chapter 7

You decide to try to sneak past the king and queen, son first step is to get on the balcony. With one hand holding on to the wall, the other one reaches out to grab the stone railing of the balcony. You hold steady with the hand on the balcony as you move your hand from the castle wall to the balcony. After both hands are on, you pull your self up. You look down when you are all on the balcony to the courtyard below.

'Good thing I did not fall,' You tell yourself as you let out a shaky breath. Turning to the part way open balcony doors that led into a dark room. Squeezing into the room through the part way open door. Once Your in the room, all you can see is pitch blackness. There is a little bit of light coming from under the door to the hallway, but it helps a little bit. Not much though. You make your way to the light under the door when your foot snags on something. You fall forward. You try to grab something to stop your fall. Your hand grabs something, but it fell with you. The sound of you and what ever you graded falling to the floor awakens the king and queen from tr there sleep.

'you got to be kidding me here! Now I just need to run for it!' You tell yourself as you get up off the floor and re ace to the door. By the time you got to the door, the king had a candle in hand and his eyes on you.

"Guards! There is an intruder in the castle!" the king tells. Without wasting time to explain what you are there, you just open the door and Run in one direction. You can hear foot steps all around you but see no one at all. At the end of hallway stands a squad of guards in there reflective armor and swords drawn.

'Tonights not my night.' You thought with a racing heart. You turn down another hallway before the guards could reach you. After taking some more quick turns, you think you lost the guards. You slow to a walk while you check for any danger.

'Finaly! Now I just need to lay low and..." You thoughts stop as a tall man appears right in front of you, like magic. The tall man was the very same man that was with the small figure at the gate in the court yard!

'Look what the cat dragged in. A little mouse." The man says to you. You try to turn and run but found that you can't.

"What's wrong? Cat got you tongue?" The man smiles at you with glee as he mocks you. After a few seconds, you feel a burning where your birth mark is on the left side of your chest. You find that you can move freely agian. Mage, for he froze you in place, has a look of shock.

"H-how did you get out of my parlizing spell?" The mage stutters as he asks you. You put your hand on your birth mark, it is warm.

"I, I don't know how I did." You tell the mage. He sees you put your hand on your chest.

"What is on your chest?" He asks with a serious face. You move your hand away from your birth mark.

'Shuld I tell him or not?' You ask yourself.

"Well, are you going to tell me?" The mage stares you down with two glowing red eyes.

chapter 15- tell the mage

chapter 16- don't tell the mage