
Earth - 1

Barry was currently dressed in his Flash outfit and entering a building,

"Geez, why do all villains have to be hiding in creepy old buildings," Barry said to himself. He got close to the inner door and tried the handle, but it was locked so he put his hand up to the top lock. He began to vibrate rapidly to take the lock off, and it soon popped off with no trouble. He opened the door as quietly as he could and made his way into the inner building. The Flash walked around looking for any type of clue on Roy G. Bivolo,

"I knew you would be coming to look for me. I could see it in your eyes when I first met you at the bank. When I turned those people against each other, it made you the Flash angry." Roy said as he came walking out behind a wall, But the Flash quickly ran to him and grabbed him by the collar smashing him against the wall. In that split second, Roy used his powers and stared into the Flash's eyes which stunned Flash long enough for Roy to get away once again. Flash grabbed his head due to the dizziness he felt, but traces of red light could be seen flickering from his eyes and he could feel the rage building up that he held deep inside of him. Flash soon came back to his senses but notice that Roy had disappeared so he decided to go back to the lab to get checked up. Inside Star Labs, Barry was sitting on one of the stools inside of Caitlin's lab while she was looking into the data recovered from examining Barry's eyes and body.

"No signs of macular damage. Your retina and cornea seem unaffected." Caitlin said.

"I told you I was alright," Barry replied.

"But you said Bivolo whammed you, no desire to go MMA on any of us?" Felicity asked with her arms crossed and a concerned expression to which Barry shook his head.

"I mean something weird happened with his eyes for a second," Barry stated,

"Something weird?" Caitlin asked,

"Yeah, everything went red," Barry replied.

"You were right," Facility said. Barry began to walk off,

"Barry it was stupid of you to go alone in the first place," Caitlin told him,

"Caitlin, you have to stop treating me like Ronnie. I not him!" Barry fired back.

"Yeah, you're right. You aren't Ronnie." Caitlin replied and walked away.

"You're such a lovable dummy," Felicity stated while crossing her arms in disappointment. Just then Barry got a message from Oliver that said more training was needed.

"I'm sure he won't shoot you again," Felicity said, and then she thought about it,

"Maybe you should bring body armor just in case," She added and Barry just shook his head before taking off to meet up with Oliver. Johnathan was currently sitting at a table in Jitters with Iris who was asking more questions she wanted answers to.

"Okay, enough about me. Let me ask you some questions about you," Johnathan stated,

"You're right. I have been asking you question non-stop for almost two days now. Go ahead and ask away," Iris said before taking a sip of her drink.

"So how did you and Barry meet?" Johnathan asked,

"Well, long story short. Something happened to his parents and he was taken in by my father to live with us. While my father worked on the case that was deemed unsolvable or in their term impossible," Iris replied.

"What do you think of it now?"

"Well, with everything that has been happening now. It is not that far off of what Barry said what happened that night."

"What do you think of Barry?"

"Well, I think of him as my adorable little brother."

"That's not what I meant. I mean what do you think of him from a woman's perspective not as his adoptive older sister." Iris looked at Johnathan for a moment and was about to say her piece, but then a handsome short blonde spiky hair came walking into Jitters.

"Eddie!" Iris shouted to get his attention,

"Iris!" Eddie shouted back while making his way to her and once they got close he hugged her to kiss Iris.

"Damn, Barry. You really shouldn't have waited too long. Hopefully, I can try something to help you without Eddie having to die." Johnathan thought to himself. Iris realized that she still had company and she was being a bad host quickly introduced Eddie to Johnathan.

"So what is the famous Johnathan Takahashi doing in Central City and tagging along with a CSI?" Eddie asked.

"Working on a new part," Johnathan replied,

"Well, I hope that Barry is showing you all the ropes and tips," Eddie said with a bright smile while he had his arm over Iris.

"Eddie Thawne! Are you jealous?" Iris said with a teasing smile which made Eddie flustered,

"What are you talking about, why would I be jealous for?" Eddie retorted and let out a dry cough. Johnathan just chuckled at the two,

"Alright, love birds. I will be heading out first since I feel like I'm just a third wheel. Iris, it has been a lovely time spending it with you. Nice to meet you once again, Eddie." Johnathan said as he hugged Iris and shook Eddie's hand before taking off. A few hours later at the precinct, Barry could be seen walking towards his lab on the second floor,

"Barry, where are you on the Bivolo case?" Captain Singh asked.

"I'm working on it," Barry replied,

"Care to be more specific." Captain Singh stated but Barry just ignored him and continued to walk up the stairs.

