Chapter 17: Ex-girlfriend cares for her Ex-boyfriend

Santiago droves directly from Royal Star to B International Hotel, which is less than 10 kilometres away.

Henry sat in the back seat and said nothing.

He pretended to force for the first time today.

He was quiet and didn't say or do anything, but he was overjoyed.

Henry is conscious of Anna's gaze, especially when he and Molly are drinking in a private room. The eyes are extremely sophisticated. Henry is aware of it. This kind of gaze is reminiscent of the inexpressible passion he felt when he initially chased Anna and was referred to as a dog by her.

But that's just the start.

If you bully me, I'll take a step back; if you bully me, I'll take a step back; but if you bully me, I'll apologise. Anna, you won't even have the chance to apologise if an honest man breaks out.

The white Mercedes Benz G500 pulled up to the gate of the B International Hotel, and a waiter in a dress stepped up and unlocked the door.

"How come I don't have a room for you? It's difficult to sleep in the automobile."

Henry said to Santiago before getting out.

"Forget it, Henry; I want to eat and drink in this automobile; where can I live in a five-star hotel? I'll sleep in the car at night; I'm not going anywhere!"

When Henry saw Santiago, who was eager to live and die with the car, he couldn't help but smile and tell him to open a room if he couldn't sleep well. The Henry would cover the costs.

Henry from the automobile with Molly in his arms, entered the hall, and paid to unlock the door.

Anna also left Royal Star halfway and returned to University's campus at this time. She sat alone on the playground, thinking madly.

Stephen had originally invited a large number of second-generation wealthy individuals from University and society to her birthday party at Royal Star this evening. Anna should leave her everyday life behind and join the second-generation rich group.

However, Henry, who has been mistreated in every way by her, is actually linked with Molly and is good friends with Royal Star's boss.

This is simply not acceptable to her.

More crucially, as she pushed the door open, Henry was messaging Dora on her phone.

Henry's phone was certainly the one he purchased in front of Stephen and himself at Fortune Mall yesterday afternoon!

Vertu mobile phone, Molly, and Mercedes Benz thermos cup

Is Henry wealthy?

Anna pulls out her phone and phones Henry's roommate, Homer, after some thought.

"Hello, who are you?"

Homer erased Anna's phone number when she broke up with Henry.

"It's me, Anna," that gentle voice whispers.

"Anna?" Homer is playing a game, handing out a shiver and sending blood to the other party.

"Can you come to the schoolyard now?" Anna said.

"Well, it's not ideal; the dorms are closed, and I can't get out."

Homer hesitated before inserting the phone into his ear.

Anna pondered and inquired, "Is Henry in the dormitory now?"

Isn't your breakup with Henry, you still have the face to call to ask him in?

"He's not here; we'll talk about it tomorrow."

Homer was ready to hang up the phone.

"Wait a minute!" Anna exclaimed excitedly, "When I was with Henry before, you even called me sister-in-law; now why don't you even listen to me? I'm finished. I'm truly looking for you. Can I have a chat?"

Is it a brother and sister?

Homer smiled coldly and motioned for your sister-in-law to look at the fourth brother's face. Furthermore, you openly carried a large green hat to the fourth brother. Do you have the courage to bring up your sister-in-law?

"What's the big deal? I'm going to take a bath and go to bed," Homer replied impatiently.

"Oh, watch your tone? We might still be good friends in the future," Anna remarked on the other end of the phone, "in fact, I'm just calling to ask you, you and Henry are in the same dormitory, and they have such a wonderful friendship, have you found anything weird about him recently?"

"What's the problem? Henry is really excellent. We should eat and drink after we break up with you. We went out to play yesterday afternoon. What's the problem? You all break up and still care about this?" Homer asked.

"That's not what I asked, and even though we're splitting up now, we can fall in love again; you have no idea how nice Henry is to me, and I'm also concerned about his life right now."

Anna smiled, then changed her tone, as if she didn't care, and said, "I want to ask if there has been anything unusual in Henry's life recently, that is, in terms of spending money. Today, I heard a friend say that she seemed to have seen him in some poly car shop this afternoon, and said that he was buying a car. I said, how can this be possible?

"Why do you inquire?"

