Chapter 16: Big mess in the 5 Start Hotel

"Please, Madam, don't make such a joke." Manager Grey raised an eyebrow.

Henry is President Mabel's friend, and although though Anna wears mascara and a beautiful zipped hip skirt, Manager Grey's knowledge of people allows him to be perceived as a student in her eyes and actions.

This is how the two sides compare.

Anna's credibility was directly lowered to nothing.

"What exactly do you mean?" I am a customer, and you must comply with my request! And do you know who the father of my lover is? As a shattered manager, what do you have? I'm qualified to flaunt yourself in front of us; now I'll summon your boss; I don't believe it, a stinking cock, who else can I know?"

Anna sat down on the sofa and wrapped her hands about her chest, like if she loved someone.

"Are you sure you want to do this, lady?" Manager Grey gave a small smile.

"What's the problem?" Do you dare to evict us? They're getting ready to leave. This private room requires a reservation, which I must make. Now we're hungry; don't be late in pulling out the wine list!"

Anna enjoys the atmosphere of the private room. Being driven away in front of Henry, with Henry sitting here enjoying the VIP service, would be a terrible humiliation for her.

"It's not required. Because you come to our club to consume, you are a VIP, but you only wanted to express that you want to reserve this private room, right?" Manager Grey smiled as he spoke.

"I did, in fact, reserve this private room."

Anna nodded proudly. When they got upstairs, they had decided on a site. Why should Henry desire it when she can sit here? Sitting around isn't enough to make you feel embarrassed in front of your buddies.

"How many of you are there?" Manager Grey inquired.

"Twelve or thirteen, either way, count as fifteen." Later, maybe I'll bring two girlfriends, and I'll need to book a spot for them."

"That's all right." Manager Grey said with a nod. "Although we don't specify per capita consumption, the beginning standard for the beverages in the box is a set of 9999 drinks bundle, but this is just for two people." I recommend a block of platinum in our clubhouse if there are more than ten individuals. The international wine package costs 78888. Of course, you can order anything else if you don't drink enough. In addition, when you check out, we will charge you 18% of the service fee. There are also some magnificent gifts. If you're certain you want it, I'll put an order for you right now."

Anna's heart pounded.

How many people spend more than 100,000 pounds here? It's no surprise that the Royal Star is one of the most affluent entertainment venues in the Southern Metropolis.

But, no matter what, she would never go at this time and leave Molly and Henry, a jerk, to witness a joke.

"It's only a few tens of thousands of pounds." Go ahead and place the order. Also, don't forget to summon your boss. I need to give those jerks a clear view. In this kind of place, he can't just walk in. Even if it occurs, you must leave like a dog so as not to alter the mood of others."

Then, with a pleasant expression, she remarked to Stephen, "Husband, thank you for giving me such a luxurious birthday." "Please have a seat."

In any case, she's not going to spend any money on today's purchases. Stephen, her boyfriend, should be the one to spend the money.

Stephen, on the other hand, had a glum expression and said nothing from start to finish.

Despite being a wealthy second generation, he is not a child of a family. Bob Tennyson's level is even lower than this accommodation. Ask a friend to join you in celebrating Anna's birthday. His budget is limited to RMB 20,000. This is already a mainstay. This time, it costs one hundred thousand pounds, which is five times as much. Where does he acquire such large sums of money?

"Why don't we go look?" "There are so many people, I don't believe I can sit in this private area."

Stephen was about to go when he took Anna's hand in his.

"Can you tell me why you're going? Why aren't you able to sit down here? You wouldn't even have this money, Stephen?"

Anna snatched Stephen s hand and yelled fiercely at him.

Stephen's expression changed, and he scolded Anna for having a foolish brain.

With the management of the Royal Star's experience, it is evident at a glance that we cannot pay this money, well, he was certainly purposeful!

Why can't this brain-dead woman see anything so obvious?

And, if the news spreads tonight, how will he be able to join the wealthy second-generation circle in the future?

He is freaking lost.

He didn't care about Anna right now, so he turned around and walked away.

Anna was similarly taken aback by Stephen's entourage.

She just has a few hundred bucks, and she can't afford to stay in such a place.

She felt hot on her face as she felt the gazes of Molly and Manager Grey, and she fled out of the private room with her head down.

"Mr. Henry, please accept my apologies for the difficulties you have had at our club." After Manager Grey apologised again as he placed the wine ordered by Molly on the table.

Anna and Stephen were chased away after Henry waved his hand. He was also in a better mood, so he inquired, "Will President Mabel arrive later?"

"Mr Mabel is hosting two at the moment," Manager Grey grumbled. A very important guest, it is expected that she will come to meet you after he has finished his work, but I am not certain about the specific scenario."

"All right, thanks for your hard effort; now go work."

Henry smiled and nodded, then didn't take this issue seriously.

He is now wealthy and does not need to take VIP cards from strangers in exchange for discounts.

Henry disliked owing favours to others when he was impoverished, and he no longer need it now.