"Hey, how about you answer me when I ask you questions!" Captain Singh stated,

"Hey, how about you back off! I do my job just as much as anyone else here! I don't need you constantly berating me on how to do my job! I will let you know when the job is done, Alright!" Barry shouted at Captain Singh and before Singh could get in a word Joe showed up just in time to separate the two.

"Sorry captain, he is having a bad reaction to some new medication he is taking," Joe explained to which Captain Singh just shook his head and walked away. Joe turned towards Barry with a shocked expression,

"Have you lost your damn mind?" Joe asked with disbelief.

"I can't stand when Captain Singh's talks to me like that!" Barry shouted in frustration.

"I understand, but he is still our boss," Joe said as he tried to calm Barry down.

"You are just like him. Like Wells, Oliver, and everyone my whole life that didn't think I could get the job done. You want to help me, Joe. How about you get my dad out of prison, you help get him in there in the first place!" Barry retorted and in a split second, he saw Iris and Eddie walking out the door. Johnathan came walking down the stairs,

"Hey, where have you guys been. I was getting tired of waiting in the lab." Johnathan joked as he walked in front of the duo.

"I don't need to report to you, or better yet where were you?" Barry retorted which shocked Johnathan.

"I was with Iris cause she asked to meet, by the way, did you go after Roy Bivolo alone?" Johnathan replied.

" So you are trying to get with Iris too! I thought I could trust you, but it seems like you're just like everyone else. You only care about yourself!" Barry shouted,

"Wait a minute! Why are you getting mad at me, you're the one who introduced us and told her to ask me. Second of all you never answered my question about why you went alone to catch Roy!" Johnathan retorted but Barry shook his head and tried to walk away, but Johnathan grabbed Barry's arm to hold him in place. Barry realized that he couldn't shake off Johnathan's grip and began to vibrate his whole body so that he could break Johnathan's grip. But he soon realized that the grip never got loose,

"I guess everyone has their secrets and you have been keeping us in the dark, Johnathan," Barry said with a smirk.

"You need to calm down, Bear," Joe said as he tried to get in between Johnathan and Barry. Barry finally was able to break out of Johnathan's grip and pushed Joe into Johnathan,

"I'm calm, once I'm not you all will know!" Barry stated while his eyes flashed dark red along with black veins appearing around his eyes. He then took off leaving behind Joe and Johnathan.

"I'll go after him, Joe. You have to go to Star Labs and let them know what is going on with, Barry." Johnathan said as he took off after Barry. Two hours later back at Star Labs, Felicity just got off the phone with Oliver.

"That was Oliver, he just told me that Barry was acting very weird. Like he was angrier than usual." Felicity said to the group just then Joe walked in while holding his jacket,

"He's been whammed. Barry got extremely angry at me, Singh, and Johnathan back at the precinct. Also, his eyes began to glow red too." Joe stated with a tired expression.

"It might be possible that Barry's body is fighting off the effect and it is slowly hitting him rather than all together," Caitlin explained.

"Especially when it comes to rage, it does not do well bottled up," Wells added,

"Cause it will cause a bigger explosion," Felicity stated.

"Considering what he can do, how do we even stop him?" Joe asked,

"A cold gun would be extremely useful right about now," Cisco answered while spinning around in his chair to search for Barry. Everyone gave him a glare of disapproval,

"I was just sayin'," Cisco said in his defense while holding both his hands up in surrender.

"None of us can stop Barry. Fortunately, Felicity knows someone who can." Wells answered.

"What about Kabuto?" Joe asked,

"Who would want that psychopath's help, if you didn't realize Joe. He tried to kill us the last time we encountered him, Luckily Barry was able to stop him from doing just that." Cisco stated while using his hands for gestures.

"Even if we wanted his help. We have no way of contacting him," Caitlin said.

"Wait, who are you guys talking about?" Felicity asked.

"He is another speedster that appeared out of nowhere and we don't know if he is on the good side or bad," Caitlin responded.

"Red and Silver armor with a giant beetle horn on a helmet along with light blue visor?" Felicity asked to the surprise of the other.

"Something tells me that you guys have run into him before," Cisco said spinning in his chair to face Felicity to which she nodded.

"He showed up when we were looking for our Boomerang baddie. He took out Green Arrow and Red Arrow with ease. It was like he knew everything about us too because Green Arrow had the upper hand in hand-to-hand combat, but was caught off guard by the super speed." Felicity explained.

