Life and death are two perfect and fixed opposites. Everyone learns that death is the final stage of everything and that no one will ever be able to stop it. Because one day it all ends. Veronica had spent the last two days seeing dead bodies everywhere, people being attacked, bloodshed and destruction. However, there is something very different between all of this and seeing young people being tortured to death. At least for her it had.

Everything that had happened so far had been caused by the virus and all its aftermath. So, in her consciousness, the monsters had no control over what they were doing because they didn't have control over their own bodies. As for the people in that video, they were being killed by healthy humans. They were being used as guinea pigs, as test subjects, as things that have no right to emotions, choices, or themselves. This was the worst part.

"How can someone be so selfish and think they can use another human being… another living being… just to get their own way?! Damn if that was the only way to make progress! I very much doubt that that little girl chose to take part in these tests... They say we are turning into robots surrounded by all this technology. Well, it's not too far away... A lot of people don't have hearts anymore." Veronica was outraged.

Despite how shocking that sight was, she didn't miss the shiver that went through the scientist's body as the boy went still, and even with the distance, she was able to see the scared face the little girl had on at the time. With a mixture of exhaustion, hopelessness and longing. Veronica couldn't believe the brutality of this place and if what Harold was saying was true, then how many people had died alone there? How many had no choice? How many were there without the others knowing?

Veronica then had an idea, she could look through the videos by the time the outbreak started, find out what happened and what virus it was. – Harold, I know the situation must be difficult, but can you move a little? – The scientist walked away from the computer and she started to look.

- What are you looking for?

- I'm seeing if I can find the recording of the moment the outbreak started... - She spoke calmly as if it were the most basic thing in the world. But even though Harold was standing behind her, she could feel his body tense. – Strange… There doesn't seem to be anything… – The entire day's video had been deleted. In fact, anything that was at least a week old seemed to no longer exist.

- Don't worry, we'll find a cure.

– And if we don't find it, we'll find a way to try to create an antidote or something similar, right? – She asked him as she got up from her chair and grabbed her gun that she had left on the table with her cell phone.

- Sure, because it's that simple... But don't worry, this place was packed with smart and selfish people. So every virus has a cure or something close to it. - Harold saw something special in that girl, a desire to fight.

- All right... We'd better get going then. - She walked over to open the door, but turned sharply. – What is the chance that the monsters are not dead and actually manage to wake up from the lack of oxygen?

- I won't lie to you... High odds. - Carefully, she opened the door and appreciated the fact that she didn't have to hold her flashlight anymore to walk. But at the same time, they were more exposed.

The instant she stepped outside the control room, she could feel the air conditioning vent. Her body had been all dirty from running around for the last few hours which helped to cool off a bit. Walking slowly and trying to make as little noise as possible, the two walked to the emergency stairway thanking him immensely that he was wrong and the monsters hadn't woken up. It looked like at least something was going in their favor. Maybe everything could go as planned, at least most things.


Aidan was walking on the emergency stairway as he rearranged the knife from hand to hand. He was looking for the best position to hold her and, at the same time, he listened carefully to all the sounds around him to make sure nothing came near the emergency door. He needed to keep himself distracted. It would freak him out if he started thinking about Ronnie with the unknown and potentially dangerous man in the midst of various monsters.

Rachel was just staring at him. Her leg was still sore, and would stay for a few more days. So, in part she was grateful to have a peace and rest before needing to walk again. She wasn't worried about Veronica. Veronica knew how to handle guns, seemed incredibly smart and sociable. If something was wrong she would call. So Rachel was calm. But couldn't say the same about Aidan. The fact that he was pacing around was stressing her out, and if she didn't need the boy to end this whole mess, she would have already stuck the knife in his neck and ended it all.

- Do you think she's okay? - The count of times he had asked her that had already passed ten. Rachel leaned her head against the wall and rolled her eyes.

Rachel had a short-lived patience limit. Very little. – You already know the answer to this question because I've told you several times. So why don't you sit down, relax and we'll chat.

Aidan was interested in getting to know that girl. Plus, he had a slight feeling that her stress was getting on her nerves and that was probably not a good thing. - Okay… - He sat on the other side of the same step she was on. – Tell me, who are you? Who is Rachel?

Immediately, she was annoyed. – Well, my name is Rachel. Just Rachel. I grew up in an orphanage since I was about two months old. – She said, looking at the wall behind him. – In fact, I was abandoned there. Since my parents dropped me and left, no one has ever known who I really am.

Aidan was afraid to say anything right now. It was a very personal matter. He knew that no matter what he said, it would be inappropriate.

