Dakota could be seen walking in the streets of the Vermilion district while holding a bottle of beer.

After roaming around the streets for too long she was brought into the dark alleys of the district.

"I'm lost" Dakota blandly spoke a

while fishing out her phone to locate her location yet a strange scent caught her attention.

The bottle in her dropped in the ground as it shattered into pieces and the alcohol stained Dakota's shoes yet Dakota seems to paid no attention to it as she was captivated by the scent as if she was spellbound and unable to breakfree.

The footsteps seems heavier by each step she took closer to the direction of the smell and her breathing became uncomfortable.

What strong pheromones

Dakota thought as she wiped her sweat and followed the direction of the scent. It was dark in the dark alley as there were barely any lighting in the place which makes it difficult for Dakota to see her path.

"Stop!!!" a female voice sounded as she screamed horrifically not only to that Dakota could also hear rustling noises that belong to other people.

As if losing her rationally Dakota went straight to the owner of the voice and as he ran closer to it the scent became thicker and stronger. It was an addicting sweet smell that an alpha couldn't resist when an omega is in heat.

There were five men surrounded the girl with smiles on their faces that carries malicious intents.

"We aren't alphas but we could still satisfy you"


"Play with us and we'll satisfy you"

But before one of them tried to laid his hand to caress the girl, Dakota kicked him that knocked his balance out.

"Hey who are you?!!!!"

"I did not even notice her"


Loosing her rationality was the worse possibility Dakota had, anger surge up in her head as she beat up the men that tried to attack her.

She grabbed the man closest to her by the head and used her knee to punch his head, it was only one attack yet with Dakota's force the man's nose was broken as blood tainted his face unrecognizably and fainted on the ground.

Seeing the situation the other men began to pull out their knives and ran towards Dakota yet she easily countered the first person the ran towards her by grabbing his right hand that holds the knife and kicked his balls as she snatched the knife on his hand.

"Fuck!!! Get her!!!!" the man crouched on the ground in pain.

There were three remaining men that attacked Dakota again yet she easily slashed them with the knife, she only made wound cuts in their arms and legs avoiding their critical spots.

Seeing them on the ground crouching in pain and blood she began beating them with her fists making sure all of them were unconscious.

Every move Dakota made were fast and one single look at her one could easily tell she had experienced much more than this.

After making sure that the last person was unconscious, the hand that was tightly gripping his shirt loosened and her left fist that she used was stained with blood.

The girl that was in heat couldn't move in the ground as she was still suffering from the heat.

"So sweet" for the first time her alpha instincts got the best of her, she was like a slave in her instincts unable to break free.

At that very moment she had only one thought in her mind and that is to mate with this girl and mark her.

The girl shivered as Dakota came closer and smelled her neck, chills ran down from her body.

"Let me take a look at your face" Dakota spoke in a low and hoarse tone as she grabbed the girls chin to face her.

There is only a dim light in the dark alley yet it was enough for Dakota to see the girl's face.

Her heart skipped a beat as she gazed at those beautiful pair of golden eyes as if Dakota was lost in a trance she couldn't help but get addicted to touching her.

"Stop!" the girl shouted followed by a moan as Dakota kissed her neck and her hands began to roam around the girl's body.

[A little more.....only little more and I can stop...just a little taste]

Dakota thought as she tried to restrained her lust, she had taken aphrodisiac drugs before yet compared to an omega's scent they were incomparable.

After marking the girl with hickeys, Dakota made her way to the girl's lips.

[So soft]

Dakota forced her tongue in while the girl still resisted, Dakota had her other hand grope the girl's butt which made her moan and she took that chance to slip her tongue in.

Dakota's lower body was excited, for the first time in her 2 life times as a girl Dakota didn't expect that she would be so attracted to the same sex.

The girl was that was trying to push Dakota away gradually felt like she lost all her strength and let the other person do as she wish. This made Dakota smirked and more excited.

Her hand started then to fondle with the girl's breasts, they were heavy yet so soft that they were even bigger than her own hand as she fondled them.

[I want to bite her nape and make her mine]

Dakota upon realizing her own thoughts paused her actions and realized how much of her own actions has gone too far.

Even the girl was shocked as Dakota suddenly paused, she was still out of breath from Dakota's kiss and panted.

She even thought that she will be r*ped by an alpha, she immediately knew that the other person was an alpha based on her words and actions....she kept smelling her neck and saying 'sweet' which indicates how alphas react to an omega's scent.

Alphas describes pheromones emitted by omegas as sweet and addicting scent that they couldn't resist not only that they always targets the nape of omegas, not only that female alphas are strong too as they are pumped up with testosterones.

Dakota clenched her jaw as she took the knife and made a wound in her arm. Her actions surprised the girl yet Dakota only remained calm despite having troubles surpressing her desires.

She took the medicine that she always carries with her and handed it to the girl.

The wound in her arm was deep and the pain was distracting her.

"This..." the girl stared at the drugs in her hand, not only the set are medicine that omegas would take to control their heat but they are the very expensive ones.

She did not waste time and swallowed it.

Dakota walked a few meters away as she waited for the pheromones to disperse.

She was supposed to reach out for Purple Mavis in her pocket earlier yet it seems like she was not carrying any and only reached out for the medicine tablet.

Those medicine are the ones that being manufactured by the Kuryuu family and was developed by Sullivan which means those medicine are very effective compared to others and are rare to find.

She could have sold it at large amounts but it will only decrease its price so she decided to release it at limited amounts. It only took a moment for the pheromones to disperse and Dakota walked back towards the girl as she took  off her jacket and wrapped it around the her.

"Are you fine now?" Dakota asked seemingly entranced by the girl, she just noticed it but the girl has a long curly ash gray hair that complimented her eye colour.

Dakota stared at the girl, if she was late even a second those filthly scums would have laid their hands on her.

Now that Dakota has finally found her pair she was not willing to let her go.

"I'm fine now and my friends are coming for me" the girl replied.

Dakota helped her to stand up.

"How about you?" the girl added as she pointed at Dakota's wounded arm.

"It's nothing" Dakota replied.

[It's bleeding so much and the wound was pretty deep too]

The girl decided to took out her handkerchief and tied it on Dakota's arm. She still felt uncomfortable with Dakota staring at her.

"Don't make me see you again or else I'll slap you!" the girl spoke as she ran away.

"So cute" Dakota stared at her disappearing figure and stood there for quite a while before realizing that she did not get the girl's name.