all come to his way

They are arriving in the A country when they are going to the warehouse own by the subsidiary company of Mancuso. Vito is getting out of the black Maserati sedan with Max and Ai Jia following him while the security and staff from the Mancuso family in A country are already in the area.

Vito immerses a murderous aura toward everyone before he sits down in the middle of the empty warehouse. AI Jia is giving Vito his black leather gloves and Andrea is flicking his finger to sign the people to bring Luciano. He got dragged with his headcover with the black fabric bag before they hang him with the rope to the ceiling of the warehouse.

"Open…" Vito is giving the order with his murderous cold tone.

The staff is taking out his headcover when he is still unconscious. Andrea told the staff to throw some water to wake him up. the old guy is coughing to get the water into his nostril and wake up a little drowsy. Andrea is paying his people in the police to get him out unconscious on the way to the hospital.

"You… you… what are you doing here, Don?" Luciano is yelling at him when he saw the head of the Mancuso family sit in front of him. he was tried to be smart enough to play behind his back and now, he gets caught by the terrifying monster.

"What did you do?" Vito asks him with his cold terrifying voice. Everyone gets the goosebump to see their big boss.

"I did not do anything, Don… I really do not know about the shady business…" Luciano tries to lie as much as he can at the moment. His wife is not with him to coax their nephew and he really needs to think of a way to get himself out of the problem.

"Andrea… Luciano still does not want to admit his own fault… there is no turning back… I want his name out from the Mancuso clan and you can do whatever you want as long as there is no Luciano in this world…" Vito is standing up and walking out from the warehouse toward his car with Ai Jia and max.

"What is my mistake? You have to let me know…. This is unfair and your aunty will get a heart attack if I am not going home tonight," Luciano is screaming toward his nephew who is going to enter his car. out of a sudden, Vito is turning around and strode toward his uncle who is still hanging to the ceiling.

"The only rule in our family is not playing into human trafficking especially children and women underage. You have broken the rule from our ancestors. I will protect you and keep you as my uncle if you want to do any other illegal work except human trafficking and underage children trafficking. The water already mixed with the ink… It will be hard to clean unless I dump the water…" Vito is holding his cheek hardly and throw it aside before he walks back to his car. he can't wait to go back and pick up his new wife.

Andrea as Vito right hand as usual throw him back to the hospital and tell the executer to finish the dirty job. Luciano lives ended in the hospital when he sleeps. He thought his nephew spare him and he sleeps nicely in the hospital bed when someone comes poses as the nurse and close his face with a pillow. He dies from suffocation and the report said he dies from the allergy reaction that makes his airway close during the transport to the hospital.

Vito directly back to the C country to keep his word toward his wife.

"Boss, are you sure to fly directly? I can open your regular hotel suite in the city for you to rest…" AI Jia is asking his boss.

"We have to be in front of the hospital before my wife steps out of the building. The sleep on the plane will be fine for me," Vito is reading the report from Jin Feng on his phone. The plan is proceeding as his plan. Qing Long is losing bid with one of the best dealers who listen to the order from his big boss. He really gambles everything until easily sign all the family heritage away. He is stealing his father seal and all the paper for the company. He really put them as the wager on the gambling table who the dealer takes it gladly.

Jin Feng got all the paperwork for the Qing Corporation includes all the subsidiary companies. He is reporting as promises at the last minute before is the deadline to his boss. Vito only replies to his text to change all the company entities under his name. As in the safe place, the casino is asking Qing Long to sign the transfer of the deeds. It is the standard of the casino after Vito taking over the reign. He is fixing all the management and tie all the end losses.

Vito is happy with his staff efficient work and put his phone in his jacket. He closes his eyes to catch his sleep in his bedroom. No one dares to disturb him for his dinner as Ai Jia peeks into the bedroom to find his boss snore so soundly on the bed. He retreats silently and he amuses with the scene that his boss sleeps without his sleeping pills. AI Jia is stopping all disruption come toward his boss nap time.