- They named me because I didn't have any documentation with me. Jonathan, that guy you met, is like my big brother. He is an orphan too and three years older. So the day he turned eighteen and couldn't stay in the orphanage anymore, he and I ran away and lived in that building ever since. Is that what you wanted to hear? – Rachel didn't like to tell her story and, when she did, it brought many emotions to the surface. Sad feelings of a life that could have been, of people who weren't nice to her. That they didn't want her. Fortunately, she wasn't old enough to remember them. It made everything a little easier.

- I won't say I'm sorry, because it wouldn't make a difference to you. But I can tell you that you have now made a friend for life. When you need me, you can call. Nobody fights the apocalypse with somebody else and I don't come out closer in the end. - She smiled at him.

- That is if we get out of it. – She laughed and he made an incredulous face.

- Don't be negative. It's not good. - Aidan took her hand and tried to show her he was being honest. That he really cared about her.

Rachel's shoulders were visibly more relaxed and she could see something in Aidan that she hadn't noticed before, but she couldn't define it either. – And you, heart of gold? You seem to have all the answers, are always in a good mood and help everyone... What's wrong with you?

Aidan's expression changed in a second and Rachel realized she was already belittling herself for asking the question. - Ah... Okay. - He spent so much time keeping everything so trapped inside that it was hard to even get the words out. – I have a mother and a little brother. My dad… - He took a breath, trying to keep the tears from coming out. - My dad was murdered in a coffee shop when I was five and my mom was about eight months pregnant. They were in a difficult situation financially... He ended up doing a bad thing and died for it... He was being hunted and that day they found him.

Rachel didn't realize it, but she had held her breath and was seeing the scene in his head. Imagining every detail as if she were there.

- I don't remember very well how it happened. I spent so much time wanting to forget about that moment that I actually did. - He swallowed hard and his throat was burning. – There were two men. My father wanted to protect my mother but it ended up being…- Rachel squeezed his hand. - Then the men fled and due to the shock, my mother went into labor. My little brother came on the same day. A little premature, but healthy.

The smile Aidan gave when he spoke of his brother was so innocent and pure that she couldn't help but smile.

- Those were difficult times for my mother. She had to deal with the bills, two kids and everything on her own. So to make it easier, we ended up moving to a smaller building. Everything started to fall into place. And after a few years, on a day as normal as any, Ronnie and her family moved there too. - His smile widened and her eyes regained the light they had been before. – Since then, we've been best friends.

- Only that? Are you just best friends?

- Yes. But if you're wondering if there's anything more between us... Maybe. We tried to discuss it, but we ended up being kidnapped by you… - Rachel looked away with some regret. - Now, I want to wait until all this is over to finally talk.

- Look, I don't know if this is a good idea. I trust our ability to resolve this situation as much as the next person... But I've come to this hell already accepting the fact that if I die, at least I've tried. So don't leave it for later... Talk to her before it's too late.

Aidan was considering all this. – But what if it's already too late? What if it doesn't matter anymore? What if even if I tell, we can't be together? – He was getting stressed.

- Of course it matters. And even if you die in a few hours, at least you'll have the satisfaction of knowing you told her exactly how you fell. – Rachel squeezed her hand once more and smiled.


Veronica and Harold were climbing the emergency stairs ready to go up to the tenth floor. – When we get there, we just have to…?

He rolled his eyes. – We have to go around the first corridor, to reach the second. The lab will be at the end of the next corridor on the right. The password is PIGEON.

- Why?

- Because that was the password I put down there when we restarted the system.

- Okay. - Was all she said until they fell silent and she watched the floors go by.

With the light, Veronica could see exactly what those obstacles were in her path. They were security guards who died from blood loss. Patients who fled and panicked, killed themselves... or were killed. They were broken fire extinguishers, pieces of glass she couldn't identify, and various other fluids.

She can feel her stomach turn over. "Finally! Tenth floor." She had to warn Aidan, but she wanted to wait a little closer to the door so he spent as little time in danger as possible.

Harold stopped in front of the door and looked at her as if wondering if she was ready for this. No, not exactly. But let's go.

- Okay. - He nodded and let her open the door to go ahead. She left and everything was calm.

Some monsters were there, but were disoriented by the light looking for dark places and the two silently walked without attracting attention. Harold pulled his arm into one of the open passages.

The two walked down a hallway like everyone else, and Veronica refused to admit that if she wasn't with him, she'd already be lost. After all, he worked here, so he should know where everything is. Still, she wouldn't blame him if the two of them got lost, because this building is a maze in itself.

