Chapter 15: Guest of Royal Star’s President

Are you looking for Henry?

Anna was surprised. How could a jerk like Henry meet friends in such an opulent setting?

Molly had said, "Here, please come in," at this point. The door to the private room was pushed open from the outside, and a middle-aged man in a suit entered.

"Excuse me for taking up your valuable time, but who is Henry?"


Anna had already hurried to the front and demanded, "Who are you?" Henry was about to reply.

"Sorry, yes, my surname is Grey. The Royal Star's manager." "Says the middle-aged man."

"So you're the boss around here..."

Anna abruptly increased her voice, gesticulated, and said: "You just arrived here, and I just wanted to find you; your royal star is such a high-end establishment, how can you allow the thief? Anyone can come in and you don't even ask for anything? How can we feel at comfortable here for consumption if this is the case? Will you pay for something if it is misplaced?"


Manager Grey instantly increased his vigilance.

"Do you mean you discovered a thief here, Madam?"

Anna joyfully declared: "Yes, I did find out ahead of time. Otherwise, the new Gucci bag I purchased today will most likely be missing by now. You have to have your eyes open at all times, you guys. Anyone who is disorganised is welcome to enter at any time. If this trend continues, the Royal Star's reputation will be ruined!"

The Royal Star, despite being a high-end entertainment venue, is nonetheless relatively safe for customers. Everything is in place.

Manager Grey instantly picked up the walkie-talkie after hearing Anna's description and said: "You are currently escorting someone to the 555 private room, Captain Wang. There are client problems that must be addressed."

He turned around after speaking and remarked to Anna: "I'm not sure if it's necessary for the lady to assist us in identifying the thief. As recompense, all of your and your friends' consumption at the club tonight will be bill-free and given away for free. Are you interested in obtaining a VIP card and receiving a lifetime discount of 30%? ""Are you satisfied?"

When Anna and Stephen heard the words "free order," their eyes brightened up.

The Royal Star's consumption, even Stephen's, was extremely difficult to stomach.

Today, he finally asked his father for 20,000 pounds, which is only enough for these folks to eat on the third floor and then sit here for a while.

However, if the order is lifted, he can certainly act aggressively in front of these friends.

In the end, no one will know whether he paid or not if he doesn't say anything.

Most significantly, there is a Royal Star VIP card!

This is not something that the average person can obtain.

It is said that Royal Star's CEO is quite young and comes from a very strong family. Only by becoming his friend will he be able to obtain this VIP card. These are all members of City's upper class, either rich or noble!

Even Bob Tennyson would have to kneel and lick in front of him if he could go out with this card, no matter what the rich second generation thought.

Anna scoffed and pointed her finger at Henry as the two exchanged glances: "You don't need to look outside. He works as a thief. When he was employed before, he stole items from the car dealership. Now he's returned. You can if you don't believe it. Go look for him and make sure you don't discover a cent. How could such people spend their money here, unless they were a thief?"

"Is anything the lady said true, Sir?"

Manager Grey frowned and inquired of Henry.

After all, as the manager of the Royal Star, he can't merely listen to women's opinions on this; he needs to know before making a choice.

However, this guy's outfits do not match those of the customers here.

Even if he isn't a thief, he can't be here any Leeer, which will have an impact on the water club's usage level.

"I am not," Henry said to Grey. "Oh, I dare not say it." Anna remarked wryly, "Do you dare to claim that you are not a thief? Did you steal the thermos from the Poly auto dealership? Believe it or not, I can now call the garage and directly expose you, so you go to jail for the rest of your life!"

Pauly, do you sell cars?

Henry gave her an astonished expression. He had no idea that with Anna's help, he would be able to identify the origin of the thermos cup.

However, at this point, Henry began to regret giving Anna the water glass.

"Anna, you stop it!"

Molly couldn't take it any longer and stood up straight.

"Anna you've been insulting and provoking us ever since we met. I'm not sure what offended you, but you can't exist without a bottom line and a conscience. If you claim we are thieves, you must provide evidence; else, we will contact the police. Allow the cops to verify our innocence!"

"Oh, Miss Molly , don't you see how much you care about your small white face? But what I'm saying you is true. You can ask him yourself ", and Where did he obtain the Poly Car Dealer thermos? Do you dare to respond?" Anna stated matter-of-factly.

"I'm not sure what he did before, and it has nothing to do with me, but why are you spitting on people here, claiming he's a thief? Did you see him steal something, or was it stolen from you by him? If not, you are slandering, and you will go to jail for slandering!"

Molly, on the other hand, is not out of date.

She was sad today and wanted to drag Henry here to drink to soothe her sorrows, but she hadn't expected to encounter Anna's kind of stuff, and her resentment didn't go away, but it got even more confused.

