childhood, and quirk awakening

I wake up to find myself in an unfamiliar room, I look around which is extremely hard considering that I am a new born I see that I'm in a room with wooden floors and white Walls there's also a small blue carpet with some children's toys on it there's also a window which is shut there's also a door which I guess is cool

a short old woman with sparkling eyes, white skin which has visible marks of aging, thin dark green hair and two goat horns to accompany said hair, she walks towards me lifts me from my crib gently sits on a nearby chair grabs a warm bottle of milk then she pokes my cheek and starts feeding 'hmmmm I guess this is my life now'

'that voice had said that I have divine protection but he Said that it's won't be plot armor does that mean that plot armor exists and if so then how effective is it for example what would happen if I tried to kill izuku as a child would plot armor try to slow me down from doing it or would it use someone to stop me if it's the former than how much effort would it take me to achieve my goal and to what extent would plot armor go to stop me and also would plot armor also try to minimize my influence on the character of izuku or would it make it so that my influence is none existent, and does plot armor extend to only izuku or does it extend to others and if so then how large is it's influence I will probably test that out by killing one of izuku's class mates, i don't know the consequences of killing the important ones so I'm gonna kill the guy who head looks like a jagged rock and can communicate with animals I think his name is kota or something, ah so many questions, so many theories but so little answers, seems that my feeding is over i should try to enjoy human food more as I won't be able to enjoy it in four years.

the caretaker then puts me back on my crib and leaves, 'i have to say being a baby isn't all that boring since I can occupy myself with my thoughts (ramblings), I can also pass the time by sleeping and since I'm a master at that plus since I'm a baby I can probably sleep for maybe even half a decade' which is exactly what happened

~~4 years later~~

'Good morning' I think to myself as I wake up, 'i'm dazed for a second because I'm in a white hospital room with some tubes on my arms and that beep beep machine that counts my heart beat, I look there's a nurse looking at a clip board, I try to speak but all that comes out is a weird noise but it seems to have done the job as her head immediately jerks up with a visibly surprised expression she then runs out and calls the doctor who then also comes in with surprised expression on his face, after collecting himself he checks my pulse and other vitals before grabbing a wheelchair nearby and putting me on it after that he takes me to another room to run some tests

turns out I had been in a coma (deep sleep) it seems that the reason For that is my body transforming although nothing is different from the outside except you know, growing up, anyways it seems that after doing a scan of my insides they found out that my inner biology is quite different than humans I seem to have a sack full of Rc cells in my body, my tongue structure is different than before and my teeth are extremely hard and sharp perfect for tearing through flesh it seems that my quirk hasn't fully developed but will full do so after I get my body in shape cuz big surprise life isn't a movie where the character after waking up from a ten year old coma proceeds to jump through the window, so I went on a routine in order to build up my muscles since mine are not developed enough to allow me to move normally they thought that I would need four months to be ready but I manged to finish it in two months, and they were also surprised when I managed to talk like a normal person just after a week after all I was asleep for 4 years, I also got to 'learn' how to write and was also done in a week oh and it seems I've become a ghoul since normal food tastes rotten and absolutely disgusting I'm amazed that the ghouls in Tokyo ghoul can force themselves to eat that stuff so when I get food I just throw it away.

