadn't done what I did, the infecteds

would have probably been eating Kevin

by now.

I shot Kevin a glare before I looked back

at Richard who was frantically trying to

start the vehicle but to no avail.

By now, the infecteds had surrounded

the whole car and were banging against the it rapidly and the glass on my side

had started to crack.

"Uhm, Richard could you please get

this car moving right now?" I asked/

demanded as I was hurriedly tapping

my hand on the seat head of Richard's


I had a serious case of tapping when


Richard kept trying to start the car

but still to no avail and suddenly the

window shattered and the infecteds

head were now in the car right above

my laps. It's head was shaking furiously

and it tried to bite me but couldn't as I

shifted away and was struggling with it.

It continued attacking me and I kept on

struggling. Whenever I pushed it's head

out it put it back in but I still continued.

I grabbed it by the hair and scratched

under it's mouth against the bits of

glasses that still remained where the

window was supposed to be but it still

continued attacking

I moved back then lay on my

back and started kicking it but it

immediately grabbed my leg and

started trying to pull me out.

A scream escaped my mouth as Lisa

grabbed my and started pulling me


Richard was trying to start the engine,

Kevin who's glass had also broken was

also struggling with an infected andI

was being used for tug of war between

my best friend and an infected man,

today was officially the worst day of my


I was still screaming and squirming

while trying to get free from the

infected which had a strong grip on

my leg when suddenly a bullet pierced

it's head, another bullet pierced the

infected which was attacking Kevin

head and the same happened to all

other infected around us.

I sat upright and peeped out of the

car when all the infected around us

had died and I couldn't believe what I

was seeing, my elder sister; Elizabeth

and a guy I didn't recognize were both

walking towards us dramatically with

guns in their hands, shooting down

every infected that neared them or us.

Finally something good happened butI

spoke too soon as the horde of infected

we narrowly escaped from earlier was

now with us again and this time a lot more had joined .. alot.

"Fuck, everybody out!" Richard yelled

for the umpteenth time today, does

exact words were starting to ring in my


"Can't we get a break or something" I

heard Kevin groan as he opened his


We all sprinted toward Beth (my eldest

sister) and the unknown guy beirng

careful not to step any dead body as

they both shot down any infected that

neared them or us.

It was very obvious that Beth wasn't the

best shooter as she missed a shot every

now and then but the guy standing

beside her was a perfect shooter as he

shot every infected close to us right in

the forehead.

Mr John was really slowing I and Lisa's

pace as we both tried to help him run

but his leg decided against it. It was still

bleeding seriously and he groaned and

moaned every now and then.

looked at him with pitiful eyes as

sweat had made stray strands of hair

to stick around his face and he was

breathing heavily, he was obviously in

serious pain.

The sounds of guns being reloaded

and bullets being fired filled the air

as we made our way toward Beth and

the other guy. When we got closer,

I realized the other guy was not a

white man but a black one and he was

probably twenty or twenty-one years


"Get a car" Beth yelled as we were now

very close to them and we did as she


We all entered a brown range rover, the

driver's side window was shattered and

little blood smeared the side of the door

but luckily there was a key inside.

Finally some good luck today.

Richard started the car and Beth and

the black guy retreated into a black

lexus 350. The infecteds were still much

and they had now reached where we


The two closest infecteds hit the car but

they could do nothing more as Richard

roared the car engine to life and drove

off following Beth and black guy in

their black lexus ...which they probably

stole, or rather, borrowed.

We've been driving for ten minutes

now and the whole trip had been silent

expect for Mr John's heavily panting

and groaning. I could feel his pain, a

twelve inches long glass had literally

stabbed his leg and it was pulled out

forcefully without any medical help.

The road was littered with both

overturned and standing cars which

caused us to sway from left to right

every now and then but suddenly

Richard stoped.

At first I was starting to panic again

hoping there was no horde of infected

approaching us and to my relief there

wasn't any.

Beth and the black guy had also stoped

their car too and had gotten down as

were both making their way towards


When they reached us, I opened my

door, jumped out and gave Beth a very

tight hug. She returned one too and we stayed like this for a few seconds before

pulling away.

When we did, the rest of the group

had come out from the car and were

standing next to it except for Mr John

who was now unconscious, luckily

my sister was studying medicine and

wanted to be a doctor so I was sure she

would know what to do.

"Where are my siblings" Lisa was the

first to speak.

Beth sighed heavily before replying.

