Chapter Eight

: Border of Dinosaurs:

(they Were standing on the magical Lily when did discovered another Lily s the Lily is. are you thinking what am thinking.

Mike: we should jump from Lily to Lily

Jake: you got it right

Kyla: let's do this on the count of three. one, two... three.

(the jumped to another Lily, they had fun by jumping from Lily to Lily. they thought they had enough fun and they call their dragon. the

dragon item close to them but they were hindered by an unseen barrier. The guardian appeared from his ufo when this happened)

Guardian: the Lily is so happy that you played with it and there is a positive energy barrier that guides their happiness. you can't leave that place through the sky either can you leave by swimming, you have to jump from Lily to Lily till you reach the end.

Jake: how many lilies are here on this water.

Guardian: there are eight thousand, eight hundred, you have passed through one thousand two hundred and fifty six, you have seven thousand six hundred and forty six left

Jake: what the fuck.

Kyla:we have a long way to go.

(The Dragon kept on trying to break the barrier)

Guardian: the barrier can't be broken because it is a positive energy.finish it you have my support.

Jake: let's do this gamers.

Kyla& Mike: oh! yeah

(they started jumping and they managed to jump four thousand. three hundred an forty six before they got tired. Kyla remembered that instead of them going that much forward then, they could have gone back).

Kyla:We could have gone back then...

(She have not finished her speech when the guardian appeared).

Guardian:There is havock down in this water, the beasts are attacking the lilies and they are calling for help. (He disappeared)

Jake:Why should I save lilies when I have a long way to go

Mike:You are right, we are tired already so why should we save anything.

Kyla:Oh my God, I can't save any fucking thing. (She couldn't finish her speech when a water splash came out of the water;it looks like a big bomb explosion. The ground began to shake and Kyla fell inside the water).


Mike:we did not want to save this lilies but Kyla fell onto the water so we have no choice than to save them.

(They jumped into the water and they followed Kyla who is already sinking, they moved close to her and they pushed the third button on her shoulder before pressing their own buttons. They transformed into an armor,diving suit and they started fighting with the beasts).

Jake:We can stop them only if we stick together.

Mike:Roger that...

(They began to save the flowers by fighting the beasts but the lilies made the matter even more worse by polluting the water with plant acidic smoke. Jake, Mike and Kyla could not see the beasts but the beasts could see them, they attacked them several times. But this time Jake, Mike and Kyla killed six among the beasts by shooting without aiming. They slaughtered six and they strangled two to death. They finished the beasts but Jake got a mark on his left side shoulder).

Jake:Oh it is so painful.

Mike:Are you okay Jake?

Kyla:I think he is injured.

Jake:The lilies thought that they are still under attack, so this is a great opportunity. For the next ten minutes, the barrier won't be effective so we have to swim to the other side before the time ends.

Kyla:That is a brilliant idea.

Jake: Let's move guys.

(They moved as fast as they could before the barrier is effective again. They almost reach the end when the barrier began to get effective).

Jake:(He continues)The flowers are activating the barrier again so we have to be fast with our swimming.

Kyla:Do you have any plan? because we don't know the harm the barrier might cause us . Mike:I think I have a plan.

Jake and Kyla:what is your plan (They both chorused).

Mike:,we can just swim back to the lilies. The barrier is getting effective and we are almost at the end line but we can not make it there in time, so I suggest that we should swim back to the surface of the water and continue the jumping from Lily to lilies. There should be little of them left, instead of us trying to swim across the ocean. Don't you know that we might be destroyed.(He speaks as they swim).

Jake: That's a great idea. Gamers!(He pointed at an electric lightning coming towards them).(He continues). Swim to the surface.

(They found their way back to the surface of the water. Jake and Mike were safe but they could not find Kyla).

Mike:Hey thanks goodness we are safe.

Jake: Yeah,but where is Kyla?.

Mike:she should be some where around here.

Jake:(They searched for her but they could not see her)Kyla...

