You're On Your Own

The next day, Jayce woke up with a painful headache. His whole body is quivering due to his sore muscles.

'What a dream...'

He muttered while still coiled under his blankets.

Remembering yesternight, he felt troubled by what those dreams meant. That's right! He treated everything that happened on that night as a dream.

Unfortunately for him, it did happen.

Then a ring from his phone stopped his recollection, he looked at his phone and he noticed a notification he missed.

[Brother! Quick! You have to come to school! There was news of Fiel Bancroft getting kicked out by the board! Hurry!]

It was from Gu Fei, their Class President.

Hurriedly taking a bath realizing he was late for school, Jayce placed all of yesternight's thoughts at the back of his mind.

'Certainly, that was a nightmare.'

He thought.

For today, he had a bigger nightmare to face...


Though now a powerful Gang Lord in Ragoria's flourishing criminal underworld, Jayce had humble origins.

Born from the stinkiest slums and nothing but a poor country bumpkin, the young man nicknamed 'Tiger' is an outcast.

Feared but never befriended by anyone.

His admission to Hariya Academy, where the most influential and prestigious family educated their children appalled most of the students in the said academy.

They all thought that the country bumpkin would never amount to something. Behind his back, they spread rumors of how dogshit it was to be associated with the likes of him. That anyone who gets close to him suffers an ill fate.

Although nobody made a frontal assault against Jayce since everyone feared him but he is not exempt from trouble.

Teachers would purposely make different assignments and tests for him, something that is harder than the rest of the class. Girls would avoid him like a plague, just because they fear being bullied by the boys if they get close. Also, Jayce would frequently lose his valuables. Not knowing who is behind it.

But to Jayce, it is just an added spice to his flavorful life. He never complained.

Three years went on just like that and Jayce never really cared as he toppled all of their shrewd expectations and managed to climb the top ranks of outstanding students. He became a Top Achiever.

But on this day, for the first time in his Highschool career, Jayce complained.





Arriving late at Hariya Academy, all eyes were on him.

It was a school for elites and its uncommon for anyone to attend late.

"Look! It's the Dean. Psh. Such a disgrace to our prestigious school! He sided with that punk. Well, never mind! Getting kicked out? Serves him right!"

A student who is about to enter his class uncontrollably laughed, mocking the two approaching figures from the Academy's entrance which is quickly noticed by his fellow classmate who is also walking beside him.

"Careful! those two are out in the field. Yes! That's them! they may hear you."

His classmate warned him but the stare of which that particular student gave, had traces of contempt concealed on it.

Fiel Bancroft—the former dean. He is seen walking side by side with Jayce with a gloomy expression on his face.

Why does he feel gloomy?

Today is the day that Fiel Bancroft is expelled from the Academy. By forcing the faculty to accept Jayce, he had angered the rich families, and it is his unfortunate blunder. Those families cared too much about their face, that when they found out that their sons and daughters are studying with a person of low status... they all immediately tried a way to end Jayce.

Long story short, the Good Dean who adamantly persuaded the faculty to retain Jayce took the blame. He suffered just because he wanted to protect Jayce. That is why he was expelled.

The two figures were slowly walking side by side and the silence they had was suffocating for an old man to bear. And so, Fiel was the first to initiate a conversation.

"I believe in your potential... I know that someday, people would need your help."

Fiel smiled wryly at Jayce as if to deny the look of concern that Jayce would like to reply. He continued to pat Jayce's shoulders, reassuring him that everything is fine.

"Old Man..."

Jayce muttered hesitantly. He is in his black suit school uniform, starkly different compared to when he acts as the boss of the dungeon.

"No, don't look at me with those eyes." Fiel sheepishly commented, seeing Jayce's saddened stare.

"I haven't gone senile yet. Consider this as my gift to you. Or you could even say that this is a form of investment. There would be a day that you can repay me... I am definitely sure of that."

He looked at Jayce and suddenly, he felt that the wrinkles in his face had gone deeper. Jayce kept his mouth shut. The only man who truly helped him is now leaving.

Perhaps the rumors about him are true after all?

Fiel Bancroft suffered an ill fate while trying to protect him.

That one fellow who truly cared for him is now leaving. As Jayce watched Fiel Bancroft's receding back, he could not help but think how lucky he was to be granted this opportunity even at the cost of Fiel's inconvenience.

As if staring at the old man would help him transfer his thoughts the atmosphere between the two was solemn.

When things were this serious, two men won't need any words.

Instead, Fiel smiled.

"You're on your own now... Gang Lord."

Surprised by what Fiel called him, Jayce's eyes widened.

"How did you..."

"Shhh... I know."

Fiel winked at Jayce and after that, they could hear the sound of a car fast approaching before slowly decelerating.

A tall man exited the car and opened the back seat for Fiel to enter.

Jayce had many thoughts as he watched Fiel slowly entering the car. mostly about his regrets.

'If I were more powerful, nobody would have done you dirty like this.'

Jayce sighed, he felt defeated.

Then just like that, once Fiel had settled inside and his driver revved up the engine, Jayce knew that he won't be seeing Fiel ever again.

The Old man gestured his farewell, waving Jayce Goodbye.