"They couldn't make it"

As Elizabeth said this I watched as a

tear silently rolled down Lisa's eyes

but she quickly wiped it off. I gave her

a comforting hug as she blinked away

more tears.

"Where is donald?" Beth asked after

looking around and not seeing him.

"He also couldn't make it" Richard

answered and Beth's face fell as she

heard this, she didn't cry though but it

was obvious that she was holding back


"Who's that" I asked nodding my

head towards the black guy as I was trying to get rid of the awkward and

uncomfortable silence.

"His name his Khalid and he isa

Nigerian. He saved my life twice today

and gave me a quick lesson on how to

use a gun" Beth replied answering some

of my unasked questions, like where

did she learn how to use a gun.

"Where did you guys get the guns?"

Kevin peered in.

"There was a soldier block downtown

but they were overran by the infecteds

so their guns just layed waste there and

we grabbed some" The Nigerian guy

answered with a thick voice and a thick

African accent...I kinda like the accent


"So where are we headed?" Beth asked,

"we shouldn't spend much time out

here" she added as an afterthought.

"I think we should head home, get in

contact with our parents or family

members then we would know what to

do next" Richard suggested and we all


Elizabeth was about to head back into

her car when I called her,


"We've got a man really injured and

since you are studying medicine, I guess

you would be able to help him"I said

directing her towards Mr John who was

still laying unconscious in the back seat

of the range rover.

"Shit!, what happened to him" Beth

exclaimed as she saw the injury.

"We were in an accident and a glass

stabbed his leg" Kevin said.

"He has already lost a lot of blood and

the injury is already infected and I can't

treat it here...or even at home. We don't

have the things I'll need" Beth told us.

"Well there is a Wal-Mart up ahead,

they should have a pharmacy cause it's

pretty big and we could get something

to eat, I'm starving" Lisa suggested.

"So we should head to the Wal-Mart

first, get some drugs for him, get

something to eat then head home" Beth


"Yeah, but won't a Wal-Mart have a

higher population of infecteds in it?" Kevin spoke up.

"Well we just have to hope you are

wrong" Khalid said before heading

back into the black lexus with Beth hot

on his heels.


We drove for five minutes before the

big Wal-Mart started coming into view.

Khalid parked the Lexus a few feet

away from the door and Richard

parked the range rover behind it. Few

seconds later, Beth and Khalid got down

from the car and we also did as they


We all got down from the car except for

Mr John and when I was about to close

the door I heard his faint voice say

"Please don't leave me"

"I think it's safer for you to stay in the

car and besides you can't walk with

your leg, it's all swollen"

"Tl try" he breathed

He really didn't want to stay alone

so I helped him out of the car. We all

walked forward to join Beth and Khalid

and as we reached them Khalid tossed a M4A1 rifle to Richard and another one

to Kevin.

He gave Beth who was already holding

one M4A1, a glock 19 and inserted a

desert eagle into his waist band then

carried out another M4A1. You are

probably wondering how I know all

this gun names, well lets just say I

watch a lot of action movie. He tossed

two magazines to everyone he had just

given a gun.

"What about us, aren't you going to give

us any weapons" Lisa asked.

"Sorry, but we're fresh out of guns"

Khalid said kindly as he tossed a fire

axe to me and Lisa.

Khalid demonstrated how to use a gun

to Richard and Kevin for a few seconds

before turning to face us us all.

"Remember, only shoot when necessary

cause those are the only bullets we've

got and aim for their head" Khalid


We all slowly walked into the Wal-Mart

as Khalid led the way. He opened the

door and shot two infecteds which were

coming at him immediately.

"So I think it would be better and faster if we split up. Grab any useful thing

you see" Beth said as she handed us all

bagpacks which she had grabbed off a

shelf close to her.

I was about to say it wasn't a good

idea splitting up but before I could say

anything, everyone had splited and all

spread into the gargantuan Wal-Mart,

leaving only me and Mr John.

A cold shiver went down my spine as

I walked between two shelves, one

containing chocolate bars and other

snacks and the other containing stuffs

like soap, sponges, toothbrushes and all.

I helped Mr John walk as he put his

hand on my shoulder and I put one of

my arms around his waist. The dim

flickering light of the Wal-Mart didn't

help at all as it even scared me the


After a few seconds of walking, I told

Mr John to use the shelf as support to

stand while I grabbed some food stuffs.

