2. Opposite Attracts

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"Breaking news: Felipe De Castro, a well-known businessman was found dead in an exclusive bar in B&C Park. According to the autopsy, a slit on the neck was the cause of death. The authority is still investigating the area for the possible suspect-

Athysia sighs hearing the news for the 7th time this morning and grabs the remote controller to shut the television. She then look in the currently used bathroom. "Still not done?"

She knocks to check the person inside. She heard the person inside shutting the shower, the noisy water drops hitting the floor stops, turning the comfort room into completely silent. Until a voice speaks up, "Just a minute Athy."

"Thought you were dead," she jokes as she heads toward another room. This time it's a bedrooms. A little girl laying on the bed, peacefully sleeping. The sight gives the woman a soft smile before she walks toward her, sit beside her, and lightly tap her cheek to carefully wake her up.

"Wake up sweetie or else Auntie Yves will eat your pancakes," she whispers in her ears.

The kid groans and move to face her. She hugs the woman and snuggle closer to her chest. So comforting. "A minute, mom. Please?"

"Okay. Just five minutes," the little girl nods and go back to her sleep, wishing to continue her recoiled dream.

"Where's Chloe?" Yves asks to the woman who just entered the living room while drying her hair with a dryer.

"5 more minutes," Athysia shrug and give Yves a can't-help-it-smile.

This makes Yves laugh, she expected to receive that answer as it always happen to the point it became their routine every morning. It can't be help, Chloe is a kid. Een her, who's clearly not a kid anymore, doesn't want to wake up as early as 7 am.

"I'll wake her up, instead. I'll just finish drying my hair," she suggests, looking up to check Athysia's answer.

"Thanks. Then I'll prepare your lunch."

5 minutes passed...

After putting the hairdryer back to her room, Yves headed to Chloe's room. And as expected, the girl still sleeping soundly. Man, Yves was envious on how kids can go back to sleep so easily. She lays on Chloe's bed and slightly remove the blanket covering her face before waking her up gently. But Chloe remain silent, soundly asleep causing Yves to sigh. She takes a deep breathe, raises her hand, position her body and notoriously tickles the peaceful kid.

"WAH!" Chloe starts to move all over the placeโ€” kicking and punching the air. Yves gracefully avoid the fits. Well, this happen almost everyday so it's no wonder she's moving like a pro.

"Awake now, huh?" Yves smirks looking at the short-breath Chloe.

"You're so mean, auntie." She whines, lazily getting up from her bed.

Yves moves her hand to guide the kid out of bed, "Your fault, sleepyhead."

"I will tell this to mom."

"Go ahead and I won't bring ice cream anymore." Yves lies going along with the childish atmosphere.

"That's not fair," Chloe pouts grabbing the offered hand of Yves. The older replies with a giggle as they walk through the kitchen where Athysia's waiting. The lunch boxes are already set, as well as the food in the table. You can clearly see that it's just two of them that are missing. Chloe runs to her mom to give her a kiss on a cheek before greeting her, "good morning, mom!"

"Morning sweetie," Athysia returns the greeting and kiss her forehead.

"That is what you called not fair," Yves points out the fact that she didn't receive any greetings or kiss from the girl.

Chloe acts shock raising his palm to her mouth before giggling, "good morning, Aunt Yves," then kiss her cheek.

"Good morning darling," Yves mimicks Athy.


"Good morning Yves," someone from the council greets. It's Rylle. "Thank you for your help yesterday."

"Good morning, Rylle." she replies with a smile.

The rest of the council who's in a circle to discuss something, turn their back to take a look. They automatically greet the new person as soon as they noticed who it was. "Good morning, Yves."

"Good morning, everyone," she greets back. Yves take this chance to check each one of them and her guess is rightโ€” their president is not here yet. It's not a big deal since they still have 30 minutes before the first class, he usually arrive 20 minutes before the bell rings. Don't get her wrong, Yves only knew it because his classroom is next to her's. His height and appearance are exceptional that it always caught her attention everytime he passes by their room. It's normal, there is nothing behind it.

"What's going on here?" A gentle yet deep voice speaks over catching everyone's attention, including Yves.

They are all looking at her direction but not directly to her, more like they are looking at someone behind her.

"Oh! Hi Pres," one of the girl who's wearing a glasses greets. Her greeting is like a que for Yves to turn around.

As soon as she change position, it is a well-built chest that welcome her. She is so close to the other person to the point she can smell her scent. It's cool and manly, the scent was somewhat familiar to her. She looks up out of curiosity only to meet a pair of blue-green eyes.


Jenus stoops her head to look at Yves. He is so close to her to the point he can smell her scent. It's sweet like candy. He was pre-occupied to the sweet smell until Yves suddenly looked up. He flinches as their eyes locked. His ears begin to feel hot, same goes for his face. Jenus backs off a few step, shock is still plaster in his face. He averts his gaze to anywhere but Yves. He is too shy to look at her now. His eyes land on the councils who has been watching since earlier. They all wear a confused look on the face making Jenus back to his senses. He clears his throat to somehow ease his thumping heart. When his calmness return, he looks at Yves again before greeting. "Good morning, Yves."

"Good morning, Pres." she replies.

"Hey, Pres! Greet us too!"

"Yeah, right. We greeted you first but you didn't reply to us."

"Now, you have your favorite, huh. That hurts."

The council teases. Yves didn't say anything, she just watch in silent. Jenus starts to blush again and averts his eyes from everyone. He's like an open book, so easy to read. It's refreshing for a guy to get fluster, for Jenus to be fluster. It's cute.

"No, I didn't." He denies and stomps away from the teasing eyes of everyone.

He didn't let the chance to check Yves reaction before his departure. She was looking at her, and again, their eyes met. She gives him a smile and waves her goodbye.