Homer makes a snide remark. Anna is completely on board with this.

"Don't do what, Henry family conditions are also clear, I'm worried that if he had money in his hand, he would spend it recklessly, and now there are so many credit software online, Henry is a rural child, and has never seen anything in the world, this is about to graduate, in case of a hothead, loan to buy a car, he is so young, and no job, where to get money to pay it back."

Anna's tone is not the most real, practically directly crying out.

Homer's heart, on the other hand, is even more contemptuous. You can tell you care about Lao Si by the way you scoff at everyone in Stephen's Land Rover.

"Oh, third, just tell me, or I'll treat you to dinner tomorrow night? You didn't ask me to introduce you to your girlfriend before, so I'll gather all my good sisters in my bedroom and let you choose, OK?"

In the end, Homer listens. Anna speaks in a coquettish tone over the phone, yet he still continues, "I'm not sure about buying a car, although Henry does have a little money now."

"Really?" Anna asked, his eyes brightening, "do you know where his money comes from?"

"The government expropriated the land in his hometown, and they gave money," Homer explained.

"What do you mean, land expropriation?"

Anna had the sensation that her heart would leap from her throat.

It's not that she never believed Henry should have more money today than she had before.

But I didn't anticipate Henry to be a loser and go right into the demolition!

Pamela, it's a house.

Lamborghini, when the house moves!

Isn't Henry richer than Stephen if he truly becomes a moved household?

Anna instantly calmed down and inquired, "Do you know how much land he has accumulated in his hometown?"

"Twenty acres, forget it. I have to go to bed. I won't tell you anything else. That's all."


At that point, the phone was disconnected.

A woman's heart is racing as he sits on the playground.

At least one or two million per acres of land.

And it's all money!

Anna can't help but feel guilty when he thinks about it.

If they haven't already split up, Henry's attitude toward her is that she doesn't have what she desires.

What exactly is a mobile phone? Even if you give him the entire amount, Henry will remain silent.

After all, I am the favourite woman of Henry!

Furthermore, based on his attitude toward himself during the last two days, Henry must still adore himself!

Anna can image Henry kneeling and licking himself to meet all of her requests as long as he took the effort to present the complex to him.

Anna put down her phone and, inadvertently, smiled proudly, her eyes becoming more and more sinister.

Within an hour.

Santiago drives Henry and Molly back to a tiny hotel.

"It's not like you can go to a hotel when you're over 15; it's really unusual that I can't let you live in a hotel when you're over 15."

Santiago said with a melancholy expression.

The face of Molly is too small.

And dazed from inebriation.

Almost everyone at the hotel's front desk regards Henry as a criminal who kidnaps and sells young girls.

Several times, he did not run quickly. The security guy at the door had to subdue him and transport him to the police station.

"If only she had her ID card, she wouldn't have to live so close to here."

Henry gazed helplessly at Molly, grabbed her up, and was going to leave.

"Wait a second!"

"Henry, Molly is our university goddess. Since the environment can't be changed, you have to be gentle with our goddess. You see she's so lovely and cute. You can't bear it yourself, can you?" Santiago lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and said

Henry stared at him, astonished, as Molly got off the bus and went upstairs to pay.

This is the first time Henry has visited this location.

During his love affair with Anna, Henry held her hand at most and did not even kiss her.

But I believe it's also a bit of luck. If anything happened because I saw Anna's posture in front of Stephen, he would be a little disgusted.

Molly is placed on the bed by Henry, who gently assists her in adjusting her sleeping posture before opening the window and leaning against the wall to smoke.

It's quite soft.

After clutching Molly's thigh all the way, Henry's palm still has the touch left on it. This is the first time he has touched a girl's body and silk stockings.

Thin and round, full of elasticity, the skin is as soft as milk, and even the knee stockings wrapped around the legs have texture, which people adore.

"Girls are truly the most beautiful creatures on the planet..."

Henry lights a cigarette and turns around to see Molly on the bed.

Molly rolled over and scowled as if she was uncomfortable. Her hands proceeded to remove the black stockings that clung to her legs.

"Real white..."

Henry felt his nose heat up and wiped it with his hand in front of his nostrils. He had nosebleed seats!