Chapter Nine


(Kyla and Jake pulled them back and they were surprised to see Taylor"Jeff Philip's girlfriend" in the game world and she was the pretty girl Mike saved)

Taylor:(She moved far away from them).Can you believe this.... Mike,Jake and Kyla trapped in their own game.Is it really possible?(She asked) or this is just a prank room or something.(She looked at them and her face looked silly ).

Jake:Yeah....we are in a game and to be frank with you,we are in the game world;we got trapped and we can't return to our world except we finish this game by finding the last checkpoint.

Taylor:Oh,no.(She shakes her head negatively as tears rolled down her smiling face)I want to go home pls send me back to my house.(She has not finished her speech when she saw Joe,riele and Leo).What are this,Like is this real?(she asked) Dragons?

Mike:yeah,They are dragons but they are rare specie;They can make both fire and ice.

Taylor:I can't believe this.I only read tales and stories about dragons but I have never seen a real one.I thought they are not real and to me it is just an

imagination that something that has wings and does not belong to the aves specie

can actually fly and it possess either fire or ice.

I can't believe my eyes.

Jake:Oh really?(He pointed at the dragons as he introduce them one by one)This is Riele and this is Joe while this is Leo.

(The dragons moved close to Taylor and they gave her a warm hug. She was scared but she managed to hug them).

Kyla:(She shouted the dragons)who told you guys that she is a friend and not an enemy. You do things even before you get our permission.

(The dragons felt sorry and disheartened and Taylor interrupted Kyla's speech).

Taylor:Kyla, what's wrong with you,?.(she asked angrily).They were only greeting me and you yelled at them like am here to kill the.I don't even know how I will end up here ,it was never in my wish that I wanted to visit a game or imaginary world.

Kyla:(She yelled back at her ).You are our greatest enemy, you fought me twice at the school sprayed a pepper gas to Jake's eyes and you replaced Mike's diary with a love diary. Just because you wanted to read it with that punk called Jeff.And lastly you are Jeff Philip's girlfriend,our glorious rival.

Taylor: girlfriend?(she asked in a silly manner).I am not Jeff Philip's girlfriend,he actually paid me to be his girlfriend since I am the second in rank in the whole school.I am the second rank of all pretty girls in the whole school since you the first of all rank failed to like him.(she swallowed her saliva)I was seriously in need of money when he brought the deal. The four thousand dollar deal solved a lot of problem since I live alone. My mother married a new guy when my dad left us when I was at the age of eleven.i could not cope with my mother's new marriage so is asked for the keys of one of my father's apartment. she promised me to check on me all the time but I have not seen her since the day I left the house. And about me picking up a fight with you,I was looking for someone to fight me because I have never experienced real fighting and I will love to make friend with the most beautiful girl in the whole school.(By this time tears were coming out of Kyla's innocent eyes). And if I should tell you the reason why I sprayed pepper at Jake's,this was simply because I was looking for someone to tease,infact I was happy the day this happened. If you are angry because I replaced Mike's diary with a love diary,it was simply because I love him. If you can't make friends with me,just help me with this journey so that I can return to my home,I Know am lonely in this world.

(Mike was smiling because Taylor loved him but Kyla covered a part of her face with her right hand and she regretted things she said to Taylor.Jake was confused and Taylor was still crying,he draws her close to him and he hugged her to console her. The whole place was still silent before the guardian's arrival.(He appeared coming out of his UFO).

Guardian: welcome the new player Taylor Elliot.

Taylor:who is this man?(she was scared and she asked).

Jake:He is the guardian of the game world

Guardian:I am the guardian of the game world as he as said,the 40th generation to the creator of this world,the king over the game world. (Spontaneously their was a huge lightning when he mentioned his name and the dinosaurs at the back of the gate bowed their beads).

(Taylor knelt down with her right knee)

Taylor: Your highness,I have not seen something like this in my entire life.

(Jake,Mike and Kyla were surprised to hear that the guardian is the king,they blinked several times and they left their mouth wide opened because they couldn't believe what they heard).

