Chapter 18: Celebration at School

He hastily extinguished the cigarette in his palm and dashed to the bathroom to wash the blood from his nose with water.

When I returned, I discovered Molly laying on the bed in an unattractive posture. One of her stockings was tossed to the ground, and the other simply faded to her calf position before she fell asleep again.

"It's quite dark. Ah! "I love how white the stockings are... "

In his imagination, the moral villain was ready to be pummeled into flesh mud by the devil villain, so Henry rushed forward, lifted the quilt at the head of the bed, and swiftly covered Molly.


Just as Henry was about to walk away, he saw something flash in front of his eyes, and then his neck was securely cinched. She crawled into bed as soon as the soles of her feet relaxed.

Henry did not return to school for a few days.

Molly is even more apprehensive about explaining to him.

He's been hiding out in Grace hospital, sleeping during the day and talking to Dora at night.

He didn't change his clothing until Sunday afternoon when he returned to the school hall to commemorate University's 50th anniversary.

The school leaders placed a high value on the celebration. According to reports, a number of leaders from the Department of Education were invited. Ava Grace, a red actress, would come to perform at the festivities at the time.

The most important thing to remember is that the school requires every student present to register by roll call, and those who do not appear will have credits subtracted from their grades and their diplomas suspended.

Henry mixed with the crowd. As soon as he entered the auditorium, he heard someone yelling his name from behind him.


For a little moment, Henry's heart clattered. When he turned around, he noticed Anna in a white gown and walked quickly towards him.

"I haven't seen you at school in a while. "I was thinking that you wouldn't show up." Anna smiles as he stands in front of Henry.

"It's you."

Henry exhaled a sigh of relief.

My heart was pounding at the same time.

Anna was wearing this dress on their first date two years ago.

Anna had stunned him at the time.

He also quipped that if he had enough money, he would buy ten of these outfits for Anna so that he could always recall her most beautiful appearance.

Things have changed in the last two years. Anna will no longer be Henry's property if she wears this clothing again. She's Stephen's lady!

"What's the problem?"

Henry did not understand why Anna was smiling at himself.

"What's the problem?" Can't you split up? Something else must exist. I did, after all, once fall in love. "I can't even greet you?" Anna pursed her lips and spoke in a coquettish tone.

"Oh, if it's all right, I'll go first."

Henry is not in the mood to converse with him right now. He turns around and walks away.

"Henry, come on Stop!"

Anna abruptly increased the decibel level of her voice, startling all the students who poured into the theatre and fixed their gaze on her.

"Would you like to go?" Anna said, his expression dismal.

She thought she was being coquettish when she approached Henry. Henry admirer would undoubtedly wrap herself in her arms and request to make up with her. Everything would be enough for her. But now she appears to have a hot face and a cold butt, which makes her completely unable to accept.

"Is there anything else?" Henry's expression was dissatisfied.

"Ha ha, ha..."

Anna turns to face Henry and laughs quietly.

"I had no idea you were such a ruthless man, Henry!"

"I treat you with such sincerity. I don't mind if you're impoverished. I don't mind if you never buy me presents. I'll also tell you about my monthly living expenses. We all dine at the cheapest roadside stall. When you're sick, I miss class and stay at home to care for you. It's all my money, even if I open a house..."

"However, what did I get?" I went to the black clinic to beat the child despite the fact that I was pregnant and didn't even have a word of comfort! OK, I'll take your advice. I'll get an abortion, but not you! When I haven't recovered, throw me out like a pigeon and move on to other ladies. But, while I don't blame you for anything, why are you so tired of seeing me now? I won't meddle with your life; all I want to do is chat to you, can't you?

Anna stated that she finally burst into tears and cried herself hoarse. She then knelt on the ground and sobbed bitterly. It was just like a woman who was abandoned by her partner when pregnant and left with no trace.

Even Henry felt that what she said seemed to be true, and he couldn't help but be moved.

The surrounding students, however, had the strongest reaction.

They all looked at Henry with disdain.

"Does our school have this kind of scum?"

"It's not just scum; it's societal scum!"

"I appear to be quite honest." Honest individuals, as expected, are untrustworthy. They're capable of doing such nonsense!" Some of the boys were upset, but they had already approached Henry, grabbed his collar, and lifted their fists to punch him in the face.

And numerous females have encircled Anna, taking a paper towel to assist her in wiping away tears and comforting her.

"Say, are you the one who fuckin' did all this?"

A strong boy cried violently as he pointed to Henry's nose.

Henry was rendered speechless.

Anna's use of abusive methods to deal with himself surprised him.

And nothing Anna claimed is true at all.

However, Anna's acting abilities are so strong that she has influenced the emotions of her classmates. It's pointless no matter how she explains it.

"Henry, I'm simply wondering if you still love me or not."

Anna abruptly raised her head and remarked to Henry, her eyes red and puffy.

"Are you sure you believe what she said?"

Henry scowled and muttered, looking at the boys who are fierce and want to run up and beat themselves up right away.