Minutes pass and Yves also bids her goodbye to proceed to her classroom. It doesn't take long before the bell ring and the classes started.

The class adviser walks in with her textbook in hand, a long thick stick, and a box of chalk and eraser on top of her books. She observes the whole class and when everyone was already quiet, she finally lie her things down.

"Before we start, I receive a memo saying that you'll have your new classmate today but it seems the transferee didn't make it today."


Kring! Kring! Kring!

The bell's ring echoes in the building, and the once empty hallway starts to be crowded. Yves watches some of her classmates walks and leave the room chattering with each other. She's contemplating where to eat her lunch, she wants to stay at her room but then her classmates will probably start encircling around her and pester her. She wants her peace and she knows she will only have it if she go to their hang out place, but then again she's too lazy to walk that long distance. Yves sighs and rest her head on her table. She doesn't know what to do.

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Claudette chatted her last night saying she wouldn't make it to the class today. She said her mom will arrive today from another neighboring and wanted to surprise her in their house. If Yves remember clearly, Claudette's mom was working outside the country for two years that's why her friend really wanted to make an effort for her hard work.

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She was interrupted with her thought when someone nudge her. Yves internally screams in frustration. This is why staying inside her classroom is a bad idea. She counts 1 to 5 to somehow calm herself before responding to the other person.

"Yes?" She politely asks with a smile.

It is a boy. Your typical heart throb and playboy highschool student. Handsome and tall but not as handsome and as tall as Jenus. He clears his throat and glances on the corner of the room. Yves get curious and follows his gaze. A bunch of boys are observing them in silent. Ah, she knew it. This guy will try to hit her out of a silly bet among his friends. She mentally rolls her eyes. Forget it, why did she even compare him to Jenus.

"I'm curious since your not with your friends todayโ€”

She jumps out of her seat, pretending to be shock and cut off what the guy was saying. "That's right! I have to meet with someone."

She gazes at the guy with apologizing look and closes her hands together. "I'm sorry but I really need to go. They might be waiting for me for minutes now. Can we talk later?"

The guy who seems to be taken aback nods his head without even realizing it. "S-sure. Okay."

"Yay! Thanks!" Yves taps his shoulder then grabs her things before dashing off of their room.

What did just happen? He was just talking with Yves awhile ago and then suddenly she remembered something and ran off.

"Dude what the hell! That was your only chance," his friend complains. The rest of their friend approaches him.

"You lost the bet," another friend reminds him. "You have to treat us after class."

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But, who is she meeting? He's curious.


Of course that was a lie. Yves doesn't have any friends except for Claudette, the rest are just bunch of sly fox who seeks to those beneficial to them. Now, the question is where is she gonna hang out? She doesn't want to go to their hang out place. She doesn't have any energy left to walk that far.

"I know right! I really love their first kiss in the rooftop."

Yves automatically turn around and search for the girl who just said that. The girl and her friend are heading towards the cafeteria. They are probably talking about romance drama.

That's right! No one goes to the rooftop. There, she can also take a nap here. Yves happily heads to the stairs that will lead to the rooftop while humming. After passing 4th floor, she finally arrives at the rooftop. She leisurely open the door and roams the area with her eyes. It's empty, her eyes stops at the empty bench in the center. Yves breathes out, so relieves that she can now have her peaceful time.

She strides directly in the bench and plops. She reaches for her bag to search on somethingโ€” a lollipop. A cool breeze sways in her direction bringing shivers through her skin. Winter is getting sooner and so Christmas. Ah, it's so refreshing. It makes her dizzy that she wanted to doze off, her eyelids feel heavy. Yves check her surrounding one last time before laying in the bench. Thank God, she have P.E class today, she can freely moves without thinking about showing too much skin when she's asleep.


Rooftop has always been Jenus spot every lunch. Here, he can have a peaceful time as no one comes here often. They are all afraid on the rumors about a ghost living in the rooftop that pushes people out. It says that the ghost was a student here when this school is just 2 years old who was pushed by her friend. It was clearly a lie and just a baseless rumor. How did he find out? It's because he's the one who started that kind of rumor, he can't have anyone barges into his safe spot. He made sure no one will ever come here, so why Yves is peacefully sleeping here?

Jenus was shock finding Yves here, what more is she's sleeping peacefully. She's so prettyโ€” thick eyelashes and eyebrows, pointed nose, pinkish lips, and silky, wavy black hair just like her eyes. Did she feel asleep while eating lollipop?

"What are you doing?" Yves asks Jenus who's currently so close to her, making the lad flinches including the hand that stop mid-air.

"Y-you have dusk in your face and I was just about to wipe it off, sorry." He stutters, somehow he feels guilty. He was about to touch her without even realizing it.

"Ah, so what are you doing here?" She's pertaining about the rooftop.

"I always stay here every lunch break," he awkwardly sits when Yves got up and patted the space beside her.

"I guess I'm the intruder, huh. I'll take my leave then." Yves gets up from her seat.

Jenus panicked and grabs her hand before she could even make a step. "Don't. You can stay here. You can stay here whenever you want. It's fine. I'm allowing it!"

Allowing it? Did he think she's asking for permission to stay here? Look at his face, he's clearly panicking. ๐˜๐˜ต'๐˜ด ๐˜ค๐˜ถ๐˜ต๐˜ฆ.

Yves smiles, "okay."

This leave Jenus stunned. It's his first time seeing that smile. It's refreshing, he wants to treasure it. "You should always smile like that," he unconsciously blurts out.

"What smile?"

"H-huh?! Oh I mean... ah..."

Yves couldn't help but chuckle at his reaction. Seeing the always composed council's president panicking is a rare sight.

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Ps. Sorry for grammatical and typographical errors. Please don't forget to support the author and leave your thoughts in the comment section!