Reunion Two

Inside a base in the middle of nowhere, three men were walking down a hallway but one of them stood at least seven and a half feet tall. He had reptilian scales all over his body along with a couple of scales showing on his face too. The man's hands were chained up, also he was being held by two poles with neck restraints and the poles were being held by two normal-height men. As they were walking down the hallway, the man began to growl slightly before using his abnormal strength to break out of the restraints and began to toss around the two guards like children. The two guards tried their best to keep the giant man in check but were no match for the brute strength, but then a woman wearing a blue outfit with a red skirt and cape came flying in to tackle the giant. The two began to fight in close combat with the giant throwing wild swings, while Supergirl was dodging nimbly and countering with punches of her own. Supergirl took a step back to dodge a wild swing from the giant man,

"Where are you, Kara?" Alex asked over the microphone,

"Kind of busy here, sis," Kara replied as she rushed back into the fray with the giant man who was currently beating on some other guards in the facility. Supergirl jumped into the air and raised her fist, once she came closer to the giant's head she dropped a hammer fist upon him. The attack buckled the giant to one knee, but he quickly recovered and tried to grab a hold of Supergirl.

"You promised me you would be here," Alex stated while walking around in her apartment stressed and Supergirl let out a deep sigh.

"And I will be, once I take care of this alien prisoner that escaped" Supergirl replied while she dodged the giant man, and then she hovered backward before rushing forwards with her fists in front. Supergirl collided with the giant's chest and the two flew for a couple of meters until they smashed into one of the walls. The Giant soon crumbled down with his head hanging down and Supergirl began to walk away while wiping the dust off her hands. Just then the giant got up quickly and bum-rushed Supergirl from behind. He grabbed her in a bear hug and tried his best to squeeze the life out of her, but Supergirl began to fly up with the giant still hanging on to her. She then leveled herself parallel with the ground and slammed down back towards the ground. The two cracked the ground but the giant took the full brunt of the force and was knocked out cold while Supergirl slowly got up to catch her breath. Soon Hank Shaw came walking in,

"He was pretty tough," Supergirl said while letting out a deep sigh.

"You mean she," Hank replied to Supergirl's surprise.

"So, can I get the rest of the day off?" Supergirl asked as she walked alongside Hank towards the fake front office,

"Sure, I believe you earned it," Hank replied and Supergirl smiled while shaking Hank's hand and repeatedly saying thank you before taking off to her apartment for her appointment with Alex.

"Jeez, took you long enough," Alex said as Supergirl came landing inside the apartment,

"Sorry, this huge lady giant thing broke out of custody and a fight broke out," Kara stated while walking into her room to change.

"It's okay it happens to the best of us," Alex replied while making a plate of food for her sister.

"Why are you freaking out so much anyways," Kara asked from her bedroom,

"I don't understand why you aren't freaking out. What do you think she is going to do to me after finding out that you exposed yourself as a superhuman being? I can still remember what happened when she got angry at me for you not dating enough," Alex responded while drinking some water.

"I've seen you take down a human-size bug alien with no weapon, you should be able to handle our mother easily," Kara responded while walking out of her room wearing a blue sweater with black jeans.

"You only say that because she has yet to chew you out," Alex stated while finishing her water.

"Well, when I talked to her on the phone she didn't sound too mad. I mean she is making pie for crying out loud," Kara said,

"I'm sure it is your favorite too," Alex added.

"Well, Chocolate Pecan Pie is like the best pie in the world. I've been to twelve different planets and nothing even comes close to that delicious masterpiece." Kara retorted to which Alex just let out a deep sigh. Just then a knock came on the door and the two sisters went to open it. Once the door was opened an older woman with long blonde hair who also stood about 5'6" and held on to a rolling suitcase stood on the other side. The three women let out a scream of joy at their reunion,

"Oh! Hug me you two," The older woman shouted while grabbing the two sisters. The ladies began to catch up on each other's lives while drinking some tea,

"So Kara, how is your dating life?" Eliza asked while sipping on her drink.

