Chapter Two

Adventurers Triumph

"Woah, woah, woah, just calm down

and drop the bomb" Khalid tried to

calm a really angry Ashley.

"Drop the damn bomb or I'll blow your

fucking brains out" Kevin who had now

picked a gun yelled.

He shot two infecteds that were making

their way towards us.

"Don't come near me!" Ashley yelled as

she pressed a button on the bomb but

nothing happened.

I was relieved but my relief was

short-lived as Ashley spoke.

"If you shoot me and I let this button

go, we all go ka-boom" the psychiatric

patient threatened. "But if you want

me to stop the bomb from exploding,we could all just go to the safe zone

together, trust me I'll be a meaningful

addition to your little group here" she


How the hell could a crazy girl outsmart

us all, she must be one smart crazy girl

I thought as three infecteds started

approaching us and Kevin gunned them

all down.

"Or we could all walk away from you

and leave you to die alone" Richard

hissed as he also shot one infected

person with a gun he removed from his


"If anyone of you should take a step, I'll

leave this button and we all go ka-boom

and die so the only choice you have

now is to just agree with me and we

shall all go to the safe zone together.

Having one more person in your group

can be a good thing" Ashley tried to

convince us.

"Why the hell would we want a crazy

person in our group" Lisa spoke as she

neared Ashley and Richard gunned

down another infected.

"Nuh, uh uh. Don't even take one

more step if not ...ka-boom" Ashley

threatened."I don't think you would want to kill

yourself like you killed your parent...or

maybe I am wrong, maybe you are a

natural born murderer" I said, pissing

Ashley off.

"Yes I am a natural born killed and I

can kill every single one of you right

here right now so you better watch you

mouth" Ashley hissed and Kevin shot

another infected.

"If we allow you to come with us, you

will stop the bomb from going off and

we will go our separate ways once we

reach the safe zone?" Khalid asked.

"Yes. It's as simple as that" Ashley

giggled weirdly.

"You can come with us but on two

conditions" Khalid spoke and we were

shocked at his offer.

"And what is that" Ashley asked as

Richard shot another infected.

"We won't tell you the specific place but

we will take you there and you won't

have any weapon with you" Khalid

stated his conditions.

"But what if I get attacked by an

infected, I should be allowed to carry at least one weapon" Ashley negotiated.

"We are the ones making the conditions

here" Khalid replied in a strict tone and

Kevin shot two infecteds.

"And I am the one with the bomb"

Ashley stated raising the bomb in her

hand into the air.

"Alright you get to keep a weapon and

just one" Khalid agreed.

"I think Il keep my trusty bomb with

me so that if you change plans or

anything like that we all go ka-boom"

Ashley said as she did some things to

the bomb in her hand. "If we are going

to work together I think we wouldn't

want to be pointing guns at each other"

she added, facing Richard who was

pointing his gun at her.

"Put the bomb away first" Kevin

demanded and with that Ashley put the

bomb in her pocket and Richard started

to lower his gun slowly as Kevin shot

another three infecteds.

Richard was about to put his gun in

the belt that Khalid gave us but stoped

midway as he quickly shot Ashley in the

left knee. She screamed and winced as she got

down on her right knee and blood

started to flow out if the fresh wound.

Khalid immediately walked to Ashley

and took the bomb away from her.

"I can't believe you actually thought

we were going to go to the safe zone

together" Khalid spat as he walked

away from her. It looked like Khalid

and Richard had planned the whole

thing while they were coming or


"What do you expect from a dumb

psychiatric patient" Richard hissed. Lisa

and I were very shocked at what had

just happened and Kevin just looked


"What should we do with her" Kevin

asked not taking his eyes off Ashley

who was still riding in pain.

"Let's just leave her here, she'll either

bleed out or get eaten" Richard said

with a look of disgust on his face.

"I got the keys to the pickup truck"

Kevin said bringing out the keys from

his pocket.

"And I've got the guns" Khalid grunted as he carried the heavy bag

"Are you guys done with the packing"

Richard asked Lisa and I and we both

nodded yes.

"We'll go get the bags out while you

bring the pickup truck" I stated and

we all started walking away from a

still bleeding Ashley but stoped as she


"Please, please let me follow you guys,

I'm not a bad pers-" she began but was

cut off as Kevin shot her second knee


We all stared at Kevin giving him

an awkward look as Ashley kept

screaming in pain.

"What? I'm wasn't going to listen to

one of those fake boring pleading

speeches and later get betrayed by that

bitch" Kevin muttered as he continued

towards the pickup truck and the rest of

us went to pack the luggage.

It took a few minutes for us to get all the

luggage out but when we did, we put

them all inside the pickup truck and

we were know waiting for Khalid and

Richard who had gone to get gasoline for both vehicles.

We waited for a few minutes before

they arrived with four kegs of gasoline

and we poured two into the Lexus and

the other two into the pickup truck.

Khalid handed us all two glock pistols

each and we all inserted it into our belt

then he gave us one M4A1 each which

we slung around our neck.

The gun was heavy but Khalid insisted

we had it on us at all times for safety

measures. We all looked like soldiers

who were going for war just remaining

the black lines across our faces and the

military uniform and boom, we were


After packing the loads and we all

had our weapons, Khalid and Richard

entered the pickup truck with Khalid in

the driver's seat and I, Lisa and Kevin

entered the Lexus with Kevin in the

driver's seat.

Khalid and Kevin both started the

vehicles and started driving away

slowly. I 1looked back at Ashley who

was now laying on the ground either

unconscious or dead then faced front

back as I swallowed hard. I looked at the small watch I had worn

to keep track of time and it read 8:42


I slumped in my seat as Kevin drove

up hill and when he was at the top of

the hill, I looked back down on our

beloved city of Entila, it now looked

like a battlefield and it was completely


This was supposed to be a good view

but it wasn't, it wasn't a good one at

all. The city went out of my eyesight

as Kevin descended the hill and our

journey started.

The journey began, the journey to

safety, the journey to peace of mind.

The four days journey that would take

us away from this crazy place and to a

safe zone. I knew it wasn't going to be

an easy journey but I just hoped we all


We have been driving for just eighteen

minutes but it has felt like eternity. The

whole ride has been silent except for

the music that was playing.

Kevin had found the disc inside the

glove box a few minutes ago and he

inserted it into the player and it turned

out to be a mix of different songs.

I looked at my watch for the thousand

time and it read 9:01 AM. I goaned as

I looked out the window but the view

wasn't pleasant at all.

Part of the reasons I liked traveling

when the world was still normal was

because of the beautiful view that

always stayed behind the window but

now it wasn't there anymore.

That beautiful view had now been replaced by a horrible one. It had been

replaced by burnt cars, overturned

vehicles which littered the road

and caused Kevin to swave the car

unexpectedly very often, destroyed

buildings, blood smears, a horrible

stench, and an infected every now and


If the apocalypse hadn't happened, Ill

have been in a math class by now and

probably muttering curse words at Mr

baldie. Baldie.

He was probably either dead or

infected by now just like almost every

other person I knew.

Donald, Jack, Debby, Mr John, Mark

(Lisa's elder brother), Erica (Lisa's

eldest sister), my parents, Lisa's parents,

Ashley, she deserved it though, that's

if she's dead which she probably is

and.Elizabeth, my sister that I killed.

I blinked a few times to stop tears from

rolling down my cheek as memories I

had with her swam across my mind.

If only I had stopped a second before

I did, Elizabeth would have still been

with us by now.