There has been no infected so far which

was a good sign and kinda also a bad

sign...the last time we didn't see any

infected around, we ended up being

chased by a horde.

My mind had wondered away as I absent-mindedly poured food stuffs

into my bag but it was drawn back as a

cold hand grabbed my hand from the

other side of the shelf and a loud snarl1


I wanted to scream but my vocal cord

seemed to be seal shut. I banged and

claw at the infected's hand with my two

hands but it had no effect. The bag and

axe had fallen to the ground and the

axe was too far for me to get a hold of.

I continued to claw and bang the

infected's hand but it was of no use and

then suddenly an idea popped into my

head, but as soon as this idea came,

another infected had come from the


I quickly pulled my body, forcing

the infected to collide with the shelf

following my idea but it's grip on my

hand didn't losen. I tried it again and

again until it's grip loosened but as

this happened the shelf came crashing

down towards my side with a loud thud

and scream following it.

I was able to dodge the large and heavy

shelf but Mr John wasn't able to. The

shelf fell on his leg, preventing him

from being able to move. All he could

do was just lay there screaming and riding in pain.

The other infected which was coming

towards me had apparently heard Mr

John scream and chose him for his next

meal while the one which attacked me

early was now climbing the fallen shelf

and heading for me.

I dashed towards my axe and wanted to

pick it up but couldn't as the shelf had

also fallen on it, I was starting to panic

as the infected neared me and I wasn't

able to get my axe free then Mr John

screamed louder and I instinctively

looked at him to see an infected person

biting his neck as blood gush out.

The infected person who had caused

the whole mess jumped at me but I

quickly dodged it.

I was about to jump towards me again

when I kicked it directly were the sun

doesn't shine, but that did nothing. A

kick in the balls was supposed to slow

anything down but it didn't slow this

infected down as it lunged at me again

knocking me down.

It was about to take a bite out of me

when two gunshots rang out and the

infected's lifeless body fell on me. I

pushed it off as another two shots pushed it off as another two shots

rang out again and Mr John screaming


I looked up as I stood up to come face

to face with Khalid, he was the one that

gunned down the two infecteds. Lisa

and Richard rushed to the scene and

their faces fell as they saw Mr John and

the bite wound on his neck.

Kevin and Beth also rushed to the scene

a few seconds later and they also looked

devastated as they saw Mr John ...well

only Beth looked devastated, Kevin just

looked the same way he was when he

got here.

Everyone was silent as we all stared

at a now shaking Mr John until six

infecteds appeared on the scene and

Khalid shot them all with his desert

eagle until it ran out of bullets.

"We better get out of here" Khalid spoke

up after Mr John stoped shaking

We all agreed and as we were about to

leave, Mr John woke up again but not as

a human but as an infected

Kevin gunned him down before he

even had the chance to move

'Let's go" he said as he started walking towards the door.

We all headed towards the door but

stoped right in our tracks as the horde

which had chased us earlier stormed

into the Wal-Mart.

We were all surprised as we saw this

and it was a matter of seconds before

they spotted us.

"Fuck. Run!" Khalid yelled as he turned

and we all dashed towards the back.

"There should be another exit door

somewhere" Richard yelled looking

around the room while still running.

"Over there" Lisa yelled pointing

towards the adjacent direction and we

saw a door with a sign that read exit

above it.

We all headed for the door but stoped

right in our trackS once again as the

door swung open revealing another

horde of infected that immediately

started gushing him.

"Fuck" I heard Khalid who was at the

fore front curse as he shot two infecteds

that were heading for him.

He changed his direction and we all

followed still searching for another exit but found none

"How about there" I said pointing at a

door, it had a sign that read staff only

above it but it was our only shot at not

getting eaten by people who has risen

from the dead.

We all changed our direction and

headed for the room, when we were

about to get to the door, Khalid shot

another infected person who was

dressed in the Wal-Mart staff's uniform.

When we finally got to the door, he

tried to open it but it was locked.

Try to get that door open" beth yelled

as she started shooting down infecteds

and Kevin also joined her.

As they both shot down infecteds,

Khalid and Richard went shoulder first

at the door trying to get it open but both

groan and clutched their shoulders in

pain. The door was very strong

As my eyes scanned the environment

for any thing that could help open the

door, I spotted a bunch of key on the

staff Khalid had shot earlier. I quickly

ran to him grabbed the keys and ran

back to Khalid and Richard.

I handed the keys to Richard as Khalid went to join Kevin and Elizabeth in

shooting the increasing infecteds.