"Mom!" Kara shouted while Alex just stifled her laughter while putting down her drink.

"What? I'm just asking since...You know... You haven't brought anyone home for me to meet." Eliza stated while she smiled and before Kara could answer there was a knock at the door.

"Were you expecting someone?" Alex asked Kara but Kara shook her head before one of them could get up, Eliza was already at the door.

"Wait, mom," Alex said as she got up from the couch and quickly made her way to Eliza. Eliza opened the door before Alex could make it to the door and the person standing behind the door was an Asian man with short spiky black hair and standing around 5'11". He was wearing black jeans, a white t-shirt, with a red leather jacket.

"Johnathan?" Eliza asked in disbelief,

"Mrs. Danvers?" Johnathan replied in confusion.

"When did you get into town?" Eliza asked with a huge smile,

"Uh... well I had to take a trip for some business and I'm currently on vacation due to no work for a while," Johnathan answered while scratching the back of his head while smiling.

"Well, don't be shy. Come on in, we have a lot of catching up to do," Eliza said while inviting him into Kara's apartment. Kara mouthed to Johnathan,

"Why are you here?"

"I came to visit you," he mouthed back as he was dragged by Eliza to the living room. The two sisters looked at each other before Alex began to smile smugly to which Kara began to blush and ran towards the couch. Alex began to laugh while making her way toward the couch also,

"So, Johnathan. How has your work been?" Eliza asked while she sipped on her drink.

"Not too bad, but it does get pretty lonely out there without seeing my friends and family. I mean most of my co-workers become friends also but just getting to see familiar faces such as Kara, Alex, my parents, and even yourself. It makes me feel better and more comfortable feeling like being back at home." Johnathan answered while Eliza just nodded along.

"How about yourself? What are you doing here, Mrs. Danvers?" Johnathan asked while he sipped on the tea. Eliza just smiled while moving her eyes towards Kara and back towards Johnathan before laughing. The group began laughing and began to catch up on a lot more things,

"So how long are you going to be staying in town?" Johnathan asked Eliza.

"For a couple of weeks and then I will be going back to Midvale," Eliza responded,

"By the way, do you have anybody in your life at the moment?" Eliza asked.

"Um, not at this moment but hopefully I can find someone within the next year," Johnathan responded while looking at Kara and smiling at her which made her look down for a moment while sipping on the tea. Eliza caught the little interaction and smiled brightly,

"Johnathan, what are your plans for this evening?" Eliza asked.

"Uh, I don't have anything planned since I just got into town recently," Johnathan responded.

"Great! Why don't you join us for dinner at White Lotus tonight," Eliza recommended to which Kara spit out her drink.

"Mom! I thought that tonight was going to be only ladies?" Kara asked with a slight blush as she cleaned up the mess.

"I don't want to intrude on your family time, Mrs. Danvers," Johnathan added.

"Nonsense!" Eliza retorted,

"I agree. It has been a while since we have seen each other and it would be nice for us to catch up," Alex said while hiding her smirk. Kara glared at Alex for a few seconds.

"That seals it! We will be seeing you tonight, Johnathan. I hope you won't disappoint this old lady," Eliza stated with a stern look. Johnathan could only let out a dry chuckle before sipping on his drink before his phone went off. He picked it up and had a short conversation with the other person on the line.

"I apologize, but it seems that something has come up. I will try my best to make it to dinner tonight, but if I do not please don't hold it against me. Mrs. Danvers," Johnathan said while putting his palms together and looking at Eliza with a pleading expression. She just let out a sigh and soon smiled while waving at the fleeing Johnathan. Kara let out a sigh of relief, while Alex was trying her best to stifle her chuckling.

"Kara, I can see why you are having a hard time in the dating pool," Eliza said.

