6. The Prophecy

"a war is coming", those were the exact words spokem by God himself. Something just didn't sit right with me: we went from trying to find Lucifer's killer, but then we got so sidetracked, we ended up having to prepare for a war that, by the looks of things, had been brewing for eons.

Maybe these two things, the war and the death of Satan, were intertwined. I kept thinking and thinking, but there seemed not to be a way to join the two statements. Each was free and not dependent on the other. It was a serious dilemma. I honestly tried to make sense out of all this, but this was  pointless, I couldn't do it on my own. I needed time to digest this whole situation: "I would like to take a walk, dear God. All of this is overwhelming, so a walk may be beneficial to me." I used the whole ordeal to my advantage. I had already made peace with the revelation, taking a walk was just an excuse to survey Heaven. I knew I was bound to return to the underworld at any moment, so why not enjoy the little time I had here?

As I ventured into the abyss, I remained vigilant as ever, taking my eyes on and off the serene beauty of Heaven. Peaceful skies, with no cloud in sight, and the prominent mountain view, rivalled only by the titans themselves. Evergreen trees that made the Amazon insignificant. "I wonder what night time looked like", I said unto myself. I was always scared of the dark, but something about this place made me feel safe and worry free. Never had I gazed upon such tranquil beauty. The inhabitants were just as peaceful; I could tell from the way everyone had a smile on their faces that this truly is a utopia.

I walked for what felt like thirty minutes. I couldn't bear ig anymore, I needed to rest and regain bits of my strength. I came across a large tree, with a shade big enough to host twenty people, luckily, there weren't any other people there. This gave me a chance to meditate. I got into my sitting position, so as to facilitate my thoughts into one collective.

I usually meditate for ten minutes before my thoughts begin racing. This time it was different; I did not even feel the motion of time. It was as if I was outside the bounds of spacetime. Never had I transcended this much. It felt as if I was one with the universe. My mind was calm, and clear: I could feel every thought, maintain any emotion for as long as I wanted. I had achieved mindfulness.

"My exuberance was unmatched; no one could ever achieve such a feat", that was my pride, laced with bits of narcissistic tendencies talking. I ventured deep into my mind to find answers, for I heard the Lord say something about a 'prophecy'. I was a bit skeptical at first, but upon realizing what I was capable of, I decided to give it the benefit of the doubt.

I went in, mind first. My subconscious mind had manifested into human form like before. Everything was white, like before, and whatever popped into my mind was translated onto the white walls of my imagination. This time it was different though, instead of hundreds of thoughts racing in my head and causing confusion, I had learnt to focus on only one thought at a time: I had attained mindfulness.

"What is it you seek this time around?", my subconscious said to me. It felt a bit weird conversing with my mind, for it meant I was talking to myself. "Fear not little one, for you are not losing it. Subconscious communication is a normal thing. Everyone does it unknowingly. You have reached a superior state of mind, hence the clear dialogue between us. I am you, and you are me. We are one."

"I want to know about the prophecy ", I said as soon as I heard "we are one". "Forgive me for interrupting, but I would love to know about it" as I continued.

"The prophecy, you say? Well, I cannot tell you, for I could do better - I could show it to you.", he said, and what followed were a series of events that fully explained the so called prophecy. After the vision, all my skepticism flew out the window. All my scientific virtues, gone! But I guess science was opposed the moment I landed in hell. I guess at the back of my mind I always assumed that there MUST be a logical explanation for all this. Oh how wrong I was, now I'm caught up in the middle of a feud between the forces of good and evil.

Naturally, I'd pick God's side, and not the Devil's. But it was complicated at this point: Lucifer was dead, how was I supposed to take the side of someone who MIGHT have had a hand in the murder? And what's this I hear about the antichrist? So many unanswered questions.

Just as I was nearing the end of my meditation, a voice, poetic as ever, called out to me:

"Gone are the days of man, his ancient ways and constant destruction of nature. Out with the teachings of old, in with the new age. Christ had his chance, humanity still failed. Now it's my turn!"

This was probably the most unnerving piece of narrative I ever heard. It wasn't a dialogue, for I had no say in the matter, I was being told, not asked. It was a monologue, the deepest and darkest I ever heard. I did not know which side I was on at first, but I do know one thing: I'm not siding with the being that plans to eradicate humanity. But I also had no idea what benefit I would bring to the table. Angels have wings, they could fly; God is omnipotent, He could do just about anything, but me? I had nothing...or at least that what I thought...