Jayce the Tiger

Through word of mouth, heavy promotions by painting graffiti, posting it on online sites, whether it's legal or illegal: news of a once-in-a-lifetime event had spread throughout the hood and all of the nearby streets in the City of Ragoria.

It's not just because of the people who would fight, but also because of what the two people are betting.

Life in exchange for a chance to be crowned as the "King of The Dungeon." or for the king himself to show them, how much he had grown.

Ever since Jayce came to steal the spotlight, the underworld had become more lively. He had innovated additional entertainment that began to spread across all the cities and towns.

Undoubtfully, Jayce made a big name for himself due to this.

According to rumors, he is formerly a delinquent who never joined any Gangs but is skilled in fighting.

That's also the reason he got his nickname,

"The Tiger."

Because he is always ALONE.

Like the beast as his name, he would hunt his prey solitarily—journeying the darkest alleys, unafraid of the danger with the sole purpose of tainting his fists in red.

His unsatiable craving for violence kept him from repeating these activities until people had just grown to be scared of him, earning the nickname: The Tiger.

But one day, a sensational change took place and before they knew it, a new boss appeared. Who would have thought, that the once solitary 'The Tiger' would group up with other delinquents?

Before it was called Dungeon, that place is once ruled by another hotshot. Jayce crippled him and replaced him as their new boss.

Since then, a new Legend is born.

It's been two years! For a fledgling, that was enough time to prove his qualification. Yet, there are still many who questions his authority.

Jayce De Vera, The King of the Dungeon, A.K.A—the Tiger must prove his right.

...Through an iron fist!


The Dungeon!

Fight night comes, and there are so many people inside that they are spilling out the walls of the whole stadium.

"Close call, it is nice to place Ten heavies to guard the den for tonight... I even added CCTVs just in case! neatly done Jayce."

Praising himself while murmuring, the Boss walks out to greet the spectators in his arena.

Tonight is a special night. Unlike his usual appearance, he wore his fists bare with his top naked and in full display—Not particularly big or wide, just the right amount of mass, he is lightly lean but kind of ripped.

People could see how perfect his toned muscles are!

His body is covered in black stripes akin to a Tiger, these tattoos gladly embraced his origins as if to remind everyone who he is.

He walked out of the tunnel and stepped inside a huge spherical cage.

Upon his arrival, the crowd ceases to move. All the rowdy noises, endless chitchats came to a halt before it exploded to cheers.


His devote followers chanted his name!

The audience's vibrant clothes decorated the stands, people move like enchanting shoals of fish.

There is chatter between sellers and buyers at the halls, old friends catching up, new friends being made. It's quite chaotic, but the hustle and bustle brought life to the arena.

When someone else looked at it, it would seem like any ordinary boxing match, they could forget that this is the Underworld.

*Tang! Tang! Tang!*

Drums began to beat, crowds...

...infinite growing crowds were roaring in excitement!

The opposite corner, tonight's Challenger Flynn also made his entourage. Unlike Jayce, the people receive him in contempt.

"Boooo! Flynn! You've gotten greedy! How could you go against the Boss?!"

"Hah! Once you are dead, we would spit our saliva to your corpse! How dare you covet The Tiger's Lair?!"

Standing across from Jayce—a fat-bellied man gazes reluctantly at the Tiger with beads of sweat. He slowly stepped inside the spherical cage.

He is none other than, Flynn the Untouchable!

When he entered the cage, like how it was planned, the cage rose from the ground. An overly large white screen also appeared as it blocked the stairs leading to the Boss's room.

Spectators can now see their duel clearly, especially those who sat in front of the stadium.

Then, below the cage, water is poured and crocodiles were released. This made the crowd excited once again.

"How exciting! I'm glad I bought a ticket! Hahaha"

Most people in the crowd were boisterous as they laugh, they had one thought as their blood pumps—'this is a spectacle only available in this place!'

If the fighters fell, they would risk themselves as food to these reptiles.

Aside from that, the very same tunnels they came from are now sealed! Metallic doors dropped and Jayce's pets were displayed!


They are tied in their collars, each of them is guarding the tunnels.

These big cats are like chocolate spread on marmalade, marmalade being the platforms they stood. As if their appearance is a mix of turmeric grizzly bears with a kitty cat and made it every bit as splendid as its lion cousins.

Adorable but deadly!

This will make sure that Flynn wouldn't be able to escape, just in case he safely passed the man-made river full of crocs, below the cage.

Fight Time!

Star Combatants scanned their Fighter Cards, it registered their names as it began to display their names on the monitor.

Jayce the Tiger versus Flynn the Untouchable!

It is unprecedented like the first time in this place's history! Like when Jayce challenged the previous owner of this place.

Now, the same as the previous owner, Jayce would have to defend himself.

He resolved himself. His eyes made a resemblance to a beast—The Tiger!

Shining from those clouded black eyes was a knowledge of this wild place and a sense that it was all the home a tiger could ever wish for.

His Lair...

...The den of the Tiger.

This is his kingdom!

And he would kill to protect it.