"What do you mean?" Kara asked,

"I would have a hard time also with someone like that chasing after me and is constantly on my mind," Eliza responded while nodding her head. Kara just began to complain to her family.

Johnathan was currently walking toward his motorcycle while talking on the phone,

"So things have been pretty wild lately. Seems like I missed out on all the fun." Johnathan said to the person on the other side of the phone call.

"You call this fun! We've had to pick up all of your slack! What kind of leader disappears and leaves their subordinates picking up all of the pieces!" TheBee shouted from the other side while Sasword was trying to restrain him from speaking.

"What TheBee meant was that he was quite worried about his leader going MIA and he did his best to keep everything under control." Gattack quickly replied while wiping sweat off his forehead. Drake was sitting on a chair listening to the conversation while laughing as she completed some algorithm for the wormhole that appeared and sucked up Johnathan on the computer.

"Don't worry, I know that it was my fault this time. I appreciate you guys helping out Supergirl, so I'll let you guys off this time." Johnathan replied while chuckling. The duo let out a relieved sigh while TheBee let out a muffled scream while he shook from the chair he was tied to.

"So how was it like to go to a parallel world?" Gattack asked,

"Did you meet your doppelganger?" Sasword added.

"What about us? What were we like over there?" Drake added in excitement.

"The same as usual, it seems like what you guys are doing is just given destiny," Johnathan replied before telling them that he had business to attend to. After an hour of traveling, Johnathan slowly pulled up to an abandoned building and he pressed the button that was attached to his motorcycle. The button made the wall slide over revealing an entrance to a garage, Johnathan then drove into the garage with his motorcycle. As he drove in further the surroundings began to get better and more high-tech until he made it to another door.

"State your name and business!" someone ordered,

"Johnathan. I am here to meet my lovely friend, so you can quit with that weird voice, John," Johnathan replied with a smirk, and the voice on the other side let out a deep sigh before the door began to open. A figure was revealed from behind the door and soon Hank Shaw was standing there.

"I wish I never met you," Hank said while holding his head in distress.

"Aw, don't say that, John. I feel like our meeting was destiny," Johnathan said while putting his arm around John and he just let out another deep sigh before the duo walked into the building. As the duo walked throughout the facility everyone around paid their respects to them.

"Wow, it seems that I have more respect than you, dear John," Johnathan teased while waving at everyone employee and agent they passed.

"I wouldn't be surprised, since you are one of our biggest supporters. Most of our supporters want evidence and proof before sending their support, but once it has been revealed they only buy things they like. So most of their money goes to buy more tech or is taken away for other experiments. Unlike your support that goes to the employees and agents, also to the living conditions for facilities such as this one." John replied.

"Well, that is how it should work rather than the higher-ups using it for just their gain and leaving the hard workers in the dust. Plus it makes me a bit happier to see everyone doing so well," Johnathan said with a bright smile, and John could help but smile also.

"By the way, have you visited the place I told you about?" Johnathan asked as they walked through another door that led to an office.

"You mean Al's Bar?" John asked and Johnathan nodded his head while he began to make himself a drink from the Cola drink machine in the office.

"Yes, and it wasn't so bad. It's a nice place to relax and meet other aliens to share stories." John replied with a smile.

"So, if you don't mind informing me of the situation. I've been out of town for a while recently and would like to be caught up," Johnathan said while sipping on his Coke.

"I still don't understand how you can be so laid back with no worries," John said while shaking his head. John then began to inform Johnathan about everything that happened in the past month,

"It seems like you had a handful to worry about this past month. We should go out for a drink!" Johnathan shouted while putting his arm around John while swaying causing the drink in Johnathan's hand to spill.

"It is so weird to see you acting so cherry around me but once you are surrounded by anyone else it seems like a spirit possesses you," John said as he tried to get out of Johnathan's embrace.

"Well, that just shows you that we are such great friends," Johnathan said before letting John out of his embrace but soon the mood shifted and John could feel the room become cold.