"Wait, didn't he give Barry a one-use device to contact him if we wanted answers?" Caitlin remembered to which Cisco snapped his fingers and pointed at her while smiling. He quickly ran over to Barry's cubby, searched for the device, and soon found the red round button. Cisco lifted the button in victory and quickly ran back over to the group,

"Wait, if we use this then we won't be able to get any answers because we are asking him to stop Barry," Caitlin stated. Everyone was hesitant,

"What do you mean by answers?" Joe asked with confusion.

"When Kabuto saved slash try to kill us. He said that he had answers to most of our questions like where Caitlin's fiancé Ronnie is at. Also, the man in yellow that appeared the night of Barry's mother's death." Cisco answered to which Joe became distressed due to the information that bombard him.

"Let's leave it as a last resort, and let the Green Arrow handle the situation first," Felicity offered to which the group agreed upon, so she called Oliver and sent him a message to meet at Star Labs.

Iris and Eddie were currently driving on the road to their dinner date. Eddie was currently switching the radio channels to relax the tension in the car.

"Is this your way of telling me that you want satellite radio for Christmas?" Iris joked.

"Look, I'm not mad at you." Iris started,

"Good, cause there is no reason for you to be," Eddie replied quickly.

"Eddie, both you and I know that the Flash is protecting the city just like the police officers of Central City. You would give everything to protect the people of this city and The Flash has shown that he is no different." Iris explained to him.

"How do you know so much about him?" Eddie asked with a look of concern.

"He got in touch with me after I started my blog about him. I have had multiple interviews with him for the blog." She answered.

"Multiple times? Why have I not been informed of this?" Eddie retorted.

"Well, given the fact that I think of him as a hero and you want to put him behind bars. Leaves me few choices to choose from. " Iris fired back.

"What in the world would you think I would be okay with this?" Eddie retorted and just then his door burst open out of nowhere. A flash was seen before Eddie was pulled out of the vehicle and thrown onto the ground. Eddie let out a grunt as his body rolled a few feet before stopping,

"I heard you have been looking for me!" A distorted voice shouted at him. Eddie looked up and saw a man in a red outfit with a lightning bolt on his chest walking towards Eddie.

"All this time you have been chasing and trying to capture me. I guess I got to you first." The Flash stated and while Eddie lay on the ground he quickly pulled out his handgun. Eddie was still trying to get his head back on straight,

"I guess you haven't been reading your girlfriend's blogs," The Flash stated right before Eddie shot multiple times at the Flash. The bullets were easily dodged by the Flash and he quickly ran behind Eddie,

"Too slow, pal," The Flash said with a sinister smile. Back at Star Labs, the two teams were together coming up with a plan to stop Barry.

"So how are we going to stop Barry's rage-fest?" Diggle asked Wells,

"I may have an idea, but Joe I am going to need your assistance," Wells answered.

"Well, we need to find him first," Joe added.

"I found him, facial recognition caught him at a downtown traffic light camera," Felicity answered.

"We have to go now!" Joe said as he took off while Wells followed behind. Back downtown, The Flash slowly walked towards Eddie who quickly got up and charged at the Flash. Eddie tried to tackle The Flash but that attack was futile in front of Flash because all he did was turn his body, put his foot out, grabbed Eddie's shoulders, and threw him to the side. Eddie was ragdoll onto the streets again while Iris screamed his name in concern,

"Who the hell are you, huh? Think you can just come along and take whatever you want and whenever. What gives you the right?" The Flash asked in anger.

"What in the hell are you talking about?" Eddie asked in confusion as he crawled towards his gun that was thrown away.

"What in the hell are you doing? What happened to you?" Iris asked in confusion,

"I feel fine. Better than ever actually," Flash answered her while walking towards the crawling Eddie.

"You aren't fine!" Iris retorted,

"How would you know. Is it because you write about me. You don't know me!" Flash shouted while his eyes began to glow dark red.

"Flash, you need to stop this now!" a voice shouted and the trio looked over to see who it was.

"Johnathan?" Iris asked in confusion,

"What are you here for? Here to stop me? You need to go before you regret this." Flash shouted while smiling and turned towards Eddie. The Flash charged at Eddie, but before the Flash could touch Eddie an earth wall emerged in between the two stopping the Flash's advance. The trio looked in shock as a wall appeared out of nowhere, and they all turned towards Johnathan who had both his arms bent up and close to his chest with his fist closed.

