~The Man In Yellow~

Late at night inside Star Labs, Caitlin was currently sitting on the chair spinning around while fiddling with a small red button. She couldn't decide to push it or not,

"Caitlin, what are you still doing here?" Cisco asked which startled her.

"Oh, it's just you, Cisco. I was just thinking about something." She replied and tried to hide the button but Cisco was able to see it before it went inside her pocket.

"Whatever you decide, I just want you to know that I am behind you one hundred percent," Cisco stated and Caitlin took a minute before getting up to hug him. Then she pulled out the button and clicked it. They waited just a few minutes,

"Did he give a fake one to Barry?" Cisco asked in confusion and Caitlin just let out a deep sigh.

"Well, at least I have reassurance from you and I still have hope now," Caitlin said to him. Cisco nodded and both of them turned around to walk out the door, but a blur appeared with a gust of wind. They were currently in the middle of nowhere and a red armored person was standing in front with his back facing towards them.

"It seems like Barry didn't want answers, but I don't mind this either." The armored person said before turning around to face the duo. Cisco couldn't get anything out due to the sheer shock of getting taken with no effort to the middle of nowhere.

"Um... sorry for calling you out so late, Kabuto, but when we first met. You said that you could answer some of our questions?" Caitlin barely asked.

"Yes, that is true. So what is it that you would like to know?" Kabuto asked.

"I would like to know if Ronnie is alive and where he is at," Caitlin answered and Kabuto put his right hand up to his chin while walking side to side.

"Alright, I will help you with this. Instead of telling you, I will show you." Kabuto replied and gave her a flash drive.

"What is this for?" Caitlin asked but Cisco grabbed the flash drive from her.

"I believe that Cisco can use that to find Ronnie. I cannot pinpoint his current location but if you guys can use the information on this flash drive then it would make it easier. Once you get everything you need and his location just send me another signal. I will come with you to find him. I want you to know that he will be dangerous at the moment." Kabuto replied.

"I don't believe that he would hurt anyone. Ronnie is one of the nicest guys I have ever met." Caitlin stated

"I can second that," Cisco added.

"Good, keep that determination and trust. You all will need that in the future if you don't want to despair. You will be tested in the upcoming events so I hope that this will be a good experience." Kabuto said before taking the duo back to Star Labs and leaving. Kabuto arrived in front of a white house and let himself in.

"I knew you were going to come sooner or later." Dr. Wells stated as he slowly rolled in from the living room to the hallway.

"You can quit with the wheelchair thing, Thawne. It makes it look like I'm bullying the disabled." Kabuto said as he leaned on one of the walls. Dr. Wells slowly got up and began to walk towards Kabuto while holding a small remote device.

"Here is what you asked for," Thawne stated while handing over the remote to Kabuto.

"Much appreciated, it might have been a small meeting but it was a nice one," Kabuto said to him while grabbing the remote. Thawne just scoffed and walked back to his wheelchair,

"So how much longer are you going to stay here for?" Thawne asked as he sat back down on the wheelchair.

"I just needed you to make this device for me and I'll be out of your hair, but just to let you know if this thing doesn't work properly then I will be coming back for you. I will ruin everything you have been working so hard on." Kabuto stated while observing the remote in his hand.

"I wouldn't want that on my plate. Besides, it doesn't help me in any way to mess with you. You've helped me more than I thought, Barry has taken things more seriously and has gotten faster lately. I appreciate it and I hope that I will never see you again." Thawne replied and Kabuto just nodded at him before taking off.

"Great, with Kabuto out of the way. The only thing left is to take out Johnathan and everything will fall back in place and speed things up." Thawne said to himself before going back to his bedroom. The next morning at Star Labs, Cisco was currently downing a cup of coffee and furiously typing away on his computer. Caitlin walked in with two giant containers of coffee and fresh food,

"Once again, I apologize for making you do this but I have some nice breakfast burgers and more coffee," Caitlin said as she put down the items next to Cisco's table.