"This is the Johnathan that I enjoy talking to," John said before sitting down in front of Johnathan.

"Has there been any movements from Lex corps?" Johnathan asked while swirling his straw in his cup.

"We haven't been able to capture anything nor have there been any peculiar movements from what my agents could tell," John replied before taking a sip of his drink.

"Have you tried infiltrating the facility?" Johnathan asked,

"I have but lately they have upgraded their security and it seems that they have gotten their hands on some high-tech gear that can detect me," John replied.

"Well it's no surprise, I'm sure that they need to due to Superman's influence and a high percentage of aliens appearing out of nowhere. Along with these meta-humans that keep appearing too,"


"I just thought of a term to use for enhanced human beings that have supernatural powers,"

"Like the people we have locked away who could shoot fire out of their hands and others who can control the weather."

"Exactly, this is why we are the best of friends. You just get it." Johnathan said while smiling before his phone went off reminding him that it was close to dinner time with the Danvers.

"Oh, shit! I need to hurry up before I'm late!" Johnathan shouted before finishing his drink and dashing out of the room. John on the other hand just smiled and shook his head.

"That man has never looked so scared in his life. Hell, he didn't even blink when I showed him my true form," John said to himself as he finished his drink. He began to remember that day when Johnathan showed up out of nowhere and announced that he was going to be a supporter of their operation. Then soon figured out that John was a green Martian even though there was no data on him or his species. Johnathan could be seen riding his motorcycle like a madman swerving in-between cars, he then stopped in front of an alley right next to the restaurant of his destination. He walked into the alley while making sure that no one was looking or around, and once he made sure that he was in the clear. Johnathan quickly used his inner Qi to create nice formal clothing to wear since he didn't have time to stop to grab any clothing. After changing, Johnathan walked into the restaurant and went up to the hostess who was currently busy jotting down names for reservations,

"Excuse me, miss. May I know where the Danvers are seated?" Johnathan asked while smiling and the young lady turned around and was just about to answer him, but the moment she locked eyes with him, she was speechless. She tried her best to try and answer but the hostess ended up just stuttering. Johnathan just began to chuckle and rub the back of his head before putting his index finger up to his mouth while making a small shushing sound. He leaned over to check the list and found where the Danvers was sitting and gave a wink to the hostess before walking away. As Johnathan made his way over to the table he noticed that Kara was facing away from him while Alex and their mother were sitting toward him so when they noticed him. Johnathan made a quiet gesture and continued to sneak up on Kara, but he knew with her heightened senses she would notice anyone trying to sneak up on her. So Johnathan circulated his inner Qi to erase his presence with a new skill he developed called Shadow Steps which created an invisible aura around the user along with a path that is created using the shadows in the surroundings to make all steps silent. Alex and her mother didn't think that Johnathan was going to be able to scare Kara due to the experience they had during their childhood era. Because every time they tried to throw a surprise birthday for Kara it failed along with other people trying to do the same thing.

"Boo!" Johnathan shouted while grabbing onto Kara's shoulders.

"Kyaa!" Kara let out a long with a small jump. Alex and their mother were dumbfounded by the scene before them, but what lingered the most was them wondering how he was able to scare Kara. Johnathan let out a small chuckle before taking his seat, but he could feel Kara staring daggers at him. Kara then turned toward her mother and sister to continue their conversation but was met with faces trying to hold in laughter. Kara began to pout while turning toward the person responsible and Johnathan was quietly reading the menu as if nothing had happened. She then pinched a small part of his waist and twisted it while making sure to control her strength. Johnathan let out a scream and turned toward Kara with a surprised face. She just let out a huff and turned away.

