3. Shameless

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Yves sighs kicking the innocent empty can of soft drink as the event of this afternoon flashback through her mind. What's wrong with him? How could he pull that act with such innocent face? He didn't even have a look of regret back then. Come to think of it, that time it's him who did something weird so why is she the one getting shy and embarrassed.


Jenus smiles subconsciously seeing Yves chuckle. She sit back, her palm resting on the flat surface of the chair in both side. Suddenly, the atmosphere becomes quiet. Not the awkward deafening silence, but more like a peaceful and calming silence. Only the hush of the winds can be heardโ€” dancing towards their direction and sways the black silky hair of Yves. She looks stunning while admiring the sky above, the clear blue sky vividly reflects in her eyes like a mirror.

Somehow this atmosphere feels nostalgic to Yvesโ€” the clear blue sky, the cold winds, the sunlight of the afternoon. It all reminds her of her childhood life before it went to ruin.

Childhood life...

It's no good, she's with Jenus. She can't show her weakness, not now, not with him beside her. Yves closes her eyes as a strong wind went to their direction and takes a deep breath before she could even dive further to her unpleasant past. As soon as she draws out from from reminiscing her past, Yves notices the pressuring stare of Jenus beside her. She doesn't know if it's a good idea to stop spacing out when it's Jenus' pressuring stare that'll welcomed her.

Yves gulps and fake a few coughs hoping it will wake up Jenus from day dreaming. Yves look from the side to check his reaction but the man remain silent and staring at her as if he was paralyze or something. Yves internally jaw-drop, is this guy for real? Look at him staring without even blinking. He's not even trying to hide and instead bluntly check on her. Where did he even get the guts? Does shame not in his vocabulary? Yves tries to make a joke to be free from Jenus' awkward stare and frankly offer her lollipop.

"What? You want this?" Yves then swings the lollipop she's holding.

Jenus seems to collect himself hearing Yves' voice. "Can I?" Leaving Yves surprised.

He had this expectant look on his face. She may be hallucinating as she saw a tail wagging continuously behind him and an ears perking up, his eyes are sparkling from excitement. A dog..?

Yves starts to sweat from pressure. Why does he have to look like this? Seriously, is he out of his mind? Stop looking at her like that, she's getting more and more embarrassed.

A dead silence passes but Jenus still looking at her with expectation leaving her without any choice but to agree.

"I-if you want to." Yves awkwardly hand over the lollipop then smile. Is this really okay? Well, she can't back out now, not with him looking at her happily.

"Thank you!" Jenus happily take the lollipop and without a doubt put it in his mouth.

Does he really need to be that happy? It's not like lollipop is a big deal and for Pete sake it's already tasted by her.

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"Spacing out in an open area. If I were an enemy, you'll be dead by now," a soft voice tainted with venom speaks causing Yves to flinch.

It is the warm substance pointed in her neck that pulls her out of her thought. She gulps and closes her eyes for a second as soon as she heard the familiar voice of someone. Yves take a few steps before she face the woman.

"You can greet me normally," she blurts out.

Yves scrutinize the offender. She's wearing a black square pants paired a round glasses also tainted with black, maroon turtle neck with a highlighting her silver necklace with a cross pendant, and a long brown coat along with high boots and dark red sling bag. Her hair is in a messy bun. If Yves didn't know her, she might think this woman is in her 20s right now.

"Maybe if you're not spacing out in the middle of the road with that stupid facial expressions of yours," the woman reasons.

Yves snorts. Stupid facial expressions? "What stupid facial expressions, Alex?"

"You were staring at the empty can while blushing," Alex explains pointing at her face. She then slightly pulls down her glasses to look at her. "As if you're in love."

Yves frowns hearing her last words, clearly hate the idea, especially the suspiciousion in her eyes. How can she fall in love with someone she just met? Impossible. "You're saying nonsense."

"What? There's nothing wrong with it. Even you can fall in love, you knowโ€”

"I can't and I won't," Yves' voice is firm and full of confidence. It's not like she doesn't believe in love, she just know it's not for her. Love isn't something someone like her can afford.

Seeing Yves expressions, Alex just shakes her head. This kid is really hard to herself. One day you'll will understand too. Love isn't something people can control, even someone like us.

"I'll stay the night in your place. Let's stop at the shop, I'll buy something for Chloe." She rests her arm on Yves' shoulder and proceeds on walking.

Yves nods as a response. "By the way, what are you doing here?" She knew Alex didn't visit her just because she wanted to see Chloe. It must because of ๐™ฉ๐™๐™–๐™ฉ.

The carefree aura emitting from Alex vanish. Yves couldn't see now any trace of the previous happy-go-lucky her. It all change to a serious and dreadful one, just like how she was on their first encounter. Her eyes that used to be similar to a prey's are now equivalent of an hunter's. It's terrifying how she can change in a split second.

"I saw the news."

Yves isn't surprise. Of course her guru will know the news, it is already spread all over the country and Alex isn't someone who will turn a blind eye on the news. It will be more surprising if she didn't know. Yves puckers her lips and gather all her strength before she look at her straight to the eyes.

Alex was taken aback seeing the ranging determination in her eyes. She started worrying as soon as she heard the news this morning and looked for Yves as soon as the train open. She know Yves is an impatient kid and craves for revenge but isn't it too soon. She just begin gaining her strength and now she's facing them. Is her collected strength enough. Isn't she too rush? What will she face isn't just a nobody, it's a goddamn organization. One wrong move will kill her.

