Veronica was standing in front of the man on the emergency stairs between the fourth and fifth floors not knowing what to do. She was surrounded by rubble and her hands were already tired of holding the gun. She could feel her body ache and urgently needed a shower because the level of dirt and sweat soaked into her skin was equivalent to the number of monsters she had seen so far.

Even in the dim light, she could see the man had a sloppy little black beard, probably a few days old now. He was also thin, not very old, was wearing a white apron and had a gun pointed at her head. Already from the voice, she felt that something was wrong. She couldn't identify what and knew the voice was unfamiliar to her. But the name did, she remembered hearing it on one of the news reports talking about the virus. - What is your name? - Harold asked. - What are you doing here?

- My name is Veronica Martin, I'm here looking for a cure for this virus. And you? Why are you still here? Why haven't you done anything?! - She had to remember that she could not lose control, and needed to maintain a strong and confident appearance. That man was an unknown that had many possibilities of outcome. And until she was sure how best to deal with him, she had to keep her cards to herself.

- I'm here to try to find the cure too, the virus is not one of the ones I was working on and I couldn't access the laboratory to get the cure myself. Or even get out of this place… - She bent down to pick up the flashlight from the floor and aimed close to Harold's face, taking a good look at the man and realizing that his physical features weren't far from what she'd imagined. Only the man looked too young to be a scientist at the level he was and there were deep marks under his eyes that she hadn't noticed before. So far, no surprise: she didn't even want to look in the mirror because she knew his face was similar to his. But the problem for Veronica was: the empty eyes. The man had no ordinary eyes for a tired person, but for a sad person.

- Perfect then, we can help each other! You come with me, we find the cure, we release it somehow and save everyone. – Veronica spoke as if that plan were the simplest in the world and they both knew the truth. She starts running up the stairs on her way to the seventh floor.

- Hey, wait! Where do you think you are going? - Harold was tired trying to run up the steps after her. It was as if he just didn't have the strength to go on anymore. She turned to him and saw that he was leaning against the banister. "Staying in this building with all these monsters and surviving for two days is no easy task. It's obvious he's tired and it wouldn't surprise me if under that bloodstained apron were dozens of cuts... Maybe he's immune too, maybe?"

- I'm going to the seventh floor... That's where the immunology center is, isn't it?

- Yes, correct... But the virus was located on the tenth floor next to the treatment center, so the cure is most likely there. – Something was wrong for her. – Besides, you can only enter the room where they keep the medicines, vaccines and the rest with the access code. And right now, the building is out of power because the circuit breaker went down.

Veronica descended a few steps to get closer to the man, who in no way looked familiar. She tried to remember any photo of Harold Smithens she had ever seen, but nothing came to her. Maybe she was just being paranoid and the lack of sleep was affecting her more than she would have liked, or maybe she was right. "Ah! Aidan would know for sure. He was the one who trusted people the most, between the two of them. And his mother works here, she must have mentioned him at some point... Wait!" – I'm having doubts… If you know how to solve everything and where everything is, then why didn't you do it? And you are the face of this place, why don't you have the access codes?

- Right! I have the access codes, but as I mentioned: I can't get past the monsters alone. Besides, who are you to doubt me?! A nosy little high school girl who thinks she can do it all! You've probably lived in a bubble your entire life and now you're learning that there's a real world out there. Well, you must learn respect first, ok? Don't doubt me and I won't doubt you. – The man was angry, that was clear. His ugly expression closed even more and Veronica could see that even behind all that stress, something still wasn't right. She didn't trust him. And she had no reason to do it either. All she had to hope for was that she was the quickest person with the gun, between the two of them.

- Well, okay. Excuse me. So tell me, where is the control room? So we can reset everything and get this over with. Then we can go up to the tenth floor and find the cure. - She straightened her posture, trying to look taller and more powerful. Veronica had gotten her father's sense of questioning. He had started his old job as a cop because he was tired of people being mean, cruel and getting away with the consequences by not getting caught. He was good at it, he had a sense of when a person was being fake flawless, almost like a sensor. So at that moment Veronica's mind was full of doubts and inquiries. She almost forgot that Aidan would pick her up anytime on the seventh floor.

Harold thought the girl was strange and to him, she was lying about what was going on, but somehow, she wanted to help her. – Just in case... What do you know about fixing circuit breakers? – He was right. The answer was nothing, but she needed something to give him.

-There's nothing a girl can't improvise if she's highly motivated. – She spoke with such confidence that she convinced herself. Harold went silent for a moment.

