Max and Li Na

As soon as he closes the connection with his wife, he is getting going with his own world. he told to his assistant to get ready for their trip to the A country. He is going inside his car and on his way to the airport. Vito did not tell his wife about his trip abroad. He did not want her to be worried about his job.

"Max, you need to arrange two security girls into Madame hospital. They have to protect her at all costs, and make it as a secret security detail…. Her safety is their main priority," Vito is instructing his security head for his wife safety.

Max is driving the car swiftly and thinking about the way to arrange the security detail for his new madame. it means the security assets need to be nurses or medical students to be with her on the clock. He finally knows the perfect candidate for the job. However, he needs to make sacrifices to get her on board again into his plan.

They are going into the international airport and proceed as special VIP treatment to board their own private plane. There is a big B747 with the logo of Man Corporation on the body park in one of the tarmac and ready to go. The pilot, co Pilot, flight technician and stewardess are lining up to welcome him on board. Vito gets used to this kind of treatment and walks inside the plane without any expression on his face. he sits down in the centre leather seat of his own plane before buckling up.

The male stewardess knows his boss drill prepare him some cashmere blanket to cover him and serves him the expresso from Italian brand coffee bean. Vito loves his coffee and the reason for his coffee-drinking love; he bought a huge mountain farm to make him special coffee beans. It was the winery when the owner did not want to sell the business to Vito and talk rubbish regarding his facial appearance. Vito is telling Andrea to burn the whole farm. He is a really reasonable businessman but he can be really mean and ruthless when he needs to deal with his stuff quickly.

On the plane, Max is making a phone call to He Li Na. She was a scrubbing nurse in doctor without Borders who got trains together with Max. They were a dead couple when they got the mission from the Mancuso organisation. However, they drift apart due to misunderstanding until she kind of angry toward Max.

"who are you going to call, Max?" Ai Jia is looking at his work best mate to find out about his absent mind.

"Do you remember Li Na?" Max is asking him.

"The crazy beautiful nurse Li Na... the one that preying his eyes to you and only you," Ai Jia is asking him in amusement. His friend was so stupid to leave the beautiful woman and decide to live to abstain life.

"She is not beautiful... how can you tell someone like her beautiful? Are you blind?: Max is complaining to his workmate about Li Na.

"I think something wrong with your eyes to think that she is not beautiful... I am serious," Ai Jia is making remarks of his friend which is sometimes worse than his boss regarding the taste of women.

"forget it..." max is brushing off his friend before putting his phone back in his jacket pocket. He already makes sure ten security person in Qing university hospital keep their eyes toward their Madame's safety.

They are ready to take off when Max is closing his eyes to remember their old problem which makes her leave him.

One time, they develop a relationship when Li Na traps him in her bed. They were sleeping together because she makes him drunk until he releases himself toward her. It was not only one time but he accepts her to do it over and over to him. He feels comfortable with her and does not need to think about anything.

One night, he was working to check some work as instructed by Vito. Out of a sudden, there is a girl with her sexy clothes sits on his lap. Apparently, she was sent by the person related to the person in question Vito. He can't refuse and play along with the girl when Li Na found him with her. She gets angry and slaps him in his face before deciding to vanish into the thin air.

He tries to find her, but he can't find her until lately, someone give her contact to Max. it is only a month when he finds her again in the city. He still can't forget about her, and he only can be close to her. his nature to be aloof and strict with the girl make him can't close with any of them.

"Max, just call her… If he asks you, just said I told you to do it. she still owes me some deeds," Vito told his loyal guard with his eyes closed after reviewing some of his work on the laptop.

"Boss, I told you that I will pay for her deeds… why do you take it out again?" Max is complaining to his cunning boss.

"Is she your wife? Is she your sister?" Vito opens his eyes to stare at Max who is becoming naïve when it comes to He Li Na.

"No, boss…. I am no one for her… but you were agreeing about her debt can be paid by me," Max is complaining toward his boss.

"When did I say things like that?" Vito is asking him about his own word.