"I didn't expect you to suddenly call me to hang out" Dakota spoke as she stared at the person before her.

Hairi was pouring a drink in her cup and drank it immediately.

She wasn't wearing her usual kimono clothes and was dressed in casual clothing, her used to be neatly styled red hair was all over her shoulders and her sharp citrine yellow eyes could easily intimidate anyone.

"I couldn't exactly say that we are friends but at least we deserve to drink a bit" Hairi replied as she poured another liquor and stared at the glass she was holding with her unfathomable eyes.

"Of all people I didn't really expect you to be in Vermilion district" Dakota slightly laughed her eyes secretly measuring Hairi.

"I'm more wild than you think I am" Hairi brough the glass to her lips as she replied, there was an ambiguity in her tone as if she was just fooling around or serious.

"You sure are" Dakota walked over and sat on the opposite side of Hairi playing along with her.

"You looked troubled" she added as she poured herself a liquor.

"My men are even forcing me to get married even choosing a lot of potential marriage candidates, they doesn't seem bad but don't feel right" Hairi replied.

Despite being young yet troubled by marriage do speak a lot about her circumstances.

Once she dies and leaves no heir, her supporters in the Tori family will gradually dissipate. Her brother will be at the mercy of their elder sister and his safety will be questionable.

"Isn't it ironic? I am trying to escape my engagement and here you are trying to find someone to marry" Dakota had a mischievous smile on her face, the expression on her face reflected her playful nature yet her words held undeniable truth.

"Aren't you troubled too? You have no heirs and your parents don't even know what you are dealing in the underworld society, the next thing they will know you are already dead" Hairi squinted her eyes as she looked at Dakota's carefree nature.

"That was pretty harsh but true and you are wrong at the same time. I'm not that easily killed, my existence is like a pest to other people, I am a threat to them and always slip away at their hands" Dakota laughed though her eyes turned silently dangerous as if her gaze could pierce though anyone.

[I cannot believe this person, just how humble is she to lower herself as low as a pest?]

Hairi thought, no matter how she looked at Dakota she could not fathom her existence.

Suddenly Dakota's phone rang and a unknown number appeared in her phone. There was a swift suspicion that flashed in her eyes though she still picked it up, only a handful of people know about her number and for an anonymous person to call her, turns on her vigilance.

"Dakota help me" Kannon's voice could be heard on the other side.

Dakota's eyes widened as she heard Kannon calling her name yet it wasn't a tone filled with affection but fear. The slight tremble and anxiousness is undeniable that could even make Dakota's heart skip a beat.

Suddenly her eyes turned deadly dangerous.

"Where are you?" Dakota spoke softly yet the expression on her face was chilling even Hairi could feel the temperature drop significantly.

"Vermilion district at Gen clan's nightclub" Kannon replied swiftly which indicates that she was in a hurry yet her tone could not stop trembling.

"I got it, I'll be there as fast as I could" Dakota replied in a gentle tone.

"Hairi I'll be going" Dakota's serious and cold expression made Hairi wonder what could make her made such an expression.

"It seems trouble I'll be going with you then" Hairi stood up as she followed Dakota.

Pulling out the men that she sent to watch over Kannon was a bad idea, thinking that Kannon's privacy is something she shouldn't meddle with and that keeping an eye at her during work was already enough that is why she bought the hotel that Kannon was working with.

"Do you have any idea about the nightclub owned by the Gen clan?" Dakota asked Hairi as both of them ran hastily at the stairs.

"The Gen clan owns half of the Vermilion district and this place is the one nightclub they operate" Hairi responded already suspicious that Dakota was finding someone, though not just simply someone but rather someone relatively very important.

"So that means she might be near" Dakota mumbled as her eyes roamed around.

Passing by a waiter she grabbed him and glared at his eyes. The waiter was slammed into the cold wall as his eyes reflected death, the scene was nothing more than a prey simply at the mercy of the predator.

"Tell me where to find your family head!" Dakota had her hand at his neck, chocking him.

Hairi could not believe at Dakota's composure, it was obvious that she was angry and she expected her to be out of control but Dakota's extreme composure while about to snap someone's neck is much more dangerous.

"H-He's at his Presidential Suite in the... n-nightclub and only those in the Gen clan can.....access" the waiter responded coughing up there was an obvious trace of bruises on his throat, Dakota's fingers.

"Tell him he has business with the Tori family" Hairi spoke calmly though her eyes were void of any emotion.

"Y-Yes!" the waiter immediately scrammed off.

Hairi brought some of her men so it was probably enough to take caution in any unlikely events that would unfold.

Although she wanted Dakota to answer her questions but seeing her quiet yet agitated state, Hairi did not dare to put more pressure to her.

"Ahh the Tori family! I have sent many invitations before but you rejected it so many times and I did not expect you to find me at your own will!!" Tsurugi Gen spoke laughing seemingly pleased with Hairi's presence.

The wrinkles on his round face reflected his old age and the expression he has expresses his inner personality. Though someone so predictable as him that shows his every motive on his face shouldn't be able to maintain foothold in the underworld society do unfolds his competence.

"And who is this beside you?" Tsurugi could not help but be bother by the pressure brought by the dangerous aura that Dakota was emitting.

Her presence alone was enough to intimidate the people in the room, as if she was pinning each one of them in the ground.

"This is the head of the Kuryuu family, Dakota Kaede" Hairi spoke emotionlessly, her uninterest shows her displeasure meeting with someone like Tsurugi.

Upon hearing the Kuryuu and Kaede name, Tsurugi's eyes widened with surprise. Who couldn't recognize the Kaede name in Sector Cinq? Apparently they are one of the most powerful families in the sector and decades of balance with the sectors most powerful families seemed to finally move. and rumors in the underworld society about the Kaede family's daughter to be the head of the Kuryuu family has finally confirmed right before his eyes.

At first he couldn't recognize her face as she was facing sideways but looking directly at her, she is indeed the Kaede family's daughter.

[What an incredible amount of pressure]

Tsurugi could not help but wipe the sweat on his head not only that he could feel his chest being suffocated.

"Ahh miss Kaede it's a pleasure to meet you" as he was about to stretch his hand towards her, Dakota stared at his eyes as if his whole body was being hammered to the ground.

"I will cut to the chase, you took someone from me..... I'm not going to standby and do nothing" Dakota spoke staring at him as if piercing through his soul and gouging it out.

"W-what are you talking about?" Tsuguri replied completely startled and unaware of Dakota's vigilance towards him.

"You dare make me repeat my words?" Dakota added, the lingering coldness in her tone could make someone question their worth.

[If it is about kidnapping someone, I guess its related to my youngest son]

Tsurugi was still adamant from admitting and tried to resist.

"Each lie costs a finger" Dakota threatened with a mysterious and sadistic smile on her face while pointing at his fingers.

Tsurugi gulped and fear started to surface in his eyes. Dakota's words were like a curse bounding him to surrender to his fate.

"I will do everything I can" he replied swiftly as he signaled his men to come forward.