Guardian: You are the new player but I will give you the chance to continue with them from his checkpoint. Here is your dragon.(A female dragon appeared)Now name your dragon and it shall obey you.

Taylor:A name I always wish to name my pet...Freya,I will name my dragon Freya.But what language does it understand.

Guardian:I will be leaving for now,the dragon understand any language you speak.Bye...(he disappeared).

Taylor: wow!He is so friendly,hey Freya let's go on a ride.(Freya moves close to her)wow,she can really hear me.

Jake: Hey Taylor.we still have a long way to go so we don't have time for fun now.

Taylor:Okay,where do we go next

Kyla:We are crossing this bridge

Taylor:But there are dangerous dinosaurs at the back of this gate,how do we go about that.

Mike:We have faced a lot of problem that are more than this,we need to plan properly to overcome that.

Taylor:You guys must have seen a lot,you are not even scared to walk into death yourself.

(The dragons opened the gate and the four dragons entered the gate. Jake and Mike joined the dragons. Kyla pulled Taylor back when she was about to follow them and she told her she was sorry for what sheu said.Taylor smiled and they both laughed before they followed the others).

Jake:(speaking as he was walking)how did you get into this place?(he asked)

Taylor:It all happened that.

(She started narrating the story).

Jeff:Hey Taylor,it has been days. I have not seen my rivals all this days but I saw someone like them in my game two days ago,maybe they are playing a new version of game.

Taylor:(she was lying on a couch, pressing her phone)Then what do you think and what is your problem with the new game they play. If you say you haven't seen them these days,does that mean that they are the one in the game.(She holds her jaw and she she moves her body before resting her back on the wall).

Jeff:Is that possible?(he asked rhetorically)it is impossible. I heard that their parent are out of town maybe they went with them.

Taylor:It might be so,well Jeff am leaving now....

Jeff:Okay have a safe journey back to your apartment

(She left the room and she branched Jake's to know if they really travelled. When she got there,she was unable to enter Jake's tree house but she peeped through the key hole and she saw that the television was still on and it is connected to a game console.she managed to enter through the roof u she saw that it was the Halloween game,she was surprised that Jake,Mike and Kyla stole the game. She wished to play it too because she was also a game fan and she entered her name as the new player and the illusion began then she found herself in the game world).

(In the game world after Taylor finished her narration. They laughed and they have finished crossing the bridge with their dragons. Their was a lot of holes on the ground and they produce strong bubbles every five seconds and the bubble can only last ten seconds before they pop).

(They were all standing then where they were standing on turned to a hole,they were falling and a Rex dinosaur and two other were attacking them

The bubble was made and they were all in the grant bubble. The dinosaurs attacked the bubble but the bubble was not yet ready to pop. During the bubble ten seconds duration,two other bubbles were made. Their weight does not allow the bubble to carry them and the bubble was still hanging at the entrance of the hole. The hindrance caused by this bubble caused a great explosion and it later result to an earthquake. The bubble popped and everyone of them ran for their life. Jake jumped on leo and Mike jumped on Joe,Kyla jumped on Riele and Taylor held Freya by the leg before sitting on it. They flew over the place and they were all safe).

(In the sky)

Jake:That was a great one, you guys are impressive.

Kyla and Taylor:Yeah(they said it together)

Mike:It is what we always do....

Jake:(He interrupted Mike's speech).Is that not a safe land near that stream.I think we should land the dragons there(He pointed at the ground) so that they can rest. They are getting tired.

Kyla:I think that is a great idea(she replied him happily).

(They followed his word and they stopped there. They sat down to rest while the dragons drink to their satisfaction.Mike moved close to Taylor).

Mike:Hey Taylor, having you here is so good,I have been lonely when you are not here.

Taylor:(She stood to her feet)Then why do you think I am the one that can make you feel lively.If you are not free and lively with your friends then why did you think I am the one that can make you feel lively.