As the two walked, she could feel the change in the air. It was getting heavy and difficult. Almost like it wasn't there anymore. She could feel her throat burning and her lungs straining harder than usual. – There's something different here. Breathing is getting difficult. - She coughed, but managed to muffle it with the sleeve of her blouse. She was feeling her head hurt and her ears clogged. It wasn't fun.

Harold avoided taking his attention out of the way, but her voice was harsh and clipped. – I decreased the amount of air circulating in the vents. This virus also travels through the air, as well as its healing, it expands and becomes active. And the less air, the slower the monsters get. "She held her own weapon close to her body and listed in her mind all the things that had gone wrong since the virus. She needed to keep her mind active, but the lack of oxygen was causing her to slow down and scramble. - Stop. – He whispered as he grabbed her wrist.

She looked straight ahead, focusing her vision to see the source of danger and saw some monsters standing in the hallway. One of them looked familiar, but the distance didn't allow her to identify. There were four of them, all had aprons smeared with blood and dust, two were standing almost paralyzed, and the other two were lying on the floor. - They don't seem to have noticed us yet, we can go very slowly and pass them if we don't make noise.

- You really are a suicidal girl. – Harold said, but didn't refuse to walk. They had almost passed the monsters when she turned briefly to dodge one and bumped into another.

A huge roar reverberated down the hall and the four monsters turned to her. - Damn it! Dammit, dammit, dammit! - Ronnie and the scientist ran and when she turned to shoot the monster it was Mrs. Dias, Aidan's mother. This paralyzed her. She didn't know what to do, but she wasn't going to shoot the woman.

- Shoot! - The scientist had been caught by one of the monsters and killed the other two. As soon as he disentangled himself from the third and killed him, which attracted Mrs. Dias's attention, Veronica reacted again.

- No! - She pushed his gun away. But when she did, she got in the middle. - Shit! - She managed to push Aidan's mother and gained a few moments of advantage. The two were able to turn around the corridor and enter the first open room.

Veronica could feel it coursing through her veins. - Damn it! - She slammed the table into the room while holding her arm that was bleeding now.

He turned to her and noticed it. Clear as light. - Ah... That's not good. - He said when he saw the bloody teeth mark that was running down quickly on her arm. Veronica looked at him thinking of a sarcastic response, but just closed her eyes and screamed muffled into her shirt as she tried to contain the pain and the curses that ran through her mind.

When finally managed to stop, she told him: -You are the scientist. Do. Something. - He started running around the room looking for any utensils that might be useful locally, luckily for her, that room was a warehouse full of gas, alcohol and bands. Then he began to prepare a bandage while she cut the piece of blouse that was in the way and returned to grip the wound to stop the blood.

- Look, I know it hurts and that is practically useless, but I need you to let go of your arm. – She obeyed, taking a deep breath and he began to clean. The pain had already reached a level that the dizziness was nothing compared to it. Her phone started to vibrate. – Tell him. - Reluctantly she answered the call.

- Ronnie? Ronnie? - Aidan's muffled voice helped her calm down and with great force she managed to say:

- Here. – The scientist had finished with the bandage and was examining while the symptoms presented themselves. Luckily her shortness of breath and her calm were making the virus spread very slowly. The slower she kept her heart, the slower the infected blood would spread through her body. And it got obvious, she wasn't immune.

- We are near the laboratory room, where are you? - She tried to focus on his voice, and she put a tourniquet on her arm in a weak attempt to buy time, but it made her scream. – Ronnie?! What happened?! Are you okay?

Tears streaked as she tried to remain calm. – We are… we are close to the room too. Meet you there, okay? - She was trying to breathe and the scientist just stared at her studying her movements.

Aidan was worried and in his mind, he expected the worst. – Hey, there's something you're not telling me. What is it? What is wrong?! - She could hear his voice and didn't want to lie. But if there ever was a moment when the truth would only make the situation worse, it was now.

- Nothing, relax. There's nothing wrong. – She said through clenched teeth trying to control the size of the nausea. The scientist looked at her as if she was mad and still horrified by the damage to her arm. – Just go fast. And be careful, okay?

After a slight silence, as if he was still pondering the situation. – Ronnie, are you sure you're okay? - The pain was strong and she needed to overcome it. It was possible, she knew it.

- Aidan... I'm fine. – She said breathing slowly.

"Fascinating." The scientist thought. The girl was stronger than he anticipated, that was obvious. And part of him wanted to have met her sooner. Maybe things would have had a different ending.

- No…she's lying, she… - Before he could finish the sentence, Ronnie pointed the gun at his head and unhooked the lock. His face showed that she had reached the point. She would be able to shoot. She had so much venom in her body that if she did, no one would blame her.