"What in the hell?" Eddie asked while the other two were thinking the same thing. Johnathan soon extended his arms outwards while turning his body sideways and stomping on the ground, creating a crack in the streets that extended towards the Flash. He then opened his hands and used an up motion with them which created two earth pillars that extended from the crack. The pillars then wrapped around the Flash's wrist and they pulled back into the ground pinning the Flash in a kneeling position. The Flash began to vibrate rapidly to break out, once Johnathan realized what the Flash was trying to do, He created a water whip out of the moister in the air to use as an extra precaution to tie the Flash down, but the Flash broke out of the restraints before the water whip could make a connection. The Flash quickly made his way behind Johnathan and tried to strike but another earth wall emerged blocking the attack. The Flash continued to find ways to attack Johnathan, and it was getting harder to predict where the Flash was coming from. Also, Johnathan began to sustain injuries due to the difference in speed, so Johnathan decided to create an earth dome to buy some time. All of this was being captured by the traffic cam and shown to the others currently at Star Labs.

"Did you guys know that Johnathan could do those things?" Cisco asked in amazement but as he looked around everyone else was also shocked.

"Looks like he has some explaining to do," Caitlin replied.

"Do you think he can keep Barry busy enough until the Green Arrow gets there, along with Dr. Wells and Joe with the machine," Felicity asked with concern,

"I put my trust in them," Diggle replied with confidence. Green Arrow was currently making his way downtown on his motorcycle at full speed weaving and dodging traffic.

"What is the situation at the moment, Felicity?" Green Arrow asked through his comms,

"Johnathan is currently keeping the Flash from causing any serious damage to anyone and himself," Felicity responded.

"Who is that?" The Green Arrow asked,

"The world-renown superstar, Johnathan Takahashi," Felicity answered.

"What in the world are you going on about?" The Green Arrow asked in confusion,

"You'll see once you get there," Felicity responded with a sigh. The Green Arrow just shook his head and revved his throttle once more. The fight had made its way into an alleyway back downtown due to Johnathan's strategy to keep the Flash contained.

"You've been hiding things too well, Johnathan!" The Flash shouted with a smile as he ran in circles around Johnathan.

"And you have taken things too far. I know that you have feelings for Iris, but taking it out on Eddie is not the way to go about it. I know that it hurts you to see your childhood love with another man, but this is just too much!" Johnathan replied. After Johnathan got out that sentence, The Flash landed a clean right hook to Johnathan's face knocking him down to his knees.

"Fuck! That hurt like hell, Barry!" Johnathan shouted as he spat out blood from his mouth,

"What would you expect. I held back far too long, this time things are different and you will be one of the first to feel the difference." The Flash said as he rushed back at Johnathan. The Flash began to attack rapidly overwhelming Johnathan with barrages, then the Flash grabbed Johnathan and threw him up into one of the walls of the alley. As Johnathan fell the Flash front kicked Johnathan's stomach sending him flying away and smashing into another wall but this time he landed onto a broken pole that stabbed through his body.

"Stay down if you know what's good for you, Johnathan," The Flash stated before walking away towards Eddie's last location. Johnathan spat out some more blood while getting back up to his feet slowly and pulling out the pole that penetrated him. The Flash sighed and turned back around to face Johnathan,

"I will admit that you are frighteningly fast, but I just want you to know. Like a great soldier use to say... I can do this all day," Johnathan said before slamming his fist together in front of his chest before an earth mold enveloped him creating an earth armor around him which also stopped the bleeding for a bit. With that said they both charged at each other once more.

"This won't change a thing," The Flash said before charging at the rock-covered Johnathan, The two people began to collide, and rock fragments were sent flying everywhere.

"Where is Oliver?" Felicity asked in concern.

"I don't know if it would make such a difference if he showed up by now," Caitlin answered.

"What do you mean by that?" Diggle asked with a bit of hostility.

"What she means is that Johnathan and Barry have superpowers at the moment and all Oliver has is a bow and arrows." Cisco chimed in.

"You do know that Oliver has mastered multiple martial arts and is extremely acrobatic." Felicity retorted.

"Yes, but can he run at supersonic speeds or created earth armor and water whips from thin air?" Cisco responded.

"Nope, you can't add what Johnathan did because you guys didn't even know about him." Diggle fired back.

"Okay fair enough, but still Barry could run circles around Oliver before he could fire off one shot from his bow," Caitlin responded.

"Wait, why are we having this argument again. We should be more worried about them not killing each other!" Felicity screamed which made everyone embarrassed that they were acting like children. The Green Arrow finally got to the location and began to make his way up on the top of the roofs so he could have a better vantage point to take out Barry. Once he got to the top of a roof, the Green Arrow quickly made his way to the noises coming from the battle that was taking place. The Green Arrow couldn't believe it when he got to the top of the alley and saw what was taking place.