"I need you to stop saying that every time you walk in here. Besides, I know it's partially my fault too because of my miscalculation." Cisco said before stuffing his face with one of the burgers.

"Any luck yet?" Caitlin asked,

"Little here and there, I found small particles mostly in alleys, under bridges, and behind stores. But I did find that all these lead from one point." Cisco answered and pointed at one spot on the map. Caitlin stood up and walked over to look at the screen,

"That's my apartment complex," Caitlin said to which Cisco nodded. Caitlin began to tear up a little bit,

"He is alive, but how come he hasn't tried to make contact with me yet?" Caitlin asked.

"I don't know, but I have come up with a schematic to make a tracker so we can find him," Cisco responded and pulled it up on the screen.

"Should we tell the team?" Caitlin asked but Cisco shook his head.

"Let us handle this. Hopefully, we can do this without any trouble." Cisco replied. Currently, Barry and Johnathan was examining two dead bodies lying down inside of a laboratory,

"Hey, what are you thinking, Bear?" Joe asked as he walked up to Barry.

"From the trajectory of the blood and the way the bodies fell. It had to be someone traveling at high speeds. Also, it seems this person's chest exploded from the inside. I just don't see how without extreme pressure from something or someone." Barry replied.

"This one over here had his neck snapped, but the way his head is turned and the spinal rupture looks like extreme whiplash," Johnathan added.

"Do you think it could be Kabuto?" Joe asked.

"I don't know for sure. He hasn't shown up or been active after the incident at Star Labs." Barry responded. Just then Eddie came walking up,

"The witness said all he saw was a blur, sound familiar?" Eddie announced to the trio and they looked at each other then quickly walked towards the scientist.

"You saw a blur? What did it look like?" Barry asked.

"Whatever it was. It was looking for something." the scientist replied.

"What did it look like?" Johnathan asked,

"It looked like a man in a yellow suit." the scientist responded. Barry thanked the man and began to rush away followed by Johnathan and Joe.

"Barry wait a moment," Joe said,

"I need to check my files," Barry stated.

"What is going on? Why are you in such a rush, Barry?" Johnathan asked.

"The man who killed my mother when I was a kid. He is back again after his run-in with Kabuto last month." Barry answered.

"He has been in town for a couple of weeks now. He visited me a week and a half ago at the house and took all of the evidence from your mom's case. It's all gone," Joe stated.

"Why didn't you tell me about this sooner?" Barry asked,

"I would've if it wasn't for him threatening to murder Iris," Joe replied.

"Do we have any leads on him at all?" Johnathan asked.

"No, anything we had is gone now," Joe responded with a big sigh. Johnathan turned towards Barry,

"Let's go to Star Labs and see if we can get a lead on the man in yellow. Maybe we can even get some leftover traces so we can track his trail." Johnathan said before taking off followed behind by Barry. Once they made it to Star Labs, the only person left there was Dr. Wells.

"Where are Caitlin and Cisco?" Barry asked,

"They both had something to do and left earlier." Dr. Wells replied while he continue to work on whatever he was doing on his computer.

"Well, at least we have Dr. Wells here to help us search for the man in yellow," Johnathan stated while putting up his coat before sitting down in one of the chairs.

"Who is the man in yellow?" Dr. Wells asked,

"He is the man who murdered my mother when I was younger and put my father in prison. We know he has super speed just like me, but we can't find any traces besides mine." Barry answered.

"Well, if we can separate where you have been and where this man in yellow has been appearing then maybe we can pinpoint his location or at least where most of his activity is." Dr. Wells stated while Barry was more than happy to test out the theory so the trio began their work. After a while, Joe came into Star labs to talk to Barry and Johnathan about the report.

"So it seems like this man in yellow was after something that the lab was making and currently holding," Joe said while putting down a photo of a device that looked like a crab.

"That is a tachyon device!" Johnathan let out before Barry grabbed the photo to take a better look at it.

"But why does the man in yellow want a tachyon device?" Barry asked,

"To increase kinetic energy or take away," Dr. Wells replied.