"So what do you think the safe zone will

be like" Kevin asked trying to start a be like" Kevin asked trying to start a

conversation but I wasn't really in the

mood for that so I allowed Lisa to do the


"Probably a large compound with a

really big fence" Lisa spoke.

"What about you Ella, what do you

think it will be like" Kevin asked as he

looked at me through the inner mirror

for a second then placed his eyes back

on the road.

"I don't know, probably not like

paradise" I muttered and after that the

car was silent again with only the music

still playing.

I started dozing a few minutes later and

before I knew it, I fell asleep.


I woke up and realized that the car had

stopped moving. We were now packed

behind the pickup truck and there was

no one inside the truck.

"Oh, you are awake" I jolted at the

unexpected voice of Lisa from the

driver's seat.

"Where's everyone?" I asked wearily rubbing my eyes.

"We all decided to take a break like to

pee, eat and stuffs like that and the guys

are still urinating" she ansvwered as she

munched on two pieces of bread stuck


I looked at my watch and it read 1:34

PM. I was surprised I slept for that long

but I was thankful we were already in

the afternoon and there hasn't been any

problem so far. Just a few more hours

and day one out of four will be over.

"Want some?" Lisa asked handing me a

tray with about five sliced breads and a

small jar of peanut butter.

"Yes!" I answered. My last meal was

yesterday morning and that was just

an energy bar and a juice box. I found

myself wondering how I even survived

without eating anything for so long and

didn't even noticed.

I picked a slice of bread and layered

it with peanut butter then covered it

with another slice and started eating it.

It was as if I was getting hungrier after

every bite I took so I quickly finished

the one in my hand and made another

one. "You do know we have to manage our

food right" Lisa looked at me with her

eyebrows up.

"My last meal was yesterday morning

and it wasn't even an actual meal" I

spoke with a mouthful of bread.

"Okay, but that's the last one" Lisa spoke

in a warning tone.

"Yeah yeah" I replied in a durrh tone

as that was the last slice of bread


I took the last bite and the door beside

me suddenly swung open to reveal


"You are awake" he stated the obvious

as he sat beside me and I could see

Richard and Khalid enter the pickup


I covered the peanut butter jar and

placed it in the cup holder then threw

the bread nylon away.

Richard started the pickup truck and

Lisa did as they did and a few seconds

later they started driving with Lisa in


After finishing my bread, I was still

hungry but I knew we had to manage

food till we got to the safe zone so I

decided to keep that to myself.


The drive was silent but the music

was still playing. I had not sighted any

infected for a while which was giving

me an eerie feeling and we've driven

for another one hour. It was now 2:42


"So what did you see when you barged

into my room?" Kevin asked in a low

tone so that Lisa could not hear him. He

had a weird smirk on his face which

made me smile a bit.

"Nothing but a tiny toothpick"

He raised his eyebrows, a bit surprised

at my reply and I just realized I said

that out loud. It was supposed to be said

in my mind.

I looked away feeling a bit shy as I felt

my cheeks heat up but I could still feel

Kevin's eyes on me.

"It's actually pretty big" Kevin said with

his brows still up. "Nah. I know what I saw" I replied,

giggling a bit.

"I am the owner so I should know better

than you who just saw it for the first

time and only for a split second" Kevin


"Who told you I haven't seen it before" I


"T'm really sur--" Kevin was about to

talk but I cut him off.

"Why should we even be having this

conversation" I said, feeling weirdly

uncomfortable with the discussion.

"I'm the one who is supposed to be

asking that" Kevin stated.

"But you are the one who started the

Conversa-" I was about to speak but

was cut off as I involuntarily lunged

forward almost hitting my head on the

head rest in my front but Kevin was

quick enough to stop me by placing his

hand between me and the chair.

He quickly removed his hand and gave

me an awkward smile as he realized

where his hand was. It was on my..I1

just probably skip that. "Sorry" Lisa spoke up, looking at us

through the inner mirror.

"Why did we stop?" Kevin asked while

trying to see what happened but we

couldn't see anything because of the

pickup truck that was obstructing our


Richard and Khalid both got down and

we all did as they did and as I got down

I saw the reason why we stopped and

we had a really big problem on our


We couldn't go further ...not because

of the infecteds but because of an

everlasting tow of cars. It was as long as

my eyesight could go.

We were on the Entila highway which

is the only way out of this city but the

road was blocked with cars.

It was like everybody in the city was

trying to leave the city when the whole

shit went down but they all ended up

getting stuck here.

There is no way the cars could get

through we were going to have to go on

foot.Richard and Khalid walked to us and

when they were in our front, Khalid

spoke up.

"What do we do?" He asked

"Maybe we find another way" Kevin


"There is no other way. This is the only

way out of Entila" Richard countered.

"Well we have to think of something

fast because I don't think it's a good idea

standing here like this" Lisa spoke up,

looking around frantically.

"How about we go on foot?" I suggested

"On what!" Lisa yelled but quickly

brought her voice back down. "We

won't survive out there on foot""Ill man the door" Kevin stated.

"Which door?" I asked as I brushed past

him and he just smiled.

Richard kept bringing down bags

and suitcases while Khalid, I and Lisa

removed anything that didn't seem very

useful but there wasn't much to remove

except for some comic books and other

magazine's Lisa had packed.

"Now what will keep me busy" Lisa

groaned as Khalid threw away her last


After re-packing and all we were stil1

left with about three suitcases, one

duffle bag and five backpacks.

"So who's carrying what?" Kevin asked

as he approached us.

"There are still too many bags" Lisa

replied with her hands on her waist as

she stared at the bags on the ground.

These two bags contains foodstuffs

so we must carry them and the duffle

bag contains all the guns, bullets and

magazines so it's also coming." Khalid

stated, not taking his eyes off the bags.

Those two suitcases contains clothes

sponges and toothbrushes so they are also Coming to pick That suitcase that

contains supplies like touch, batteries

and other stuffs so it has to come too"

He addedd

"What about the remaining three

backpacks" Richard asked.

"The black one contains first aid

kits which is also important and the

blue one has the radio in it" Khalid


"Which radio?" Lisa asked.

"The radio that told us about the safe

zone. I brought it along incase there

was another broadcast of change of

plans or another safe zone that was

closer" Khalid replied.

"And what's in the last bag" Kevin asked

"More ammunition. So which bag do we

leave? Khalid asked.

"I think the radio. It's probably the

heaviest and we might not need it" I


"So the radio it is" Khalid muttered as

he pulled the radio away from the other


He handed Richard the briefcase that bags.

He handed Richard the briefcase that

contained supplies and the bag that

had more ammunition then gave Kevin

one of the briefcases that contained

clothes and a bag that contained

foodstuffs then he himself carried the

last briefcase and the duffle bag and

I and Lisa carried the remaining two


"Alright, so we will just head straigh-"

Kevin was about to talk but was cut

off as an infected just came out from

nowhere and jumped on him knocking

him down and sending his gun flying.

Khalid quickly ran and pulled the

infected off Kevin's before any harm

was made and as soon as he got

the infected off Kevin, he kicked it

backwards and Richard shot it but it

only grazed the ear.

Before we knew what was happening

the infected started running towards us

again but Richard shot again and this

time, the bullet pierced the infected's

forehead and it fell to the ground.

Everyone was silent and startled by

what happened until Lisa finally spoke

up. jumped on him.

Luckily Richard shot it off him right in

time so it wasn't able to bite him.

Kevin stood up and shot another

infected that was in mid-air about to

pounce on him.

Khalid also stopped running then

opened a car door and stayed behind

it then started shooting the infecteds as

if he was in a gunfight with some bad


This gave us the chance to run and as

we reached where he was, Richard did

the same thing as he was doing and

they did this till the remaining infecteds

were dead.