Mike:Kyla...(He shouted)where are you, stop playing pranks on us. Kyla...

(They later saw her sitting on her dragon in the sky, they were amazed how she got pass the barrier).

Jake:Kyla, how did you fly over the electric barrier?(He asked).

Kyla:(speaking while on her dragon)There was a near Miss between I and the barrier and this caused the explosion. it threw me to the sky and I was carried by Riele "her dragon".

Mike:Oh! you are free. How many lilies do I and Jake have left?(He asked).

Kyla:About six hundred and three.

Jake:Ahhhhhhhh(He exclaimed while he left his mouth wide opened).

Kyla:why do you need to jump from Lily to lilies. The barrier is broken already so you can just fly over them with your dragons.

(Jake and Mike called their dragons and they sat on them, they flew from where they were standing earlier to the other side of the ocean. At the beach,they sat down to rest and the guardian appeared coming out of his UFO).

Guardian:Hello stubborn punks.

Jake,Mike and Kyla:Hello Guardian.

Guardian:You guys found the fastest way to finish the Lily jump, you guys were awesome.(He saw the mark on Jake's shoulder) What's this?(He asked) you got a mark from those beasts.

Jake:yeah it struggled to leave but I did not leave it and I got this mark from the beasts beneath the ocean.

Guardian:This is not just a mark, it is a mark of revenge and it is the mark of the evil beasts that lives beneath the ocean. I don't think I can heal this.(He stretched his and he held Jake by his shoulders. He tried to heal the scar but the scar was not ready to close up). I knew it, this is what I feared the most. It doesn't have a cure, you will become a beast like them and you will also harm people.

Jake:No, it can't be I am a boy with a kind heart. Tell me this is just a one night nightmare.

Kyla and Mike:it is not a dream neither is it an illusion.(They chorused it).

Guardian:Yeah it is not a dream. I can feel your pain, I will find a way to cure you.(He disappeared).

Jake:Now guys, if I am going to transform into a beast, I want to be useful to you. I will make our journey very fast at least you will always remember me when you return to our world.

Kyla:Even if you become a beast we are not leaving you behind.

Jake:Thanks Kyla, I really appreciate your care. You guys can leave this place, I will stay here because I can't face my mom and dad if I return to my home as a beast.

Mike:Stop this discussion, the more we wait, the more the infection affects Jake.

Jake:okay let's move gamers. Kyla!where do we have to go next... check the map.

Kyla:(She brought out the big map and she checked their next check point).we need to climb this mountain to reach the jungle.

Jake:we can just fly the dragons to the top of the mountain instead of climbing this tall mountain.(He looked up at the mountain that he could hardly see the end).

Kyla:(she reads the map and she indicates it with her finger as she reads)it says here that the high mountain has a barrier that can shrink any thing in the sky to it smallest size.

Jake:oh!that's pretty dangerous so what do we do now with the dragons.

Kyla:They will have to climb with us.

Jake:Mike ,call the dragons and tell them that they will be climbing this mountain with us,no one flies this time.

Mike:okay. Leo,Riele,Joe(He calls the dragons and they flew to where Jake,Mike and Kyla were standing). You will be climbing this mountain with us. There is a very dangerous barrier in the sky. Do you understand?(He asked).

Dragons:(They were disheartened).

Jake:we are not lying to you, okay let's test the barrier.

(Jake commanded the dragons to carry a very large rock and they threw it to the sky, there was a huge lightning and they could not see the rock any longer. when the dragons saw this, they were scared and they believed Jake,Mike and Kyla. They followed them and they started climbing the mountain).

Jake:(speaking while climbing the mountain)(He continues)I can't believe i am going to turn to a beast.

Kyla:Calm down Jake,it is going to be okay. I believe you will be fine again.

Mike:Let's focus on this mountain,we should finish climbing this in three minutes time. we don't have to rush according to my calculations...