"Richard get that door opened now!"

Elizabeth yelled.

I and Lisa watched as Richard

frantically tried different keys on the

bunch but none of them was working.

"Shit, I'm out" I heard Khalid say as he

stoped shooting the infecteds which

were now getting closer to us.

Suddenly I heard a click and Richard

pushed the iron door open, we all

entered and Richard closed the door

back immediately locking it.

After he did this, I looked around the

room and found out that we were in a

storage room and the door was really

strong and was not going to budge

anything soon as the infecteds were

pounding on it but the bad news was

that their was no any window or any

other door apart from the one we had

come through ...we were trapped.

We've been in the storage room for

eight hours now and we were all

starving. Apparently I was the only

one who packed edible items into my

bag and it had fallen while we were

running to safety.

Lisa just sat in a corner crying her eyes

out probably because her elder siblings;

mark and erica were dead and she

wasn't sure if her parents are even also


Elizabeth also sat on the ground as

silent sobs shook her. Khalid was trying

to comfort her will Kevin just kept

peeping out through the key hole and

Richard was just pacing back and forth

in the storage room.

I had also sat in a corner and cried

and cried and cried but stoped when

there was no more tears to cry, Donald

is dead, I don't know if my parents are

alive, we had lost a lot of people along

the way and we're probably the only

people left in the world, speaking of the world, the world has been destroyed

and a zombie apocalypse is literally

happening. How the fuck are we even

going to survive.

Zombie apocalypse only happened in

movies and such but this is real life, I

suck at self defense and I'm not even fit

at all, I can't run just 250 feet without

passing out.

"We need to get out of here, we are

losing day light" Kevin said breaking

the comfortable silence.

"How?, does infecteds are still inside the

Wal-Mart wondering around and we've

only got 25 bullets" Richard stated,

pointing at the bullets that laid on the


Kevin sighed and Richard continued

his pacing back and forth in the empty

storage room.

Why the hell is this storage room even

empty, aren't they suppose to contain


I was snapped out of my trance as Lisa

spoke up,

"Well we can't stay here forever" she

said, her voice coming out hoarse probably due to the crying.

"I agree with her, we can't stay here

forever, we would have to go through

the door" Khalid suggested.

"There is more than a hundred

infecteds out there and we've only got

25 bullets!, how the hell do you expect

us to make it out of here alive" Kevin

yelled in frustration

"Well if you to stay here and rot, then

be my guest but I'm getting out of here

with or without you" Khalid snapped

back as he stood up.

He walked to the bullets and picked

them up, he inserted ten into one

magazine, another ten into another

magazine and the remaining five into

another magazine.

He inserted the magazines into three

M4A1 rifles and toseed one to beth and

another to Richard then carried the one

containing five bullets for himself.

"Why don't I get any gun" Kevin asked

his face burning with anger.

"Because you suck at shooting and

Richard is a better shooter than you"

Khalid said as he walked past Kevin and

towards the door. "We are getting out of here now he added with a look of

determination on his face.

He collected the key from Richard and

inserted it into the key hole as I, Lisa

and Beth stood up.

"As soon as I open the door we all Sprint

for the exit and remember, we all have

have each other's back" he said as he

gave us all one last glance and unlocked

the door.

As he did this, he swung the door open

and shot two of the nearest infecteds as

beth shot one and Richard shot another


We all ran towards the exit as the other

infecteds had now noticed us and were

making their way towards us.

Khalid bent down picking Lisa's fire axe

in which she had also dropped earlier

stabbing a close infected in the head

and beth took out another one which

was coming close to him. They both

gave each other a glance and nodded

before continuing towards the door.

Khalid secured the front as he kept

on killing infecteds with the axe and

Richard and beth secured the back.

We kept running for what felt like eternity betore I heard Richard and

Beth both say they were out of bullets.

We just kept running but was cut

off from our path as about twenty

infecteds suddenly appeared. Khalid

gunned down the three closest one's

and quickly made a hard left, we all

followed in tow.

After making this left, Khalid made

another two and another right but after

that, I lost track of the lefts and right

and suddenly the lights which a backup

generator powered suddenly went off

bathing us in total darkness.

Great. Now we are stuck in a maze-like

Wal-Mart full of mutated people trying

to eat u1s.

I slowed as I colided with something

hard, it was a shelf and as I collided

with it, most of it's contents poured on

the ground.