Khalid heaved a sigh of relief which

called my attention to him and when

I looked at him, I saw an infected just

a few feet away from it and as it was

about to jump on him, I shot it in the

head and my target was accurate.

Khalid was startled by the unexpected

gunfire and thud and heaved anotheer

sigh of relief when he realized what

had happened.

"Is it only me or are this things actually "How long do you think the cars

stretches out" I asked, looking ahead,

but seeing nothing but cars. There still

wasn't any sign of life, both the dead

and the undead.

"I don't know, maybe a hundred feet"

Kevin suggested.

"So we would have to trek a hundred

feet?" Lisa asked, shocked.

"Only if you want to survive" Kevin


We all sat in silence for a few minutes

with our guards down but got then back

up as we heard footsteps... and it didn't

sound like just one or two, it sounded

like ten.

The sound was coming from the other

side so we all bent down to stay out of

sight of whatever it was that owned the


As we were trying to get around the car

slowly, I peeked up and saw more than

fifteen infecteds all heading towards

where we were coming from.

We tried as much as possible to stay

out of their eye reach till they went

away and we did so successfully or so I thought.

Lisa was about to say something when

the last infected in their line turned

back and saw her it started running

towards her and this one seemed to be

twice as fast as the one from earlier but

fortunately Khalid was able to shoot it

before it reached us but unfortunately

the sound attracted the remaining


"Shit" I heard Kevin curse. "Run!" He

yelled and we all sprinted toward the

front but we could only run so fast

because of the loads we were carrying.

The infecteds were gaining on us but

we kept running. They were very fast,

even the ones that their legs were bent

at odd angles were still running fast.

I was about to jump over a dead body

when another infected jumped at me

from the middle of two cars. It knocked

me down and was about to bite me but

Kevin was quick enough to shoot it in

the head.

Khalid stayed and shot the two closest

ones then we all continued running

away from the remaining twelve

infecteds. Kevin shot another and it

slumped and fell but one out of them jumped on him.

Luckily Richard shot it off him right in

time so it wasn't able to bite him.

Kevin stood up and shot another

infected that was in mid-air about to

pounce on him.

Khalid also stopped running then

opened a car door and stayed behind

it then started shooting the infecteds as

if he was in a gunfight with some bad


This gave us the chance to run and as

we reached where he was, Richard did

the same thing as he was doing and

they did this till the remaining infecteds

were dead.

Khalid heaved a sigh of relief which

called my attention to him and when

I looked at him, I saw an infected just

a few feet away from it and as it was

about to jump on him, I shot it in the

head and my target was accurate.

Khalid was startled by the unexpected

gunfire and thud and heaved anotheer

sigh of relief when he realized what

had happened.

"Is it only me or are this things actually getting stronger and faster?" Lisa asked.

"Yeah, I noticed butI thought I was just

being paranoid" Kevin replied.

"Well if they are becoming stronger

and faster then we shouldn't stay out

here for too long" Richard stated as he

continued to walk with all of us hot on

his heels.


It has been another three hours and

I couldn't believe we were still in the

middle of the jam packed cars.

We had seen only two infecteds and we

were able to kill them without anyone

getting hurt but it was a bit hard.

I look at my watch and the time was

6:58 PM and it was already getting dark.

"Why is it even getting dark this early"

Kevin spoke out as if he was reading my


"We are in November. It gets dark

early in November. We were supposed

to reset our clock today" Richard

answered starring at the sky.

Tough luck"We have to search for a place to settle

for the night. Sleeping here or staying

out long is not a good idea at all" Khalid


Looks like luck is on our side" Lisa

replied as she pointed to a sign board.

The sign board was advertising a hotel1

just a fevw minutes walk from here.

"We could sleep there for tonight" Lisa

spoke with a hoarse voice. "There's

probably supplies there" she added.

We all agreed on sleeping there and

continued toward it's direction.

After a few more minutes of trekking,

we finally reached the hotel.

It was down hill beside the highway.

We all went down and when we

approached the hotel, Khalid stopped in


He was about to open it when Richard

suddenly held his hand. Richard

knocked on the door loudly twice and

moved back a bit not before pointing

his gun at the door.

"Who the hell do you expect to answer

the doo--" Kevin was cut off as the door swung open and three infected came

rushing out.

Richard shot the closest one and Khalid

shot the remaining two.

We all entered the hotel building at

alert. We all knew there was going to

be more than just three infecteds so we

were cautious.

We scan the whole building and

we were surprised to find no other


I think it will be safer if we sleep

upstairs" Richard's voice broke the


After he said this, we all headed

upstairs and I and Lisa shared a room

while the boys shared another.

A few minutes later, Lisa was already

asleep and I was dozing off already

but as soon as I closed my eyes, I

heard a familiar uncomfortable

sound...snarling and growling.

The sound came from outside and since

my rooom had a window, I walk to it

and opened it then peeked outside butI

was shocked at what I saw. Now I knew

where the infecteds that were supposed to be on the highway had all gone.

They were in the forest and they had

now surrounded the hotel.

Before I knew what was happening,

they broke the doors and a lot of

infecteds stormed into the building and

this was not just the normal infecteds.

This were the faster and stronger ones

and there were more than a hundred of

them gushing in. Probably the people of

Entila who tried to flee when this whole

apocalypse shit started. We were surely

dead this time.

The infected have

started mutating and a lot if them are

entering the hotel.

"Fuck. Lisa get up" I yelled at lisa and

she jumped up almost instantly. She

looked startled at my sudden yell.

I ran around the from frantically

packing our bags and Lisa peeked

outside. After she did this, I heard her

mutter a curse word as she jumped off

the bed and came to join me in packing

our bags.

I switched off the safety of my gun,

pulled the slide and the click of the

bullet entering it's place sounded out

loud, and with this we headed into the


I opened the door of the room the boys

were sleeping but they were not there

and that sent a shiver down my spine.

I looked around to try to see the

direction they went but froze as the

infecteds ran into the hallway.

The flickering lights just added to my

fear as Lisa and I dashed forward. We kept running for a few seconds in

a straight line but were cut off as three

infecteds popped out of nowhere.

We turned a hard right and continued

to sprint to nowhere exactly and after

another few seconds of running, I

stopped right in my tracks and turned

then wrapped my finger around the

trigger and started firing.

I closed my eyes shut not even

bothering to look at who or what I

was firing at and I did this until my

gun stopped which meant I was out of


I opened my eyes back and heaved

a sigh of relief as I saw that all the

infecteds were lying on the ground in a

very large and still growing puddle of

blood so I reloaded my gun with the last

magazine I had and continued to run.

But my relief was short-lived as my

stomach tied itself into multiple knots

and my jaw dropped.

All the infecteds I had just shot were

getting back up and their bones were

making weird sounds as if they were

snapping out and into their positions.

Before I knew what was happening, some of those that are

infected started running towards us

once again.

"Let's go" Lisa yelled as she grabbed my

frozen body and yanked me out of that

hallway and into another.

We kept running for another few

seconds but stoped again as a body

appeared out of nowhere. I was about

to shoot when I heard the anonymous

person talk.

"Don't shoot" an African accent yelled

and Khalid came into view.

"Where's Richard and Kevin'" the

words busted out of my mouth as I ran

towards Khalid.

"I thought they were with you" Khalid's

answer wasn't one I wanted to hear at

all. "They are no-- shit, we have to keep

moving" he added as two infecteds

showed up behind me but Khalid

gunned both of them down almost


After he shot them, we continued down

the hallway for a few seconds before

reaching two doors.