(He have not finished his speech when Leo fell off the cliff, Jake nailed his piton"a piton or peg is a metal spike,usually steel that is driven into a crack or seam in the climbing surface with climbing harmer, and which acts as an anchor to either protect the climber against the consequences or a fall or to assist progress in aid climbing. Pitons are equipped with an eye hole or a ring to which a carabinier is attached;the carabinier can then be directly or indirectly attached to a climbing rope". And he went after Leo, he held the rope tight and he was able to rescue Leo and he pulled it back. He then jumped to the top of the mountain in an amazing manner).

(Mike,Kyla,Riele and Joe climbed to the top of the mountain too).

Kyla:Jake,how on Earth were you able to carry Leo, what I am saying is that no strength of a normal human being can pull a heavy dragon.

Jake:What are you saying?(He asked)

Mike:you are developing the beast's strength, I don't know much but you are transforming into a beast because you now possess their strength.

Jake:it can't be,I was amazed by my skills too but I did not know I was behaving like a beast.

(They moved to a near by tree to rest and they slept off. Jake had a nightmare during the day).

(In his dream, Kyla and Mike were facing him but they were scared of him so they moved away from him).

(in his dream) are a beast, see the way you are all the foods that belongs to us

Jake:(Grunting)you can not just call me a glutton, I did not take any thing that belongs to you guys, I only ate mine.

(Mike brought out a knife and he stabbed him, he shouted and he woke up from his bad dream. Kyla and Mike were scared when they heard him scream while he was still sleeping).

Kyla:Jake, what's wrong with you(she moves close to him while she asked him a question).

Mike:You are growing hairs all over your body.

Jake:(He looked at his hands and he saw the hairs and he noticed that his fingers are growing into claws)oh no , it can't be.

Kyla:(she started crying)it is gonna be okay . calm down Jake, we will always stand by you.

Jake:Thank you Kyla...check the map and let us know where we will be going next.

Kyla:(she brought out the map and they checked it).,Forest...we have to pass through this Jungle(she pointed at the forest in front of them),if we have to cross to the barren land.

Mike:Barren land?.(He asked)

Kyla:Yeah. A place like desert, nothing survives there

Jake:okay gamers, let's go.

(They walked into the forest and they walked for several miles untill they reached the biggest tree in the forest. They say down to rest because it is getting late already, they had to pass the night under the tree. They sat on a log of wood"a branch of a tree that fell").

Jake:(He continues)We can not just sit here, we need to get something to eat.

Kyla:What do you think we can get in this forest.(she asked).

Jake:our vegetables eating has since we reached here, we have to find an animal,then we will prepare it the way, we use to.

(They started their hunting and they managed to kill an antelope. They roasted it with the dragons fire. After eating, they discovered that hair has fully grown all over Jake's body, they were afraid. Kyla threw a meat at Jake to tease him but he caught it with his teeth and he got angry).

Kyla:What the Fuck.

Jake:(Grunting)...(He moves towards Kyla).

Kyla:you are behaving like a beast.

Jake:(He wanted to talk but he noticed that he can no longer talk as he continue grunting).

Mike:He is not just behaving like a beast , he is a beast and he will soon start to feed on human flesh.

(Jake tried to move close to Kyla to let her understand that he can no longer talk but the grunting terrified kyla., and she jumped and hugged Mike. Tears rolled down Jake's cheek and he could hear Mike and Kyla's voice in his head "you are a beast" Their voices echoed several times in his head, and the more he hear the voice he transformed into a full beast. He could not believe his eyes .(His shirt pieced and his long trouser turned into a short, he was ashamed to stand in front of Mike and Kyla and he ran into the deep forest).

Kyla:oh no, he is gone. we should not have run away from him, he is our friend .

Mike:But he is now a beast... And that differs him from a normal human being .

Kyla:Even if he can't return to his normal form, we should at least stand by him like a friend and family.(Tears rolled down her cheeks).

Mike:He will be back soon.

Kyla:You think so?(she asked).

