First Step

"Lord of Speed?" Caitlin asked,

"Kabuto?" Barry asked.

"I approve of your name," Cisco said with a thumbs up. Barry and Caitlin just shook their heads in disappointment with Cisco's remarks. Then Kabuto slowly walked towards Dr. Wells,

"So Kabuto are you an ally?" Dr. Wells asked then Kabuto rushed forward and grabbed Dr. Wells's collar lifting him from his wheelchair. Kabuto pulled Dr. Wells into earshot,

"I have a proposal Thawne," Kabuto whispered, Dr. Wells was shocked for a moment but then regained his composure.

"What do you want." Dr. Wells/Thawne asked,

"You help me with a problem and I help you with your problem," Kabuto said.

"Alright, I accept your proposal." Dr. Wells/Thawne said.

"That's great. Play along, well actually keep doing what you've been doing." Kabuto said and he turned towards the trio who were still in shock at his actions.

"Cisco, Caitlin, and Barry nice to meet you," Kabuto said shocking them once again.

"Put Dr. Wells down and we can settle this in peace," Barry said while Cisco and Caitlin nodded.

"I don't think so, Barry. But you know if you can catch me maybe I will listen to your request." Kabuto said.

"What do you mean?" Barry asked in a fake confusion.

"Haha, You are a terrible liar Barry. Just so you know, I will give a minute window and if you can't catch me or stop me; then when I'm done with Dr. Wells. Cisco and Caitlin are next." Kabuto stated while pulling out an energy blade Kuni.

"How do you know about us and Barry's powers?" Caitlin asked.

"Can't let all my secrets out now can I, but I will let you know something if you want it," Kabuto replied.

"What is it?" Caitlin asked.

"It has something to do with that ring on your finger," Kabuto replied. A shocked expression began to form on her face as she slowly realized what Kabuto was talking about. Cisco also began to piece together what Kabuto meant also. Barry, on the other hand, was trying his hardest to find his power within himself. A minute of suspense and tension passed,

"Well, too bad Barry. I guess you don't have it in you. Just so you know everything that is about to happen is going to be your fault. Especially what happened at the Precinct with Joe, Iris, and Eddie." Kabuto said and raised his Kuni towards Dr. Wells's neck. As this was going on, no one noticed the lightning forming within Barry's eyes due to Kabuto's statement. Kabuto raised the Kuni and tried to slash Dr. Wells, but Barry rescued him in the nick of time. Kabuto smirked within his helmet,

"Look at that, Barry. I knew you could do it, you just needed a little push." Kabuto said with a chuckle.

"You just tried to kill Dr. Wells, then threatened my friends and family. Now you say that you were helping me." Barry stated with anger.

"Well, if you put it that way then it seems like I'm the bad guy here," Kabuto said which left everyone in the room speechless.

"Now tell us what you know about Caitlin's fiance," Barry ordered.

"Well, you have to catch me first," Kabuto replied and pressed the left button on his belt.

"Clock up!" KZ shouted and Kabuto disappeared from his spot. Everyone was shocked by Kabuto's speed, but Barry took off also grabbing his suit and after Kabuto. Barry soon stopped in the middle of the street looking around for any clues,

"Where did he go?" Barry murmured to himself.

"Looking for little ol me," Kabuto said as he ran past Barry. Barry then chased after Kabuto with all his power. Two figures could be seen running at breathtaking speed, but one of the figures began to catch up to the other one. The red/yellow figure reached out his hand and tried to grab onto the red/silver figure.

"Almost there," Barry said while straining to grab Kabuto.

"Oh, Barry. You are too naive my dear friend." Kabuto said then turned around back peddling at the same speed. Kabuto began to fight Barry in hand-to-hand combat, but it wasn't a fight because Kabuto was just parrying all of Barry's punches and grabs. Kabuto grabbed onto Barry's right shoulder and put his foot in front of Barry's judo flipping Barry into a car. Barry then rammed into the car denting the car door, and Kabuto stopped just a few feet in front of him.

"Barry, with those skills you will never be able to catch your mother's killer," Kabuto said to him after getting close. Barry became angry and rushed at Kabuto. Barry threw a flurry of punches at super speed, but Kabuto parried everything then he countered with a spinning back kick. The kick folded Barry over, then Kabuto threw an uppercut sending him into the air. Kabuto jumped off one of the cars and caught up to Barry in the air. Kabuto punched Barry a couple of times in the stomach, then flipped over and ax kicked him into the ground. Barry got up again and ran away,

"Where are you going?" Kabuto asked in confusion but Barry paid no attention to him and kept running. Barry finally stops in the middle of the street just 5.3 miles away from Kabuto. He turned around and got into a sprinter's stance. He could feel the lightning surging through his body and took off running at his full speed shattering windows nearby. A sonic boom was heard,

"Supersonic punch. That is a good one Barry. Too bad it's on the wrong opponent." Kabuto said as he waited for Barry to arrive. Barry soon arrived with his fist held high and screaming out in anger. It seemed like his fist was going to connect to Kabuto's face, but then Barry heard a voice.