One was an elevator door and the other

door had a sign above it that said stairs but the elevator door had somethings

written on it.

"Don't open, dead inside, keep away,

danger zone" Lisa read the things

Written on the door hastily. "I think we

better pass the stairs" she added.

She opened the door and in a split

second, an infected jumped out but

before it was able to do any damage

Khalid shot it off her.

He ran into the dark stairway and lisa

followed him with me hot on her heels.

I closed the door after entering and

a few seconds later I could hear the

banging of the infecteds.

The stairway was in a spiral form and

I and Lisa followed Khalid who was

already heading down. He shot an

infected and the sound of the gunshot

echoed, obviously affecting us all as we

all grabbed our ears in unison and left

it a few seconds later.

After the ringing in our ears had

stopped, Khalid spoke up. "I think it

would be better if we don't use this

right now" he said and we all nodded as

we continued down the stairs.

We walked for another few seconds before reaching another door with

a sign that read lobby' above it and

luckily there wasn't any other infected

in the stairway but as soon as we

opened the door and entered the lobby,

we all came face to face with about ten

infected and they all started heading

for us.

"Get back!" Khalid ordered as shot an

infected. He wanted to shoot another

one but all we heard was a click which

meant he was out of bullets.

Khalid frantically searched his body for

another magazine as the infecteds were

getting closer to us but he didn't find

anyone but luckily Lisa had one so she

threw it to him and he quickly reloaded

then shot an infected that was only a

few inches away from him.

He shot the remaining within another

few seconds and after they were all

dead we all heaved a sigh of relief then

headed for the door that led out of the


The infected outside the hotel were

far more than the ones inside the hotel

and as soon as they spotted us, they all

started chasing us.

The three of us ran into the thick forest and kept running deeper into it while

trying to lose the infecteds but they

were keeping up.

Khalid stopped every now and then to

shoot any infected that was very close

to us but this time no bullet was fired.

He was out of bullets and unfortunately

there wasn't any other magazine with

bullets in it so we just focused on

running away from the infecteds.

We ran for another few minutes

but when my body couldn't take it

anymore, I called for a break.

While breathing heavily and resting

on my knees I looked around to ensure

their wasn't any infected close by and

there wasn't any so I sat on the ground

to rest a bit more.

Lisa joined me on the ground but

Khalid still stood as he kept looking


I was about to speak but was cut off by

static then a voice.

"Hey, is there anybody there?" Richard's

voice rang out of the walkie talkie that

was placed on Khalid's shoulder.

"Yeah, we are here. Are you guys okay?"Khalid questioned.

"Yeah, we are okay but we seem to be

lost" Richard stated.

"Could you describe what you see and

we'll try to come and find you?" Khalid

replied which made me to give him a

weird look.

We ourselves had no idea of where we

were not to now talk of finding somne

people and getting them out of here.

"I'm seeing nothing but trees but we are

in some sort of clearing. I think" Kevin

was cut off as raster and static sournds

took over his voice.

"We gotta go find them and once we

do, we'll know what to do next" Khalid

ordered and with that, he walked

deeper into the forest with Lisa and I in


It's been like forever and till now we

haven't seen any sign of Richard and


We came across a few infecteds and we

had to take them out with the bottom of

our guns. It hasn't been easy but it was working

I looked at the sky and the full moon

illuminated a dim light unto the forest.

Sounds of crickets and other insects

filled the night silence as we continued

to search for Kevin and Richard and

a few seconds later we approached a

large clearing with a puddle of blood

that started from the center and went

into another side of the forest.

I scanned the area and a small gasp

escaped my mouth as I found Kevin's

walkie talkie lying right beside the

puddle of blood.

I sunk to the ground and started

thinking of our present situation, we

were not sure if Kevin and Richard

were alive not to talk of okay, we had

no bullet or ammo and just a little food,

we are lost in the woods and there is

probably a horde of infecteds right on

our tail. I just really hope we make it

out alive."But Kevin did say they were in some

sort of clearing" Lisa yelled at Khalid.

She wanted us to follow the trail of

blood but Khalid kept saying it couldn't

be for or from them.

"And what if this is a trap" Khalid


"A trap for what, dragons?" Lisa spat

with sarcasm dripping from her voice.

"They could have done this trying to

make a sign for us to follow" I also tried

to convince Khalid.

"If this blood is from one of them, the

person would be probably dead by

now, and I'm very sure it is not for an

infected because their bloods are a lot

darker than this".


His point did make sense but Lisa

wasn't willing to give up easily, "but it

could be for an animal, Khalid please

let's just check it out, we don't know

where we are going anyways and we

have nothing to lose" Lisa pleaded.

Khalid hesitated for a second before

finally agreeing for us to follow the



The three of us followed the trial

of blood for a few minutes before

it suddenly disappeared and was

replaced with tire tracks.

Whoever did this must have dragged a

body from the clearing to a car and the

car drove of, leaving crushed leaves

and shrubs underneath it's track.

"I say we follow the tracks, it could

lead us to Richard and Kevin and to the

road" I suggested and we all did as I

said. We were about to continue our little

journey when an infected appeared

from the side of a tree trunk and started

heading for us.

Khalid kicked it back as it tried to jump

on him then he hit it in the head with

the bottom of his gun, pinned it to the

ground with his foot and hit the head

continuously till thick blackish-red

blood poured out of the side of it's head

and it stopped struggling.

We continued to follow the track for

another few minutes till we approached

a small pathway for cars.

We were now in another side of the

forest so we just continued to follow the

newest tire tracks that were made.

Not many cars have been passing by

recently so spotting the new one was an

easy task.

After following the straight pathway

in the forest, we approached a small

cabin with solar panels on the roof and

a four-sitter pick up truck packed in


Blood smears were all over the boot

of the pickup truck and the smear

stretched to the side of the cabin although we couldn't see what made the

smear from where we were. There was

also guns and other supplies in the boot

of the truck.

We moved closer to the cabin and hid

behind a large boulder as a man with

beards that looked very dirty and

untidy came to the pouch of the cabin.

He removed a cigarette from a pack he

pulled out of his pocket then lit it with

a lighter. He puffed a thick cloud of

smoke as he put the lighter back into his

pocket and brought out a glock from his

trousers waist band.

A few seconds later, another man

came to join him and also did as the

gross-beard guy did. The other man had

beards also but his own wasn't as thick

and dirty and the first guy's own.

I was pretty sure there were more than

two men as I heard ruffling and other

loud noises coming from the house and

before I knew what was happening

three more men came out of the house

with one of them holding a little girl

with a knife pointed to her neck.

The other two were holding an older

woman who seemed to be the mother of

the girl.There was a gun pointed to her head and she had marks and stripes on

her body as if she had been seriously


Blood mixed with sweat and tears all

trickled down her a face as the two men

roughly handled her and brought her to

the front of the cabin.

After all this unfolded, another man

with an ak47 rifle came out of the

house, he looked bigger than the rest

of the gang and from the way he acted,

it was quite obvious that he was the

leader of the group.

He gave a signal to gross-beard and the

other smoker and the two of them went

to the side of the cabin where the blood

smears lead to and a few seconds later,

they both appeared with a dead body.

They were dragging the dead body on

the ground which made another blood

smear and as the woman saw this, she

struggled to break lose from the two

men holding her but to no avail.

"Dre!" She screamed as tears rolled

down her cheeks.

Gross-beard and his smoker friend

dragged the very fat dead body to the

front of the woman who was now on her knees sobbing and the other two

guys holding her left her.

She fell to the ground completely and

loud and ugly sobs escaped her mouth

as she knelt over the dead body.

