chapter 10

"Well it seems that when the Gods disappeared they didn't actually disappear they went into the body of a human and have been hibernating inside the so called host and have finally reappeared."

As soon as i said that the shock on Katrina's face became very evident.

[well I can't blame her even if you have suspicions like me it is still shocking to hear from someone else]

Katrina's mouth opened and closed a few time trying to figure out what to say. When she couldn't say anything after a few minutes I got up and walked around the table and sat beside her.

I placed my arm around her and pulled her in tight. She seemed to relax a little. Then while she was relaxing she suddenly stiffened and pulled away as if she thought of something.

"what's wrong" I asked with my voice lased with concern

She looked straight at me as if she were about to ask the biggest question of her life.

"th-then does that mean your one of them to?" her voice came out a lot softer then she was probably hoping for it to.

"haa" I let out a sigh, thankful that was all it was.

[That's it, jeez I was worried for nothing]

"What are you sighing about it's a serious question" her voice was a lot louder this time as if she wasn't as worried this time.

I chuckled when she said that.

I looked at her and told her and told her "no I'm not like them I'm a little different"


I immediately relaxed when Shay said that. But suddenly it hit me.

[what does he mean a little different]

My body tensed back up I looked back at Shay and before I could even say anything as if he read my mind he started talking again.

"I was originally created by the Gods so I am my own being and not the host of any Gods"

I was really surprised when he said that.

[he was created by the Gods]

[wait then why does he seem to be against the Gods did something happen between Shay and the Gods]

"so then why are you so against the Gods"

he gave me a sad smile as if he was remembering something.

"ah sorry I shouldn't have asked"

"no it's quite all right you would find out about it eventually"

All I could do was look at him expectantly waiting in anticipation.

"Well aren't you excited"

he looked at me and smiled

All I could do was nod my head

"It is a long story are you sure you want to hear it."

"yes" I immediately responded


He pulled me into his arms and I relaxed and leaned into his chest. Shay looked up towards the ceiling and started to speak his story.

"Well... this story begins over 10000 years ago...."