Yves tracks the changes in Alex' reaction. Shock and worry are written all over her face. She know her worries but it doesn't mean she will stop. She can't wait any longer, it's now or never. Even without her help, she'll proceed to the plan they made 2 years ago. But of course, it'll be better if Alex is on her side, so she need to do her best to pursue her. She must persuade her.

"Let's talk about it at home." It's too dangerous for them to talk about it on the road where everyone can hear them. She must seem paranoid but it's better than to risk everything.

Alex sighs feeling defeated and nods. "Okay."


"Okay class, sit down, " The advisory teacher roams the room with her eyes. As soon as she check everyone, she continues her sentence. "Just like what I'd announce yesterday, you will have a new classmate. Please come in."

All the students mimick the teacher's action including Yves and look at the front there. A tall man walks in, his feature screams visual. Even Yves couldn't deny that fact. He's indeed handsome but not as handsome as Jenus is. The girls begins to create noise with their whispers and quiet screams. Everyone in the class watches him as he walks toward the center and stand beside the teacher, then smiles at her resulting for another wave of noise and silent screams from the girls.

The teacher fakes a cough, her cheeks has a tint of blush making the boys laugh. She begins to become conscious with the student beside her as she feel the height gap between them. How can a minor grow this tall?

Yves remain unbothered, just silently observing the new comer. Her instinct tells her there's something wrong with him, that he's just like her. Looking at his smile, it's clearly fake. With that thought, Yves follows her instinct and concludes it will be better to avoid him.

"Introduce yourself to the class," she motions her hand to tell the new comer to step forward.

"Hi, I'm Riley Madrigal. 18 years old. I'm new to this place so please take care of me," Riley plasters a friendly smile and look at every student until his eyes landed on Yves who wears an unreadable expression.

"We will!" One of the girl shouted catching Riley's attention.

"Thank you," his smile never leaves his face.

"Okay, that's enough class especially you, Giselle. Don't shout in my class," the teacher points out Giselle who was busy giggling. She then looks around the classroom for the second time to find an empty seat for Riley. "You can sit beside Ms. Yves."

Yves wasn't surprise hearing her teacher, it's obvious he will sit beside her since it's the only vacant seat. Just like her classmates being the stupid who spouts nonsense they always are, start to mumble gossips while anticipating the interaction between the two. Even the teacher didn't bother to stop the students from spouting nonsense and instead go along with them by watching.

"Wow. They look good together."

"I think they have chemistry."

"Right! Right! They'll make a perfect couple."

Yves wants to frown and throw a fit hearing those words. Seriously, romanticizing them without hesitation? These students doesn't even think how will Yves or Riley would feel hearing their words. Them feeling uncomfortable because or their words doesn't seem to cross their mind. Look at how the teacher turn a blind eye just because it's entertaining to her.

"Hi," Riley greets her with his usual smiling face.

No good, there are eyes watching them. "Hello," Yves forces herself to be friendly as much as she can and accepts Riley's shake hand.

To her surprise, instead of shake hand, Riley holds her hand and kisses the back of it making the whole class in chaos. The boys whistle while the girls screams and the teacher smiles. Because they are busy being excited and entertained, they didn't notice the smirk that leaves on Riley's face and the irritation of Yves. She hastily pulls her hand back.

Look at this fool having a good time while these two are glaring at each other.


"Yves, I heard you have a new classmate. How is he?" Claudette asks while walking side by side with Yves as they head to their spot.

"Beat me. He's weird." Yves stretches her back.

"Why? Is it because he kissed your hand?" she teases playfully elbowing her arm.

Yves jaw drops. "How did you know?"

"I heard it from my classmate, it's a hot topic in the building."

"Gossip sure travels fast, huh." A day didn't even pass yet and it's already a hot topic. ๐˜ ๐˜ด๐˜ฆ๐˜ฆ, ๐˜ด๐˜ฐ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ข๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ญ๐˜ฐ๐˜ต ๐˜ฐ๐˜ง ๐˜ฑ๐˜ฐ๐˜ต๐˜ฆ๐˜ฏ๐˜ต๐˜ช๐˜ข๐˜ญ ๐˜ฑ๐˜ข๐˜ฑ๐˜ข๐˜ณ๐˜ข๐˜ป๐˜ป๐˜ช ๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ.

"Are you mad?" Claudette tilts her head to see her face.

"No but it's kinda uncomfortable. They're clearly romanticizing us," Yves confesses as she makes eye contact with Claudette.

"You're right. Oh by the way, my mom bring a souvenir and foods. I somehow mentioned you to her so she told me to give it to you." Claudette begins to decelerate. Her full attention is now on her bag searching for the souvenir.

"C'mon let's search it on our place, okay? You'll bump with others at this rate," Yves criticize her.

She gives her an awkward smile, closes her bag, and return her attention on walking. She happily run toward their hang out place as soon as she has a glimpse of it. Claudette couldn't hide the excitement building up inside her. There are a lot of things she wants to share with her friend. But her excitement soon fades away when she arrives at their spot.



Ps. Sorry for grammatical and typographical errors. Don't forget to support the story, than you!