"So tell us what we want to know or

else she joins Dre" the supposed leader

of the group said while pointing at the

small girl who was also now crying. His

voice was very hash and deep which

sent a shiver down my spine.

"You monsters, look what you've done"

The woman screamed as she clutched

the dead body.

"Answer my question" the leader of the

gang said in a strict tone but the woman

just kept sobbing over the dead body.

"Well then, proceed" the leader said

and the bald guy that was holding the

small girl started to slice her throat

slowly with the girl gurgling, coughing

and gasping for breath. She looked like

she was in serious pain.

"Ella!" The woman screamed as she

stood up and ran to the girl I was

sharing a name with who was now

laying dead on the ground. "You monster-

BANG" the woman was

cut off as the leader of the gang shot her

in the head.

"Search the house and grab anything

useful" the leader ordered, looking

at the two guys who held the woman

and the bald man who slit the little

girl's throat. "You two, take care of the

bodies" he added as he faced the two


The leader of the gang was about

to enter the pickup truck when

two guys came rushing in and they

were dragging an unconscious

body ...Richard's body.

I gasped as I realized this and different

thoughts started flooding my mind.

"Boss!, look at what we found" the older

man among the two yelled.

He was a lot older than the other one

who looked like he was the same age

with khalid.

"Is he dead?" The leader of the gang

asked, reading my mind.

"No, found him and another one

wondering about in the forest but

the other one escaped" the older man

replied, "I thought he was bitten so I did not go after him since his meat was

probably infected" He added.

After hearing this, my heart sunk and

the thought of Kevin being bitten just

made everything worse.

"Tie him up and put him with the other

bodies" the leader ordered and the two

guys holding Richard did as he said.

"We will kill him later" he added.

Few minutes later, the whole gang

members were now all in the pickup

truck. The leader was in the driver's

seat and the gross-beard guy and his

smoking partner were in the passenger


The remaining of the gang were all

cramped up in the back except for the

bald guy who was in the boot of the

truck. He was in the boot with all three

dead bodies and Richard.

After another few seconds, the car

roared to life and they drove off,

leaving dust on their trail.

We waited for a few seconds, and when

we assumed they must have reached a

safe distance, we came out of our hiding

place. Khalid led the way as we followed the

newly made tire tracks on the pathway

for cars.

We followed for what felt like eternity

before the express highway finally

started coming into view.

When we all saw this, we walked faster

and reached the main road a few

seconds later and when we reached the

main road, I was so glad to see that we

were at the end of the jam packed cars.

There was now a free road ahead of us.

"We need a car with a key inside so lets

start searching" Khalid ordered and we

did as he said and fortunately the first

car I approached had a key inside.

We all entered the car and as Khalid

was about to start the car, Lisa spoke


"You guys do realize that Kevin might

still be alive and not bitten but if we

should leave right now, we are leaving

him stranded in the forest" Lisa stated.

"But if we don't go now, Richard will die

in the hands of does cannibals sooner

or later" Khalid replied her. "Ella what

do you think, I think it would be better "Did you hear that" Lisa was the first to

speak up.

"The fact that they would soon kill

Richard or the fact that Kevin is already

bitten" I answered while trying to force

tears back.

"Kevin might not be bitten, the guy said

he thought he has been bitten" Khalid

stated, laying emphasis on the word

thought. "And if we could find some

weapons and catch up with this people

fast, we could rescue Richard" he added

as an afterthought.

"But where are we going to find

weapons or ammo?" Lisa asked


"We could check inside the cabin,

there might be some weapons there" I

suggested and with that Khalid headed

for the cabin.

We followed in tow and when we were

finally at the door, Khalid swung the

door open.

We were all cautious incase there was

an infected nearby or another gang


When we scanned the cabin and made sure everywhere was clear, we agreed

on our various search areas and I was

to search a room.

We split and went to our various search

areas and I went to the room.

I opened the door with a slight creak

following it and when the door was

opened, I walked into the room.

It was just like a normal room

containing a bed, a table in the corner

and a big chair beside the bed. It also

had a bedside stool placed beside the

bed with a lamp on it and a novel.

Beside the stool was a door, a door

probably leading to the closest and

immediately I opened the door I

couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Luck was obviously on our side today

with what I had just seen inside the

closet and for the fact that the crazy

cannibal gang didn't find it.

There were guns, glock pistols inside

the closet, about five and beside the

guns were magazines which were all

filled with bullets and there were also

packs of bullets placed in there.

The other corner of the closet was filled with little foodstuffs. There were

breads, canned beans and some other

foods but they were not very much.

The guns and bullets was obviously

enough for the meantime but we might

have to get more food sooner if we don't

find more food in this house.

Lisa and Khalid entered the room at the

same time with a look that said I found

nothing' on both of them.

"Found anything?" I asked

"Nope" Lisa replied simply and faced


"Me neither" he answered our unasked


"Well look at what I found" I stated as I

opened the door of the closet and Lisa's

and Khalid's eyes lit up.


We ate a little out of the food and

packed the remaining inside some bags

we found.

After eating and packaging, Khalid

shared the guns and we all carried

our bags in preparation for rescuing

Richard and headed out of the cabin. Khalid led the way as we followed the

newly made tire tracks on the pathway

for cars.

We followed for what felt like eternity

before the express highway finally

started coming into view.

When we all saw this, we walked faster

and reached the main road a few

seconds later and when we reached the

main road, I was so glad to see that we

were at the end of the jam packed cars.

There was now a free road ahead of us.

"We need a car with a key inside so lets

start searching" Khalid ordered and we

did as he said and fortunately the first

car I approached had a key inside.

We all entered the car and as Khalid

was about to start the car, Lisa spoke


"You guys do realize that Kevin might

still be alive and not bitten but if we

should leave right now, we are leaving

him stranded in the forest" Lisa stated.

"But if we don't go now, Richard will die

in the hands of does cannibals sooner

or later" Khalid replied her. "Ella what

do you think, I think it would be better if you make the decision on who we are

saving" he added as he and Lisa looked

at me uniformly.

I took a deep breath lost in thoughts

while trying to think of who to save.

So now I am in a dilemma to choose

between two important people in my


If we save one successfully and leave

the other, he will surely die and now I

am left to make the decision. I am goirng

to have to choose between my brother

and a friend of mine who I might want

to be more than friends with.But Kevin did say they were in some

sort of clearing" Lisa yelled at Khalid.

She wanted us to follow the trail of

blood but Khalid kept saying it couldn't

be for or from them.

"And what if this is a trap" Khalid


"A trap for what, dragons?" Lisa spat

with sarcasm dripping from her voice.

"They could have done this trying to

make a sign for us to follow" I also tried

to convince Khalid.

"If this blood is from one of them, the

person would be probably dead by

now, and I'm very sure it is not for an

infected because their bloods are a lot

darker than this".


His point did make sense but Lisa

wasn't willing to give up easily, "but it

could be for an animal, Khalid please

let's just check it out, we don't know

where we are going anyways and we

have nothing to lose" Lisa pleaded.

Khalid hesitated for a second before

finally agreeing for us to follow the



The three of us followed the trial

of blood for a few minutes before

it suddenly disappeared and was

replaced with tire tracks.

Whoever did this must have dragged a

body from the clearing to a car and the

car drove of, leaving crushed leaves

and shrubs underneath it's track.

"I say we follow the tracks, it could

lead us to Richard and Kevin and to the

road" I suggested and we all did as I

said. We were about to continue our little

journey when an infected appeared

from the side of a tree trunk and started

heading for us.

