chapter 8

The first thing you do is move your left hand from the wall to the balcony railing, do the same with the right. After getting both hands on the railing, you pull yourself up and into the balcony. You look to the balcony door, and see that it is part way open. Just enough for you to squeeze through, but you wait for the king and queen to fall asleep. You sit down and just look at the star files sky.

'Why was I picked for this job. I mean, I am not that good compared to the other in the Rats Nest. So, why me?' You ask yourself that and ponder about bout life in general. After about half an hour after the king and queen went to bed, you slip into the room. At first, the room was pitch black. But after half an hour, your eyes grew use to the dark.

'That would a stupid mistake to make. Rushing into a dark room that is unknown to you.' You smile while you make a little chuckle about that thought. Once you are in front of a door that has light spilling it to the darkness of the room, you open the door a little bit. You stick your head out to see if anyone is around. You see no one in the hallways that you find just breat takingly beautiful. With the red rungs on the floor that goo well with the golden color of the wooden walls. You slip out of the king and queen bedroom, and start to think.

'I read that mages like places that is far way from every body, like a tower or under ground some place. I'm closer to a tower than the ground, so up I go!' You tell yourself as you choose a hallway that seems to be in the right direction of a place stairs could be at. After walking around the hallways that seem like a maze than a home, you could not find stairs anywhere. When you looked around, you noticed that the paintings that were hanging up had one thing in common with the other paintings. All the paintings had all the ring, and the background looked like it was painted over after the painting was made. You could tell that because of small areas that have different color paint compared to its surrounding paint.

'Weird. The paintings look like it was painted over agian after it was finished. I wonder that could be in the background that they did not want to see?' You wonder about the paints as you go on through the endless hallways. After a few seconds, you hear someone coming down one of the connecting hallways. You flatten yourself to the wall by the corner of the hall way that you hear foot steps coming from. The person was a average height, big bulky glasses, and carrying books under one arm.

'Is there a library on this floor or is one on the other floors.' You ponder to yourself as you follow the person that has the books. After some twist and turns, you see the stairs at last. The person with books went down the stairs while you went up the stairs. You continue to go up until there is no more stairs to go with. On the top floor, all you see is one door that leds to a the inside of the tower.

'Let's check out this tower no.' You tell yourself. When you are at the door, you study the door and its surroundings of it. There is now way to tell if mages us this tower or not. You open the door to see boxs and other junk that was put and left here.

chapter 17- look around in the tower

chapter 18- go back down to look for the court mage study/area