"I'm glad that you were able to make it, Johnathan," Eliza said while smiling and Alex was still trying to stop laughing. Kara kept glaring between Johnathan and Alex but it didn't help at all because Alex kept stifling her laughter. Johnathan just smile and began a conversation with Eliza, when Kara noticed that she gave up and waited for the food to show up. The group ate the food once it made it to the table and they began to have a group conversation. Soon the group finished eating and Johnathan split from the trio making his way back to the base for his operations. Once he made it into the facility, he only saw Sasword within the base currently training with his katana. Sasword noticed Johnathan's presence and nodded toward him. Johnathan went to the locker room to change into some workout clothing so he could get a couple of reps in also. An hour later, the rest of the group began to show up and TheBee turned on the computer and put it to the radio for a little bit of white noise for their workout.

"This is Leslie Willis coming to you alive and wired from Catco Plaza! This is the week of Thanksgiving so I will now tell you all things that I am not grateful for. By the way, this list is quite short this time around and the only thing on it is Supergirl. The blue and red abscessed tooth in the otherwise gleaming smile of National City's teeth, now how much do I despise... no that's not the right word. What I meant to say was loathe her outfit and gimmick, I mean if you need something to describe the whole "I'm a-dork-able" thing then just give them a picture of her. Also, don't get me even started on her outfit... Well, I lied cause this thing is the most horrendous thing ever it is like a rejected Olympic ice skating uniform, jeez. Skirt and tights? No thanks! Honestly, I don't think anyone is trying to get up in there. Who in their right mind or better yet who is hombre enough to try to puncture the Chasity of steel or does it require a softer approach? She does seem more of a Sapphic person, especially with that big ol' S on her chest. How would it work with an alien? I mean is it even the same or is it more alien-like with tentacles and other weird things?" Leslie vented.

"Jeez, this girl is ruthless. It seems that the boss was right about people treating other people and aliens like shit," TheBee said while he was running on one of the treadmills.

"Well, what did you expect? Some people are just scared of them and other people that show anything out of the ordinary. When I was a mercenary we didn't get that much love either but once they needed us then we are the most amazing people in the world," Drake said while she was doing pull-ups.

"You guys better turn that off or switch the station before the boss gets irritated. You guys know that he has a soft spot for the Girl of Steel," Gattack said while he was punching one of the heavy boxing bags. Sasword walked over to the computer so he could turn it off but noticed that Johnathan shook his head, so Sasword let it stay on and went back to his workout.

"That Leslie girl better watch out. If she gets caught by our boss then... I don't even want to think about it," TheBee said before a cold shiver went down his spine making him shudder. He shook it out of his body and continued to run faster. Everyone else just smiled at his comment and continued with their workout. After everyone finished their workout, the group sat at the table and began to go over multiple things that were happening in the city. Worm sightings, Lexcorps whereabouts, Superman and Supergirl activities, along with the DEO activities as well. After a couple more hours the group decided that it was time to call it a night and they left for their respective rooms to rest. The next day, Johnathan was standing in front of Catco's main building and checked his watch for the time. It was currently 11:45 am and Johnathan asked for a meeting with Cat at 12:15 pm so he was thirty minutes early. Johnathan let out a small sigh before entering the building. Johnathan approached the front desk,

"Hello, are you here for an appointment or to make one?" the clerk asked once Johnathan made it to the desk.

"I'm here for a 12:15 appointment," Johnathan replied to the clerk and he nodded his head before typing in the time and searching for names. The clerk found the time and name of the appointment,

"I have you right here, Mr. Takahashi. Just take the elevator to the right to the seventh level and Ms. Grant will be right with you," the clerk stated while handing over a pass with Johnathan's name on it. Johnathan quickly made his way into the elevator and clicked the seventh-floor button, soon the doors closed and the elevator music came on.