- Okay... I don't know what it is, but I feel I owe you a chance. - He straightened his lab coat over his arm and changed the leg he was leaning on. – The control center is in the first basement. After we get through the sea of ​​monsters and make sure they don't get on the stairs, to have a way back up here, we'll go up to the tenth floor and get the cure. Ok? – He asked as he started down the steps.

Veronica was surprised that he had agreed. Maybe he was really desperate. She felt like she needed to tell him the truth. – Okay, but first… I have two other friends in this building who came to help. - When she said that, the man turned quickly.

- Where are they? - His voice could convey the feeling of concern if one was being too naive to believe that there is good in anyone. It was calm and if she was completely okay, she would have sensed a certain undertone of anger.

- They're on the emergency stairway on the other side. They were going to meet me on the seventh floor. I can tell them to meet us in the first basement. - His facial expression changed drastically.

- No, only this ladder gives access to the first floor basement. – The man said as if he was already bored.

- Yeah, but that's where the problem lies. The girl responsible for hacking the computers is on the other ladder.

- We called her from there. Tell them to wait for us on the emergency stairs on the tenth floor and we'll still have to clean up. And that they can't go out onto the floors because it's too dangerous. We'll let you know when we're there, but right now, there's nothing they can do. - As he spoke, she quickly typed everything out to Aidan and sent it. Almost immediately he responded by asking if she was okay and who this guy was. - Let's go now. There is no time to lose. – They went down the steps to reach the control room and the cell phone rang.

- Aidan, relax... I'm fine, trust me and do what I say, please. - She had decided to go ahead because Harold couldn't see her way straight and his flashlight was childish and small and weak. But she couldn't get past him, because he was going fast. - His name is Harold, Harold Smithens... Yes, the news scientist. - She could see him trying to hear what Aidan was saying over the phone. - Yes Yes. Just stay there. I'll call you when we get to the tenth floor. Be careful!- She ended the call and put the phone in her pocket. It was only then that she realized they were both at the door to the first basement. - Wow! How fast!

Harold turned to her. – Okay, the reality is this: I don't know how many infected are outside this door, but I can tell you that the control center is in the last door on the right. - His tone was serious because he wanted to ensure that she was paying due attention. - We need to be careful and ensure that at no time any of them will pass. Also remember, the room has no ventilation whatsoever, so all the smell of dead bodies, blood and anything else is concentrated. Of course, the virus too. So far, I've only seen it transmitted by the bite, but you never know. Then get a cloth and cover your mouth and nose. - Veronica nodded and then proceeded to cut the sleeve of her blouse, open it and tie it over her face like a bandana. Harold took a handkerchief from his apron pocket and did the same. – Ready? – He asked in a voice muffled by the cloth.

Veronica tucked the gun in her hand as a way of confirming to him and they opened the door. The instant they stepped out of the emergency stairway, she was hit by the sickening smell rising in the air. Her eyes were starting to water and she was fighting her body's natural instincts to remain silent and in control of the situation. Like a mirror, Harold wiped his eyes and pointed the way they should go through the dim light of the flashlight.

The two started walking as their throat ached. The silence that surrounded was so frightening and deep, she just wanted to hear something. There didn't seem to be any monsters and from what she saw in her flashlight, they were dead from the low oxygen in the place. And it was giving her a headache for the lack of air.

They arrived without a problem to the control room. Harold opened the door with ease due to the lack of energy and they both immediately felt safer. As soon as she shone her flashlight towards the computers it was clear as day that something horrible had happened there. Besides the obvious destruction of one side of the computers, there was a lot of blood splattered. Whatever had done it, it was dead.

Veronica was starting to feel slow and confused. Her brain couldn't take it anymore. - We need to connect everything now, before we suffocate. – Harold said as he indicated the general control panel. She used the strength to open it and what she saw gave her no hope. Harold pushed her aside and tried to mess with some things while Veronica looked for any other solution.

She called Aidan because besides being her last hope, if she was going to die there, she wanted to say goodbye to him. – Hi, I'm fine… I need help. - She put the phone on speaker and put it on the table because even holding it was an unnecessary effort at that moment.

- What's it?! What is happening?! Did you get hurt?! - His voice passed through her body like a tranquilizer.

- No. It's just that we arrived here, there is so little oxygen and we need a quick solution.

- All right, here is what you're gonna do. – Rachel started to speak. – Look for anything that says emergency generator, or something like that. – Rachel knew that the two were inseparable. They had a similar relationship with her and Jonathan. If one was suffering, the other would move mountains to help. The problem is that there are times like this, trying to help can be exponentially worse than letting things take their course. So, she needed to take charge.

