"Damn" Kannon woke up in her bed feeling so tired.

She had dreamt about last night and memories of last night flashed in her mind. Unconsciously her hand caressed her lips and reminisce about the kiss.

"Humph! I won't still forgive her taking my first kiss and she didn't even said sorry" Kannon got out of her bed as she took a shower.

She kept thinking about the incident last night....she was indecently touched by a female alpha and she was supposed to feel disgusted....but why does it feel like she was kinda...enjoying it and wanted to feel more?

The thought of it made Kannon slap her cheeks in embarrassment as her face flushed red.

"Not only that she even stabbed her own arm to distract herself.....but why is she even carrying an omega's medicine? She's an alpha and doesn't need to take those" she spoke to herself as the water poured like rain to her, drenching her whole body.

"I didn't even see her face clearly since it was so dark and has barely any light.... what if she is ugly? Nooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My first kiss!.....but that damn hot and sexy voice was so hard to resist!!!!" Kannon blushed even further as she thought of Dakota's low and deep voice.

Kannon was only wearing a towel after having a quick shower and saw the hickeys on her neck and collarbone, for her it's a major problem if anyone sees this it will be a massive humiliation for her not only that it will affect her reputation in her new University.

She just enrolled in Haven University the top university in Sector Cinq where anyone would be begging to get in if they don't belong in the high society.

Although she did not came from the high society she worked her way up to get in the Haven University and achieved a scholarship which earned many envy.

"I shouldn't have come when Indigo invited me!" Kannon rampaged in her closet as she tried to find a sweater to wear even though it was scorching hot outside.

[But then I wouldn't have met her, not only she stopped herself from going further she even saved me from those scums...]

Kannon deeply thought...but she also put great importance to her appearnce too!

She liked wearing fashionable clothes and simple outfits are a big no to Kannon.

After finally matching her clothes she went out of her dorm and met with her bestfriend Indigo, both of them are omegas but were registered as betas to hide the fact that they are omegas.

The Haven University only requires alpha and beta students as most of their students are alphas and having an omega student that would suddenly go in heat would surely cause ruckus and scandal which will taint the school's reputation.

The only reason that Kannon and her friend, Indigo, took the risk is because they are both orphans that strived to succeed as no one was supporting them.

Being a graduate in Haven University will secure their job opportunities in the future as they can get in any company and occupation that they want. To be able to hide the fact that they are omegas is because they have been feeding themselves with pills.

The medicines are very expensive which is why Kannon and Indigo works at the Vermilion district as waitresses to be able to cover for their expenses and their wages in Vermilion district are pretty good.

"Hey Kannon where did you ran off last night?" Indigo asked in a whisper as she wrapped her arm on Kannon's shoulders.

"It was because 'it' acted up again and I need to stay away" Kannon replied.

Indigo only respond with an 'oh' seemingly understanding Kannon's words, both of they have developed their own secret method of communication relating to their heat as they cannot just directly talk about it so openly.

"Next time tell me and don't just ran away if something happened with you I might not know what to do" Indigo sighed.

The two walked into their classroom as they were greeted with a huge wave of people.

"Miss Yui!!"

"She's so beautiful"

"I heard she is greatly favored by the teachers"

"Not only talented, beautiful and intelligent as well"

"As expected from the daughter of the Kagami family"

Most of the students kept praising Yui while Kannon and Indigo were stucked in the corner of the class.

"She's pretty and wealthly but in talent she lacks you compared to you"  Indigo whispered in Kannon's ear.

They were taking a fashion design course and everyone in their class are very competitive especially the ones who came from wealthly families especially Yui, her family runs clothing brands and being a fashion designer runs in her family's genes.

"I wish we had some of her genes" Kannon whispered back to Indigo.

"Wha-? No way haven't you heard? Two weeks ago she got into a huge quarrel with the one and only Desmund Ingorov because both of their luxury cars crashed to each others and you know what happens to people that messed with the Ingorov family" Indigo replied.

"Well the influence of Ingorov family is within the thirteen sectors and the influence of Kagami family is within only in Sector Cinq and it's obvious the Ingorov family is much more powerful" she added making sure nobody else hears it.

Kannon stared at Yui for a moment then shifted her gaze to her notes.

[She always do shine anywhere she goes]

Kannon thought.

"..." Leto was staring at Dakota who seemed lost in her thoughts as she rested her chin in her hand on her desk while smiling like an idiot.

"*Ahem!!" Leto lightly coughed to catch Dakota's attention.


[Did she even hear me at all???]

Leto stared at Dakota, whenever he wants to get her attention he'll only need to lightly cough and it always works but now.....somehting isn't right.

"Boss!!!" Leto shouted towards her.

"If you are going to ask for a leave to cure that tuberculosis of yours get out!" Dakota's mood soured after Leto interrupting her.


"Fine! I won't hand you over the files that you asked me last night!!!!!" Leto was about to stormed out of the office but was immediately stopped by Dakota.

Without any warnings she snatched the files in Leto's hand.

"You've been acting weird since last night" Leto complained towards Dakota.

At the middle of the night she called him which disturbed his sleep and asked him to look for someone with ash gray hair and gold eye color in the Vermilion district. Her took the time for his sleep and looked for that person to be only treated like this and not even a thank you?!

"Tsk" Leto rolled his eyes as Dakota browsed to the documents.

"Thank you" Dakota spoke towards him while continuing to browse the papers.

[Well at least she said thank you but she gotta repay me for my sleep]

Leto yawned feeling tired and exhausted as he slumped on the couch and closed his eyes immediately falling asleep.

Dakota caressed the picture of a familiar face with a gentle smile.

"Kannon Hasegawa" Dakota spoke in a gentle tone.