"I wonder how Kara is going to react to me showing up unannounced?" Johnathan thought to himself as he began to chuckle. The doors opened up a few moments later and Johnathan walked out into the busy office. Everyone was either on the phone or typing away on an article, Johnathan was quite impressed with everyone's tendency. He remembered when he had to deal with plenty of reporters due to his work, Johnathan even ran into Clark a couple of times when there were movie shootings in Metropolis. Everyone was quite busy and it was a nice change of pace for Johnathan who was used to having people rush at him for autographs or interviews. So he quietly walked over to the waiting room and sat down on one of the chairs in the room, but he noticed that there was another tall woman with long curly blonde hair sitting in one of the chairs in Cat's office. Johnathan knew that it was Leslie Willis getting a talking to from Cat for her broadcast yesterday.

"It seems that she will shortly turn into Livewire after this, but should I stop it or let it be? I have my hands full due to my disappearance but If I have the chance then I will stop it," Johnathan thought to himself before he noticed another woman walking toward him. Johnathan smiled and waved at the incoming woman who looked annoyed for some odd reason.

"Fancy seeing you here," Johnathan said while waving his hand.

"What in the world are you doing here?" Kara asked with an annoyed look.

"Now is that any way to treat your boss' guest?" Johnathan asked with a hurt expression. Kara just let out a sigh and rubbed her temples.

"I'm just here to visit Cat for a favor and here to pay you a visit," Johnathan stated while patting the chair next to him. Kara sat next to him and they began to talk for a bit about small things. Just then Leslie could be seen storming out of Cat's office looking extremely agitated.

"I wonder what that was about?" Johnathan asked while sipping on some tea that Kara went to go grab for him.

"It seems that she was getting chewed out for her broadcast yesterday about Supergirl," Kara replied.

"Do you eavesdrop on private meetings all the time or only on the ones that involve the other you?" Johnathan said while chuckling which earned him a punch to the shoulder and he spilled his drink.

"You became annoying. I liked you better when we were younger." Kara said before grabbing some towels to clean up the spilled drink.

"So you admit that you like me!" Johnathan shouted with glee.

"I didn't say that, I meant that you were more likable back then!" Kara retorted with a bit of blush,

"Well, think whatever you want. But I want you to know that I for one like you." Johnathan replied while walking toward Cat's office. Kara was stunned for a moment before turning around while smiling.

"I don't think it is right to make me wait while flirting with my assistant," Cat said with her arms folded while staring daggers at Johnathan. He let out a nervous chuckle but Cat began to smile mischievously and Johnathan let out a sigh of relief.

"You are just too fun to mess with, everyone else just looks away or backs out quickly when I try to mess with them," Cat said while she got out of her chair to hug Johnathan.

"I can never tell if you are serious or not but getting to know you for a while now, I guess chances must be taken to be able to continue to have a friendship with you," Johnathan replied while accepting the hug.

"So what brings you to my humble office?" Cat asked while returning to her chair,

"Well, I was wondering if you could give your assistant a couple of days off shortly," Johnathan replied. Cat straighten in her chair and had a twinkle in her eye,

"Care to explain?" Cat asked.

"If you must know, my dear Cat. Kara and I are childhood friends but due to my work, I haven't had the time to pursue her. So now that I don't have anything planned for like the next year or so. I decided to put all my effort into this year to show her that I want more than just friendship." Johnathan replied.

"This is some juicy stuff I could use for a headline. "Superstar Johnathan Takahashi head over heels for his childhood crush!" I could sell this for big bucks," Cat said while giggling and jotting it down in her notebook.

"So I take it as a yes?" Johnathan asked.

"What? Oh, I mean sure. I will make it so that Kara will have days off for you. But you have to do something for me, my dear friend." Cat said with a mischievous smile while folding her hands together.

"This time it won't be embarrassing right?" Johnathan asked with a nervous chuckle and he was just met with Cat's small laughter.

"Shit," Johnathan mumbled under his breath before letting out a deep sigh. Later that night Kara, Johnathan, and Alex were walking together after Kara picked up some food for her Friendsgiving event that she was holding. Johnathan noticed that Kara was acting kind of strange after she walked out of the restaurant with Alex.