Khalid kicked it back as it tried to jump

on him then he hit it in the head with

the bottom of his gun, pinned it to the

ground with his foot and hit the head

continuously till thick blackish-red

blood poured out of the side of it's head

and it stopped struggling.

We continued to follow the track for

another few minutes till we approached

a small pathway for cars.

We were now in another side of the

forest so we just continued to follow the

newest tire tracks that were made.

Not many cars have been passing by

recently so spotting the new one was an

easy task.

After following the straight pathway

in the forest, we approached a small

cabin with solar panels on the roof and

a four-sitter pick up truck packed in


Blood smears were all over the boot

of the pickup truck and the smear

stretched to the side of the cabin although we couldn't see what made the

smear from where we were. There was

also guns and other supplies in the boot

of the truck.

We moved closer to the cabin and hid

behind a large boulder as a man with

beards that looked very dirty and

untidy came to the pouch of the cabin.

He removed a cigarette from a pack he

pulled out of his pocket then lit it with

a lighter. He puffed a thick cloud of

smoke as he put the lighter back into his

pocket and brought out a glock from his

trousers waist band.

A few seconds later, another man

came to join him and also did as the

gross-beard guy did. The other man had

beards also but his own wasn't as thick

and dirty and the first guy's own.

I was pretty sure there were more than

two men as I heard ruffling and other

loud noises coming from the house and

before I knew what was happening

three more men came out of the house

with one of them holding a little girl

with a knife pointed to her neck.

The other two were holding an older

woman who seemed to be the mother of

the girl.There was a gun pointed to her head and she had marks and stripes on

her body as if she had been seriously


Blood mixed with sweat and tears all

trickled down her a face as the two men

roughly handled her and brought her to

the front of the cabin.

After all this unfolded, another man

with an ak47 rifle came out of the

house, he looked bigger than the rest

of the gang and from the way he acted,

it was quite obvious that he was the

leader of the group.

He gave a signal to gross-beard and the

other smoker and the two of them went

to the side of the cabin where the blood

smears lead to and a few seconds later,

they both appeared with a dead body.

They were dragging the dead body on

the ground which made another blood

smear and as the woman saw this, she

struggled to break lose from the two

men holding her but to no avail.

"Dre!" She screamed as tears rolled

down her cheeks.

Gross-beard and his smoker friend

dragged the very fat dead body to the

front of the woman who was now on her knees sobbing and the other two

guys holding her left her.

She fell to the ground completely and

loud and ugly sobs escaped her mouth

as she knelt over the dead body.

"So tell us what we want to know or

else she joins Dre" the supposed leader

of the group said while pointing at the

small girl who was also now crying. His

voice was very hash and deep which

sent a shiver down my spine.

"You monsters, look what you've done"

The woman screamed as she clutched

the dead body.

"Answer my question" the leader of the

gang said in a strict tone but the woman

just kept sobbing over the dead body.

"Well then, proceed" the leader said

and the bald guy that was holding the

small girl started to slice her throat

slowly with the girl gurgling, coughing

and gasping for breath. She looked like

she was in serious pain.

"Ella!" The woman screamed as she

stood up and ran to the girl I was

sharing a name with who was now

laying dead on the ground. "You monster-

BANG" the woman was

cut off as the leader of the gang shot her

in the head.

"Search the house and grab anything

useful" the leader ordered, looking

at the two guys who held the woman

and the bald man who slit the little

girl's throat. "You two, take care of the

bodies" he added as he faced the two


The leader of the gang was about

to enter the pickup truck when

two guys came rushing in and they

were dragging an unconscious

body ...Richard's body.

I gasped as I realized this and different

thoughts started flooding my mind.

"Boss!, look at what we found" the older

man among the two yelled.

He was a lot older than the other one

who looked like he was the same age

with khalid.

"Is he dead?" The leader of the gang

asked, reading my mind.

"No, found him and another one

wondering about in the forest but

the other one escaped" the older man

replied, "I thought he was bitten so I did not go after him since his meat was

probably infected" He added.

After hearing this, my heart sunk and

the thought of Kevin being bitten just

made everything worse.

"Tie him up and put him with the other

bodies" the leader ordered and the two

guys holding Richard did as he said.

"We will kill him later" he added.

Few minutes later, the whole gang

members were now all in the pickup

truck. The leader was in the driver's

seat and the gross-beard guy and his

smoking partner were in the passenger


The remaining of the gang were all

cramped up in the back except for the

bald guy who was in the boot of the

truck. He was in the boot with all three

dead bodies and Richard.

After another few seconds, the car

roared to life and they drove off,

leaving dust on their trail.

We waited for a few seconds, and when

we assumed they must have reached a

safe distance, we came out of our hiding

place. Khalid led the way as we followed the

newly made tire tracks on the pathway

for cars.

We followed for what felt like eternity

before the express highway finally

started coming into view.

When we all saw this, we walked faster

and reached the main road a few

seconds later and when we reached the

main road, I was so glad to see that we

were at the end of the jam packed cars.

There was now a free road ahead of us.

"We need a car with a key inside so lets

start searching" Khalid ordered and we

did as he said and fortunately the first

car I approached had a key inside.

We all entered the car and as Khalid

was about to start the car, Lisa spoke


"You guys do realize that Kevin might

still be alive and not bitten but if we

should leave right now, we are leaving

him stranded in the forest" Lisa stated.

"But if we don't go now, Richard will die

in the hands of does cannibals sooner

or later" Khalid replied her. "Ella what

do you think, I think it would be better "Did you hear that" Lisa was the first to

speak up.

"The fact that they would soon kill

Richard or the fact that Kevin is already

bitten" I answered while trying to force

tears back.

"Kevin might not be bitten, the guy said

he thought he has been bitten" Khalid

stated, laying emphasis on the word

thought. "And if we could find some

weapons and catch up with this people

fast, we could rescue Richard" he added

as an afterthought.

"But where are we going to find

weapons or ammo?" Lisa asked


"We could check inside the cabin,

there might be some weapons there" I

suggested and with that Khalid headed

for the cabin.

We followed in tow and when we were

finally at the door, Khalid swung the

door open.

We were all cautious incase there was

an infected nearby or another gang


When we scanned the cabin and made sure everywhere was clear, we agreed

on our various search areas and I was

to search a room.

We split and went to our various search

areas and I went to the room.

I opened the door with a slight creak

following it and when the door was

opened, I walked into the room.

It was just like a normal room

containing a bed, a table in the corner

and a big chair beside the bed. It also

had a bedside stool placed beside the

bed with a lamp on it and a novel.

Beside the stool was a door, a door

probably leading to the closest and

immediately I opened the door I

couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Luck was obviously on our side today

with what I had just seen inside the

closet and for the fact that the crazy

cannibal gang didn't find it.

There were guns, glock pistols inside

the closet, about five and beside the

guns were magazines which were all

filled with bullets and there were also

packs of bullets placed in there.

The other corner of the closet was filled with little foodstuffs. There were

breads, canned beans and some other

foods but they were not very much.

The guns and bullets was obviously

enough for the meantime but we might

have to get more food sooner if we don't

find more food in this house.

Lisa and Khalid entered the room at the

same time with a look that said I found

nothing' on both of them.

"Found anything?" I asked

"Nope" Lisa replied simply and faced


"Me neither" he answered our unasked


"Well look at what I found" I stated as I

opened the door of the closet and Lisa's

and Khalid's eyes lit up.


We ate a little out of the food and

packed the remaining inside some bags

we found.