"So now we have a clue on the man in yellow. Think we can lure him somehow to capture him so we can ask some questions?" Johnathan asked and to which Dr. Wells began to smile.

"I take that as a yes," Joe stated. Somewhere inside a parking garage Cisco and Caitlin were walking together. Cisco had a small version of a metal detector that was being used to detect radiation and dark matter-energy. The device began to beep, so the duo began to follow the noise and soon they got to a door where the device was beeping rapidly. The duo slowly opened up the door and saw a man with long black hair and tore up clothing standing in the corner.

"Ronnie?" Caitlin asked the man while slowly walking up to him. Cisco was close behind her and once she got close and touched the man's shoulder he turned around revealing his face.

"It is you," Caitlin said with a hand over her mouth.

"I'm not Ronnie," the man said,

"Yes, you are. You are Ronnie," Caitlin responded.

"I am not, I told you that already." the man stated,

"We will get you back to Star Labs and help you remember who you are," Caitlin responded and she grabbed his hand but he moved it to grab Caitlin's face.

"Firestorm," The man let out before taking a step back and bursting in flames. Then he took off leaving behind two shocked Caitlin and Cisco. Later that night Barry was currently inside his office having a conversation with Iris. They were currently talking about Iris and Eddie's relationship. Barry was trying his best to keep his feelings bottled inside while he gave friendly advice to Iris. Once she left his office, he began to slowly break down but when he looked outside his window to see a man in a yellow outfit. The man was on top of a building across from Barry, and the realization soon sunk in for Barry before the man took off with red lightning trailing behind him. Barry soon took off with yellow lightning trailing behind him also. The chase had begun and Barry was slowly getting closer to the man until they stopped in an alleyway,

"It was you! You were the one there that night and murdered my mother! Why!" Barry shouted in anger. But the man just put his hand out and motioned for Barry to come get him,

"You need to catch me if you want answers." The man said with a distorted voice before taking off once more. Barry took off again after the man and soon they met up at Central City's football stadium where the two had a staredown in the middle of the field. A few seconds had passed before the two men charged at one another and began to fight in close combat. Multiple strikes have been thrown and each man has endured strikes from both men. Neither man could gain the upper hand for the moment,

"It seems that someone has been taking lessons from our mutual friend, Green Arrow," The man stated while blocking some strikes thrown by Barry. Barry's confidence began to rise as he was gaining the upper hand for a moment until he noticed the smile forming on the man in the yellow outfit. The man's speed began to get faster than Barry's and soon none of Barry's attacks were connecting anymore. The man attacked Barry's stomach with a palm strike and took off into the stands but Barry quickly recovered to chase after the man. The two began to try to knock each other off balance but it was Barry who lost the speed battle and was thrown down the stairs. Barry didn't stop until he landed on the field,

"Too slow, Flash," the man said and Barry tried to rush him again but was met with more punches that knocked him down to his knees. The man grabbed Barry's head and tilted it back so they could face each other,

"Who are you?" Barry got out while breathing heavily.

"You know who I am. We've been at this for a long time and it is your destiny to lose to me every time. Just as it was your mother's destiny to die that night," the man stated before punching Barry and knocking him out before taking off. Barry awoke an hour later and slowly got up trying to get his head cleared before taking off to Star Labs to inform the others of what happened.

"How am I supposed to stop someone faster than me?" Barry asked with distress.

"By taking the speed out of the equation," Dr. Wells answered which confused Barry but when he looked up at the other two behind Dr. Wells they were smiling ear to ear.

"We came up with a pretty good trap this time around with Cisco," Johnathan answered while Cisco began to give Barry all of the details about the plan with force fields and for Joe to get a hold of the tachyon device for bait. Barry and Joe left to go to the Precinct while Johnathan stayed at Star Labs with Cisco to finish up the trap along with Dr. Wells. The next day everything was in place,

"So what is the plan to let the man in yellow know that the tachyon device is here at Star Labs?" Barry asked,

"We'll take care of that," Dr. Wells answered while looking at the other three that were standing alongside him. Barry soon realized that everyone was looking at him weirdly,

"What is the problem?" Barry asked to which everyone else looked at Joe.

