"Well I did fool him, Hairi informed me my father paid them a huge sum of money to investigate my relationship with the underworld society and of course she just basically handed him bunch of reports of how I just basically handle businesses and tradings in Sector Uno under various gang groups" Dakota stated with confidence.

"Well consider your request done" Leto spoke as he stood up from the couch and was about to leave.

"And investigate my mother's relationship with Yui Kagami" Dakota stared at Leto's eyes indicating it was a matter to be taken seriously.

"Of course"

Kannon was busy cleaning up tables she works at a waitress in one of the biggest hotels in the Vermilion District. After their hotel switched managements it seems like she and Indigo have been quite treated very preciously by their manager.

"My shift is finally over" Kannon wiped her sweat as she and Indigo went to their lockers to change their clothes.

"Hey Kannon tomorrow is Sunday why don't we spend sometime shopping" Indigo spoke as she teasingly nudged Kannon.

Since both of them have no class on the following day then they have plenty of time to rest.

"It's a good thing the Vermilion district is open 24/7" Indigo added as she stared at the shops with a bright smile on her face.

"Where should we start?" Kannon brought up, her eyes looked around at the vast place they were in.

The Vermilion district is not just filled with all sorts of vices but other businesses as well, such as clothing stores, a nearby mall, fast foods, and others. There were so many to choose that it was hard to know which to start first.

"I need new clothes" Indigo pointed at the clothing store just across them.

Although knowing that Indigo just bought clothes a couple days ago Kannon could not resist the excitement in her friend's eyes.

"I know you really like buying clothes but isn't too much?" Kannon raised her brow as she stared at the shopping bags in Indigo's hand.

"Of course! Don't you want to buy something other than that scarf? And don't you want to look good infront of someone?" Indigo teased as she shot Kannon a playful smile.

"Tsk" Kannon pouted her lips as her face slightly turned red.

[Why do I even think of her?]

Kannon shifted her gaze as her face slightly flushed.

Knowing Kannon for most of her life, Indigo was not at the slightest convinced.

"What are you doing??!!" Kannon was creeped out at her friend's intense gaze, Indigo was staring at her so closely and on top of that in a crowded place.

"I don't believe you at all" Indigo rolled her eyes.

"Hey that's just unfair I wasn't hiding anything!!!" Kannon insisted slightly angry.

"Doubt it" Indigo continued to ignore Kannon's retaliation.

"Hey you two are you somehow alone?" a young man suddenly came to approach them.

His dashing looks and charming smile could make any girls heart flutter, yet Kannon and Indigo were already used to these type of men. Their eyes suddenly turned serious as they glared at him.

"We need to go!!!" Kannon grabbed Indigo's hand as both of them were about to leave the young man made huge strides and blocked their path.

"Don't be so wary I only wanted to get along with you" the young man put a sad expression.

"What exactly do you mean by 'get along?' huh?!!" Indigo was about to push the young man away but her hand was grabbed by a great force.

Indigo and Kannon looked at the owner of the man and saw a big burly man in a black suit.

What the-

Both of them froze at the moment, the people that passed by only looked at them and adverted their eyes immediately. It's not like they did not want to help it's because they couldn't.

The rumors of the Gen clan's fatuous youngest son could literally shook people in the Vermilion district.

Who wouldn't know the infamous Gen clan? There were the ones that owned half of the Vermilion district and has a notorious reputation of serving huge figures in the underworld society.

"How cold let's get you warmed up inside" the young man spoke with an innocent smile on his face as if he didn't muttered something so disturbing.

Kannon and Indigo couldn't even scream for help as they stared at the pitiful gazes of the people directed towards them. At that moment they knew anything that they would do is futile.

The men escorted them inside and lead them to a room where they were locked inside.

"You have your extra phone right?" Indigo asked as she nudged at Kannon.

"I have mine" Kannon replied, as they were forced inside the room most of their belongings were snatched especially their phones but luckily Indigo and Kannon were always prepared.

"But even if we have our phones who should we call? The Gen clan is powerful enough to let the police ignore all their illegal deeds" Indigo spoke as a tear escaped their eyes.

The young man that they met earlier could not stop his mouth rambling about the Gen clan's youngest son. They immediately knew what they were brought for, countless disappearance of girls in Vermilion district were reported and was said to be the Gen clan's youngest son's deeds, kidnapping girls to be his pleasure toys but then those rumors were said to be false as the securities in the district had increased to prove that the Vermilion district is safe.

But now Kannon and Indigo knew that it was just nothing but a farce to cover up the rumors.

Kannon immediately remembered Dakota's business card in her sleeve as she took it out. A surprise expression could be seen in her face as she stared at the bold letters in the card stating Dakota Kaede.

Indigo sensing Kannon's odd expression while staring at a piece of paper was curious as she take a look at it.

"Kannon why do you have that?" Indigo stared at her.

"I'll explain later, I know someone who could help us get out of here" Kannon spoke as she took out a spare phone in her ankle that was hidden under her pants.