"Fuck, Ella" Kevin who was behind mne


We had now stopped running and were

walking slowly trying to find a way out

of this Wal-Mart.

I could hear Khalid groan occasionally

signalling he was killing an infected.

"Wait, I've got a flashlight in my

bag" Lisa said as she dropped the

backpack she was carrying and started

rummaging through it.

Everybody was carrying a backpack

except me and I was still the only one

whose backpack contained food stuffs.

"Found it" Lisa whispered as she slung

her bag back over her shoulder and

switched it on to reveal the horde of


"Shit! Run!" Khalid yelled as he as he

turned and dashed towards the back.

I was really glad Lisa had put on the

touch because if she didn't, we would

have literally walked right into our

death by ourselves.

Elizabeth who was at the back stoped

right in her tracks forcing me to collide

with her and push her forward and as

this happened, a loud scream escaped

her mouth causing Lisa to shine her

touch at her and making me realize

what I had just done.

I had just killed my elder sister, their

was another horde in her front which

was the reason why she stoped but as

I collided with her, I pushed her to the

hands of the infecteds causing them to bite into diffferent parts of her and the

soon gathered over her devouring her

as if she was a big bowl of delicious ice


A single tear found it way down my

cheek, I had just killed my sister and I

was going to die soon too.

We were trapped between two shelves

and infecteds blocked our two ways out

as they were all now rushing towards

usgetting out of the storage room was

a really bad Idea.

We all gathered in a small circle losing

all hope as the infecteds neared us and

suddenly Khalid kicked the shelf in

front of him, causing it to go crashing


He quickly jumped to the new pathway

he had just made and we quickly

followed narrowly escaping the grasp

of the infected but we were not totally

safe as they continued towards us.

When we were in the other row, I

could see dim light reflecting into the

Wal-Mart and I informed the others.

We all dashed towards the light and

when we came out from between the

fallen shelf and the erect one, we all

saw the Wal-Mart doors. I have never been so happy to see a

Wal-Mart's door in my life.

We all dashed towards the door as

Khalid swung it open instantly killing

two infecteds that was near the black

lexus with the fire axe but I was

shocked as I realized the Range rover

wasn't where we left it anymore, it

wasn't even in sight at all but I couldn't

worry about that now as the infecteds

were still hot on our heels.

We all ran into the lexus and luckily

it contained us and Khalid roared the

engine to life and drove off hitting

two infecteds and getting away fromm

the grasp of another four behind the


I looked back at the Wal-Mart where I

had lost my sister and sighed heavily as

I slumped back into my seat.

But the bright side was finally we

escaped the Wal-Mart's maze of death.

We drove for about thirty minutes with

Richard giving Khalid the direction to

our house. We had to pass the long way

home and the sun was setting fast and

before I knew it, it was dark. Another ten minutes passed before our

house started coming into view and

Khalid drove to it.

Richard got down and opened the

garage door and Khalid drove in.

When we were in, and Khalid had

stopped the car, we all got down

and headed into the house with the

remaining four backpacks.

Immediately we got in, I noticed that

the house landline had a red dot

blinking on it which meant there wasa

voicemail on it, I was actually shocked

that that thing was still working

even though the power was out then

I remembered we had a backup


I ran to the phone and picked it up and

the voicemail mail started to play

"Hello, I have been trying to reach y'all

phones but the call hasn't been going

true, hope you are okay, there are some

weird people going around and biting

people and they got your dad and Lisa's

parents*sniffs* if anyone out of you

all is listening to me, I heard there is

a military zone that is safe and that's

where I'm heading to, it's located at--

Aaaahhhhhhh!" A loud scream took over as snarls and groans started to

sound and the call hanged up.

I couldn't help the sob that escaped

my mouth and I realized I wasn't the

only one crying, Lisa was also crying,

apparently everyone had also heard

the voicemail and everyone was

quiet except for me and Lisa who just

continued to cry, Richard just went to

sit on the couch and started looking at

the ceiling while trying to hold back


I ran into my room, locked the door and

crashed on my bed as my body shook

with uncontrollable ugly sobs.

I thought of how I had just caused

my sister's death, I thought of my

parents deaths, I thought of donald's

death, I thought of how the world had

now turned into a zombie infested

wasteland and me having zero chances

of survival.

As this thoughts ran through my head,

more and more kept coming and I just

kept crying. Is this the end of humanity

as we know it, how are we even going

to survive, most of these foods will start

to expire so how are we going to eat.

