It's a new dawn

and so I was back alone in empty space but this time there no more stars not that I'm complaining although the view was nice, being in complete darkness is also very cozy and comfortable, I've always felt this way and seeing that I still feel this way is reassuring since it means that I'm still 'me' but for all I know the original me might be another one and I'm just some copy, the thought of that always irks me as I am a person who likes originality and and is abhored by such copies of people, I mean why can't you just act like yourself instead of mimicking others, although you might argue back that people's personalities are formed by their cumulative experiences through life so it's not all that weird for people to be so called 'copies' of each other, well to that I say move your eye hole fucked cuz I'm about to fuck your tiny mind.

anyways while I was having a mental debate with no one in particular Feeling good by Michael bublé starts playing and I like this song so I'm gonna do the obvious and sing along.

"birds flying high"

"you know how I feel"

"sun in the sky"

"you knooooow how I feel"

"breeze drifting on by"

"you know how I feel"

"it's a new dawn"

"it's a new day"

"it's a new life"

"for me"

"and I'm feeling.....waaaaaaah

and before I could finish the song I was interupted by my own cries after birth, 'damn it even after I wanted to be born without crying like a badass well the next best thing is to get up and sit on a chair because I look down on the ground but I'm currently too weak to do that so I'm gonna try to keep my dignity by closing the flood gates' and so after only a single cry Sasuke Uchiha came into the world pun not intended get your heads out of your asses plus he's not Midnight. 'hmm that seems to be my mother but why are there no doctors and why are we in a rusty rundown building, well it's obvious why we are probably dirt poor but why I'm asking that because my mother looks like Mikoto Uchiha Sasuke's mother and if you haven't realized she is hot I mean H O T hot well I hope she doesn't die at child birth not because I want a mother but because if she does I would be completely defenseless so I would probably most definitely die and due to that voices so called divine protection I might meet someone like All for one and die, oh and I seem to be able to see clearly even after just having been born meh probably cuz I'm an Uchiha' but before I could ramble on like always I was interupted by my mother hugging me and talking

"oh you're just so cute I'll call you Sasuke" she says, after that she stands up, 'wait is she gonna walk off giving birth' I watch as she wobbly changes her clothes wraps me in a blanket and then walks out of the building like nothing happened 'yes holy Hitler she is walking off birth, damn my mother is a badass' we walk around the obviously dangerous and dilapidated part of the city calmly, 'why is she so calm this woman is quite interesting'

we continue walking and as I expected but hoped against some thugs stand in our way "well hello sweet cheeks we're kinda low on cash so why don't you lend us some money It would be a shame if something happened to your daughter over there" he says as he pulls out a switch knife and starts to wave it threateningly, all my mother says is "it's a boy" then her eyes turn red like a sharingan but without the tomoe after that all the thugs grab their weapons with dazed faces then stab themselves in the through the necks, then my mother just walks of like nothing happens not even a ripple in her eyes after having taken a life, 'hmm I guess she ain't taking shit today' I think to myself after that we continue walking and reach the good parts in the city and it's enchanting so many different people with different shapes sizes and mutations though I've noticed that the number of those with mutations is higher in the bad part of the city I even saw a guy whose top half is a crab he looks exactly the same a crablante from one punch man and he's also walking next to a child whose chin looks like balls

we have finally reached the house and it's a pretty nice two bedroom apartment turns out against my assumption we are not dirt poor seems she just felt the need to give birth so instead of calling someone she went inside a building and just did it, damn the longer I'm around this woman the more respect I have for her.

mother opens the door and yes I will call her mother cuz she deserves it, anyways she puts me down on the sofa after that she grabs a pen and paper and writes my name on it and puts it on the coffee table next to the sofa, after that she grabs her phone and dials someone

"hello 911 what's your emergency" a monotone voice speaks

"yes could you send someone over I just gave birth and I don't think I'm gonna make" my mother says in a calm tone with no change of expression, 'hmm it's really like I thought although I suspected it might be due to child birth but her complexion is paler than snow it seems there's more to it but I can guess that she has some sickness kinda reminds me of itachi.

"ok ma'am someone's on the way" the voice answers in a tone as if trying to calm her down even though she is completely calm

"ok thank you" after saying that she hangs up

then my mother Walks to a shelf then grabs a voice recording device and starts recording, she approaches me and taps my forehead like itachi would to Sasuke after that she looks at me for a few moments as if trying to burn every detail of me into her mind, after the long silence she says "little Sasuke my son although won't get to meet nor will I be able to watch grow up, although it may not mean anything to you in the future but just remember no matter what you do, no matter what happens, no matter what you become, even if the entire world is against you mommy will always love you, just make sure to eat enough and sleep enough and remember to take care of yourself" with that she stops the recording with Shaking hands then she looks at me with a lovely smile then closes her eyes pukes out a large amount of blood than falls on the ground no longer moving

'will always love you too mom' I think as two steams of tears come out of my eyes at that moment I felt a deep sadness one so intense I thought impossible but then after just a few moments I go back to normal sad no longer but I know that i will always remember this woman no my mother and her words and than I hear knocking and a voice presumably that of a man around his thirties saying "this is the police we had a report ma'am could you please open up","ma'am" another voice says probably his partner and after hearing one of them tries to break down the door before being stopped by the other who then just twists the door knob then the door just opens then they come in with the medics but then they are all petrified at the sight Infront of them

(cop 1 pov)

when we went inside we saw something that shocked us a woman on the ground with her back to the sealing laying in her own blood without any movement and next to her on the sofa was a baby in blankets the baby also had some of the woman's blood on him when the medics saw that two of them rushed to the woman while one grabbed the baby who after that went to sleep such a poor child, after the two others examined the woman they put her on a stretcher and put white cloth on her body which means she is dead after they were done with her and took the child one of the medics who's a friend of mine told me what happened to her seems she had an unknown sickness and In conjunction with giving birth her sickness flared up which resulted in her death

(Sasuke pov)

I woke in a what seems to be a care room for newborns in what I assume to be a hospital I fell asleep after those guys came in well whatever, also heard some chatty nurses who were talking about what happened to my mother it seems I was right on the money and she was sick I also heard them say that she had been frozen instead of buried as she had wanted her son to be able to see her in the future which made me happy not because of the reason you might be thinking about but because that means that I might be able the transplant her eyes in order to get an eternal mangekyo sharingan but I can't count on it as her 'sharingan' had no tomoe so it might just be a hassle but if it works than I wouldn't need to train to evolve it from a normal mangekyo to an eternal one

oh and I was able to hear all that because they seem to never leave my side as I'm an extremely cute baby even by my own standards which says a lot as I see babies as just piles of useless noisy flesh which is weird considering that I have a soft spot for children, 'oh and I'll also go to an orphanage' I thought while drifting off to sleep

[A/N: well that's it for this chapter I hope you enjoyed, next chapter will be his life in the orphanage and awakening his quirk, oh and planning to make his kakugan and sharingan linked so they both activate in the same, also if u like the story give me some words of encouragement it makes me motivated to write more]