"Tsk, look at you all enthusiastic, did you really fall in love with this filthy cock? I heard that during the struggle last night, you were able to find your family and get him out of the jail centre. Molly, you are stunning. Return a cock thread and be a lady to do what you deserve, simply die." Anna said sarcastically, his eyes bulging.

Manager Grey furrowed his brows together and yelled: "When I see the two women getting more and more quarrelsome and ready to do anything," he said "Enough, no one speaks; wait for our security manager to arrive and verify the facts; I see Who would dare to cause trouble at the Royal Star? I'm irritated!"

People who can be managers in this type of environment are not regular people.

After all, the few persons were all students who hadn't finished their studies. They didn't dare to speak after Manager Grey roared like way.

Only Molly paused, biting her teeth and whispering: "Nothing, I don't believe yet sensible spot, it's not my uncle to contact me, Henry you don't worry about"

"Henry, let me see how long you can rely on a lady because of your impending demise. Rubbish is rubbish, and you won't have anything for the rest of your life." With a smirk, Anna said.

She has a sharp mind. Even if she can't discover anything here, she only needs to call the Poly Motors manager in front of Manager Grey to ensure that Henry stole the thermos. These two will undoubtedly be apprehended. I'm going to blow out.

Anna breathed a sigh of relief as he remembered the scenario in which the university college flower and Henry were sent out by security guards.

"Wait a second, what were you saying about this gentleman's name?"

Manager Grey scowled, as if something was amiss with his heart.

"What else can I call it? Henry. Manager Grey, Henry is the poor guy, and you must remember his name and appearance, lest you get in again next time and lose stuff, but there will be no me. It's very simple to communicate." Anna triumphantly stated.

"Who is Henry?"

Manager Grey's heart shook. He came here specifically to find this person!

"Do you know who Henry is?" Manager Grey couldn't help but inquire again to validate his identification.

"I am," Henry said, nodding.

"So, what are your plans? I know you must have a background, but you shouldn't humiliate us as an ordinary student, shall you?"

Molly was likewise concerned.

She realised that as long as she was with Henry, she would be doomed.

It would not have happened if she hadn't asked Henry the questions first at 42'S last night.

Today, if it hadn't been for Henry's presence at the conference, she wouldn't have seen Anna, and the scene would not have been forced to such an extent.

When Manager Grey saw it, he laughed and quickly explained: "Beauty, you misunderstood; I only want to confirm, did this Mr. Henry show up at Poly Motors yesterday afternoon and purchase a Mercedes-Benz?

" Are you looking to buy a car?"

Anna couldn't smile while straightening her waist.

"Is this beggar still looking for a car? Is it also a Mercedes-Benz? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha He can't even afford a Mercedes-Benz logo, but he still buys one. I just eat the car into my gut if he can buy a Mercedes-Benz. Okay."

"You should be mistaken, he appears to be unable to purchase such an expensive car," Molly said, frowning.

"I am the one you are seeking for."

Henry confess it. The acquisition of a car merely required Manager Grey to confirm that he was the right person for the job.

Manager Grey looked up and down at Henry, then agreed, "Yes, you are the one Mr. Mabel mentioned."

Mr. Mabel?

Henry pondered for a moment, he didn't seem to know such a guy.

"Did you make a blunder? Mr. Mabel appears to be unknown to me." Henry stated unequivocally.

Manager Grey grinned "I'm not sure about this. Mr. Mabel requested me to come here to find you, and then I have a gift for you that I will personally deliver."

Manager Grey then removed one from his arms. A black titanium card was gripped by the thumb and index finger of both hands and respectfully presented to Henry's hand.

"This is Royal Star's lifetime VIP card. As long as you have this card, whether you spend below or entertain upstairs, you will receive a permanent and valid 30% discount. Accept it, please."

Henry was perplexed. He accepted the card and inquired:

"Mr. Mabel, where is she? Did she not show up?" "Mr. Mabel has something important to attend to right now, so he asked me to look after Mr. Henry. Please let us know if you have any special requirements. It is an honour for me to serve you."

Manager Grey gently bent his lower body, and his title was changed from a stranger Henry to Mr. Henry.

The scene altered multiple times, leaving Henry perplexed.

He paused for a moment before asking, "Mr. Mabel, did she show up at Poly Auto Company yesterday afternoon?"

"Exactly," Manager Grey answered with a smile.

Henry realised what was going on this time.

But at that very time, I heard Anna yell: "It's impossible! This has to be a misunderstanding. How could a jerk like Henry know who Royal Star's boss was? You've got to be mistaken. Come see if it's this person, your boss!"