Mike:Yeah that's my belief (he nods his head positively).

(Kyla moved close to him and she hugged him,tears rolled down his cheeks too . The dragons could feel everything and they flew to the sky in a sad mood. By this time, the guardian has executed the barrier in the sky. Kyla and Mike were crying profusely and Jake was still running without stopping,he later sat down to rest and he was crying where he was sitting and a music was played underground).



Knowing it or not, making it or not.

There are somethings that will always hurt us .



when I go down who did I see,

if I am a beast please don't break me,

Because I hate it when you break it to me,

especially if you are my family.

I want them to see that I am bigger then this,

even if I fall you are not bigger than me.

Don't break me, let me be ...

Because I hate it when you break it to me,

especially if you are my family.

Part one:


Beat me, hate me please let me be.

Don't touch me if I am not what you see .

I am a nation and I am bigger than this.

No matter what I will show you who I will always be.



Am not a beast...

please don't break me,

Am not a beast...

Am not a beast...


Am not a beast...



Let me be...

Am not a beast...

Let me be...

Am not a beast.

please don't break me.

Am not a beast.


Am not a beast...

Am not a beast...


Am not a beast...

Music:(Composed and sang by Tim Crown).

(He stood on his feet after crying for several minutes and the guardian appeared to him).

Guardian:(Coming out of his UFO)I pity you, I can't really bear seeing you in this position.

Jake:(Grunting while he sits down).

Guardian:(He sat beside him)oh you can't talk. I can't heal you but I will give you a quality no beast possess.(He rubs Jake's neck with his hand and he could speak).

Jake:Thank you guardian.

Guardian:why did you leave your friends to sit lonely here.

Jake:They were scared of me and I don't like the way I appear before them.

Guardian:you don't have to be ashamed of who people sees you to be, the Jake we know is still in there deep in you (He points a finger at his chest). follow what your heart says not what people say about you. this infection as no cure, so you have to spend every last minute with your friends. live this life as if it was last( he slowly disappeared)

Jake: oh! (he started running back to is friends)

(Mike move close to Kyla and he wanted to kiss her. she pushed him away and she shouted. her screaming called attention of a pack of wolves to where they were staying. the wolves started howling and they attacked them).

Kyla:(she hugged Mike)we can't harm them. you caused this Mike.

Mike: you shouldn't have screamed

(a wolf jumped to attack them but jake appeared from nowhere and stopped it. he roared and his roar was terrifying. the wolves took to their heels. kyla and Mike moved close to him to hug him)

Jake: no! don't move close to me, I am a beast

Kyla: you are our friend and u our family. we love you.

Jake:( tears rolled down is cheek) you love me? ( Mike and Kyla hugged him and he started grunting. they moved far away from him and he transformed into human the mark caused by the beast as cleaned off is shoulder. the dragons came down to see Jake who fell unconscious after transforming. the guardian appeared).

Guardian: for the first time in history of this world you guys found the cure to an infection that as no cure.. Love.. a big world that healed a scar. keep up the good work.

Mike: thank you guardian

Guardian: and you take, why are you putting on a rag?( he pointed his hands at him and he was dressed in a new cloth) congratulations Jake

Jake: thank you guardian.

( the guardian disappeared).

( when it was morning they moved through the barren land but they were carried by the dragons so it took them a little time to complete the barren land journey. they left the barren land and they arrived at the giant gate. at the back of the gate there was a bridge that leads to the other side and there is an electric barrier in the sky. at the end of the bridge there are a lot of dinosaurs).

Jake: oh, this is a risk business

Mike: I can't risk my life, those dinosaurs look hungry.

Kyla: what can we call this place?

Jake and Mike: Border of dinosaurs.

( they have not finished their dis cussion when a girl fell from the sky, she almost fall inside the water but Mike jumped and save her with the help of Jake and Kyla pulling them back to the surface)

(Curtain falls)

(light went of stage)

(light fades out)...,