"You just need to tell Eliza that you are a DEO agent and that you are still doing your job properly, Alex," Kara said while the trio was walking down the street.

"I can't just tell her that. Officially we don't exist in the world." Alex responded.

"We can just say that it is my task force since I am donating a good sum too," Johnathan chimed in to which Kara pointed at him and nodded toward Alex.

"You two are something else," Alex said while shaking her head in disagreement. Just then Kara looked up into the sky and the other two looked in the same direction. A news chopper was currently spinning out of control in the sky, Alex and Kara looked at each other for a moment before Kara took off to one of the alleys so she could change in secret. Just then multiple people ran toward Alex and Johnathan knocking them down to the ground. Alex got up and looked for Johnathan only to notice that he was missing. Johnathan found another alley and circulated his inner Qi toward his legs. He used the Qi to jump on the sides of the building so he could make it to the top of a building. Once he was on top of the building he pressed the button on his belt to transform it into the rider belt along with sending a high-frequency signal to KZ to appear.

"Rider time?" KZ asked while flying around Johnathan,

"Yep, let's get into action," Johnathan replied and KZ inserted itself into the rider belt and the Masked rider armor enveloped Johnathan's body. After the transformation, Johnathan pressed a button on the newly attached wristwatch to call for the enhanced Kabuto Extender. A sleek red and silver sports motorcycle appeared in the sky, the front and back wheels were split in half with repulsors shooting out from them. Johnathan circulated inner Qi to his legs and jumped from the roof onto the bike. After he got strapped in, Johnathan took off after the helicopter but once he got close he noticed that there were multiple green bug humanoids attached to the bottom of the helicopter. Johnathan scanned the area looking for Supergirl and his enhanced eyes caught sight of her fighting with a dark green Locust humanoid.

"It seems that they have adapted to making flying monsters to fight against the man of steel and girl of steel," Johnathan said to himself and rushed toward the helicopter that was still spiraling out of control. Once Johnathan got above the helicopter, he pressed one of the buttons on the dashboard of the Kabuto Extender and it shot out four ropes with magnetic attachments at the end that were made of titanium. The helicopter pilot was able to stabilize it thanks to the titanium ropes then Johnathan materialized his Ax gun and began firing at the worms attached to the bottom of the helicopter. The worms began to change targets and made their way toward the ropes so they could get to the man firing at them. The Locust humanoid noticed that its subordinates were being taken out so it turned its attention to the man in red and silver armor. Supergirl was having quite a hard time fighting with the Locust due to her main concern being to save the helicopter passengers, but in just a split second when the Locust was paying attention elsewhere she quickly used her cold breath. The Locust's body was soon encased in ice and its body started to slow down rapidly which gave Supergirl a longer chance so she used her heat beam on the Locust knocking it out of the sky. She took a second to recover before flying over to the helicopter and grabbing onto the tail of the copper.

"Supergirl! You are gonna have to take care of the helicopter by yourself! I'm going to be a little occupied!" Kabuto shouted as he fended off one of the worms before grabbing the horn of KZ and flipping it over.

"Cast Off," KZ uttered before the armor pieces shot off Kabuto's body knocking some more Worms off the ropes. Kabuto then retracted the ropes so that the weight wouldn't throw the helicopter off and due to the sudden retraction, all of the worms climbing on it lost their grip. Supergirl on the other hand felt the full weight of the helicopter and she let out a small grunt but quickly recovered. Soon it began to storm tremendously making everyone's visibility terrible and Alex soon lost sight of the helicopter. As she was looking around, Alex spotted a humanoid Locust monster getting up from a giant crater. She pulled out her pistol and aimed it at the monster as it turned toward her. Alex pulled the trigger multiple times but the Locust monster became a blur before showing right in front of her. Its face was just inches from hers and she could feel the cold breath coming from the Locust's mouth it grabbed the pistol out of Alex's hand before she could even react. While It inspected the pistol for a moment Alex took some steps back before it crushed the pistol within its hand and turned its attention to the stunned Alex. The Locust monster raised its hand to strike Alex, but before the strike landed a red armored figure appeared in front of her. Kabuto held the Locust's hand in place before punching it in the solar plex sending the monster flying away. Kabuto turned around to face Alex,