Mike:Jake and Kyla are so boring, you know seeing you right here is a great relief because you are my inspiration in every situation.

Jake:Huh,huh,huh(He scoffs in a teasing manner).

Mike: Jake,get off my business.

Jake:I don't even have your time.(He gives Kyla a deep kiss)

Taylor:What a romantic experience (She blushed)

Mike: Should we try this too,it seems sweet. Taylor:Not with you,I don't think I want this experience with you.

Mike:What do you mean but you said you love me. Don't you love me.

Taylor:Who cares....

(They continued their journey after resting for thirty minutes,when they are about to leave the stream they noticed that some dinosaurs are coming towards their direction .They left the place on time and they were sitting on their dragons in the sky).

Kyla:(She brought out the map).We will be visiting a tree house soon. But wait (she was shocked and she indicated a place with her finger).It says here that at this exact position we are till the next forty miles there will be flower vase mode of bomb coming down from a dark cloud.

Taylor:Is that not the cloud (she pointed at a dark cloud ahead of them).

Jake:Oh,no.what do you think we can do because I am seriously confused.

Kyla:We can't pass through the dark cloud, it will be very dangerous and we should not rise it.

Mike:Then if we can't go through it,we will go under it. We have to dodge them as much as we can.

Jake:I think, that's the only thing that we can do right now.

(They passed under the dark cloud and the flower vase started falling from the sky. They had many near miss and even part of the flower vase hit on the ground is destroyed. Taylor and Kyla managed to dodge a giant flower vase coming towards their dragons. Jake and Mike's dragons froze up the dinosaurs coming after them and the spit fire to the dark cloud to light it up. There was a explosion but the dark cloud is still there.The explosion gave them more time to escape).

Taylor:That was a great job Jake and Mike,with what you did the dark cloud is partially damaged,it will take time before it is whole again. We have to be fast because with the situation the cloud is now .We can't damage it and it can't damage us.

Jake: Thank you Taylor;Kyla, where is the tree house,we should be close to it by now.

Kyla:Yeah,it should be somewhere around here. But it says in the map that the well knows the house. So we have to look for a well Mike:The well should be somewhere around here but u don't know why we can't see it

(They later get pass the dark cloud and they returned the the ground to search for the well. They searched for several minutes but they were later able to find a clue under a dry grass that the well is not big. It is a tiny one).

Kyla:How do we find this tiny object. I don't even know what to do.(She was speaking while they are still searching for the well). If the well is tiny then how do we find it? I guess we look for it like it is not hidden.(She asked rhetorically).

Jake:if we found a clue under dry grass, why don't we just look for it under dry grass. It might be there, that's the only thought,I am having right now...

Kyla:(She interrupted his speech)yeah you are right. Everyone search under all dry grass.

(They searched for the well for about twenty minutes but they could not find it, when they finished their research,they gathered to tell each other what they found).

Jake:I found two rabbits staying under the dry grasses. I think they are lovers just like I and Kyla.

Kyla:oh that's so sweet(she blushed) I found some eggs that certainly belongs to some lizards. I can't find anything except that...

Mike: I found a road and few pocupines. They are so friendly and I love to play with animals so I wish to spend more time with them...

Taylor:I only find a tiny hole, not a quite deep but it has water in it.

Jake: Are you guys thinking what I am thinking?(He asked).

Kyla and Mike:Yeah, the well (they chorused it).

Taylor:Could it be well?(she asked) because it doesn't look like a well. It somehow look like a hole that was made with finger.

Jake:we can say it is not the one but remember, we have to look for it like a mad and crazy person. We have to find a tiny well and this might be it. Take us to the place.

Taylor:okay, if you say so(she took them to the place where she saw the hole).

(When they got to the place, they wondered how the hole can be that tiny and what does it have to do with the tree house they are looking for).

Jake:what does this hole have to do with the tree house?(he asked).

Kyla:The well knows where the tree house is.(she read the map out loudly).

Mike:it might have a key or something or what do you think guys?

