Arena of flowers:

(they started moving again and they arrived at the forest called the forest of the dark witches)

Kyla:where is this because am scared.

Mike: I don't even know, but it must belong to some witch.

Jake: we have to stick together to survive

(the sound of different types of scary birds were heard, the owl was hooting, sound of wolf could be heard and footsteps of unseen people were heard too)

Jake: what do you think about this place

Mike: I can't really say but am scared

Kyla: what amaze me the most is that, how can the world be experiencing morning and this forest will be experiencing their night time

Jake:(speaking as they move) this place must be possessed by some spirit which are unseen

(they were terrified when they heard avoice)

A wizard: you have come to the wrong place, this is the forest of the dark witches

Witch: you have made your greatest mistake and you won't leave this place except to you figure out what the puzzle is

Jake: will you just shut up and let us move. we have travelled a very long distance

second witch: do you think, this place is joke. (she makes a trap spell)

let there be a trap, that we make them a stagnant water, if they have nothing to justify themselves by winning they puzzle if dark to create light will shine bright to take away this forest darkness and make it brand new in light. if they Gail to figure out the puzzle, let them be trapped for life untill something called light called comes to shine bright.

(and the spell was so, the curse was placed on them instantly. they were lock in a metal. spell guarded cage that has the repellant of any sort of spell or weapon)

Jake: we are doomed for

Mike: hey witch please speak, what is the puzzle

third witch:(her voice echoed) I will like to test how brilliant you are. i am the witch that will finish you

Kyla: please forgive us, we know we have been arrogant

fourth witch: the puzzle deals with you, personality and your inner self, we have know information about you because it doesn't look like you belong to this realm but the information will be based on the information we can see about you guys; Jake, Mike and Kyla

Jake, Mike and Kyla: what? they knew our names. (they chorus)

fifth witch: if Jake was born on first of January and Mike was born on second of July, what date in October is likely to be Kyla's birth date.

Jake: if they know our birth date and month, and they know Kyla's month definitely they are asking for her birth date.

Mike: what a simple puzzle, you stupid witch. she was born on 26th of October

sixth witch: wrong

seventh witch: you have three chance and you have used one. see how foolish you are, think properly it is a mystery.

Jake: (looking at the numbers reading fastly in front of him) I don't have an idea

seventh witch: you have used another chance

Mike and Jake: what?

Kyla: but she didn't say anything.

sixth witch: yes, you don't have to say anything about the puzzle if you don't know the answer. even if you murmur a wrong answer, it will be counted

Jake: this is cheating. Kyla you are the math and code expert, please think. you know I failed maths in grade two that's why I crossed to English

Mike: dumb. what a dullard.

Jake: I swear Mike I will kill you if we get out of this

first witch: (looking at the wizard) you have few minutes left

Kyla: yeah! it is fourth of October.

Jake: was that day you were born?

Kyla: no!

wizard: how on Earth do you know the answer. I was waiting for you to waste your last chance.

second witch: it is impossible. the seven witch and the wizard's puzzle as never been won by anyone

Kyla: if Jake was born on be first of January, and the same factor as his birth date was added to the number, it will be two which is Mike's birth date; second of July and if two is added to it also, it give us four so there is probability that my birth date would have been on fourth

(the wizard and the witches were surprised to hear that. they failed to fulfill their promise they disappeared without releasing them)

Mike: release us, this is cheating, ( he sits on the floor in the metal cage)

Jake: if I get hold of them. I will finish them

Kyla: how I wish, the guardian was here to save us

( she didn't finish her speech when the guardian appeared the witches and the wizard appeared too and they bowed on seeing him)

wizard: we are sorry king zarus. do we do anything wrong.

all witch: we know we have no right to look at your face after all the pain we have caused you your highness they chorused as (they look at one another)

guardian: you should always save this world from danger, that's why you had this power but you ran away like cowards and you didn't leave alone. you continue to spread darkness in the world though I have forgiven you because God forgive everyone of us. leave and never return. ( his voice echoed with anger)

wizard: we are my king.

third witch: your wish is our command your highness.

guardian: you are locking up the wrong people, this are the savior of this world. they are the gamers

wizard:( he turned to the gamers) I am sorry on behalf of everyone. we are looking for someone to play with we should have respected you if we know. we made a mistake by doing this, you guys are highly respected in this world. good bye your highness

( he disappeared with the witches and the guardian turned to Jake, Kyla and Mike

guardian: I set you free ( the cages vanished like dust) you have done your part by winning the puzzle

Jake: thank you for saving us.

guardian: you are always welcome. now shine your light to this place make it beautiful again by finding the little blossom flower.

Kyla: ok guardian, we will do that

guardian: good luck

( he disappears)

Jake: let's find the blossom flower

Mike: are you crazy, how do we find that

Jake: you can search for the key you love to play but you can't find the blossom flower that will support our journey back home

Kyla: he is right Mike, let's find it ( they started the searching but they couldn't find anything that blossom in the dark forest, they searched for about an hour before sitting down to rest)

Mike: this man gave us an impossible task

Jake: he is so kind. if it is impossible, he won't give it to us, that thing must be here.

Kyla: ( coming towards them and she was looking tired she sat on a small piece of stone) ouch! what is this.

( the rock made a gold and blue light to the sun and the light was so bright. it blossoms like the brightest star, they open amazed to see the small piece of rock blossom they opened their mouth and they couldn't close it due to the unexpected surprise the light stops and the sun shine to the forest the forest changed and all the dark scaring tree, bird, animal and bushes disappeared the rock turned to a little glowing flower)

Kyla: oh my God

Jake: I can't believe this

Mike: it is really amazing

( they moved close to it)

Kyla: what kind of flower is this everything is now bright and glowing

the guardian voice comes out of the cloud again)

guardian: this is the last energy left in the area pulling the flower out unlease the power at once and the energy will be balance again

(his voice stopped)

Jake: wow!

Kyla: we have to do it

Mike: but we can't pull this beautiful flower

Kyla: we have to unlease the power

( she pulled it out and beautiful and glowing flowers taller than them were coy out of the ground. they were of different species of common flowers but they are special, they are giant and the glows, their three dragons flow out of the flowers and they flew to the sky to celebrate everything looks beautiful and bright)

Jake: I will like to stay here

Kyla: what shall we name the place

Jake: are you thinking what am thinking

Jake Kyla and Mike: the Arena of flowers. ( they chorused)

(curtain falls).

(light went off stage)