"I knew that with Barry it was possible for other things, but it still baffles me that there are others like him around." He said to himself as he knocked an arrow on his bow. This arrow had a sonic blaster attached to the arrowhead and once it made contact with the ground next to the Flash it activated. The sonic boom sent the Flash flying away and slamming into the wall, but Johnathan was able to hold his ground due to embedding his feet into the street. Green Arrow zip lined his way down to the ground next to Johnathan,

"What is the plan?" Johnathan asked.

"Dr. Wells and Joe should be coming soon with a device to erase the effects of the rage." Green Arrow replied.

"How long is soon?" Johnathan asked,

"We'll find out soon enough." Green Arrow responded before charging at the Flash and Johnathan just let out a deep sigh before following suit.

"Oliver! This day just gets better. Now I can finally show you why I don't need your ridiculous training!" the Flash shouted before rushing in also. Close combat was initiated between the three and Flash had the upper hand for a moment due to his super-speed, but Johnathan and Green Arrow made up for the lack of speed with teamwork to block strikes aimed at their weak spots. Both sides were racking up injuries and if it continued the duo was not going to outlast the Flash.

"I have a horse tranquilizer that has about two thousand milligrams residing within. It should slow him down enough for us to subdue him easier." Green Arrow told Johnathan.

"Okay, I will distract him and you take the shot," Johnathan responded and rushed forward towards the Flash. Johnathan's armor had broken completely a while ago so all he had was two earth shields attached to his forearms. He threw them at the Flash as a distraction and quickly formed a water whip on his left hand and generated a fireball in his right. The Flash easily dodged the two earth shields but he was met with a fireball to his chest and was knocked down. Johnathan quickly wrapped the whip around the ankles of the Flash and created an earth pillar to turn it to a pulley to lift the Flash so he could run away. The Green Arrow took that opportunity to aim the arrow tranquilizer and shoot it right into the Flash's tied-up leg. The Flash let out a shout of pain,

"That is two thousand milligrams of horse tranquilizer and it should be hitting you in about two seconds. You need to stop now!" Green Arrow stated but then The Flash began to vibrate his body to eliminate the tranquilizer and broke free from the water restraint. Just then a white van came speeding down the alley, Green Arrow noticed them first so he quickly ran over to where the Flash landed and grabbed onto the Flash putting him in a full nelson.

"Barry, I still believe in you!" Green Arrow shouted while trying his best to hold onto the Flash.

"You think this will work?" Joe asked in concern,

"He just needs to see the right colors. Turn now!" Dr. Wells responded and the white van took a sharp turn so that the right side of it faced the duo. The side door opened up revealing a giant light device that fluctuated multiple colors and Barry was in a trance looking at the colors. Soon his red eyes began to fluctuate then disappear and then he fell down to his knees exhausted.

"Barry, you okay?" Oliver asked with his guard still up,

"Oh god, this is giving me a special type of hangover," Barry responded which made everyone let out a sigh of relief. The two began to laugh,

"Sorry to break up this touching moment but I may need some medical attention," Johnathan stated while walking up to the duo before fainting and falling face-first into the ground.

"Johnathan!" Barry shouted out before rushing towards him with a limp. Oliver quickly made his way over and checked Johnathan's pulse to see if he was still breathing.

"His pulse is weak but steady. I don't know how many injuries he had sustained before I got here," Oliver stated before Joe and Dr. Wells appeared next to them.

"We will take him to the hospital, you guys still have a metahuman to catch," Joe said before lifting Johnathan up and taking him to the van along with Dr. Wells following behind him.

"Let's go catch this bastard," Barry exclaimed and Oliver nodded before they both took off. A few hours later, Roy Bivolo was shouting extreme threats at Cisco, Caitlin, Oliver, and Barry from inside a high-tech prison cell underneath Star Labs, but it fell upon deaf ears and the group just walked away.

"I like Rainbow Raider," Caitlin said as they walked away,

"Uh, this is why you aren't allowed to come up with names for villains. Plus I already came up with Prism." Cisco stated to which Caitlin just pouted.

"You know I have a prison myself, but mine is on a nearly inhospitable island in the north china sea. Although this works too." Oliver said as he followed the duo. Barry was still standing in the room thinking to himself and then Caitlin came back to the room,

"Hey, what are you doing? We still have to go visit Johnathan at the hospital." Caitlin said to which Barry smiled and nodded his head before making his way with the group. Once at the hospital, the group was standing in a room with Johnathan in the middle on the bed.