Jake:it looks like a hole made with finger,(He repeated a line of what Taylor said). Yeah right, the key might be a finger.

(He deep his finger in the hole and luckily for them, it unlocked it. A giant well came out of the ground and a tree house came out of the well. They were surprise to see it).

Taylor:wow, you guys really rock. You know almost everything about game.

Jake:yeah, game playing is really our thing(He replied Taylor proudly)., Now gamers let's get to business. Move into the tree house.

(They climbed up to the tree house and they saw a puzzle in the tree house. When they entered the tree house, the door swung shut behind them and it locked it self. Mike tried to force the door open but the door is permanently locked).

Mike:Oh fuck. The door locked permanently and I don't think we can solve this puzzle.(He lamented).

Taylor:You don't have to be scared, puzzle is really my thing. But I will need Kyla's help, she is pretty good in calculations so I think if i can solve this puzzle with her, It will make our journey more faster. Our dragons are outside and we are trapped in this house. If we don't solve this puzzle, we won't see Freya,Leo,Joe and Riele for life and we won't be able to return to our world.( She said it courageously and convincingly).

Jake:it is a good thing you are here. I hope you are able to solve this puzzle, this will add to your gaming point.

Mike:you are amazing Taylor,you behave just as beautiful as you are...

Taylor:oh thank you love(she raised his jaw with two among her fingers). You are so romantic and that is the reason why I love you.

Mike:(He blushed)oh I love that compliment. Can you keep calling me love...

Taylor:Love my butt... Get off my way (she sat in front of the puzzle. She faced Kyla and they began to solve the puzzle).

Kyla: The puzzle is a map, according to it's drawing, it looks like the Africa and America map. The radius is forty seven centimeters and it draws from the middle of the circumference. It all came from this circle(she pointed at a circle on the map, Jake and Mike sat with them). We have to merge the puzzles to each other just like the look of the maps.

Taylor:I can take it from here. Thank you.(she began to solve the puzzle, it lasted twenty eight minutes before she was finally able to figure it out. She found out that the map are joined to each other and with the help of Kyla's calculations, she was finally able to solve the puzzle). Oh yes , I did it (she shouted and she giggled).

(When she finished the pizzle, the door of the tree house unlocked it self and the roof opened up. The floor of the tree house opened and stairs came out, the tree house leads to an underground passage. Their dragons came in and they were all celebrating their victory. Mike hugged Taylor and she gave him a lil peck,he smiled and he was very happy. They were still celebrating their victory when they noticed that the Rex"a breed of dinosaur" was still following them; it attacked the tree house).

Jake:oh no, this mother fucker is still coming after us. Run guys(He ran through the stairs and he manage to reach the underground route. The dragons followed him and Kyla managed to follow him too. Mike was still waiting for Taylor to follow him, the both of them fell on each other when the building was collapsing. They rolled down the stairs and mistakenly Mike gave Taylor another ten seconds kiss, their lips touched each other and Jake and Kyla pulled them to the underground route before the building could collapse on them . They passed through the underground route and they came out at the other entrance that is in the midst of the ocean, it took them a whole day before they could get out of the underground route. The dragons made light in the dark underground route. When hey came out through the second entrance, they could not think properly they do not know where to go because it is in the midst of the ocean).

Jake:where do we have to go, I am totally out of idea guys.

Mike:There should be a new clue about this place and by the Taylor, I really love the kiss and I want more of it.

Taylor:idiot(she said, while laughing).

(They were still perplexed then the guardian appeared coming out of his UFO).

Guardian:I can't believe you found the underground route without my help, I know you are really confused on where to go next. I think I have a solution to your problem, consider it a game cheat or game hack, you can also call it a MOD. You can't know where to go next because it is not written on the map, I guess your next journey is to the building in the cloud.

Kyla: Building in the cloud?(she asked and she was confused).

Guardian:Yeah, the building in the cloud. To access it , you have to make enough noise to bring it down.

