Joining the Team

Johnathan was sleeping in one of the rooms at Star Labs and Caitlin came to wake him up for some breakfast that she bought for them. Caitlin opened the door,

"Johnathan, I've come to give you some breakfast if you're hungry," Caitlin said as she walked into the room. Johnathan got up from the bed and walked over to Caitlin to grab the food.

"Thank you once again, Caitlin," Johnathan said as he began to eat. When he looked up, he saw that Caitlin was blushing then he realized that he didn't have a shirt on. Johnathan just smiled at Caitlin and covered himself with his arms,

"Kyaaa!" Johnathan teased which earned him a pillow to the face from Caitlin.

"Put on your clothes and come upstairs. Dr. Wells wants to talk to you." She ordered and stormed off. Johnathan grabbed his clothes to put on and chased after Caitlin,

"Don't be so angry, Caitlin. It was only a joke plus you're the one who came into the room without notifying me." Johnathan shouted to her while laughing. She let out an annoyed sigh and picked up her pace leaving Johnathan in the dust. Johnathan just laughed and made his way to the lab. Caitlin walked into the room and went straight into her lab, which left Barry and Cisco confused until Johnathan walked in.

"Morning fellas," Johnathan said while waving at Barry and Cisco.

"Morning, Johnathan," Barry replied,

"What happened between you and Caitlin?" Cisco asked in a whisper. Johnathan leaned in to whisper what happened to Cisco but was interrupted by a flying tray that smacked the back of his head. Cisco was shocked by the sudden impact and looked to see who threw it only to see Caitlin with her arm still hanging from throwing it.

"Alright, enough with the shenanigans. We have more important things to discuss than Mr. Takahashi and Caitlin's morning routine." Dr. Wells stated as he rolled into the room in his electric wheelchair. Everyone could feel the tension roll into the room for the trio because an important person had gotten dragged into their problem and almost died from it too.

"I'm sure that you already knew about the accident of the Particle Accelerator, right?" Dr. Wells asked Johnathan to which he nodded.

"And you have heard about people with impossible powers." Dr. Wells added.

"So that guy from last night was one of those people I assume," Johnathan said to which Dr. Wells nodded this time.

"Let me get this straight. After the accident, multiple people in the city have been affected by the explosion and now some of them use it for evil purposes." Johnathan stated.

"Or good like the Redstreak" Cisco replied.

"So how does someone know who was affected or not?" Johnathan asked,

"We have come up with an algorithm and signature DNA so that our satellites can pick up certain things. Such as Dark matter which resides within what we call Meta-Humans." Caitlin responded.

"Before that person zapped me, I heard that he was looking for you, Dr. Wells. Was there a reason why?" Johnathan asked.

"He believed that I could fix him, but once he found out that he could do more with his power. He decided that it was best to just take revenge for his fallen friends instead." Dr. Wells explained.

"Ok, but that still leaves one thing missing. How did we survive his attack?" Johnathan asked.

"The Redstreak appeared," Barry answered.

"He is also a meta-human. I presume." Johnathan said,

"Correct," Cisco said.

"So just shooting in the dark, but I'm guessing that you folks are helping out the so call Redstreak," Johnathan stated and got confirmation from the group. He then looked at Barry intently,

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Barry asked with a bit of worry in his voice.

"You have a very similar build as the Redstreak, plus the same height, and everyone here works with the Redstreak. You're him aren't you." Johnathan stated which got everyone startled especially Dr. Wells who tightened his grip on his armrest without anyone noticing except for Johnathan due to his higher sense than the average human.

"No! Why would you think that? That is just ridiculous." Barry denied.

"Why would you think that, Johnathan?" Cisco asked.

"Well, no offense Cisco. You're too short to be the streak, Caitlin is..... well a woman, and Dr. Wells is in a wheelchair. Which leaves Barry to be the prime suspect." Johnathan responded.

"That is a great theory, Mr. Takahashi. But you do not have any proof of this accusation." Dr. Wells responded firmly.

"You're right about that, Dr. Wells. Except for one little thing." Johnathan stated.

"Oh, and what would that be?" Dr. Wells asked with a smirk.

"That," Johnathan said while pointing at the red suit sitting in the open by the two T.V.'s mounted on the wall. Cisco facepalmed himself and Barry just shook his head in disbelief.

"Cisco, you forgot to hide the suit?" Caitlin asked with a hint of disappointment in her voice.

"Well, I'm sorry. Was there not a psycho electrical zappy man not trying to kill us last night and sucked up all our power like some energy drink fuel." Cisco responded which made Caitlin a little bit more sorry about snapping on him.