After eating and packaging, Khalid

shared the guns and we all carried

our bags in preparation for rescuing

Richard and headed out of the cabin. Khalid led the way as we followed the

newly made tire tracks on the pathway

for cars.

We followed for what felt like eternity

before the express highway finally

started coming into view.

When we all saw this, we walked faster

and reached the main road a few

seconds later and when we reached the

main road, I was so glad to see that we

were at the end of the jam packed cars.

There was now a free road ahead of us.

"We need a car with a key inside so lets

start searching" Khalid ordered and we

did as he said and fortunately the first

car I approached had a key inside.

We all entered the car and as Khalid

was about to start the car, Lisa spoke


"You guys do realize that Kevin might

still be alive and not bitten but if we

should leave right now, we are leaving

him stranded in the forest" Lisa stated.

"But if we don't go now, Richard will die

in the hands of does cannibals sooner

or later" Khalid replied her. "Ella what

do you think, I think it would be better if you make the decision on who we are

saving" he added as he and Lisa looked

at me uniformly.

I took a deep breath lost in thoughts

while trying to think of who to save.

So now I am in a dilemma to choose

between two important people in my


If we save one successfully and leave

the other, he will surely die and now I

am left to make the decision. I am goirng

to have to choose between my brother

and a friend of mine who I might want

to be more than friends with.

(she finished narrating the story).

I know this is not the end but it is something I don't want to talk about.

Jake:tell us something more

woman:I don't have anything to tell you. leave my house.

(In the game world)

(An old man (Guardian) gathered a lot of children and he began to tell them the story of some group of teenagers that became the guardians of the game world after they entered a game that they stole).

Guardian:Hey children there was four teenagers that came to this world,they are full of dreams and they have kind hearts. They saved this world and they became the four arms of Guardians.

Luna:can you tell us about them?(she asked).

Guardian:I don't know everything but I will tell you the ones that I know. it was an experience I will never forget. it all began in the normal human world.

(a flashback was shown,this flashback shows Jake, he was sitting on a chair and he was waiting for his friends).

(In a building near a store in California)


(Jake is sitting on a chair in is room, waiting for his friend to come)


Kyla: hey Jack is there anything we need to do today, I saw your call.

(Jake's phone rings)

Jake:(picks up the phone) hello,Kyla,l have been waiting for you guys for the past 20 minutes.

Kyla:(replies Jake) am sorry, I couldn't make it, my mom told me not to see you guys again. she thought I won't focus if I keep on rolling with you guys.

Jake:oh! that's bad.i was about to tell you. I am having the game we all wished to play.

Kyla:Devil and justice right?


Kyla:wow! I will try and sneak out (she hung the call)

Mike:wow! let get prepared before her arrival.

Kyla:(enters the room)(the door swung shut as she enters)hey guys let's get playing and by the way I did not sneak out, my parents are traveling for the next Halloween and I will be spending two months with you guys, No home work and no acting in orders. I am having the whole month to my self.

Mike:wow! that's incredible (he tapped Jack) pass me the game pad.

(the game begins as it narrate the origin of the game)

game:In a place, far,far away, demons reside in the land, they terrorize the people and killed alot of humans. later the company of light was formed and they fought against the demons, this brought justice to the land and the town's name became devil and justice. (a warning sign shows on the screen) not for teenagers, because this looks real.

Jake: we are not scared.

Game: choose a character. Devil or justice

(after finished playing the game.the time is 8:30am)

Mike: we will be late for school, we gotta go Jake.

(Jake dressed up and was about to leave his home for. School

(his mother came in)

Mrs Williams: bye son

(he left the house, he saw a big advert television)

advert: the government are creating a wonderful game for Halloween for all game fans.

Jake:I am gonna play that game.

(after school they planned to meet at Jake's game house which is a giant tree house.

Jake:(he is sitting on a chair) where are these guys

Mike:(comes in) any game on list today.

Jake: let wait for Kyla because I don't have any now.

Klya: (come in) hey guys, did you hear about the game that was created for Halloween. the game is incredible but am afraid we can't. afford it.

Jake: how much.

Kyla: a thousand dollar.

Mike: that's expensive, but I will try and get money from my dad.

Jake: that's great.

(they discussed for about an hour and they went to their various homes)

(they met in school the next day)

Mike:(coming from a direction and saw Jake sitting alone near the flowers) what's wrong

Jake: just meditating (he replied Mike)

Mike: Am sorry bro but I can't get the money from my dad, he as traveling and he won't be home till Christmas

Jake:then if we can't buy it. we will steal it.

(Kyla appears and run towards their direction.

Kyla: hey guys did you get the money


Jake: We are sorry, we will have to play our other Halloween games.

Mike: And we have got class

Kyla: bye! guys

(they departed)

(they met in the night at Jake's place and it is already Halloween, Jake's parents as gone to Malaysia and won't be returning till the end of one month vacation. Mike has the permission if his parents to spend the whole vacation with his friends)

Jake: we need to reach the store

Kyla: to get the game right.

Mike:(he switched on the TV)

TV: the government apologize for not meeting up the demand of the people. the Halloween game is not ready to be played because they have been able to make a copy so far and there is no way they are going to create million in just a day.

Jake: I have an idea

Mike: what is it?

Jake: I think we should steal and return it after Halloween

Mike: yeah!

(they hopped in the car and arrive at the store, they stole the game and they were about to leave when Kyla started questioning them)

Kyla: are you guys sure about this, this is called stealing government assert and we might be imprisoned

Mike: let's go Kyla

Kyla: wait let return it

Jake and Mike: Kyla!!(they shout at her)

(they guards heard and we're rushing to the scene)

police: who is there

(they entered the car and drove off, but the man saw them, on chase, they lost the instruction manual

police: run away van, I need, I need back up, they stole the game, the car as no ID number. repeat it has no number plate

(they escape and reached Jake's place)

TV: three teenagers has stolen the game please return the game it I dangerous, their face were not seen but I know that they are well trained thieves. I am Becky Jones reporting for South Carolina television)

Jake: Switch off that Dawn thing

(they switched off the television and switch on the game their room were fill with illusion and everything changed, there room was volcano in the imaginary building and the house is haunted. Mike jump as he see a ghost and he jumped and fell off the cliff, is falling into the volcano

(curtain falls)

previously on gamers adventure


in a building near a store in California around 6:39 a.m. in the morning Jake was sitting on each chair in his tree house at his backyard waiting for his friend to come. after some minutes Mike entered and they had to wait for Kyla Mike asked Jake that is there anything they need to do today, Jake haven't replied im when is phone rang the phone call was from Kyla Jake pick up the phone and he told Kyla that he has been waiting for them for the past twenty minutes Kyla told him that he couldn't make it to his place because her mum told her not to see Jake and Mike any longer. she thought that she's not serious in school and she won't focus if she keep rolling with Jake and Mike stop Jake was disappointed and he told her that he invited them because he was able to get the game they wish to play Kyla was happy hear and she planned to sneak to Jake's place and she hung the call.Mike and Jake started preparing before our arrival and after some minutes she arrived.