A distinct and audible slap broke out through the audience.

All of them were taken aback, and their gazes were drawn to the sailor girl who arrived out of nowhere.

Anna's face is covered in shock as he stares into Molly's eyes.

"Do you think you're going to hit me?" She trembled and opened her lips in surprise.

"You're the one who beat me!" I've seen shameless people before, but you're the most shameless I've ever seen. It's evident that you enjoy vanity, as evidenced by your decision to get rid of Henry and hook up with Stephen. You're still claiming that Henry dumped you and is pregnant? In which black clinic did you get your abortion? Dare you confront me on the spot and ask if the doctor knows who you are? Was it a boy or a female that murdered you?

Molly let out her words like a stomachache.

Henry stood behind her.

I'm secretly relieved that these two days did not show at school; otherwise, I'm afraid they'll meet a tragic end.

Anna was at a loss when a person jumped in and lifted her off the ground.

"Stand up, whoever dares to beat my girlfriend." I won't be Stephen if I don't break his hand today!"

Anna looked at Stephen as if he saw straw, ahead to his arms.

"This is Molly, husband." Molly is the one who beat me up. Take vengeance on me and murder this scumbag!"


Stephen turned his head, greedily looking at Molly's gorgeous posture beneath his sailor's garb. Then he started laughing.

"Tut Tut, these adulterers and prostitutes have the face to present at school at the same time." How can you not be scared of yourself and this little white face? "How can you raise this small white face when the old man who keeps you is aware that your maintenance fee has been terminated?"

All eyes are on Molly as a result of Stephen's statements.

"No? "Was Molly taken care of?"

"Oh, my God, even she has looked after. The Three Outlooks have been wrecked!"

"As expected, our goddess responded to that sentence. Behind every queen you can't get your hands on is a man who plays with her until he pukes."

Molly did not anticipate Stephen to trash her in front of so many people.

"You, you b*tch!"

Molly started to dispute, but Stephen hugged Anna's arm and smiled: "wife, today we don't agree with him." The school anniversary ceremony will begin soon, but our goddess Ava Grace will perform a song on stage first. And, as far as I know, she will at the conclusion of the evening, at random, invite an audience member to perform a song.

Will Ava Grace invite the audience to join him in singing?

The pupils in the room were agitated upon hearing Stephen's statements.

Ava Grace is their idol and the most popular actress! If you can sing on the same stage as Ava Grace, it's worth dying for!

But then Stephen remarked aloud, "To tell you the truth, during last year's Chamber of Commerce annual conference, my father invited Ava Grace to sing a song, and I had the honour of taking a picture with her." I believe you all understand what I mean. If Ava Grace selects me tonight, there will be a large seafood BBQ following the ceremony. It's my treat if you come home.

When they say this, many individuals can't help but seem disappointed.

Obviously, Ava Grace will select Stephen to sing with him.

Her father's chamber of business has the authority to ask her to sing along. What else is there to say?

Stephen, pleased with the impression of the scene, bowed and strode to the venue, Anna in his arms.

Henry and Molly remained silent throughout the event.

Two persons seated next to each other who don't look at each other, as though they're strangers.

Finally, Henry turned his head and said to Molly, "that night..."

"Stop!" "I'll settle the account with you at the party that night," Molly answered quickly.

Henry was speechless for a while. "I can't beat a woman, can I? But I have to thank you for today's business, else in that scenario, I really can't do anything with her. "

Molly nodded and then stated angrily, "but later, I helped you so much. Stephen slandered me in front of so many people, so you didn't care? It's all dudes. Fight with him. What are you terrified of? "

Henry shook his head, took a breath, said: "I will get you out of this tone, don't worry."

Molly heard the tone, shocked turned to meet Henry.

She instantly felt that this weak and incompetent boy, at this time, it seems that there is something different.

More than two hours of revelry, with the appearance of Ava Grace to the conclusion.

The spotlight on the stage hit Ava Grace, and the whole audience cheered and screamed.

Two songs, shortly finished.

Then, there comes the chorus session of inviting visitors.

Henry is not far from Stephen and Anna.

He gave Henry a suggestive glance as he turned his head.

Ava Grace stood on the stage at the same time to greet the students.

"I'm delighted to be here. To express my gratitude for your enthusiasm, I chose a student to sing the final song with me."

When the students heard this, they were ecstatic.

Ava Grace is well-known.

The aged and young take everything, is regarded as the national goddess.

But shortly, many students' enthusiasm faded, and all eyes involuntarily turned to Stephen, who sat in the centre.

Stephen is sitting tall and proudly.

Ava Grace, he believes, recalls herself. She requested her name as she took a group photo.

These students are not prepared to compete against themselves.

Ava Grace had lost interest after witnessing the dramatic change in reaction beneath the stage. She raises the corner of her mouth slightly, points out her hand, and walks over to Stephen's seat in the limelight.

Stephen stepped up from his chair, a smile on his face.

Simultaneously, standing up, there is Henry, who has the face of an ignorant force.