Lily on Water

Jake:If this place is as beautiful as this then the glory of this place has been kept for a very long time.

Mike:Do you think so, maybe the wizard and the witches took over this place not quite long.

Jake: The darkness has been here for a very long time that it almost bury the last positive magic. Only if we have been late, this place would have been forgotten,our coming saved this place.

Mike:oh really!we are always the gamers but we need more time to our self to understand our self better. There is no joy for a victorious man that looses his own home. We need to get back home on time.

Jake:(he pointed at the dragons)The dragons are happily flying, celebrating, jubilating for returning to life. They feel loved and special and they have been useful to us since the day we found them. They miss home but they never think of going back home, they are needed here and they can't leave unless they finish their quests, we need them and they need us to fight for their world. We also have quests to finish, if we don't finish it we can't go back home despite how much we miss it.


Kyla:(They started moving) he is right, you should try and forget about home, you should start thinking about things that matters not things in our heart that are hotter. We are the gamers and we overcome every problem we face once it comes to game.

Mike:Now I get it (he cuts in)we are the gamers and we will fight till our last breath. We are the game warriors, now let's do this thing the gamer's way.

Jake:yeah. That is the spirit, I miss my mother's kiss so am looking for someone to kiss me.

Kyla:(she heard this and she looked back)so can I?

Jake:yeah...(he replied in a romantic way)

(She moves close to him to kiss him and they blink their eyes several times their soft lips touched each other but they were stopped by Mike)Mike:This shouldn't be. Remember guys, we are friends.

Kyla:(she giggles and she left them. She started running after the flying dragons).

Jake:(He whispers)you ruined my chance.

Mike:I ruined your chance or you are about to ruin mine.

Jake:well don't argue with me because this doesn't call for argument, we shall see who takes the golden cup.

Mike:you dare not touch that girl again.

Jake:I will.

Mike:you dare not

(They laughed and they ran after Kyla)

Jake:Hey Kyla,wait up.

Mike:Hey Kyla,wait for me.

(They moved close to her and they saw her sitting near a stream, The water is not large but it is a very deep water. The unique flower were on the water).

(The guardian appeared when they sat beside her).

Guardian:I am seriously impressed with your works today so I will be giving you a chance to have fun. This is your fun suit.(he pointed his two hands at them and a button added to the one button shoulder. They tapped it and they were dressed in a diving suit).

Jake:Thanks guardians we really appreciate this.

Guardian:I should thank you the most you have saved my world several times. I have always been grateful , thanks for your help.

Kyla:you are welcome guardian we love you.

Guardian:(His UFO was taking him back gradually).Bye kids.

Mike:(He shouted)hey guardian can I touch your shoe?

Jake and Kyla: (They turned to him)Mike!...

Mike:(he shakes his neck)what?

Jake:never mind.


Mike:what do you mean?

Jake:okay gamers it is time to swim.


(They jumped into the river and they dived to the bottom. They noticed that there is a big cave that leads to the other side which is a very big ocean. Jake told Mike and Kyla to swim to the other side while he go back outside to tell the dragons to meet them at the other side).Jake:hey dragons.

Dragons:(They turned to him and they flew to where he was standing and they stayed in front of him).

Jake:we are swimming to the other side and it is a very big ocean so meet us at the place. I will be leaving now, do you understand?.

Dragons:(they nods their head positively like they could understand what he was saying).

(He dived into the river while the dragon flew to the sky. Mike,Jake and Kyla swims to the other side and they passed through the flowers. They came out of the water and they were discussing).

Jake:the swimming was awesome.

Kyla:yeah it was super incredible.

Mike: to me it is so adventurous.

(They were speaking when a flower root came out of the ocean and grabbed Kyla and Jake).

Jake:hum hum (he was struggling to survive in the river. He managed to cut off four of them with his sword but a lot of them grabbed him).

Mike:No.....(he transformed to his armor suit and he jumped after them. He saw Jake battling with the flowers root, he cut off the flowers roots that grabbed Kyla and he left Jake in the forty eight feet deep ocean. He rescued Kyla and he took her to a nearby tree and he was waiting for her to gain her consciousness and he didn't care about Jake. Kyla opened her eyes).

Kyla:where is Jake?

Mike:he is still in the river.

Kyla:You left him there.

Mike:yes he will be fine.

Kyla:what an Ill talk(she stands up and she ran back to the ocean).

(Jake in the ocean)

Jake:(he transformed back to his diving suit to save his breathe. He then transform back to his armor suit and he managed to force his way out. He met Kyla coming back to the ocean and he moved close to her). Kyla oh thanks goodness you are fine.

Kyla:(she rubs his cheek with her hands too) you are fine too.

Jake:who saved you?

Kyla: Mike did...

Jake:why didn't he save me.

Kyla:he said you will be fine and I think he left you purposely.

Jake:(he got angry and he moved towards Mike and he gave him a mighty punch and they started fighting). You left me to die because of a girl, you didn't even bother to save me. You want to see me dead because of a girl that doesn't like you. You are an asshole, son of a bitch.

Mike:(he shouted back at him) don't ever call me son of a bitch,you should have died in the ocean. I told you not to take anything that belongs to me but you did am I will never forgive you.