"We can't blame Cisco for this. Everyone here had trouble sleeping last night. What we need to do now is ask, Mr. Takahashi. What are you going to do with this information now." Dr. Wells stated so that the focus was pushed back to Johnathan.

"Can I join the team?" Johnathan replied shocking the rest of the group. Before anyone could answer his question, Dr. Wells butted in.

"What do you bring to the table, Mr. Takahashi." Dr. Wells asked.

"I have a lot of connections, my face is everywhere so I could get us anything. Also, I do have some knowledge of some science and whatnot." Johnathan replied.

"Well, you're not wrong about having your face everywhere." Dr. Wells replied.

"Plus from all the movies and T.V shows you appear to be most scientific and knowledgeable to an extent," Caitlin added.

"I'm not going to lie but you are killing it in your role in Game of Thrones though," Cisco added which made Barry laugh.

"As the Scarlet Speedster himself, I welcome you to the team," Barry said while extending his arm out for a handshake. Johnathan took hold of his arm and shook it,

"It's my honor to be here," Johnathan replied with a big smile.

"We'll see how long and useful you will be Mr. Takahashi." Dr. Wells said and made his way out of the room.

"I'll go talk to him. I'm quite happy you decided to help instead of exposing us." Caitlin said then chased after Dr. Wells.

"This is going to be the best team ever. Johnathan let me show you around the place so that you can get used to this place." Cisco said while dragging Johnathan away with Barry. In the night with little lighting, two figures could be seen walking next to one another.

"Are you sure this is where he will be at?" a masculine voice asked who was dressed in a red hood,

"Yes, I'm sure." a green hooded figure replied.

"Oliver, if we get this wrong then we are going to be back to square one." the man inside a van stated.

"Don't worry, Diggle. I'm sure Felicity has figured all this to the smallest detail." Oliver replied. "Roy, are you in position?"

"Yes, I'm in position," Roy replied as he pulled back on his red bow. Oliver pulled his bow back also,

"Let's give this man a welcome gift," Oliver said as he unleashed an explosive type arrow, but just before the arrows could make it to the target a blur was seen in front of them.

"What happened?" Roy asked in confusion.

"I don't know, let's try it again," Oliver replied and knocked back another arrow. The result was the same as before, which made Oliver agitated.

"What in the hell is going on?" Diggle asked through the radio.

"I don't know, but I'm about to find out," Oliver said as he knocked back another arrow and shot. As he expected something or someone blocked his shot, but he was prepared for it. A red and silver figure was revealed by the stun arrow that Oliver had shot instead of the explosive one.

"That was pretty smart of you, Arrow." The red figure said. Oliver knocked back another arrow and aimed it at the figure,

"Who are you and why are you hindering us?" Oliver asked in his disguise voice.

"Well, I can't answer your first question, but the second one is because I feel like it." The red figure responded. Then Roy appeared behind the red figure and knocked his bow back with an arrow ready to fire upon the red figure. Oliver nodded his head at Roy,

"I guess we will have to get it out of you the hard way," Oliver replied and let his arrow loose at the same time as Roy. The red figure reached for the left button on his belt and pressed it.

"Clock up!" the belt shouted and the red figure disappeared,

"Where did he go?" Roy asked before getting flung across the street into Oliver.

"Diggle, we've been compromised! Get back to base, We'll be there shortly!" Oliver ordered but there was no response on the other side.

"Diggle!" Oliver shouted through the communicator while turning towards Roy, but he was nowhere to be found either.

"You looking for these two here." the red figure stated while holding two figures up. Oliver turned around to face the red figure and when he saw his teammates being held by an enemy. Oliver quickly armed his bow and shot three arrows simultaneously, but the red-figure caught them just as quickly.

"Who are you?" Oliver asked with anger in his voice,

"Well, since these two are already out of commission. I guess I could tell you, but under one condition." the red figure responded.

"And that is?" Oliver asked. The red figure responded with his hand out, palm facing up then folding in and out. The motion enraged Oliver and he rushed over to engage with the red figure. The two exchanged numerous blows and it looked like Oliver was gaining the upper hand. Oliver swung high with his bow and the red figure ducked under and hit Oliver with a liver hook shot sending Oliver flying away. The red figure stretched his neck and rotated his arms around,

"Damn, no wonder they talk about your fighting skills all the time." the red figure said as he walked closer to Oliver. Oliver got up from the ground and wiped the blood from his mouth.

"Did I earn the right to hear your name, or are you still on that high horse of yours," Oliver stated while he tried to catch his breath.

"Kabuto is the name. Nice to meet you, Arrow." Kabuto replied as he hit the right button on his belt.

"Clock up!" the belt shouted and a blur was the last thing Oliver saw before his vision went black.