You think about stopping the guard.
'Should I stop him? The royal guard can stop him, not my problem.' You smile, but you still worry about the princess's safety. You get to the door that led into the castle and open it a little bit to see inside. No one in sight. You open the door wide enough to get your self in, than you close the door with out a sound. You look around. You find your self in a three way hall. To the right is the way to the main doors of the castle. The other two halls have nothing in them to tell were they led.
'where would a court make work room be?' You ask yourself. You start to remember a book about how mages act. It said that they like to way some where apart from other people.
'where in the castle would that be at?' You wonder to yourself. Picking the hall way in front of you to take as you think. Your eyes scan the walls of the hall as walk. You see an endless amount of doors every so often with paints on the wall in between the doors. Hanging from the ceiling is chains connected to a circle of metal that have a a glowing crystle in the middle of it. After walking through the halls for about a few minutes, a place pops into you head.
'It must be near the storage, becuse few people go there. Now where could that be at?' You ask yourself. In one of the cross intersections of the hallway a person with a shef's hat and apron came walking down the hallway to your left. You quickly rush back around the corner with out making a nose.
'If I follow him, he could take me somewhere close to where I need to be.' You thought to yourself. So, you follow the chef to some stairs. When you look at the stairs that go down. The chef went up the left stairs of the area.
'The bast area of castle for a mage is a feed place to stay. Looking at all the hallways to make sure that no one is coming. You see no one coming your way, so you went down to the cellar or basement. The walls have area that can store thing it them like extra food, armor, weapons, clothes, and other random things. At one end of the hall is a door made of old wood with strange but familiar symbols on it. You look to see if any one is near you. There is no sound of people and you don't see any one at all. You go up to the door with strange symbols on it and try to open the door, but its locket. You pick the lock because it does not have one. The mage used magica to lock the door. With out thing about it, your hand raise to touch the strangely familiar symbols on the door. When your hand made contact with the symbols, you felt heat in your fingers that then spread to the rest of your body. The heat stops at your birth mark and just disappears. Your birth mark is on the right side of your chest. It looks like amom, but stretched out and deformed. After the heat disappears, the symbols flashes a bright white and just disappears from the door.
'What just happened?' You ask yourself as you open the door. You open the door just enough to see in, and check if any one is in the room. You see no one and decide to enter the room. As soon as you enter the room. Your eyes are pulled to a cabinet that displays various items. The one item that catches your attention is a black ring with one jewel on it.
chapter 13- go to the cabinet and grab the ring
chapter 14- look around the rest of the room first