"Maximum Clock up!" KZ shouted and Barry's fist hit nothing but air.

"I didn't think I would have to use that, but you proved me wrong again Barry. Your speed picked up and was a bit faster than before. Sadly you still have a long way to go." Kabuto said and roundhouse kicked which sent him flying once again,

"Even though you managed to defeat the other meta-humans with your speed, once you meet another speedster you can't do anything because of your lack of martial arts. You should take a couple of classes with Oliver Queen so that you can fight." Kabuto said to Barry as he got closer.

"Are you also a Meta-human?" Barry asked while he got up from the ground.

"No, but I would be considered one if I was from here," Kabuto replied.

"What do you mean from here?" Barry asked in confusion.

"Whoops, seems like I've said too much already," Kabuto replied.

"Then how do you know so much about us?" Barry asked,

"Well, that is my secret and I can't let all my cards be shown now. But I can tell you that I am not your enemy. You could say that I'm a protector that has their agenda." Kabuto replied. Barry was now in confusion and tried to understand what Kabuto just said.

"I'll leave you with one sentence. Beware of Harrison Wells. Also if you have any more questions I can answer them for you except for certain ones. " Kabuto whispered to him so that the others could hear him through the communicator and began to walk off.

"How can I get ahold of you, if I have more questions," Barry said. Kabuto just threw a smaller version of KZ at Barry,

"Just press the button in the middle and I'll find you. Also, tell Caitlin if she wants to find out then she can use that transmitter also. Also, tell Dr. Wells that I will be coming for my part." Kabuto told Barry. Kabuto left once again leaving a confused Barry.

"Did you guys get everything," Barry asked over the communicator?

"We did, Barry," Cisco replied.

"Now get back here as fast as you can, because I'm reading that you have some pretty severe injuries," Caitlin ordered.

"I have to check up on Iris and Joe first." With that Barry ran to the Precinct. Kabuto went to Star labs and made his way to one of the safe rooms. He de-amortized the Kabuto suit and slowly made his way to the main room in Star Labs. He stumbled in and got the attention of everyone in the room,

"Oh my god, Johnathan!" Caitlin shouted and ran towards him.

"I can't believe we forgot about him," Cisco said,

"Today has been a long day, Cisco. Our lives were on the line and sometimes stuff just slips through." Dr. Wells said.

"That's pretty harsh, Dr. Wells," Johnathan said as Caitlin helped him sit up.

"Sorry about that Mr. Takahashi. No worries though, Caitlin will fix you right up." Dr. Wells said and nodded to Caitlin.

"Cisco help me carry Johnathan to the medic room," Caitlin ordered. Cisco nodded and ran over to carry Johnathan.

"Where's Barry?" Johnathan asked.

"Uh. He went to go check up on his family. Some stuff happened at the Precinct, so after everything settled here he left." Cisco answered.

"That's right what happened to the lightning guy?" Johnathan asked,

"The Flash and a new meta showed up and stopped him," Caitlin replied.

"Ah! The Flash, he is the hero of this city, and a little bit flashier than that person in Starling City" Johnathan said. Caitlin and Cisco nodded. At the hospital in Central city, Barry showed up in one of the rooms and greeted Joe, Iris, and Eddie who was in the hospital bed.

"Where have you been all night?" Iris asked Barry,

"Trying to eat all the ice cream before it melted," Barry responded.

"I love Ice cream." Eddie giggled. Everyone just laughed at Eddie's response.

"He is on a lot of pain meds," Iris said.

"I can see that," Barry said.

"Well, I'm going to get some coffee," Iris said and left. Joe walked near a flower vase and pushed it over. Barry noticed it and quickly caught it with his super speed.

"I can see you feeling better," Joe said with relief. Barry just smiled,

"Did you guys just see that?" Eddie asked with shock.

"You're just high, partner." Joe quickly responded. Eddie just laughed, then Joe got close to Barry.

"Hey, do you know anything about this Lord of Speed," Joe asked which got a reaction out of Barry.

"Yeah, I do know a thing or two," Barry replied. "Did he save you guys?" Barry asked.

"Yeah, he showed up out of nowhere. At first, I thought it was you but then I saw the outfit and he announced his name." Joe said.

"He also saved us from Farooq too, but then he tried to kill Dr. Wells and threaten to do the same to you guys also," Barry said.

"So he's not on our side," Joe said with a sigh.

"I don't know about that. He knows a lot of things about us and even who my mother's killer is. If he has something on the man in yellow then maybe I could finally get my dad out of prison. Plus it seems like he doesn't have any evil intentions and more like a Vigilante vibe." Barry said. Joe just nodded and Barry used his speed to go talk to Iris in his Flash suit.