
Cody was cranky to say the least it had been a few days already and he was still practically bound to his room. He hated showing others weakness. Having to rely on others was the bane of his existence. And right now, well he had no choice. Whether he liked it or not, he was stuck.

He also refused to admit that he was starting to enjoy sleeping next to Connor at night. How did he know he enjoyed it? Because his heart kept skipping a beat when Connor rubbed his head and he loved closing his eyes feeling safe next to him. He was like sleeping next to a heater at night and Cody hated that he wanted to snuggle closer.

No he definitely would not think of Connor in that way. They were both males after all and having attachments to anyone in his line of work led to disasters. His current situation proved that. But try as hard as he might, even Connor's stupid pick up lines tended to make him smile and occasionally blush. This could not end well.

Well at least he was allowed to go to the bathroom on his own now. Before Connor had basically carried him then turned around. It was humiliating. He also smelled like sweat. He needed a shower. Unfortunately he could only stand and walk for about three minutes before collapsing. Taking a fast shower would be hard considering his movements were still slow.

Ugh dark elements really had the worst side effects. Way worse than downing a million alcoholic beverages. On the bright side he was finally free from that curse. Now if he could only remedy his current situation.

If he could just sit down in the tub, he could at least clean himself up a little bit. But what were the chances of accidentally passing out and drowning. No that might be a problem. Well if he didn't let the water pile up he's just sleep in the tub. That could work. Not a bath, just a sitting down shower.

He got up from his bed. Connor had gone downstairs to fix some food and do a few things. Since Kyle was no longer making him watch Cody constantly. Granted Cody was sure Kyle had to do very little to talk Connor into observing his every move.

Getting to the bathroom was easy enough. When he looked at the tub he had and even better idea. Just fill it with like an inch of water and lay against the wall. No chance of drowning and no need to bother Connor. It was perfect.

He filled the tub very little. And grabbed a towel from a nearby shelf and hung it on the side. Now where was his shampoo even at? Don't tell me Connor decided to use it all while I was unconscious or something weird like that. He wouldn't put it past him and he often said he liked the smell of his shampoo. Gosh darn it, he riffled through the cabinets under the sink. There was lots of stuff but his shampoo was nowhere to be found.

Shoot, he thought sitting down. He'd gone and crouched for too long and now his head was spinning. He groaned slightly and held his head with one hand.

"You good?"

Cody turned toward the door. Connor was back. He leaned against the door frame watching Cody with a worried look.

"You looking for something?" Connor asked eyeing the torn up cupboards.

"Yeah shampoo." Said Cody after a few seconds. He might as well give up finding it without help, someone might have moved it.

To his surprise Connor reached over an opened a drawer in the other room. He returned a second later with a shampoo bottle. With annoyance he remembered moving it there a little while ago because he didn't want Connor to find it. Just how did this guy manage to keep better track of his movements than he did.

Connor leaned over so he was level with Cody. "You know if you wanted a bath that badly you should have just asked me to help." He murmured.

"I can take a bath just fine on my own thanks." Cody growled. Then after a quick second he added, "or I'll just wait till I can."

"Aww don't be like that." Connor replied. He leaned over and kissed Cody's head. Cody pulled away with a growl feeling his cheeks redden. Recently Connor had started kissing him way too often. It wasn't helping Cody to get rid of his attachment issues. He wanted to kiss him back and he hated himself for it. What if next time it was Connor who got hit instead of him? Cody didn't think he'd be able to live with himself.

It seemed Connor had other plans. In that moment of having his head in the clouds Connor pulled Cody's shirt off.

Cody yelped, "Oye, knock it off!"

Connor smiled sweetly at him, "You wanted to take a bath right? I'm just going to help you with it." Connor reached down removed the little slipper socks Cody had been wearing. Then he moved toward his pants.

"Nope!" said Cody blocking him. No way was he letting that happen.

Connor sighed as if Cody was a silly child. He walked over to the towels and picked up a smaller one.

"Wrap that around yourself if it's that bad. We are both boys after all." Connor said.

"That's not the point," Cody grumbled.

"I've already seen you in a skirt, a towel is no different, besides you want to be clean right?" Connor smirked. Cody clenched his teeth together, he was totally trapped.

Cody let out a long sigh. Sent another glare toward Connor then started undoing his jeans. He had started trembling all over though. He had already wasted way too much energy. He glanced back at Connor who was watching him.

"Don't stare!" he hissed. Cody fumbled with his fingers trying to undo the button clasp and miserably failing. Cody paused leaning against the wall. Darn! Just how long was Connor going to sit watching him struggle with a faintly amused expression.

Cody panted slightly, he felt shaky all over. If he didn't have to prove himself to Connor he would have just gone back to bed and bathed another day. He really didn't have the strength for this. Shoot! How would he get out of this. Dealing with Connor was way harder than monsters.

Finally after a minute Connor rose to his feet. Cody slumped slightly. Whatever he thought, just carry me back to the bed of the weak already. Instead Connor sat in front of him and reached over. With ease he undid the button on Cody's jeans and pulled down the zipper. Cody yelped.

"Chill it's not like underwear are any different from a swim suit." He muttered. With that he pulled his pants off the rest of the way. Cody felt his whole body tense up. It killed him inside that he kind of didn't want Connor to stop.

Connor wrapped a towel around him then reached under and gently pulled off his underwear.

"Bath time!" he smirked as he carried Cody over to the tub.