"Everyone here has agreed that you shouldn't be here when all of this goes down," Joe responded with a deep sigh.

"What does that even mean? I deserve to be here when we capture this man! I have waited too long to just sit this one out!" Barry retorted.

"You are just too close to this case," Joe said,

"Or maybe you are not close enough. Because if you weren't so scared then you would've let me know that this man was already around a few weeks ago," Barry stated,

"Hey, you need to relax. Joe is doing his best to look out for you and everyone else that he cares about. So you need to cool it besides the way you are acting at this moment is the particular reason why we all decided that you shouldn't be here when it goes down." Johnathan chimed in.

"I am perfectly calm and besides I'm the best chance of catching this guy." Barry retorted,

"Not when you are acting like this. What happens when he taunts you, Barry? Are you going to be able to keep calm when he keeps reminding you of what happened that night and how your life will always be tormented by him? No one with the right mind would just sit there and take that sitting down with hands under their butt." Johnathan answered back.

"Nobody here has super speed like me and him. How are you guys going to keep him in check if I'm not here?" Barry said,

"That doesn't matter at the moment and just like you said, Barry. You aren't even fast enough to catch up to him, so how are you going to keep him in check if his speed is beyond yours?" Johnathan retorted. Barry looked at the others to see what they thought. Everyone was in the same boat and wasn't going to change their mind, so Barry grabbed his coat before taking off. Joe turned towards Johnathan,

"I could've handled that you know," Joe stated,

"Yeah, I know but with the recent events and past. I think that someone should shoulder some of that burden that you have been gathering." Johnathan replied with a smirk to which Joe just smiled and shook his head. Cisco began to walk towards one of the chambers under the and noticed that Caitlin was sitting in the hallway of one of the cells. She was holding onto her ring in between her fingers,

"Hey, are you doing okay?" Cisco asked her while he sat down beside her.

"Define okay," Caitlin answered while letting out a small chuckle,

"Don't worry. We will find Ronnie," Cisco said.

"Why? So we can throw him in one of these cells with the other psycho meta-humans?" Caitlin retorted. Cisco didn't have anything to say to that so he kept silent,

"You know, I use to play this game in my head. What I would do for just one more minute with him. My house, career, my life. I got that minute a day ago and now I wish that that meeting never happened. Seeing what he has become... I wished that he just died that day," Caitlin stated while trying to hold in her tears and Cisco pulled her in for a comforting hug. Johnathan was standing with his back on the wall next to the door listening in on the conversation. He threw another small red button towards the duo before walking away, and once it hit the ground a hologram of Kabuto appeared.

"You don't believe that do you?" Kabuto asked while looking at Caitlin. The duo was shocked by the hologram talking to them,

"What do you mean?" Caitlin asked.

"I know that things have been very hectic and mind-boggling, but you know how many people wished that they would be able to get the chance to see their loved ones. Even if they are a bit different from what they were before at least you have the resources and people to help you find a solution for Ronnie. So instead of sitting here drowning in your sorrow, put that smart brain of yours on maximum overdrive and find a way to heal or cure your beloved. Use everything to your disposal, don't forget that you have two of the smartest people in the world next to you. Also, someone who can defy the basic laws of the world and if you need a little push I can pull some strings but you may not agree with my methods." Kabuto stated before the hologram shut off leaving the duo thinking over what was said. Later that night the group was sitting up in the main room watching the multiple monitors waiting for someone.

"Are we sure this is going to work?" Eddie asked,

"I have charged up to three satellites with tachyon particles if anyone is looking they will find it easily," Cisco answered just then a red trail of lightning appeared on the screen, and soon a man in a yellow suit was trapped in the force field. The officers ready their weapons,

"Let's see what we have caught," Dr. Wells said before the group made their way down to the lower section of Star Labs. Cisco and Caitlin were watching the group exit the elevator before approaching the trap.