- Hey, but if there was a generator, why didn't they turn it on? – Veronica spoke while fighting the headache and trying to focus her eyes enough to read "Emergency generator" or something like that.

- Maybe it was to ensure that what was in here wouldn't come out... To make a kind of lock and put the building in quarantine... Or maybe they wanted to prevent the virus from spreading through the air. – Aidan spoke from behind the phone. Everything in his body screamed for him to run out, find her and help, but chances are he wouldn't make it in time.

- Clearly, it didn't work. – She could hear the scientist's noises touching the cables and walked around the room, leaning on anything in her path to hold her body and keep herself upright. - I found it! – Veronica shouted very excitedly and turned the knob as quickly as possible.

The lights flashed on the device and a loud noise started. It took a few seconds, but the lights came on and the vent began to hum. It had come back to life and right now, she needed to make sure she had air. – Congratulations, Ronnie! Aidan's voice came out low through the cell phone across the room. – Now will you come to the tenth floor?

- Yes. Once it's all right here, we'll go upstairs and let you know, okay? - She could feel her breathing better, less choppy. – Oh! Find a cloth to cover your mouth and nose. If they thought the virus could be transmitted by breathing, it's better not to test it now that the air is working again.

- Okay Veronica, I'll take care of it. Just let me know when they're ready to continue the plan. – Right after Rachel said that, she hung up.

- Is that it then? Now we just need to get to the lab and get the cure. Right? - He was silent with his fingers flying across the keyboard. – Hey, you're not giving up on the plan, are you? This isn't the moment you reveal yourself to be evil and just want to take advantage, is it? – Veronica asked as a joke to get his attention, but she didn't get an answer. Something was wrong. She turned to Harold and saw him fiddling with the computer watching some security video. In the distance, she could hear the voice of a little girl screaming. – What is it? - Slowly, she reached behind the scientist and looked over his shoulder.

The screen shows a recorded video of several medical beds, with crying people attached to them. But most shocking of all, was the voice of a little girl crying in the corner. The girl must have been at most eight years old, was scared and had several wires connected to her. - They promised me this wasn't happening… - She heard him say it.

- What is it? What did they hide from you? – Veronica could try to be creative and guess why this video is so wrong. Which wouldn't be too difficult. It appeared to be pretty self-incriminating. "It could be people infected with viruses who are being treated in a safe place... It could be a video documenting the treatments for these people's illnesses, as each one seems to have something different... Or it could be experiments on aliens that look like humans, but entered the Earth to start a war and steal our brains... Or they could be..." Her thoughts were interrupted when:

- This is a video dealing with human tests.

She was confused. Was he a scientist there, or not? Shouldn't he know about these things? – But isn't that what always happens?

The look Harold cast her way had such intensity that the nerve in her spine froze. – I don't think you understand. - Harold's tone was calm, intentionally calm. As if he was adding whatever level of patience he had to answering her. – These tests are illegal. None of these people asked for it. It was done without consent. - As he said that, he turned to the screen and her gaze was lost in the image.

- Hey, but it doesn't make sense... Aren't you the scientist here? Shouldn't you know about these things? - She knew she was playing with thin ice. That man was not a very well-centered person.

- I'm not the only scientist in the company. I don't know everything that's going on. - "Clearly." She thought, but doubted herself. "Still, it seems I'm the one who knows the least about this situation."

- But what are these tests for?

- Well, apparently they were testing to see how these innocent people react to existing viruses and create cures from their antibodies. – Veronica felt dirty just stepping inside that building.

- Hey, little princess... How are you? - The familiar voice came through the speaker. She would recognize it anywhere. It was Elena, Aidan's mother. "Did she know all this? How was it that that sweet woman had been able to accept this whole situation? And besides... help happen?" – I know, relax... It's almost over. – In the video, Veronica can see her grab the little girl's hand. – I'll stay here, rest assured.

Harold noticed Veronica's gaze on that woman. – It's Nurse Dias, one of the best in this place. I can't believe she was in the middle of it all. He seemed to have a disappointed look on his face, as if he was telling less than he should.

- She's the main reason we came here. – That got his attention. - She's Aidan's mother, my friend… The one I was talking to on the phone just now.

Before he could say anything more, a scream echoed through the speaker and they both turned sharply. That scream had been the most horrible, painful, sad and fatal scream she had ever heard before. Looking at the video, her heart broke. It had been a boy close to her age in a bed next to the little girl who had gone into a seizure. The boy looked too thin, and had patches of skin that were visible even through the poor image quality. Took a few long seconds for his body to finally stop. He was dead.