Chapter 14: The Royal Star

Henry stared incredulously at the small Lolita in front of him on the elevator.

He and Molly have only one side relationship, and it isn't going well.

Why should you invite yourself to a drink for no reason?

Her brows furrowed as she saw her fingers push on the fifth floor.

"You go, I'm not going if I have work to do."

Anna and the party will be here after supper, and Henry does not want to meet them.

"Look at your interest; you don't have to pay; I'll take care of you!" Molly said quietly.

"It's not a problem of money, or changing a location; you choose anything you want, and I invite you." Henry was adamant.

Molly grinned as she stared at Henry, blinked her eyes, chuckled, and smiled "Oh, I know you're terrified of seeing Anna and the others; I've never seen such a dull man as you, afraid even of a lady. Don't be concerned; there are a lot of people on the fifth floor. Even if they do arrive, they will not notice you."

The deafening electric boom made Henry feel a little uneasy in his heart as soon as the elevator reached the fifth floor.

He's never been to a place like this before.

The gloomy lighting, agitated music, and men and women furiously moving their limbs on the dance floor made Henry believe that he was incompatible with this location no matter what.

On the contrary, Molly clearly wasn't the only person to come to such a location, grab Henry's arm, and get in while he was familiar with the road.

"The hall is too crowded; let's go to the box." Because the music was too loud, Molly stood on her toes, leaned forward, and spoke into Henry's ear.

Henry nodded and looked around.

The atmosphere here is akin to what he had expected before arriving.

The Royal Star has exceptionally high-end design and refreshments to suit to the desires of the wealthy. There are private rooms where friends may congregate and live autonomously, as well as a dance floor where you can let loose. Furthermore, you may wander through the crowd, and the beauty is breath taking. The waiters also drew a lot of unmarried men and ladies who were looking for some excitement.

"Come on!"

When Molly noticed Henry's attention fixed on the scarcely clad girls, she retreated and unkindly pinched his hand.

"Take it easy." "I didn't expect you to like this kind of location," Henry said, frowning.

Henry had not anticipated that a girl with an elegant and literary girl appearance would be as familiar as returning home from this type of area.

"Cut!" Molly made a snide remark.

Who among today's youth does not enjoy clubbing? If you don't go clubbing, are you still a young man?

Molly brought Henry inside a familiar box door, then summoned the waiter and ordered a slew of foreign wines that Henry had never heard of.

"You drink first, and then I'll go to the bathroom."

Molly visited the restroom. Henry sat alone in the box, taking up his phone with boredom.

He had to ask Bella for permission to leave, because else he wouldn't know how many attractive nurses he'd have to look at when he returned at night.

Fortunately, Bella readily consented.

Then Dora called him and sent him a few messages, asking if he was free the next day and wanted to go to university to find Henry.

When Henry was answering to the message, the door was suddenly shoved open from the outside.

"How quickly?"

Henry raised his head, surprised, and asked, "Is it you?"

Anna and Stephen were the visitors at the door.

They came up before they finished their lunch and reserved a private room.

"Unexpectedly, I'll be able to meet you here."

Anna looked at Henry with disgust, wondering in her heart how Henry could consume in such a location, she didn't believe it when she killed her, but when she thought about the thermos stolen from the car dealership, the contempt in her eyes became even more strong.

"I see you're employed here! I can't tell Henry, but what are you doing in the guest box? I went from a mobile phone shop to here so soon. You don't want to discreetly drink the rest of the guest. What about the bar? But it's no surprise that you stole the glass from the auto dealership, and that snatching a drink is a regular meal for you."

Is it true that you stole the glass?

Henry was perplexed and didn't bother to explain.

He didn't want to see these two people again, and he certainly didn't expect to see them in the private room. The desire to drink had vanished. He remained silent. He stood up and walked away.

But he didn't expect to be stopped by Anna before he got to the door.

"What do you want to do now? You merely want to go when a waiter discreetly consumes a guest's wine? What about your boss? Call the manager over, I want him to take a close look at such an elegant establishment, how can all kinds of rubbish come in as a waiter? It has simply dropped the grade here!"

Anna's voice was loud and piercing, having a haughty tone to it.

Henry stared at her, perplexed. Anna should unleash his rage in the private room on the third level, he reasoned. Since then, the two have become insignificant and have become passers-by, but he did not anticipate her to chase him here and continue to be aggressive.

"What exactly are you looking at? You still want to beat a woman if you aren't convinced? Do you dare to persuade me to try again today, because believe it or not, I can't get you out of this door?" Anna declared arrogantly.

"What do you name the manager if not Anna? Because Henry is the waiter here, we should let him serve us." From the side, Stephen laughed weirdly.