I was watching all might fighting a villain on tv, 'i gotta say although that hero crap makes no sense he definitely does sell the the idea, it seems his symbol of peace ideal is built on overwhelming and pure power, although it's simple it's very effective' I thought to myself while sitting on a nurses lap which happens often with them since I'm such a cute child they argue a lot about who gets to take care of me sometimes it developes into full on cat fights which is always entertaining to watch who wouldn't want others to fight over them suddenly I feel a sensation in my eyes and the world becomes much clearer I look around then look at the nurse and when we make eye contact she let's out a shrill scream " hiiiiiiiiiiiii" then pushes me off of her but before I touch the ground my Reinkaku is released then helps me get onto my feet, but this only terrifies her more as she runs away to call someone, not bothering with her Walk to a full body mirror and I also release my Ukaku then I look at the mirror and see a good looking young boy whose eyes consist of red glowing irises one black tomoe in each and also black sclera with many red veins that even seem to extend to the skin under his eyes, coming from his upper back are a pair of bitch black angel wings which are big enough to fully wrap him and once fully extended each wing has a wing span one and a half times his hight with the feathers on each definitely being sharp enough to cut through thick steel, and coming out of his lower back were four glowing red tails which look fluid as water but firm as teeth, but before he could finish admiring his form a bunch of nurses and doctors came in and stood a at the door way staring at him 'hmm let's see what reactions I can get' he thought as he purposely turned around slowly looking at them with his eyes active while his Rinkaku slowly sways behind him menacingly when the doctors saw that they were visibly terrified while the nurses were shaking with tears threatening to fall, 'what a bunch of pussies, well it's not all that surprising considering how sheltered people in this society are all they know is villains bad heroes good and considering that I look like a monster it's not all that surprising to get such reactions, well better undo my kagune' I thought to myself while undoing my transformation,after that a doctor comes up to me and says"it seems that awakened your quirk" "yes" I answer with a genuine smile after all now that I have my quirk I can finally have a way to live freely without much restrictions, seeing the 'innocent' smile on my face the doctor relaxes "well let's go test it out" 'after all it would be good if we have info on his powers incase he becomes a villain' the doctor thinks to himself while looking at the cute child walking next to him 'seeing how he currently looks you would never guess that he could turn into such a monster'

we arrive at the quirk testing room where various tests are run to determine a person's quirk, after I sit down on the bed while he sits down on the stool facing it then he asks me "so could you tell me of any differences you felt or that you still feel after activating your quirk" "well my vision became a lot clearer and I felt that my body got stronger", i inform him after which he starts writing on his note pad, then he continues to asks "what about the pair of wings do you think you could use them to fly" "no I don't think so, I might be able to glide but I don't think I could fly" I answer but then I think to myself 'but i might be able to if I infused them with wind chakra', he then asks "what about the four tails" "well I seem to be a able to use them as easily as my arms", I answer truthfully, "ok then please lay on the bed so that we can do a few scans", I comply and after some scans and writing on his note pad he tells me "It seems that you can use the Rc cells in your body to make those tails and Wings it seems like your eyes also act like an activation signal, so what would you like to call your quirk?", I think for a bit then answer "red children", he raises an eye brow at that then asks "why is that?", "well I think that Rc cells look like red fetuses", "hmm why do you know what a fetus is?" "....." "....." "i saw it in a book somewhere", " ok that makes sense, anyways as you have fully recovered you will be discharged tomorrow and someone from the orphanage will come and take you" "ok", after that I leave and while going back to my room I saw many doctors and nurses look at me with fear, wariness or disgust in their eyes but each time they did I would just look at them dead in the eyes and they would quickly look away, a fine display of dominance if I must say.

the next day someone from the ophanage picks me up and take me back, I got to socialize with some of the children but not much oh and it also seems that that care taker from four years ago has died peacefully in her sleep a year ago, anyways it has now been four months since I've come back and I've spent most of it training on chakra control by climbing trees and Walking then running on water and I've also learned the great fireball jutsu, transformation jutsu, shadow clone jutsu, and feonix flower jutsu, I practiced the fire jutsu's in a lake while I practiced the others in a nearby small forest. it has now been 6 months since I've eaten the reason why I haven't done so was because I wanted how long it takes for me to feel hungry by the second month I started feeling hungry, after the fourth my head started to pound and my senses started to highten, and on the sixth month month i started to hear the heartbeats of others all around me I can barely keep my kagune inside me and I can't deactivate my eyes, 'it seems I've hit my limit now it's time to show the world what I really am' I thought to myself as I walk into a populated part of the city while Ignoring the stares and murmurs about my eyes.

[A/N: well this is the end of the chapter I hope you liked this thick boy of a chapter I wrote it took me more than six hours to write since I took my time with it, next chapter will be the Hunt and by hunt I mean massacre, I hope you enjoyed]