
The water was warm and felt great. Now the company well that was another story. Cody had already expanded all his strength and was completely at Connor's mercy. Connor had one arm tucked under Cody's arms keeping him from falling into the water. Connor had also filled the tub up all the way looking way too pleased with himself.

That though, was only the beginning. At this rate Cody worried he wouldn't be able to stay away from Connor. He was just way to freaking caring and nice! And his hands, when had someone ever touched him before where he thought it felt nice. Connor was one of the first people who he enjoyed getting hugs from, but now even that had extended.

Connor rubbed Cody with soap. Cody had closed his eyes temporarily. It felt way too good. This was starting to become dangerous. Next Connor dumped some shampoo in his hair and scrubbed it. Cody gave up trying to figure out his emotions. For now he'd just enjoy his time with Connor. After the bath his sanity would return, right?

After managing to somehow get dressed on his own Connor carried Cody back to his bed. He laid him gently on it and smiled.

"I love you." Connor said.

Cody rolled his eyes, "Yeah okay." He replied. If Connor kept this up he might go insane.

"What no I love you too?" Connor made his best attempt at puppy dog eyes.

Cody looked away immediately but he already felt his gut clench in guilt. He really should say something back. It was mean not to. It wasn't like he didn't love Connor. He also really really didn't want to tell him that though.

"I like you to." He finally muttered adverting his gaze.

"We'll just have to work on that one." Said Connor leaning over and kissing Cody on the lips. Cody turned his head slightly to break off the kiss, but also kind of regretted it. He felt like grabbing Connor and kissing him back with full force.

Instead he just said, "We're both guys."

The next few days Connor tried a few more times. "I love you!"

"Okay then."

"I love you even more today!"

"That's great."

" My love for you stretches to the ends of the universe!"

"I think its spread a little too thin then." Cody instantly regretted this one as Connor's face betrayed a slight look of hurt. But it disappeared as soon as it had come.

Decided to distract him Cody said, "Hey you know the second stages of element are usually double the strength of the first right?"

"Yeah so?"

"What's your thoughts on bright magic?"

"What do you mean, everyone knows bright doesn't have a second stage. Everyone makes fun of it for that, I mean its first level is just flashlight after all. Although your powers do show that it's upper level shield, and enhance have combat potential." Connor looked at him confused then paused and turned to stare at him. "Don't tell me you found the second stage! Every bright user has been looking for years!"

Cody smiled and held up his hands focusing on his bright element. Connor stared and his eyes only got wider as a loud bang sounded.

"So this is the second stage of bright. Dude that freakin over powered!" Connor yelled. "Remind me never to ever mess with you. I don't want an early grave! How the heck did you find it?"

"I was originally trying to compress the bright enough to create an explosion." Cody smirked with pride. It really was way to OP.

Kyle took that second to enter the room. "What the heck happened? There was a loud crash sound." He looked around. Seeing everything looked fine a confused look came over his face.

"Hey bro check this out! Do it again Cody." Said Connor still looking like he didn't believe it.

Cody smiled and repeated the move. Kyle stood there with his jaw hanging open in shock.

"I love you, and I love your magic, and everything about you." Connor aimed to kiss Cody again, but Cody gracefully dodged it.

"Yeah yeah," he muttered turning toward Kyle. He only briefly saw the look of disappointment on Connor for a second time.

The next morning was still similar. Cody awoke to Connor watching him sleep. Again.

"Don't you ever get tired of staring at me?" Cody asked.

"How could I ever be tired of such beautiful scenery?" Connor replied. "By the way I love you!"

"Great I...…I... love…... tacos." Cody replied. Well at least he tried, kind of.

"Now that'd just cruel" said Connor. At first Cody thought his look of hurt was more a joking look, but at the same time it looked real. He'd have to work on that. Tomorrow, tomorrow he'd say it.

He couldn't get Connor to lose interest in him and his own interest kept growing. He was at the point of giving in. IF he couldn't protect Connor by being away from him, then fine he'd just have to be with him constantly instead.

On the fifth day Cody awoke to his white sheets. He glanced around Connor wasn't here for once? Maybe he'd gone to the bathroom, or maybe cooking breakfast, although he usually asked Cody what he wanted. He was a good chef and constantly gave in to whatever Cody asked for. He also hadn't gotten his morning I love you. He didn't think it would bother him this much but he kept looking for it.

After a few minutes he got up. Where could that idiot be? He checked a few places then went to the kitchen.

Kyle was in their frying some pancakes. He looked up as Cody entered. "Hey how you feeling today." Kyle asked.

"Great, I'm cleared now right?" Cody asked since Kyle had originally said he'd probably be back to 100% by now.

Kyle nodded, "Yeah I'll just check you over once more later today then your free from all the medical equipment."

"Cool, also have you seen Connor today?"

"He said he was going to pick some flowers. But now that I think about it he'd been gone awhile." Kyle turned to him, "You haven't seen him yet I take it?"

Cody shook his head feeling slightly concerned for some reason.

Cody went out onto the massive lot owned by the Alaya family. He didn't see Connor as he started walking along the edge. He started examining some scuff marked on the corner of the lot. They kind of looked like a, a what? He wasn't sure. What was Connor doing? It didn't look like fight marks. Several flower stems littered the walk way though.

He paused and picked them all up returning to the house. He dropped them in a jar full of water. He started to search further up on the third level of the house when his phone rang.

It was Blazestar so he immediately picked up, "Hey Blaze what's up?"

"I'm so sorry Brightspeed. Yammado's dead."

"Chill we can still find the maker of the Fantiscaka power drugs without him."

"Yeah that's not all though. Here I'm sending a video file. He was killed by the King's underlings. Just watch the file, Lavalilly and I'll meet you there and bring Skystorm."

Cody could hear the urgency in his voice as he hung up. Kyle came over and Cody pulled up the file and played it. On it Connor was knocked out and dragged into the back of a car. It then changed to a screen of text. Which said: Brightspeed, I know you'll see this. If you want to see your friend again, before he dies, come to 1854 Pinebrook street.

Everything in Cody's life froze. He clenched his fist. If they touch one hair on his head I'll make them wish they were dead. No I'll destroy them so bad that the pain will kill them first.