And he had no intention of letting Molly pay for the drinks tonight.

Simultaneously, after leaving the private room, Anna did not return to the private room on the third floor, let alone home.

She and Stephen sat down and exchanged complicated expressions as they peered at the door of Box 555.

Anna would be content to celebrate her birthday at the Royal Star on any other day.

However, Henry and Molly are currently sitting in the box, receiving high-level services, while she and Stephen can only sit in separate seats.

Don't bring up how depressed you are.

Anna was taken aback when he saw servers in suits repeatedly dragging costly drinks to the box. Even if Molly treats visitors, according to Manager Grey, there will be at least 50,000 to 60,000 pounds in drinks. Right?

Even if there is a discount on Henry's type of VIP card, Molly will have no reason to spend 10,000 or 20,000 to invite a dick like Henry to drink in such a high-end establishment.

What does she appreciate about Henry?

Anna's heartfelt even more congested after the happy faces of Henry and Molly arrived in her sight, especially when the waiter opened the door and went in and exited.

Why did Henry know Royal Star's boss? Furthermore, it appeared like the two of them had met at Poly Motors, and Anna couldn't help but recall the broken thermos cup, and her heart was gently beating.

Of course, not only Anna, but also Molly, who is currently confronting Henry, is filled with numerous whys.

"I can't see it, Henry." You don't typically flaunt the mountains and dew, but you're good friends with Royal Star's boss. "Are you the mythical super-local tyrant hidden on campus?" she asked.

Innocently and movingly facing Molly. Henry's large eyes couldn't help but smile, "How can I be friends with such a powerful boss?" Perhaps there was a misunderstanding while she was at the auto showroom. She humiliated and gave me this card as a result. Make something up."

"Such a valuable card, you need it to save your life, thus she's prepared to give it to you, right?"

Molly's expression was definitely shocked, but she didn't question much, but Henry couldn't help but wonder: "Why did you show up here and what are you doing?"

"compel me to drink?" Despite Molly's candour, Henry can tell that she is in a terrible mood today.

"It's okay, I just ran into you on the third floor while eating dinner with my buddies." "May I sincerely apologise for what happened that night?"

Molly then grabbed two wine bottles from the table with both hands, hurried to Henry, took a bottle in his arms, touched it personally, and aggressively blew into the bottle.

Three glasses of wine.

Henry shook his head helplessly, seeing a lot of wine left on the table and the unconscious little Lolita on the sofa near him.

Henry had already comprehended the entire storey while drinking.

Molly appeared at Royal Star to attend the birthday party of her close friend Matilda.

Matilda's birthday party, of course, included his girlfriend Virginia's presence.

Originally, Molly intended to use this occasion to act as a go-between for the two and Henry last night.

What she didn't expect was Virginia to arrive with Lee.

Instead of listening to Molly's argument, the three of them threatened to break one of Henry's legs, rendering him unable to stand for the rest of his life in a wheelchair.

What made her even more terrifying was that when Lee drank a little wine, he molested himself in front of Virginia. Virginia did not only not stop him, but instead laughed with Matilda and took photos with their phones.

Molly became enraged, dumped her wine glass, and walked out of the field, where she met Henry, who was preparing to depart, at the elevator entrance.

"Molly is far too free-spirited. She will suffer in our culture sooner or later if she is not strong enough or has a solid background."

Henry sighed, wrapped his arm around Molly's head and thighs, stood up, and faced Molly. I stepped out of the box.

Go downstairs when you've paid the bill.

70,000 pounds was spent in total.

Henry did not display his VIP card. He didn't want to owe Mary Mabel a favour, and he didn't want to deal with Anna any longer.

Henry headed right into the parking lot after leaving the clubhouse, carrying Molly.

Santiago had just purchased a box of fried noodles and was eating them while leaning against the car door.

When he saw Henry arriving, he smiled for a while, but then his eyes exploded out of their sockets.

"This is Molly, isn't it? What did you do to her Henry?"

Santiago hurriedly greeted him, throwing away the lunch box in his hand.

Henry murmured quietly to the little Molly in his arms, "Is the dormitory still available, right?"

"It's eleven o'clock, I was just thinking about it, and I spent the night in the car. But the fourth child, you're fine; you've dealt with Molly as well. Which hotel are you going to go to at night to open a room?"

Henry reacted angrily to Santiago's obscene attitude, saying, "How about the girls' dorm? Let's go to the dorm and see if she can open the door for us."

"I'm not sure if the door can be opened," Santiago said with a smile. Tusk, what a pity, what a good girl, her reputation is going to be tarnished like this all over University..."

"Fuck off!"

Henry couldn't help but kick his leg before sighing, "What am I supposed to do? We have to carry her to the hotel? I can't just leave it on the street, can I?"

Santiago agreed, but couldn't help but notice Molly's small figure and whispered: "Fourth, there is a good five-star hotel nearby. Molly is the precious house deity of our University. I can't just do it one time..."

Henry shook his head, hugged Molly into the car, and then let Santiago rush to the nearest hotel.