Jake: making sounds is really our thing. Thank you guardian...

(The guardian smiled and he disappeared with his UFO)

(Mike shouted but there was no sign of a moving cloud coming down).

Taylor:I think, your noise is not enough, we need something as loud...

Kyla:yeah(she interrupted Taylor's speech) something as loud as masack trumpet. We need to make enough noise.

Jake: something as loud as masack trumpet (He repeated Kyla's speech). I guess I have an idea. (He pulled Leo's right rope and fire came out of it mouth. He directed the fire to Joe's tail and it could feel the pain. It shouted very loud and this brought down the cloud).

(There were a lot of buildings on the giant cloud that looks a while town. That all climb the cloud and they wondered how a building could be on a gas or smoke that is said to be the cloud. They opened their mouth and they wondered how that was possible untill the cloud reached it normal level again. The little town was endowed with great magic and everyone in the town are not just people, they are magical people).

Jake:(He greeted a young magician). Hey I am Jake.

Cyrus:(he shook hands with him) hello I am Cyrus , i am the child of the greatest magician in this town so I am like a prince in this town. This seems to look like an imagination but it is real. These are my people.( He introduced Omar,Kaden,Arlo and Andres to Jake "they are young magicians too and they are his friends"). They are my friends in this town. Taylor:I am Taylor Elliot and I am so glad that I met someone like you.

Kyla:I am Kyla Thomas and it is a pleasure meeting you and the pleasure will always be mine.

Mike: I am Mike Oliver and I don't think I have ever seen any where like this. This place is so beautiful.

Cyrus: follow me, I will show you more.

(He took them to the hall of magic and they had fun. Their Dragons were waiting for them at the Town center. Mike stole some magic charm that are powder. He kept the magic charm in his pocket because he loved the smell of the powder. They finished playing and they returned to the town center to meet their dragons).

Spenser:(" A magician among the people at the Town center"). I can sense that they are not from this world. They are fake and they are monsters, we can't let them leave like this. Kill them(He shouted).

(The people In the town began to chase them with weapons. They ran for their life and they managed to leave the cloud town. They were falling inside the ocean and they do not know what to do because the dragons wings has be temporarily disabled by Spenser).

Jake:oh, what do we do guys.

Mike:we will have to swim the way we always do.

Taylor:(Speaking while they were falling from the sky). I can swim but I am somehow scared of water. Please look for an alternative.

Mike:(speaking while falling) oh fuck, what do we do guys.( He remembered the magic charm he stole and he brought some out ).

Let's see what this magic charm does.( He sprayed the powder into the ocean because they are close to the ocean already).

(The blue ocean turned into a rainbow water. They fell on the rainbow ocean and they were not sinking. The magic charm has a positive effect on the dragons, they could get big and small anytime they like but the wings were still disabled. Jake,Mike,Kyla and Taylor's costume changed and they were dressed in a rainbow costume. The suit can turn to any form of suit whenever they need it, their weapons were changed , they now possess laser ruffles, electrical weapon,sword,knife,mini bombs m, and their shoes changed to a shoe full of spikes. They were surprise to see all those magical wonders happen and they continued their journey. They passed through a tunnel and they got to a cave).

Kyla: which type of cave is this. It looks scary.

Mike:it looks scary to me too but I can't understand the reason.

Jake:we just have to stick together.

(Two snakes came out of no where and different types of giant reptiles were coming out too including the dangerous ones).

Taylor: This cave is full of reptiles, I think we are in deep trouble.

Kyla:I guess this cave is not just filled with reptiles,it is full of dangerous reptiles.(she pointed at seven crocodiles).

(They tried to go back through the way they came from but the cave cracked and it blocked the tunnel entrance, they were moving together and Kyla fell down. Jake pulled her up and two cobra that are close to them moved far away from them).

Jake:I guess they are scared of love and we should show them love).

(He gave Kyla a deep kiss and Mike gave Taylor a deep kiss too)

(Light went off stage)

(Curtain falls).

(Light fades out).