The Rise of a Mortal

They say,

"Either the world changes you or you change the world."

In my case,

'It was the world who changed me.'

And in addition, I say to them:

"I'm never a saint, just a rascal who happens to rebel with a cause. And a thug who never cared whether that cause is worth fighting for or not; I value what is dear to me, that's all"

With that in mind, the story contained in my dream kind of had a similar view as I did...





The Heavenly War!

The clouds ravaged by darkness gradually brightened as the sacred light blooms into its presence.


"I, Balgra Kazta have returned! I bring destruction to the Heavenly Stars!"

Balgra Kazta—A man who had fallen prey to the schemes of an Evil God. He is the catalyst of how the heavenly war escalated into unimaginable chaos.

Well, I just knew when I saw these images... as to how? That I am uncertain.

Riding in a dark horse stolen from a Dullahan, Balgra Kazta commanded his ride to a halt. In his hand is an ancient relic gifted by the Evil God. The Duskblade's spear of mercy had never been as red as that day.

It was the day where unexpected things went horribly wrong and when the divine hands of God failed to control the fate of the world.

Countless legions of angels enveloped the skies but one man stood atop the highest hill where heaven kisses the earth, roaring in defiance.

Amidst the blinding lights, they heard a loud noise creaking from afar. It reverberated throughout the open space and it sounded as if a large explosion had exploded.

It is the Heavenly gates slowly opening as the chains binding it was unlocked.

For the first time in a hundred years, the Heavenly Gates had opened for all the beings to see. Both the dead and the living stood in amazement at how this phenomenon is occurring.

Mythical creatures lurking in the shadows started to crawl out of their lairs: The Red Dragon, the Sphinx, the Giants, the Hydra, even the unfathomable Neutral Spirits began appearing one by one.

The world set in motion ceased to move.

As if a child scolded by his mother, the mountain ranges that seemed to guard the great plains trembled, creating a tantrum similar to a spoiled brat before it was gently stopped by those crazed howling winds.

Large strides of ocean waves also began rising higher than the tallest trees before they calmed.

There are many things transpiring as the Heavenly Gates opened—too many things to mention at once.

However, on that day, it's like Balgra Kazta had engraved his name to the annals of history or to the page of books of books.

He was like the protagonist of that era.

Then, the beings of the earth heard a loud voice speaking from the temple above the skies.


From the heavenly gates, a figure has descended. He had six wings, six hands, three heads, and two tails.

Each of his wings is coated in gold, his six hands held different divine artifacts and one of them is the Justicar's sword. His three heads are all wearing a crown made from the rarest metallic alloys available on earth.

His two tails resemble a whip with its end, like the appearance of a spear's blade.

All of his three heads: the long-haired human-like face in the middle, the lion at his left, and the eagle at his right were glaring in disgust at the uninvited guest who came suddenly like a storm.

To many, he is a being that should be feared.

Yet, Balgra Kazta stood unfazed.

"I did not come here to gain permission to utter the name of the sacred lands. I came here to claim the head of your God!"

"Insolence!" said the six-winged angel, he is the highest Seraph in God's Legion. And his name is Aziel.

For the loyal and perfect servants of God, a mortal challenging a God is the most sinful act of disrespect. Anyone who dared to speak those words will receive nothing but the eradication of their existence—the worst form of death.

In their eyes, Balgra Kazta's destiny is already sealed upon his death.

Replying against the highest, he said,

"He who dared to take what he desires earns his right to receive! I shall purge your so-called sacred land and trample upon your laws! Only then would I be able to remove the shackles you placed on mankind!"

Along with a smirk, Balgra Kazta's white wool hair fluttered, his presence became even more imposing.

Raising the Duskblade's spear of mercy, it glowed sanguine as the angel's holy light was reflected on its blade. As well as the signal of his arm aimed at the heads of the angels, his stolen ride neighed in annoyance, beckoning the ascendance of a mortal.

A horse running in thin air, yet it is not a Pegasus but a Dullahan's horse instead! Unbelievable class of mockery executed at the highest caliber.

No wonder, throughout the history of mankind, although many have tried to challenge the heavens, only Balgra Kazta have managed to influence the flow of time. He reversed the earlier predestined fate of the world.

God's providence tells them to serve the Lord their Heavenly God, but in the eyes of Balgra Kazta, that meant becoming their slave forever.

His act of opposing it caused ripples that revised evrything.

A mortal flew high as it tried to reach the apex where celestial beings lived. It was a sight to marvel—even the thousand legions of Angels were dumbfounded by that scene.

At the same time, the prophecy that has been foretold for a hundred years happened in their very eyes.

[A mortal gaining the Aspect of Vengeance as the Heavenly Gates opened. He shall bring the end of the world.]

With a flick of his hand, dark flames rose to the clouds. All the angels instantly suffered grievous wounds.

In their blurry eyes, they can only mutter...

"It cannot be!"

Despite taking a catastrophic damage, some angels failed to believe what they are seeing while the beings of earth applauded Balgra Kazta's great feat.

He made the angels fall in disgrace!

Like meteors falling to the ground, the countless legions are drastically reduced and the beings of the earth witnessed what a mere mortal could do.

Finally perceived what Balgra Kazta intends to do, the first one who aided him were the Golems.

The Alps suddenly collapsed, and earthen plates commence to shook the ground. Tall like towers, each of the Golems began pummeling the Angels, squashing whichever they met.


A rebellion like no other!

Just like mankind, Golems were forever detained in their shells. They have waited for so long to avenge their fallen brothers.

The truth was, they are the first batch of mankind who dared to go against the heavens. They simply didn't want to be a pawn used by the celestial beings.

Since their souls are hard to erase, they turned them into Golems. Over time these Golems turned into mountains, and now that they felt a slight glimmer of hope,

They wanted Freedom!

They wanted Salvation!

And so, when they witnessed the manifestation of the prophecy, without hesitation, they aided Balgra Kazta in his conquest.

That was the beginning of the end.

For all the beings of the earth, both the living and the dead. What they are seeing, feeling, hearing is a mystical experience in which their spirits are exalted to a knowledge of the divine phenomenon.

The unraveling of what they have waited for, since eternity.

But that also gestured,