"How are you feeling?" Caitlin asked as she grabbed onto Johnathan's hand.

"Well, more wear than a tear. But other than that, I feel like a million bucks." Johnathan replied and everyone chuckled except for Barry.

"Hey, don't worry too much about it. That wasn't you, Barry." Johnathan reassured.

"Thanks, I appreciate that truly," Barry responded with a sad smile, but Johnathan put his arms out for a hug and Barry happily complied.

"So did we get Bivolo?" Johnathan asked.

"Yep, picked him up shortly after," Cisco replied and Johnathan nodded.

"So what do I owe the honor for the great Oliver Queen to visit little ole me?" Johnathan asked,

"Don't act like your status isn't just as big as mine." Oliver retorted with a scoff to which Johnathan just laughed. It seems like this world's Johnathan and Oliver had gone to school together, plus have had multiple meet-ups. So they were a little bit more than just acquaintances but once Oliver went missing this world's Johnathan did all he could to find Oliver. The only thing was that he couldn't find anything until Oliver was taken by Argus that is when he was able to keep track of him. Luckily, Johnathan had gotten most of that knowledge from his doppelganger so it wouldn't be awkward.

"By the way, when did you get so good at shooting bows?" Johnathan said and Oliver was shocked for a moment but the one who was almost in tears was Cisco because he remembered accidentally spilling out the truth.

"What do you mean?" Oliver asked,

"I've known for a while, it would be nice if you sent thank you letters once in a while for the things I did for you. It really hurts my heart you know that right." Johnathan replied before shooing them away so he could sleep. The group said their goodbyes and left for the night to rest after a tiring day.

"God, I don't remember the last time when my body was this exhausted. I have really taken the rider armor for granted. Even with this cultivated body, it was hard to keep using Qi to create all of those things. Luckily making things with a prepared base makes it less out of me than making it from thin air." Johnathan said to himself before falling into a deep sleep. The next day the group said their goodbyes to one another and Barry was sitting inside of Jitters watching Iris talking with Eddie.

"So I talked to Captain Singh and he approved my task force for capturing the Flash. Before last night I didn't believe that the Flash was real, but now I do and I believe that he is a danger to society. I also left out the part about Johnathan doing what he did last night. How do you feel about that," Eddie stated,

"I'm sure he will thank you once he hears about that, and the only thing I know is how I feel about you," Iris responded and went in for a kiss.

"By the way, did you know Johnathan could do that?" Eddie asked her.

"Nope, I had no idea. Then again I'm sure he wouldn't have told someone he just met only like three times." Iris replied with a smile.

"True enough. God, this city is getting weirder and weirder." Eddie stated before walking out of the store. Oliver and Felicity walked into Jitters when they saw Barry sitting alone at one of the tables. So they walked up to him, but then Iris noticed them too and walked up to them.

"Are you guys heading home?" Iris asked.

"Yep, just here to java up for the road," Felicity answered,

"I will hook you guys up then," Iris responded to the duo before turning around and heading to the bar to make them some coffee while she was followed by Felicity. Oliver went to go sit down in front of Barry,

"Um... so I never got a chance to apologize for what happened last night. I know that most of it was because of Bivolo is what I want to say, but honestly, I believe that a lot of that stuff was just kept bottled inside of me." Barry said.

"Look, I know what it's like to keep things bottled up for a while. Don't forget that I was trapped on an island for like five years with no interaction with a single soul. But I want you to know that you can always talk to me, Barry," Oliver responded.

"I appreciate it sincerely, also I know that I still have a lot to learn too." Barry stated,

"There is still one thing," Oliver said.

"It doesn't have anything to do with getting shot in the back with two arrows, right?" Barry asked with concern.

"No, nothing like that," Oliver replied while both of them laughed.

"More like an arrow to the heart," Oliver stated while both of them looked at Iris talking with Felicity,

"You need to let her go. For both of your sakes, cause, in the end, someone is going to get hurt or both. Because guys like us don't get the girl." Oliver said before putting his hand on Barry's shoulder and patting it before getting up. Back at Star Labs, Dr. Wells was currently going over a video of last nights battle,

"I need to get rid of Johnathan before he becomes a hindrance in my plan. I believe that with him here it will make my plans stagnant and I don't know if he is going to get more powerful with time." Dr. Wells said to himself as he paused the video on Johnathan's face.