Jake:what belongs to you?someone that doesn't like you.Mike:you should get off the dream of having something that belongs to me

Kyla:please don't fight. Stop fighting please.

(A great fight ensued between the two of them, they fought for more than twenty minutes before the guardian appear).

Guardian:hey stop

(they stopped fighting)

Guardian:(continues)you came here like brothers, like blood and now you are fighting.

Jake:He made this happen. I was battling with death and he has the ability to save I and Kyla but he left me there to die because he wanted something that belongs to me.

Mike:(he cuts in) it belongs to me not him, he is the thief in this room.

Guardian:even if it belongs to you. You shouldn't have left him to die and by the way what's that thing.


Kyla:(she was feeling loved, she smiled slightly and she scoffed).

Guardian:oh that's much. Well I don't want you to think that you I set you up with the flowers by telling you to swim I don't know that the flowers had been infected. Find the seed of life beneath the ocean in the root of a flower. Only a flower has it and the rest are dangerous so you have to be careful. You have to work side by side to overcome this darkness. I have upgraded your suit, you now have the ability to manage the armor and the diving suit at once.(A third button appeared on their shoulder). Do this together,after you win this battle I am organizing a reunion party for you guys. Remember, stick together.( He disappears)

Jake:okay guys let's go.

(They pushed the third button and they transformed into an armor diving suit . They jumped into the river and they started their research).

Jake:(he continues) Kyla and Mike go that way while take this way.

Kyla:copy that.

(They started uprooting the flowers and they cut off every single one that comes their way. Mike cut off a flower and it was a hair of a sea beast that lives beneath the ocean. He thought it was the dangerous flower. The beast got angry and this awakened the rest of the beasts. They were forty in number and they attacked them. They started shooting the beasts and they killed twenty seven among them. One of the Beast grabbed Mike's leg with it's flower tail and dragged him to it already opened mouth. It saw Jake coming to save Mike and it started running. Jake managed to kill it despite how much it ran, he followed it and when he killed the beast. He saw a rare purple rose, he moved towards it and he uprooted it;beholds it was the seed off life. He managed to swim out of the ocean with Mike and Kyla).

Kyla: (speaking while running) how do we kill this things(she looked back and she saw them trying to come out of the river).

Mike:they are Coming after us(panting like a goat).

Jake:I don't know what to do.

Mike: I have an idea.

Jake and Kyla: what?(they stopped to listen to him as they chorus WHAT).

Mike:we can freeze the ocean with the drangons ice spit till we summon the guardian. They will freeze with the water and we will have a lot of time to plan.

Jake:what a good idea. Joe,Rylee and Leo.(he calls the dragons)

(They flew to them and they did as they were told. They managed to freeze the while ocean but they were weak when they finished it. Kyla, Jake and Mike felt a great relief and tried to summon the guardian).

Jake:how do we call him

Kyla:we just have to shout for help.

Mike:do you think so.

Kyla and Jake:help!help!!help!!!.

(The guardian appeared coming out of the UFO)

Guardian:do u find the seed?(he looks at the ocean and he find the frozen beasts)what?how did u think of this, you guys are so impressive.

Jake:thanks, we found the seed(he gave the seed to the guardian)

Guardian:(he raised the seed up)let this seed maintain the balance of this ocean and return to it place.

(The ocean melted,and the evil beast vanished like dust.the evil flowers melted and the ocean was normal again. The dragons got back their energy and they could fly again).

(The guardian disappeared).

Jake: so it was this easy.

Kyla:I think we can swim again.


Mike:(he turns to Jake). Hey am very sorry for what I did to you. You were not like me despite the fact that I risked your life. You save me when I was in danger, thank you please forgive me for all the damages I have caused you. I fed you with hatred but you feed me back with love. I should really work on my self.

Jake: I have forgiven my brother. We are brothers and I will always forgive for whatever you do to me.

Mike:Thank you

Jake:you are always welcome.

Mike:but know this I still want Kyla so the race is not over yet.

Jake:okay if you say so, game on.

Kyla:hey guys. Let's have some coconut from a near by coconut tree.

Jake:but we will have to climb this mountain to get a coconutKyla:why should we claim when we have dragons.

Mike:oh right...

(They called their dragons and they sat on them. They went in search of a coconut tree but they came back with multiple fruit. They sat by the ocean side to make a fruit juice and the guardian provided all the equipment they will need to make the juice).

Kyla:wow!so sweet.

Jake:yeah. We are having the best of life here.

Mike:Yes. When we finish drinking, we will surf with the surfing board the guardian gave is. He treated us like his own child.

Jake:he is so good and I really love him. I wish my dad was like him.

Kyla:oh!...fellows are you done with the juice? Let's surf.

Jake and Mike:oh!yeah.

(They ran to the ocean bank and they took their surfing boards).

Mike: I don't have much idea about surfing.

Jake:I will give you surfing lessons.

Kyla: I will support Jake while teaching you.

Mike:(he smiled at them)oh yeah.

(They took their surfing board and they started surfing. They surf to the middle of the ocean and they sank. They were surprise and they had no idea of what took the surfing board. A giant Lily came out of the water and it carried them to the sky, before bringing them back down to the water level).

Jake:wow, what an awesome Lily.

Mike:And there is more(he pointed at the water lilies that are over five thousand).


(Curtain falls).

(Light went off stage).