Then he raised one foot and stood on the table, pointing to Henry: "My shoes are filthy, after all. Wipe me down."

This is a little excessive.

Henry stared coldly at the two, an unknown fire blazing right in his heart.

Molly emerged from the bathroom, opened the door, and walked in.

"Shoe shine is five pounds per pair at the door. I can't believe Young Master Stephen can't even afford to spend this much money. It wasn't like this when you chased me before."

She couldn't bear Henry after listening at the door for five minutes. He stood in front of Henry when he entered the door and said.

"Are you Molly?"

Anna's pupils dilated. Molly is well-known at university circle. Many girls, including Anna, secretly compare themselves to her.

Stephen was even more ecstatic "If you're here, Molly, why don't you phone me? I have a private room on the third level where you can join me for dinner."

Molly flashed him a friendly smile.

"I wouldn't dare. What if you offer to pay for your shoeshine in exchange for eating your meal?"

"Look at what you stated; despite the fact that I, Stephen, am not a wealthy guy, I am a member of the Royal Star. Meals are still reasonably priced. I heard that a shipment of nine-headed abalones arrived here by air. They're juicy and delectable. If Molly wishes to appreciate her face, let me sit in the east and welcome clients back." Stephen was full of flattery, fearing Molly's rejection.

"Wait a second!"

Anna had a sad expression on his face.

She had known for a Lee time that Stephen had pursued Molly several times, but Molly had always refused.

But today, in front of his own eyes, he laboured hard for this woman.

The most crucial aspect is the presence of Henry.

This made her question if the two people had a secret relationship.

"What brings you here? And what about this dick?" Anna stated matter-of-factly.

"Do I still need to explain it to you that I asked my friend to drink?"

Anna was allowed by Henry, but Molly did not look her in the eyes.

"Friend?" Anna abruptly stated "Oh," "Thinking that our city house goddess would be hooked up by a dick, it appears that some people's eyes aren't very excellent, and even the waste I throw away is picked up." But don't be misled by some people's misbehaviour. He's a criminal who even steals a thermos. Be aware that if you do not pay the bill for a while, you will not only be unable to find someone, but you will also have to pay for it yourself."

Molly grinned "There is no reason for you to be concerned. Today's treat is drinking, and spending money is intended to be. A lady with healthy limbs also relies on men every day and spends men's money. This is something I'm capable of. I can't do it."

Despite knowing Molly was making fun of herself, Anna grinned sarcastically: "Are you entertaining? Do you know where this is, Molly? The royal star's per capita usage cannot be less than 1,000, and You must still open a private room. Isn't it true that two people will have to spend at least 5,000 pounds?"

"What difference does it make?" "Since I dare to treat guests here, I can naturally afford the money, and you don't need me, I worry about it," Molly remarked quietly.

"I don't have to be concerned about you, but did you know that your parents are also regular employees? Your monthly salary is less than 3,000 pounds, and your living expenditures are merely 800 pounds. Why are you spending money on a treat here? I don't think it's someone using other men's money to care for her small white face, do you?"

"What are you on about?"

Molly's lovely eyes were enraged, and her face was flushed red and white.

She had long heard that Anna, a girl with an extremely venomous mouth, would criticise her in front of her, stating that she was nurtured by a man and used the man's money to raise a tiny white face!

At the same time, Stephen became aware and cynically stared at Molly "I wasn't expecting it, and you didn't like me at the time, but I still think I'm broke. I'd like to know how much money you're willing to provide you for one month. Huh? On your terms, at least 10,000 pounds, tut, this is much faster than the money arriving, and you can also raise a little white face. It is expected that our lovely Huang Damei will soon be able to purchase a car and a home in Nandu. Make yourself a winner in life, hehe!"

"I can't say it's a nest of snakes and rats, but you'll be fine.

You will be penalised sooner or later for your actions! Ignore them, Henry, and let's go drink somewhere else!" Molly has a strong love/hate relationship. She likes to fight and hug injustice, but in front of these two individuals, she felt a profound vulnerability, so she hurriedly seized Henry's arm and swiftly left this area.

Anna, on the other hand, is still hesitant.

It would be fantastic to see Molly deflate in front of her.

She is even more energised now that Henry has arrived.

"Don't leave, I'm going to take a picture of you two with my phone right now and send it to the school group, so the boys at university may see what the noble goddess they typically imagine is like outside, look at them. so you may experience the sensation of being stepped on by everyone?"

Molly was cruel and was ready to step forward when he saw Anna pull out her phone and shoot a shot. I came to a halt when I heard someone tapping on the door outside the box and asked, "Excuse me, Henry, is Mr. Henry inside?"