"Cisco, if you could hit the lights?" Dr. Wells asked and Cisco answered by turning them on. The officers began to surround the trap from all sides while Eddie, Joe, Johnathan, and Dr. Wells walked closer to face the yellow figure.

"Detective Thawne, would you like to read him his rights?" Dr. Wells asked while Joe began to walk closer.

"Fourteen years ago, you murdered Nora Allen. I want to know why?" Joe asked but the yellow figure ignored him and turned towards Dr. Wells,

"Dr. Wells, we meet at last," the figure stated.

"Why are you trying to steal the tachyon device?" Dr. Wells asked,

"My goals are beyond your understandings," the figure answered.

"We have some pretty smart people here. We could figure it out eventually if you are willing to give some hints." Johnathan interrupted.

"This is a surprise, I wonder what the famous well renowned Johnathan Takahashi is here for?" the figure said while turning towards Johnathan.

"It seems that my reputation precedes me, but I want to know the reason behind Nora's murder if you would so kindly let me know," Johnathan said. The yellow figure began walking side to side, just then on Cisco's computer multiple errors appeared and he tried to do his best to figure all of them out but one thing he could fix was the containment field.

"They need to get out of there now!" Cisco stated while furiously typing many codes in so he could fix the problem. Back in the underground lab, things have gotten nowhere with Joe and Johnathan's questions but things have gotten heated between Dr. Wells along with the man in yellow.

"So tell me, how come you have the same abilities as the Flash and your molecules vibrate at the same frequency? Are you and the Flash one of the same?" Dr. Wells asked,

"You could say that, but that is just the tip of the iceberg. I am more of what you would call the reverse." The yellow figure replied before the cameras and system went out of commission.

"Get out of there!" Caitlin shouted through the microphone and Reverse-Flash dashed out of the force field trap. He tried to grab onto Dr. Wells but Johnathan jumped in front of him to stop the Reverse-Flash. Everyone in the room was still processing what was happening but Reverse-Flash's action was stopped by a Silver and red-figure with a red beetle horn on top of his helmet. The two figures could be seen staring at each other inside the force field trap,

"Where are Dr. Wells and Johnathan?" Caitlin asked through the microphone,

"I don't know, everything went by so fast," Joe responded.

"Don't worry about those two. I took care of them and they will be coming up there shortly." Kabuto stated without taking his eyes off Reverse-Flash. Every officer in the room pointed their guns at the two figures still inside the trap,

"Who is that?" one of the officers asked.

"Joe, mind explaining?" Eddie asked also,

"That man, who is in there with the guy in yellow, saved us from Tockman that night. He was the reason you were able to get to a hospital." Joe replied while keeping his eyes on the two figures.

"I thought that you said you were leaving after I helped you?" Reverse-Flash asked while staring at Kabuto.

"I decided to stick around for something," Kabuto replied while looking directly into the security camera for a moment,

"Is he looking at me?" Caitlin asked with a small voice.

"I think so, but it's hard to tell with that blue visor," Cisco responded.

"Looks like you wanted to create a dramatic scene for these people, sorry to butt in and change your dance partner. How about we create something spectacular for them." Kabuto stated while he slowly raised his left hand to the button on the left side. Reverse-Flash began to generate the negative speed force's power and dashed towards Kabuto who just pressed on the button on his belt.

"Clock up!" the zecter shouted and the two began to fight in close combat. Both figures couldn't be seen by the naked eye but red lightning could be seen along with silver blurs. Kabuto was able to fend off most of Reverse-Flash's attack and counter with his punches. So Reverse-Flash began to vibrate his hands to the point of being able to slice through steel and was able to damage Kabuto's armor leaving deep gashes. Kabuto pulled out his energy kunai to retaliate against Reverse-Flash's sharp attacks and every time the two collided it created a terrible screeching noise that made everyone else cover their ears.

