Trouble is my Best Friend

Left alone, Jayce recalled what Fiel Bancroft said.

"You're on your own."

'Yeah, as always.'

He mumbled to himself as he gazed upon the tall infrastructures of Hariya Academy and noticed that everyone is watching.

'So this jerks that think so highly of themselves is here all along?'

He got irked by the gazes of his fellow students, the teachers who are keeping their mouths from smiling.

They are the ones who made his Mentor leave. The ones who are responsible for that sad smile of Fiel Bancroft. They were all lined up perfectly at the quadrangle, silently passing judgment towards him.

He felt so small at that moment.

'Yeah, am on my own... Again.'

The thought was reinforced.

Suddenly, everything felt heavy. The weight of expectations those words hold, the goals he is trying to build around himself, and the achievements he currently possessed.

Yet his unwavering spirit found strength from his mentor's words.

"I believe in your potential... I know that someday, people would need your help."

He recalled that sentence and his eyes that were supposed to darken flickered with radiant light.

'It ain't the end, someday... I'll repay this grace.'

The pavements leading to his school were brown in contrast to his pale skin and the sun is clearly set to dim as clouds hovering above slowly covered the sky like the heavens were trying to humble his confidence.

Because as soon as he made an oath, his pockets vibrated. When he turned to feel his pocket, his phone is ringing.

An unknown caller is trying to reach him. At first, he plans to ignore it since he is already late but after some second thoughts, he decides to just check it. After all, he is already late!

'I'll just take my sweet easy time.'

And so, he answered the call, but to his surprise, the voice seem to sound shivering.

[Jayce?! Is this you? Please! We need some help!]

Hearing the unknown Caller's plead for help, Jayce immediately thought of his brothers at the dungeon. He thought that they might have encountered some problems while he is away.

But just to be sure, he asked for the caller's identity first.

[Who are you?]

In a slightly aggressive tone.

The caller did not respond fast and Jayce thought that it must be a prank. He was about to end the call until he heard a sound of a car honking, afterward, the caller began talking once more...

[It doesn't matter. I know that Sir Bancroft trusts you and I overheard him at some time that he mentioned that you are a quite capable fighter. Please! Help—]

But before he could finish his words, the call was interrupted, shifting to a drop beat, shortly ending the call.

"Ah fuck! The heck?! At least say where you at."

Jayce cussed the caller, but he had to calm down for he soon thought that there is no time to waste. He felt that the Dean must be in grave danger, for the caller mentioned him!

Making an about-face, trying to find the quickest route towards the parking space, Jayce hurriedly ran forward ditching his bag in the process.

Jayce has none of the slightest idea that the time to repay his debt had approached him quite too early.

Meanwhile, The other students who had been eying him from afar wondered where he would go as they scratch their heads.

Someone who could not contain his curiosity any longer timidly asked the student beside him,

"Eyy where do you think that bumpkin is going?"

Then the student beside him who is standing near the flag pole answered,

"I don't know. Perhaps he wants to try to stop Fiel from leaving Hahaha like shooting a Dramatic Movie I guess?"

They made fun out of Jayce.

It is morning and like any other Public Schools, Hariya Academy is not exempt from performing the morning ceremonies where they sang The school Hymn and did some short morning exercises that warmed up their body.

They were all coupled up, lined up, facing the grand bronze statue of an Eagle that is spreading its wings wide open—the symbol of Hariya Academy.

In addition to students that are already making fun of Jayce, some of the freshmen who just arrived at the quadrangle misunderstood Jayce.

"Excuse me, senior, that guy who just ran... Is he considered the clown of this school?"

In which the proud senior with his golden emblem at his chest loudly affirmed,

"Yeah! The country bumpkin who thinks he can be the same as us!"

They thought that he is running away from the bullies which then created a lowly impression on them. These people were taught by their parents how to label people and how to put emphasis on people's status, that is why upon hearing those remarks, they already placed Jayce at the bottom. Adding the fact that he did not even try to retort and just ran away solidified their belief.

Each of the Freshmen then also began making fun of Jayce, laughing beside the other students at the quadrangle.

Amidst the other's mocking laughter, Jayce who is at the center of these easily reached his motorbike.

Not minding what they say, he rode at his bike in worry while also making a call.

The line swiftly connected and a croaky voice entered Jayce's ears.

[What's up Boss?]

Jayce felt at ease that it was Carlo who answered his phone and not some random girl like the usual situation that happens a lot of time.

[Carlo! I can't spare you the details, Quick! I need some assistance. Track this bastard's address for me: XX13742XX that's the caller's signature.]

No fucks given, Carlo could feel the silent madness coming out from the voice of his Boss in that instance. It's as if Jayce is about to rip someone's heart out.

He knew he had to finish it as soon as Jayce's bike started revving up.

[Aight, wait a sec...]

Some buttons were heard clicking and clanking...


[Got it! I've sent the address to your inbox. Take care Boss!]

There was no time to give thanks, and as soon as Jayce received the message. The motorbike's engine began roaring.

Again, Jayce is the center of everyone's attention.

The security tried to block his path but Jayce was unfazed. He barges out of the looming gate with such cruelty along with a joke about his life saying to himself,

'Heh! Yeaaa... Trouble is my Best Friend'

He laughed maniacally with his shadow leaving past behind the school in chaos.