
These people were very annoying couldn't they just leave him in peace. He had one goal at the moment and that was to kill as many monsters as he could before he died. Seeing them stop moving he gave up with the healer and dropped his pant leg again.

"I'll be going now." He replied.

"Wait" the guy what did he say his name was? Eh not important. Leaned over and his hand glowed a bit. Kip felt the cut on his leg sew itself up.

Stupid idiot thinking he was so great because he could heal. Mages always relied on their elements for their glory, it wasn't even truly their power. Sort of, he wouldn't be jealous like other non-magic users. His power was his alone and he was going to hone it to perfection.

"Why don't you..." the smaller one tried to say something but Kip cut him off.

"Can you take me back now? You weird little taxi cab." Kip asked coldly.

He smiled inwardly seeing the annoyance on his face. "Ungrateful" growled the little bright user.

Kip rolled his eyes making sure they saw it, "Gee thanks for what? Dragging me away from my dinner for a several mile unplanned road trip?"

What was his name? Coby? Code? Co? eh whatever taxi was a perfectly good name, "Take me back already little taxi, but don't expect a tip."

He was still in somewhat a state of shock then said, "I went to all the trouble to get your leg healed and possibly look at setting you up with a house and a guild job. Could you try to be more pleasant."

Kip was done. "Whatever I'll find the door myself" he commented and instead chose to leap out the second story window of wherever this place was.

He tucked and rolled his landing before picking up a brisk jog away from the place. He went a few minutes before stopping and muttering curses! Where was he? He didn't even know what direction he had to go in. He knew the safe zone was roughly north of his place but the lights here made it hard to see the stars to navigate.

Hmm getting more lost would only lead to more trouble. He'd have to wait for daylight by the looks of it. let's see find an abandon building to spend the night. He auto searched for monsters before remembering the safe zone basically had none. Ooh wait he could still use it to pick up other human presences. Gosh darn it they were like an infestation compared to his place.

He tuned out his ears a bit dropping the enhancement. This really was proving to be even more annoying than he thought when the bright user randomly showed up at his door. He walked for a few more minutes before finally finding an abandon building. With so many full buildings, this must be near the center of new Miami? Maybe?

He found a slightly more comfortable slab of concrete to sleep on. In the morning he just needed to head south till he found the open zone again.

He closed his eyes letting the darkness take him.


He awoke at early dawn just as the area around him was changing from grey to color. He picked himself up and started south or what he hoped was south the sky was grey today.

A brisk morning jog in a safe zone, how utterly boring. No sprinting past wolves or dodging around lions. Not even a rat to waste some time on.

A car came up behind him pulled a little ahead then stopped. Its window rolled down. Kip paused uneasy as he walked up to it.

The tall healer from the other night. What did he want?

"You want a life back to the safe zone gate?" he asked curtly.

"I'm perfectly fine, you will end up lazy if you drive everywhere all the time." He spat back. He was after all part of the reason for his current situation.

The healer oh right Kyle's voice turned even colder. "Do you want a lift or not. If you'd prefer to walk around lost be my guest."

"I'm not lost" he growled back.

His eyebrow raised a little "Sure, then why is this your third time passing this place?"

Kip's eyes narrowed. This guy clearly had too much free time. He said nothing and started walking again. Now that he paid more attention a few things did appear as repeats, shoot was he really going in circles? Dumb city.

Shoot the car again... Kip immediately turned to go the other way when he saw the same car still pulled up to the side of the road. The car turned on and backed up to his location and he glared again into Kyle's eyes.

Kyle watched him in silence for a moment then said, "last offer, if you want to keep walking be my guest. But you are currently in a looped road in an area with several of them."

Kip felt his demeanor starting to crack. This place couldn't even make its roads straight and normal.

Kyle reached over and opened the side door motioning to him. After a few more moments of hesitation he got into the vehicle. They drove taking several twists and turns. Kip tried to follow the surroundings but it was hard to. His living area was a nice grid, the engineers who did this must have been artists in their past lives.

"You know, we really were just wanting to see if you were okay. Its literally part of our job." Said Kyle breaking the silence. However it was one sided and Kip stayed quiet.

"If you ever change your mind" Kyle stated. Kip glanced over to see a piece of paper. Slightly curious he took it. It was a map from his place to what must have been theirs. It also contained the contact information to get a hold of them.

Not that he would ever use it. "Thanks" he muttered, as societal rules dictated, he wasn't a complete social ingrate.