"This is quite exhilarating, I'm glad that you didn't leave or I wouldn't have had this experience. For that, I will make your death quick and painless more or less." Reverse-Flash said while dodging a slash from the kunai.

"That's quite nice of you, but it will have to wait because I don't plan on dying here tonight," Kabuto retorted before jumping towards one of the pillars of the trap and gathering Ki to the bottom of his feet. With Ki embedded in his feet, Kabuto used the pillar as a springboard and charged towards Reverse-Flash. Once Kabuto was in the air, he put the kunai in front of him and began to spin rapidly creating a sharp cyclone heading towards its target. Reverse-Flash began to run in a circle to create a twister to counter the incoming cyclone and soon the machine began to short-circuit causing multiple errors to appear on Cisco's monitor.

"Everyone needs to evacuate now!" Cisco shouted through the microphone and once the group heard that order they began to leave the underground lab. The fight quickly escalated destroying the force field and the trap that generated it which let the two speedsters out. The officers tried to shoot Reverse-Flash but all of the bullets missed and each one was knocked out until there was only Joe along with Eddie. Reverse-Flash was able to toss Kabuto to the side for a moment before running up to Eddie and staring at him for a moment. Reverse-Flash left Eddie and ran up to Joe,

"I told you to stop your ridiculous hunt. It seems that I have to teach you a lesson." Reverse-Flash said before getting tackled by Kabuto and taken through the hallways. As this was going on Caitlin had sent an S.O.S out to Barry and when he noticed it appear on his phone. He took off at great speeds to Star Labs and Barry arrived just as the other two broke out from one of the top windows. The duo landed on the ground but Reverse-Flash was a little faster than the two and was able to get up to grab Kabuto. Then Reverse-Flash threw him into one of the parked cars and when Kabuto's body made contact it shattered the windshield along with making a huge dent in the hood. While Reverse-Flash was busy with Kabuto, Barry took that opening to charge at Reverse-Flash. The two began their speed battle and Barry was slowly gaining momentum. Barry grabbed Reverse-Flash and threw him into the fence breaking a few bars off.

"Looks like someone is eager to change dance partners," Reverse-Flash said while getting up slowly,

"You will pay for what you have done and this ends tonight," Barry stated while walking up to him.

"Our race is not over yet, Flash," Reverse-Flash stated while grabbing three sharp pieces of the fence. He hurled the pieces at Flash who easily dodged them but noticed that Reverse-Flash had a smirk on his face. Barry soon realized why the Reverse-Flash was smiling, so he turned around to notice Caitlin and Cisco standing a few feet behind him. Barry tried to run towards them but was stopped by Reverse-Flash for he grabbed Barry's arm and threw him into one of the other cars. Barry's vision was in slow motion as he witnessed the three metal pieces sailing through the air in sound-breaking speed with his best friends as the targets. He couldn't take his eyes off the pieces even when Reverse-Flash grabbed him and broke one of his legs to keep him down. Once the pieces got a few inches from them a red and silver figure appeared in front of the metal pieces. Kabuto was able to grab onto the pieces to save Cisco and Caitlin. Reverse-Flash was also distracted by the event that he was able to see a man appear a few feet away from him. The man shot out a fire stream to knock Reverse-Flash off of the Flash. Everyone turned to look at what happened between the three men and Reverse-Flash realized that this was enough playing around so he decided to leave.

"I don't like having too much fun with this many people so I'll take this as a sign for me to leave. We will meet once again," Reverse-Flash stated before taking off. Cisco quickly made his way over to Barry to check the broken leg, while Caitlin went up to the burning man.

"Stop trying to look for me. You need to stay away from me." The burning man said to Caitlin before taking off into the night sky.

"Damn, he did a number on you, bro," Cisco said as he helped Barry up from the ground, and Caitlin came walking over to help also.

"This is such a nice scene. I am touched," Kabuto said out loud startling the trio. They looked over to see him sitting up against a wall with two metal pieces next to him and one impaled through his stomach.

