Do you want it? Come take it!

But something made Jayce falter.

'You are just like me... back then.'

He saw a piece of himself in this fat bull.

Seeing this man ready to gobble him up, the heart that knows struggle called out to Jayce. His sense of sympathy kicked in.

He looked at Flynn, straight in his eye.

"The fight hasn't started yet. I recognize your ability as a fighter. It would be a shame to end your history here."

Flynn's squinting eyes moistened. Jayce's words tugged his calloused heart as he listened carefully.

"All you have to do is tell this arena full of people how wrong you are to disrespect me, and we can call off the fight. Also, if you want... I can accept you to my crew. You will have the same standing as Carlo."

But at the mention of Carlo's name, Flynn spits on the ground and angrily cracks his knuckles.

Flynn and Carlo had a bloody feud against each other, it started when Carlo humiliated Flynn in public, saying: He can never be qualified to enter the ranks of Jayce's group.

That's also the reason why Flynn's heart warmed when Jayce offered him a position in his team.

Yet, based on how Jayce reacted...

it seems like...

The Boss was never aware of it.

Something tickled Flynn as he remembered Carlo. He felt this surge of urge welling inside.

'Being a sidekick of a great boss seemed nice. But becoming the boss... I can order that arrogant prick around if I am the boss.'

Flynn started imagining a world where he ordered people around while sitting in a mountain of gold.

"No, I have decided..."

Flynn is not backing down!

"Sorry Boss, but I would have to decline your generous offer."

Jayce simply nodded as he prepares to fight. He then cracks his neck as he relaxes his shoulders.

"You want my lair? I want your skull! Prepare for a motherfuckiiing beatdown, fat ass!"

"Damn you! lil' punk! Prepare for some spanking, I bet your momma never gave!"

The two fighters exchanges insults and the sound of the bell rang.


A referee came flying with a hoverboard, just near the cage, dawning a full black protective suit. He waves his scarf to signal the start of the fight.

And similar to any underground match, there are no definite rules. Be nasty, be a coward, anything would work fine as long as you don't get yourself killed.

Of course, weapons are still prohibited. This is a slugfest!

If before, fighters can take breaks at every round, tonight's match is different.

Because tonight is a real deathmatch!

No breaks!

The last man standing wins the match!

Flynn ran forward like a flash of light, he flings his fists at Jayce and before the Tiger can react, the shifty moves he had mastered cusses to takes off a piece of Jayce's right cheek.

He snaps it a couple more times, coming dangerously close to Jayce's throat.

"Yeah... I became greedy!"

Flynn proudly confesses, he had a relieved expression at the corners of his wrinkly forehead.

Then he gave a barrage of whip-like jabs, targetting the body of Jayce. A weak spot to which Jayce is very vulnerable.

"Good stingy punches!"

The boss is impressed! He applauded Flynn for researching his weakness beforehand.

"But that is not enough!"

Enduring the blows...

Though Jayce had no formal martial arts training, his primal strength and ferocity more than compensated, and he leveled his more technically sound opponents like a feral beast.

And just like his matches in the past...

He would just have to unleash the beast inside.

While Jayce is trying to deal with Flynn's weird-floppy-jabs unfitting to his opponent's gigantic size, Flynn nails Jayce in the face, with a right hook!

He lands a flat score, squarely at the boss!

He draws his jabs back like a sword being sheathed.

They are not even a minute since the match started, and already, Flynn is going for the kill.

Jayce will not allow him anymore!

"You had your fun, now it's my time."

The Boss had noticed that every time Flynn made jabs with his left, he drops his right guard quite wide open.

That is where he would strike!

After catching his breath Flynn the Untouchable launched himself.

This is beyond Jayce's expectations!

To enter the Boss's range is to ask for a beating.

Instantly lashing jabs at Jayce, it grazed Jayce's neck once more. The Boss evaded it at hair's breadth. But this time, instead of moving aside to prepare for the next throw, Jayce grabs Flynn's fist.

With his bare hands!

Flynn's crazed eyes bulge from his dumbfounded bald head.

The crowd roared in anticipation!

They don't want to miss a beat!

Their blood is pumping high!

Hair stands on end...

This is the joy of watching these kinds of matches: the adrenaline coursing over their veins.


A loud growl escapes from the corner of the stadium. Hearing this, others also started clapping or raising their hands to the air.

Most of them barely felt the feeling of being alive.

But seeing a bloody scene live, made them feel, they are alive!

At this moment!

A punch is thrown across Flynn's jab, cutting into where it should have landed.

It is a direct hit!

In a battle where any given second is fatal, one punch can overturn the tide of a fight!

Blood runs down to Jayce's forearm, he crouched to pull Flynn by his hand, yanking him into his other fist.

The crowd jumped in ecstasy as blood continued to drip from Flynn's nostrils. Some of them shouted,

"Fuckin' fatso! Go drop dead! Finish him, boss!!!"

Jayce did what they told, he repeated the motion a few more times, his two front knuckles are chewing Flynn's face into a pulp.

Like a piston moving back and forth!

Massive swings of left and right hooks!

Beating the face of Flynn until it's unrecognizable.

When Jayce finally stops punching, Flynn coughs out a tooth and says,

"This is a mistake! Stop... don't kill me!" Flynn pleaded.

"What're you doing? I'm your biggest draw,"

In his battered and swelling cheeks, words are hard to speak.

"Certainly, you have grown to become greedy... But looks like you forgot, I have also grown."

Jayce had grown to become more ruthless...

The last dip broke Flynn's skull.

Jayce made an uppercut, straightly aimed at Flynn's chin.

With his last ounce of energy, Flynn spurts a big mouthful of blood into Jayce's face—right there in front of all the people present and everybody who dares to question the Tiger's authority.

'I can't have an arena full of people thinking I'm not the boss.'

Jayce thought while standing still at the center of the very stage he made. Then he stared at the crowd for a while before loudly proclaiming,


Ending his ear-shattering speech, he picked the defunct Flynn up by the throat, and slams him!

He slammed him as hard as he can, smashing his greedy baldy head, deep into the floor of the cage.

Flynn had life for a moment as he twitches for a second, then eventually stops.


At the same time the crowd...


Jayce raised his fist, welcoming their cheers, declaring in front of the crowd why he is the boss.