5. Hallowed be Thy Name

"Why do you insist on waking me up Jacob?", Julian said as he struggled to wake from a deep slumber. I decided to let him be, for it would've taken me hours to explain to him that an actual angel graced us with his presence. Plus, sneaking two people into hell would be harder than just one.

"Let's just leave him behind", I said. I could tell from Gabriel's face that he was proud of my decision. He knew the dangers of trying to sneak two people in. Of course, he hadn't tried it before, but it was pretty much common knowledge at this point. "How long do you think the portal will be open?", asked Gabriel. My reply was short and simple: "for as long as the symbols I've written on my walls remain intact. So come now, let's go through".

Within just 2 minutes, we had made it to the outskirts of heaven. This is how the portal works: it connects two points in space, one where the journey starts, and the other where it ends. It is by far the most fastest mode of travel. In the human world, the land of the living, it's still classified as science fiction. It'll take humanity at least a thousand years to reach this kind of technology.

Ok, so as we made it to our destination, I saw a HUGE line of people who had just died. Each awaiting their turn to know their eternal fat - heaven or hell. This was the longest line I've ever seen. Even Black Friday does not have lines this long. It was unsettling seeing how many people die each day. I waited in line, being the last one. This brought back memories. I remember it like it was yesterday, hearing the gate keeper saying "Jacob, son of Frank, your destination is hell!". Reminiscing never felt so painful, I'll never forget that day.

"Let's go, I have a plan", Gabriel said. Before I could ask him what his plan was, he grabbed me by the hand and went straight to the very beginning of the line. "Forgive me, Saint Peter, for I have been sent by the Lord to bring back he who opened the portal." Saint Peter, the gate keeper of Heaven, trusted Gabriel ever so blindly. He did not even ask for proof, he just let us go through the gates, no questions asked!

"Wow!", I said out loud. I had stories that Heaven was a beauty, but never had I anticipated such a spectacle. It was the absolute opposite of hell - it was bright and lively, instead of dark and scary. There lived majestic trees that were firm and upright, which made the atmosphere pleasant and soothing. Everything just looked great. How I wished Iwas an inhabitant here, and not a slave in hell. I let out a deep sigh, and Gabriel heard it and immediately felt sorry for me. Never had he witnessed someone feeling so down before.

Out of pity, he decided to carry me and flew off. It was the least be could do after so much suffering in the underworld. We headed for a huge building, much like a fort. It looked bigger and more majestic than the rest. Could it be? "I'm taking you to the Almighty", said Gabriel as he descended into the eye soothing abyss.

As soon as we touched down, the gates opened on their own. We went in. Never had I seen such interior beauty. It was like my dream house, but only better. I was dumbstruck; didn't know what to do not say. I could feel my soul drooling. The view was quite impressive, and in the midst of all this amazement, a loud roaring voice called out: "Gabriel! You dare welcome a mortal in my palace? The sacred temple of the gods?"

The whole room shook, bursts of light emerged, and the voice had a thunderous background. It was an pretty epic scene - something straight out of a movie. A giant figure approached, as tall as the Eiffel. It face was hidden behind a bright light, kinda like staring at the sun. "could this be God?", I thought to myself. Before I could make any further assumptions, the figure shrunk down to human size, with his face still covered in lighy. The following was said: "it is I, the Lord God. The Creator. The Almighty..."

I saw Gabriel kneeling down, and I immediately followed suit - I did not want to come across as rude. "Forgive me, Father. Please recall that You had asked me to find out who/what was on the other side of the portal. Well, this mortal, who goes by the name of Jacob, is the one behind it all. I found him in the most absurd of places; Hell." Gabriel explained.

"You mean to tell me that a mere mortal, one from the most unholy of places, created a bridge? Imposs..."

"It's true Father", I interrupted. "Also, Lucifer is dead, which is part of the reason for my journey here. I had a vision. In that dream, I was told that I would receive answers from whoever is at the other side of the portal. That happens to be You, Father"

"It can't be", proclaimed God. "Tell me son. Tell me the exact details of your dream." I did as He asked. Word for word, scene for scene, I described my dream.

"It can't be. It...it just can't be", said the Almighty. I could tell by the look on Gabriel's face that never had he seen God in that state. About ten minutes of silence ensued. There was so much happening at the time, that I completely forgotten my place and blurted out: "Say something!". I felt bad afterwards, but being the calm Father that he is, I was not scolded. In fact, He apologized, and stated that He was deep in His mind, trying to make sense of this whole issue.

"A war is coming my children", He said. "As such, we need to prepare, otherwise it will be the end of humanity, just as the prophecy said...".