"Oh, damn!" Cisco let out before Joe and Eddie came out the front door. Caitlin let Barry go and made her way to Kabuto,

"Caitlin, No! Don't you remember him trying to kill us!" Cisco let out as she began to check up on Kabuto.

"Cisco, this man just saved us and has a metal object impaled in his stomach. The least we can do is help him too," Caitlin retorted and Cisco just let out a sigh before handing off Barry to Joe.

"Eddie, go check up on your men. I will take the Flash to get some help along with Cisco and Caitlin." Joe ordered and the shocked Eddie followed with no response. Caitlin and Cisco helped Kabuto up but soon realized how heavy he was,

"How in the hell do you run so fast with this heavy armor on?" Cisco asked while grunting.

"You'd be surprised," Kabuto said before his armor began to dissipate revealing a man with a full black ninja outfit on. With the armor out of the way, it made it easier for Cisco and Caitlin to carry Kabuto but the metal pole was still in the same place.

"I appreciate it," Cisco said with a relieved sigh and Caitlin just shook her head. The group made their way into the clinic where they met up with Dr. Wells and Johnathan.

"Holy crap, what the hell happened?" Johnathan asked the group as he rushed over to help Joe bring in Barry to set him on one of the beds. Dr. Wells rolled over to check up on Barry's leg, while Caitlin and Cisco brought Kabuto to one of the other beds.

"Who is this gentleman?" Dr. Wells asked,

"The guy who saved our asses tonight," Joe said while taking a seat to calm down. Dr. Wells just nodded and continued with what he was doing.

"It seems we are all out of anesthetics, are you going to be able to handle us pulling this thing out or would you like us to take you to a hospital," Caitlin asked,

"I can handle it, no hospitals," Kabuto replied as he began to circulate Ki around the wounded area. The area around the wound began to glow slightly with white light. Everyone around was slightly intrigued and began to feel the warmth from the light that they forgot what they were doing for a moment. Kabuto let out a cough that broke all of their trance and they began to get back to work,

"Alright on the count of three we will pull it out," Caitlin stated while looking at Cisco to confirm to which he nodded and they both grabbed onto the metal pole.

"One...Two," Caitlin announced before the duo pulled out the pole from Kabuto's stomach. He let out a groan before Caitlin quickly put a towel on the wound to stop the bleeding.

"That wasn't so nice," Kabuto let out before he began to circulate Ki to the area once more to close up the wound.

"Yeah, well if every doctor said that they were going on three and did then most patients would feel all the pain," Caitlin said before attending Barry. After an hour, Kabuto stood up and began walking towards the exit,

"Hey, you aren't fully recovered yet, where are you planning to go?" Caitlin said while grabbing Kabuto's arm.

"Don't worry, Dr. Snow. I am healed enough so you don't have to worry," Kabuto said before showing his wound to her. The wound was closed up and the scar was slowly recovering.

"What in the world?" Cisco asked as he tried to examine the wound but was stopped by Kabuto,

"The only other person we know that can heal up that fast is Barry so it seems that there are more than meets the eye with meta-humans," Dr. Wells said while eyeing Kabuto.

"This may be our last meeting, so I wish you all good luck. Don't forget what I said, Dr. Snow," Kabuto said before walking out the room. Back at the precinct, Joe and Eddie were sitting down with their backs facing the windows.

"Joe, what in the hell is going on?" Eddie asked while Joe sighed before thinking whether or not to tell Eddie about everything.

"This is confidential and the only two people who are going to know anything about it are you and I. So let's keep it that way." Joe said and Eddie nodded with a serious look.

"There are people currently residing in this city that have supernatural powers and we don't know if they are going to keep on the down-low or decide to rob a bank. So we need to keep it quiet so nobody else gets hurt or worse killed." Joe stated. Eddie then had a realization on his face,

"The Flash. Do you know who he is and what about the other guy? Do both of them work together?" Eddie asked in a frantic.

"I do... They are the ones who saved our asses tonight and made sure no one was killed." Joe responded before getting up and leaving to go home.