the door swung shut behing when she entered she told them that she didn't sneak out and that her parents will be traveling for the next Halloween so she is going to spend the two months vacation with her friends she was happy that there will be no restrictionsfrom things she love to do no homework and she won't have to ask or any order. Mike tapped Jake and I told him to pass him the game pad. the game was switched on and it began with the narration of the game's origin " in a place, far, far away demons resided in the land. the terrorise the people and killed a lot of humans. later the company of light was formed And they fought against the demons this brought Justice to the land and the town name become devil and justice"the game finished the narration and the warming come up in the screen it says "not for teenagers, because this look real"they were not scared the game asked them to choose between devil or Justice and they chose Justice after playing the game the time was 8:30 a.m. and they thought that they will get late for school, Kyla and Mike left Jake's tree house. Jake dressed up and was about to leave his home for school when his mother came in. she told him " Jake Williams won't you take lunch" and he replied her with I almost forgot, before pecking his mom. he told her good bye she told him good bye too. on his way to school I saw a big adverts television and the advert shows "the government are creating a wonderful game for Halloween for game fans"and he said he's going to play that game. after school, we planned to meet at Jakes game house which is a giant treehouse he was sitting on a chair waiting for them when Mike came in, he asked about the game they are having that day but Jake told him that no game is available and if they can wait for Kyla, she might have something interesting for them to play Kyla comes in and she asked them if they heard about the game that was created for Halloween she said that the game is incredible but she is afraid they can't afford it. Jake asked " how much" and Kyla said a thousand dollars Mike said that it is expensive but he will try to get the money from his dad and this relieved them a little.

they discussed for about an hour and they went to their various home. they may in the school the next day. Mike was coming from a direction and he said Jake sitting alone near the flowers, he asked him what is wrong with him and he replied that he was only meditating Mike then say"I am sorry bro but I can't get the money from my daddy he has travelled with my mum and they won't be back till Christmas. Jake was disappointed and he brought an idea that if they couldn't afford it they should steal Kyla appeared from adirection and asked them if they got the money and Mike reply no Jake apologize and he said "we will have to play our order loading games"when he finished talking, the bell rang and Mike told them that they have class and Kyla told them goodbye

they met in the night at Jake's place and it is already Halloween, Jake's parents has gone to Malaysia and they won't be returning till the end of the two months vacation mike has the permission to spend the whole vacations with his friends "we need to reach the store" Jake said and Kyla asked that I did going to get the game? and Mike switch on the TV before Jake replied her. the newscaster in the television said "the government apologize for not meeting up with demand of the people the Halloween game is not ready to be played because they have been able to make a copy so far and there is no way they are going to copy million of it in just a day"

Jake said that they should steal it and return it after Halloween and Mike agreed. they hopped in the car and they arrived at the store, they stole the game and they were about to leave when Kyla began to question them. she said "are you guys sure about this, this is called stealing the government assets and we might be imprisoned for this" Mike replied her " let go Kyla" but she insisted that they should return it but Jake and Mike shouted at her. the guard heard and we're rushing to the scene and a police officer asked that "who is there" Jake Mike and Kyla entered the car and they drove off but the man saw them on the high Chase they lost the instruction menu " run away van, I need backup disturbed the game their car has no identification number I repeat it has no number plates "the policeman said. they managed to escape they reached Jake's house the year television was still on the newscaster said three teenagers are still in the game please return the game it is dangerous their face was nothing but I know that they are well trained thieves. I am Becky James reporting from South California television"Jake told them to switch off the damn television. the switch off the television and switch on the game their room were filled with illusion and everything changed. they were teleported to an imaginary building in an unknown world and the building is haunted. Mike jumps as he sees a ghost and the jumped and fell of the cliff, he is falling into the fire.

chapter ends



(Mike was falling to his death when Kyla and Jake grabbed him, they pulled him up but he was still screaming)

(A bright light appears in the dark room with the physics of a man dropping from an UFO)

Guardian: I am the guardian of the game world, you have made the greatest mistake of all by coming to the illusion world. didn't you read the instruction that this game is not for teenagers .

Mike:no! but I think we did.

(Flash back)

Game:This game is not for children under 18 years of age. The game is real and you might be trapped in a stage .

Jake:we are the gamers and we are going to play it anyway.

Mike:This instruction is just like that of devil and justice, we played it and nothing happened.

Kyla:we are going to do it.(she switched on the game).

(Mike and Kyla began to cry when they they remembered that they refused to listen to the instruction)

Guardian:you are now in the game, everything looks real but it is an illusion. you will feel every pain and you might die. there is only one way out of this world, head south and pick the flag, take it to the last check point in West.

Mike:(crying) where are we now, can you please tell us(he asked).

Guardian: north.

Jake: can we have compass to guide our ways

Guardian: sure (he gave them a compass and a map then he disappeared, he laughed and his face looks very scary).

Kyla:(she stopped them).

Jake: let's get going guys.

(they began to move, they were very tired and they were walking slowly).

(they enter a room after they jumped over the fire)

Mike: I have a bad feeling about this place.

Jake: what's wrong?(he asked).

Mike: l think it is haunted.

Jake: there is nothing like such and if there are ghost here we need to stick together. if we are together we are strong.

(a sound came out of the cave and it was very loud. Jake,Mike,and Kyla were scared and they were shaking).

lKyla:(screaming) help! help!! help!!!

(the sound increased).

Jake: I think your voice has drawn the beasts nearer to us.

(They pulled her out and they hid themselves in a room)

(They found a man and a woman lying on the bed)

Mike: sir!

The man:who are you people(he asked).

The woman:what do you want.(she asked too).

Kyla: The man is having two face;run!

(They jumped out of the room and they saw seven beasts coming towards their direction. The beasts jumped to attack them)

Kyla:Noooooooooooo....(she shouted).

(The guardian appeared and the four beasts crumbled to death. The other three ran away)

Guardian: You have leveled up. And you are having an upgrade available. you can now use weapons.these guns,knives and sword can kill any form of beasts,ghost or spirit. (He gave them the weapons).

(Their cloth changed to an armor suit and the weapons stayed in their right places on some part of the suit. The guardian disappeared).

Jake:Game on, gamers.

Kyla: let's do this guys.

(They started moving by following the compass they were given by the Guardian and they met the beast on their way to the first check point).

Jake: remember guys, guns can't be used for something that jumps, let's try sword.

Mike:yeah, let's do this.

Kyla:move it guys

(They faced the three beasts one on one)

Mike:how do we kill this things.

Jake: let's try stabbing their chest.

Kyla:I need help,this things will kill me .

Mike:I am almost there.

(Mike killed the beasts that was attacking Kyla and the beasts that he was fighting attacked him. By this time Jake has successfully killed the beast he was fighting and he cut off the head of the beasts that was about to attack Mike).

Mike: thanks brother.

(They moved out of the room and they entered a partly dark room, ghosts were attacking them from the dark side of the room)

Mike: let's use guns.

Jake: watch out! (he shot the ghost, and he vanished like dust)

Mike: thanks, we don't have to wait, let's get going.

Kyla:shoot! (she fired at the two ghost and they vanished)

Jake: I think we should run

(sounds were coming out of the room and unseen things were mumbling, the came out of the room and they sat down to rest)

Kyla: which door among the seven doors (she asked while pointing at the doors they were sitting close to)

Jake: we can sit until we try them

(a loud sound came and it and it shows that something big is heading their way. they ran towards a door and amazingly it was the exit. they got out, they sat at the entrance after locking the haunted house)

(they sat down to discuss)

Kyla: I think we made a huge mistake by playing this game

Jake: no, I don't think so. if we didn't steal it the government would have made a couple of them and imagine the rate of people that will die in this game. Everyone won't be as lucky as we are. I think it is our destiny.

Mike: yeah! Jake is right, if we are here because of a mistake, definitely our mistake is saving millions of life.

Kyla: we are heroes but I miss home

Jake: me too

(they discussed for a long time and they later slept off)

(this was the day one of their journey and they still have long way to go)

(the next day, they were still sleeping then a bottle of beer fell on Jake's head, no one knew where the bottle came from and he was bleeding. he is already losing his consciousness)

(curtain falls)