As more and more of this horrible

+ha1chte oto tod in foctin a mT7 mind thoughts started infesting my mind,

I started regretting being one of the

survivors and I actually thought of

something I have never thought of


I was not the suicidal type but right

now suicide seemed like the only

thing that could solve all my problems

but then I remembered the people

downstairs, I remembered Richard, I

remembered Lisa, I was probably the

only person she had left.

Her parents and all of her siblings

were also dead and she did not think

of committing suicide but I that have

Richard thought of that.

I quickly shrugged off the thought of

committing suicide and just curled up

on my bed crying and crying.


I didn't know when I slept off but I did

at some point. I stood up from my bed

to come face to face with my reflection

in my mirror, my eyes were all red and

puffy dew to all the crying and my face

was very pale.

I checked my alarm clock and saw that

I had only slept for an hour so I put on my slippers and headed out of my


I went downstairs to meet all the bags

unpacked, I stared around the living

room and saw different kind of stuffs

and the nice smell of macaroni and

cheese scented my nose but I really

didn't have an appetite right now.

"Hey, I was about to come and call you

for dinner" Richard spoke first

"T'll skip dinner tonight" I replied

uninterested in eating.

"Tm not the one who prepared it"

Richard stated trying to make me eat.

"Still don't feel like eating"

I walked pass him to meet Lisa and

Kevin eating but I just passed them too.

Khalid was tampering with something,

a radio, he spoke into it occasionally

and roll something but looked

frustrated as noting happened. I went

to meet him and sat across him as he

continued to do stuffs with the radio.

"Hey" he greeted

"Hey" I greeted back. "What are you doing"

"I heard your mum say that there was

a safe zone but she wasn't able to say

where so Im thinking the people in

charge of the safe zone should put out

word on a frequency but I haven't

gotten any luck" he explained and I just


He continued tampering with the radio

when Richard walked in,

"Could you guys please come to the

dinning" he requested before walking

back to the dinning room.

Khalid dropped something for the radio

on the table and stood up as we both

headed to the dinning.

"We can't stay here any longer than

tonight" Richard said, "it's not safe in

the city and that horde may still be after

us so we have to leave" he continued.

"Leave and head where?" Kevin asked.

"Are you getting any luck on getting in

contact with the safe zone?" Richard

asked, facing Khalid.

"No" he answered simply. "My parents had an house in the woods

but it's technically mine now since they

are dead *clears throat*, it's far from

city and in an isolated place so if we

don't get in contact with the safe zone

that can be a plan b" Kevin said

"It will be har--" Khalid was about to

talk but was cut off as the radio he had

been tampering with came on.

"Hello, if there is any body out there

and you are hearing me, there is a safe

zone in Carson city, it is well guarded,

we have food and supplies. It is located

in the former military base towards

stilan street-" The radio stopped

working as the power went off. The

backup generator was probably out of


"You heard that, that's the location of

the safe zone" Kevin said happiness

covering his features as he jumped in

the air in excitement.

A smile actually made it's way to my

lips and the same happened to the rest

of the group but the only problem was

that Cason city is a four days drive from


We were going to have to spend four

days out there all by ourselves, in just less than a day I almost died for up

to..a thousand times!.

I sighed in frustration, it not like I had a

choice anyways.

"Alright everyone you better get some

rest because tomorrow we are heading

to cason city" Khalid said the joy

obvious in his expression.

So we were going to spend four days

in the middle of the road in a zombie

apocalypse, I just hope we all survive.

I froze at the sound of the gunshot and

thud for a few seconds before I and Lisa

opened the gate and stormed out to see

who was shot and to my relief Ashley

Andrews the psychopath was still

holding an alive Kevin at gunpoint.

I then realized it was an infected

person that was shot but my relief was

short-lived as the psychiatric patient

pointed the gun in her hand to I and

Lisa and I realized I did a very stupid

thing by jumping out without any sort

of weapon.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Ella Daniels"

the seventeen years old girl in my front

spoke dramatically.

"Neh, neh, neh. If it isn't the bitch that

killed her parents" I spat in a mocking

tone obviously pissing her off as she

pointed the gun from Lisa to me. "Oh

go ahead, kill me like you killed your

parents" I spat again.

She clenched her teeth before speaking."I would have shot you if not because

I really want to know where this safe

zone of yours is but trust me, that

doesn't change much. I could just

torture you till you tell me where it is"

she laughed which disgusted me.