- She what? She what?! - Aidan yelled through the cell phone.

- Nothing, she's nothing. See you soon. - And she disconnected the call. Veronica was angry and couldn't handle it right now.

- You need to tell him. – The scientist insisted, but she just blocked his voice. – He deserves to know.

- At this moment there is a lot of virus coursing through my blood and if I keep calm, I gain a few more minutes. So, before I kill you, help us both and shut up. – Silence reigned. - Thanks. Now let's go, which way is the lab? - She lowered the gun.

- To the left at the end of the hallway. – The scientist said with a slight fear in his voice.

- Excellent. - She let go of the table she was leaning against, pushed herself away and they walked out the door.


Aidan panicked, grabbed the knife he had lying on the floor, and ran to the stairwell door. Luckily, Rachel got to it first and caught it before he could open it. - Get out of my way! I need to go to her.

With all the strength she had, she pushed him away, using the door at his back to push and hold him. – Hey, hey, hey... I know that! But not in the state you're in. You need to calm down first or you'll get the attention of all the infected out there and we'll both end up dying before we even reach her.

He knew she was right, but his mind wasn't in a calm place right now. Quite the contrary, his mind couldn't focus. There were flashes of memories of the two everywhere. – I don't like it at all… You heard it, didn't you? There's something wrong... There's something wrong with Ronnie!

Rachel gripped his shoulders trying to keep him calm. It wasn't easy. He felt his vision darken and his head throb. He felt weak and powerless. As if he'd fought a lifetime and the war hadn't even started right. He needed to breathe, but he felt his breathing fast and uneven.

His body was getting slow. He knew the symptoms, he was having a panic attack. – Ra-chel… Help me… Breath-ing is ha-rd. – His speech was cut off and she made him sit down.

He put a hand to his face and closed his eyes. Nothing helped. Then he started coughing. Rachel knew that if she didn't act quickly, he would pass out. And they didn't have a lot of time.

She did what needed to be done and slapped him hard across the face. - What? – He got scared.

- Look at me and pay attention, because we're on a giant timer. Veronica is outside that door. Now, gather all the courage and will that you have within you, go out and find her. It's literally now or never. – Aidan did just that. He composed himself, she helped him to his feet and the two left, trying to maintain a relative silence. Not very successfully.


- Girl... You're not okay.

She refrained from answering. She was focused on every necessary step and knew they weren't far away. She needed to use the strength to remain stable.

- Really.

Her arm ached and blood dripped despite the tourniquet. Despite that, she was sure the bite had been superficial. Of course, she could feel the virus running through every corner of her body. But considering she was still alive. It couldn't have been that deep.

- Let me help you.

Veronica closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Aidan had to show up at any moment. They were close. She knew. She felt.

- Hold on to me. I'll take you.

The gun in her hand was heavy and itching to shoot that man. But that was just the virus rage talking. "Right?"

She took a few more steps and they finally turned the corner. Something came running and slammed into her. At least she had the sense to realize it was Aidan before she fired.

- Thank god! I found you! - Aidan grabbed the sides of her face and saved every trace within seconds. Just like he remembered. He already had her on his mind all too well, but the fact that it might be the last time he saw her like this changed everything. His hands moved down her arms until they collided with the open wound. And her heart stopped.

Aidan couldn't believe it. It couldn't be true. No, it was not. It couldn't be. It was Ronnie and she could never be a monster. This was wrong.

- How much time? - He looked into her eyes, needing to see the real Ronnie behind that virus. She was there, in the same place as before. But she seemed to be hidden behind a red haze.

- A few minutes ago. We do not have much time. - She took a deep breath and let go of him. - What do we do now?

Harold was shocked that she was human, however. - Well, you need to go to that computer surrounded by infected and enter the access password so that the three of us can enter. - She nodded, looking into the distance to locate the computer.

- No, why her? I will! - Aidan spoke louder and the monsters turned their heads towards them. They held their breath and the infected went back to what they were doing.

- She goes. Her scent won't get their attention. We don't have time for this! Harold wrenched free Aidan's hand that was holding Veronica and pushed her towards the computer. Aidan tried to fight back, but Rachel helped the scientist hold him back.

-No... She's going to die like this... - Aidan's eyes began to water and were glued to the figure of Veronica following her every move as she stumbled towards certain death. For him it's like watching his own heart walk to the abyss and willingly jump, even though he knew she was going to die, without being able to do anything. - Ronnie…

He called to her, but she didn't turn around. She just had to take one more step.