"Run!" Kabuto ordered to her and Alex quickly recovered from the shock. She took off running and Kabuto turned back his attention to the Locust monster. Kabuto could hear the fluttering of its wings but couldn't tell where it was coming from and with the storm pouring it made visibly terrible for him too. In just a split second, Kabuto was knocked off his feet within just a few seconds and crashed into a parked vehicle. He quickly got up and pressed the button on his left side,

"Clock up," KZ uttered and the world became a standstill with each raindrop falling at the slowest speed. Kabuto closed his eyes and circulated his inner Qi to his ears to heighten his sound senses. Many noises bombarded him but he quickly narrowed them down to the one sound he knew to look for and it was the sound of wings fluttering at supersonic speeds. The sound became louder and Kabuto knew that it was getting closer so it could strike again but this time he was ready for it. Kabuto pressed down on the buttons attached to KZ in sequential order,

"1...2...3," KZ uttered as Kabuto grabbed the horn and flipped it back to the original.

"Rider Kick," Kabuto uttered before flipping it back to the unlocked position and lightning energy generated from the belt traveled from the waist up to Kabuto's horn and then down to his right foot. Once the lightning energy reached Kabuto's foot the Locust monster appeared flying toward the back of Kabuto. Its speed skyrocketed thanks to the cells of Superman that it was given it noticed the human that was slaying its brethren was standing still as he had been shocked boosting the confidence of the Locust monster and making it more stir crazy due to its overwhelming bloodlust. Kabuto could feel the bloodlust coming off the monster and the speed increase but Kabuto didn't get sucked into a wormhole to another earth with an overwhelming super speed meta human for nothing. Kabuto circulated his inner Qi into his belt activating the small sections with vials with Barry's speed force within. Soon the speed force merged with the Qi and circulated back into the rider's armor increasing his speed two folds along with silver lightning streaks sparking around his body. The Locust monster was too lost in its bloodlust that it didn't notice the changes and it soon reached just a couple of feet near Kabuto but when it strike down the red figure it felt nothing but air then the figure disappeared from its sights. Kabuto appeared behind the Locust monster and spun around delivering a spinning heel kick to the back of the head of the Locust monster. The monster's head exploded into smitheries and its headless body fell to the ground with a low thud, Kabuto didn't need to check if it was dead because once that kick connected he sent the silver lightning down the spine and it traveled throughout the body of the Locust monster destroying it from the inside as well. Kabuto looked up toward the sky where Supergirl was still struggling to hold up the helicopter.

"It seems that she is still struggling a little to find her sense of self," Kabuto said to himself then he pressed the button on his wristwatch calling for the Kabuto Extender once again. It soon arrived and Kabuto hopped on it speeding off to help her but as he began to get closer he felt like the storm was getting fiercer for some odd reason. Johnathan could also feel a barrier-like substance pushing against him as he got closer and closer. Johnathan noticed that Supergirl had already grabbed the pilot out of the helicopter and the only one left was Leslie. Johnathan revved up the throttle because he knew that the scene where she becomes Livewire was coming up but his path was being blocked by multiple lightning strikes.

"What in the world is going on? Does this world really want her to become Livewire?" Johnathan asked himself as he dodged each lightning strike. As he looked up to see how the scene was unfolding, it seemed that it was going exactly as it did in the show but there was one thing differently. Supergirl was still able to save Leslie but the show didn't show what happened to the helicopter and it was currently heading right toward him.

"What the Fu.." was all Johnathan could get out before the helicopter crashed into him along with multiple lightning strikes, for some reason he felt like this world was punishing him for his interference.