"You told this psychopath about the

safe zone?" I questioned Kevin with my

eyebrowS up.

"The she-demon had a gun to my head"

he replied.

"You guys do realize I am right here,

right?" Ashley asked.

"Wait, I'm confused. Who is the

motherfucker holding a gun?" Lisa


That asshole is a crazy bitch who killed

both her parents. She is literally crazy.

She has some weird brain disease

and she killed the same parents who

refused to let her be admitted into a

psychiatric hospital"I explained.

"You can see me standing here" she

growled, frustrated as no one paid her

any attention.

"I heard she killed her parents and cut

out their hearts then cooked and feed them to stray cats" Kevin announced.

"What I heard was that she was the one

who ate the hearts" I commented.

"Helloooo. I'm the girl with the gun


"Oh. I think I've heard of her story. So

she is the girl who said her parents

heart said she should eat them" Lisa


I was about to talk but was cut off as I

heard a gunshot. It was Ashley who shot

the sky to gain our attention.

"If you don't tell me where your safe

zone is, I' blow his heads off!" Ashley

hissed pointing the gun to Kevin once


I started panicking not because of the

crazy girl that pointed a gun to my head

but because of Richard.

I saw him coming from a distance but

what was making me worry was the

fact that he was covered in blood and

Khalid wasn't with him. He wasn't

with the duffle bag that is supposed to

contain a lot of guns but he was with

just one desert eagle.

I tried to distract Ashley until he snuck

up behind her and placed the desert

eagle to her head.

I could see her body tense as the barrel

of the gun came in contact with her


"Drop it" Richard ordered in a serious


Ashley started placing the gun on the

ground slowly but when it was finally

on the ground, she gave Richard

a roundhouse kick which left him

stunned for a few seconds and that sent

the gun in his hand flying a few feet

away from him.

I was about to quickly pick it up but

Ashley beat me to it. She picked up the

gun and pointed it at us all until she

picked up her own gun and pointed it to

us also.

"All of you get on your knees" Ashley

ordered as she shot two infecteds that

were making their way towards us.

We all did as she said and got on our

knees in a row.

"How the hell did a physicatric patient

like you survi-" Kevin began but was cut off as Ashley shot at him but

fortunately she missed as the bullet

slightly grazed his ear.

"Trust me, next time I won't miss" she

stated in a serious tone before pointing

the gun in her right hand at a Kevin

who was now clutching his left ear. "So

tell me, where is this safe zone and I'l

not ask one more time"

I saw her index finger wrap around the

trigger as she was about to shoot.

"Wait" Kevin began causing Ashley to

release her finger from the trigger. "It's

at c" Kevin added before he was cut

off by Khalid.

"Drop it" Khalid ordered not making the

same mistake as Richard as he stayed a

few feet away from Ashley, pointing the

gun at her head.

My mind was now at rest when I

realized there was no bite mark on him

and he had the duffle bag which looked

like it contained some guns.

"I won't repeat myself!" He yelled as he

switched off the safety of the gun.

Ashley hesitantly dropped the two guns

in her and Richard picked them up. "Get on your knees" Khalid ordered as

he gave us the bag of gun. I opened the

bag to find a lot more than I expected.

The bag contains about six or seven

M4A1 rifles, 15 glock pistols, eight

dessert eagles, a lot of magazines for

each guns and four hand grenades.

I started to wonder how Khalid carried

so much load with one hand when I

tried to carry it but failed.

"What do we do with her" Khalid asked

using the glock in his hand to gesture at


"Shoot her in the ear then cut her heart

out and feed it to stray zombies" Kevin


"How about we just tie her up and drop

her in the mist of the infecteds as a

goodbye gift" Lisa suggested.

"We could keep her in the trunk of the

lexus and drop her down when we

need a distraction for the infecte"

Richard began but was cut off by me.

"Where's Ashley?" I asked when I

realized she wasn't where she was

supposed to be. "Over here" that weirdly hoarse voice of

Ashley replied.

We all spun around to look at Ashley

who was now holding something in her

hand, it looked like a ..bomb.

Hey lovelies, so this is the end of

chapter nine and the new character has

been introduced.

Thanks to those of you who read the

story till this place and voted and

commented along the way. Thank you

all so much.

Please do remember to vote, follow and

comment your thoughts on this chapter.

All sorts of feedbacks are highly





Vote for me

(Fade out).