Some great fucking food

while I was walking I think about my discoveries about this world's culture, well culture that doesn't involve too many heroes at least, I recently discovered that many of the songs and music from my old world exist here but almost all of them had been released before quirks had appeared and so many of them had been forgotten, and with the crash of the internet 200 years ago many of them had completely disappeared

speaking of the chaotic era, turns out it was just an apocalypse with little to no laws, and said apocalypse resulted in technology 'evolving', just backwards if you catch my drift, and so due to the internet crashing, and people being too busy trying to gain power or just survive another day, many aspects of cultures or even some entire cultures completely disappeared.

but it's not all bad after all if quirks didn't exist there wouldn't be such diverse porn, I had done some 'research' and I have to say the sheer amount of fetishes that exist now is awe inspiring, even with this young body of mine I felt something rising, and it was not the shield hero, I mean it finally explains why midnight was allowed to wear such an outfit and even teach students, turns out she wasn't as absence as we thought.

although you might be asking "why are you talking about porn when you're on your way to committing a massacre", well you see my dear friend I don't need to worry since I'm already quite strong and in case I need to escape I can just fly away, oh did I learn wind style, well no but it turns out infusing my wings with just normal chakra is more than enough to fly and I could even reach a top speed of 200 kilometers an hour and If you're wondering how I managed to practice flight without being spotted, well I would sneak out at night and practice and due to the night sky and my wings I was able to blend in pretty easily.

I reached my destination, stopped and started looking around, it was a big street with many hustle and bustle there had to be at least two hundred people in here it was obviously in a populated area, I close my eyes and listen, even in this place full of chatter and noise I could still easily hear many heart beats even though there were many I could easily distinguish between them, there were many presences some belonging to old people while some belonged to young people but luckily there were no presences of any children.

although I believe that killing is killing and murder is murder no matter the reason however I do not say this due to the high value I put on human life but because of the opposite infact, but even so I could never kill a child or a harmless animal, there is no deep reason behind it I just simply can't.

I open my eyes to reveal my now two tomoe sharingan with my black sclera with multiple veins appearing alongside it, after all they were connected.

"it seems that my Sharingan has evolved, I can tell that it has due to my better eye sight, it's probably due to my resolve though I wouldn't call it that, oh well let's get this show on the road"

I release my Rinkaku fully and just leave it there slowly swaying behind me, the people around me are startled while many look at me with fear and disgust, then a woman approaches me from my side and says "little boy it's illegal to use your quirk in public so you should deactivate it before you get in trouble, where are your----", while she was talking I turn my head slightly and look at her in the eyes, while she's lost in my eyes I ram one of my Rinkaku spears through her stomach, she looked at me in disbelief, it was as if time stopped for a second as everyone in the street went silent, trying to process what happened, and then like the sheep they are they all started screaming and running while pushing and trampling others, but I wasn't about to let my meal get away and so I released my Ukaku and instantly started shooting cristal feathers in all directions, it didn't take even ten seconds before the once lively street had turned into a beautiful painting of bodies, blood, death and carnage, look at this scene with a rising smile on my face, "thank you for the food!", I say in a happy voice like I had been given the most exquisite dish.

"hmm this smell is so euphoric" I say as I take a deep whiff, then I immediately start eating start with the woman that's still hanging on my Rinkaku, 'this is is absolutely divine', i then continue to eat to my heart's content but before I could eat more than fifteen people, ten heroes show up and I could also see behind them in the distance a reporter and a camera man, the heroes circle me, they all seem like new heroes since they still looked very young, then the one whom I assume is the leader talks to me from behind me not seeing my blood stained face "little boy give up right now hurting isn't something that you should do, what would your parents think if they saw this." he said trying to make me surrender probably thinking that I lost control due to my quirk, which although true, I'm still responsible since this is what I wished for, but before I could answer one of the other heroes speaks, "what are you talking about gigantis, can't you see what this, this monster has done , look around you he has killed at least a hundred people, instead of talking we should team up and detain him and if we can't then we should put him down", he says the last part while screaming, and before the leader could reply the other heroes voice their opinion.

"yes I agree" a guy in a Blue spandex suit says

"Yea even if he's a child we still need to deal with him" a woman with classes and purple short hair wearing a skimpy black costume speaks

"I agree if he could do this at his age who knows how dangerous he will be" a guy that has a big handle bar mustache says

the others also show their agreement, this makes me angry, not only did the interrupt my meal they are also talking about what they should do with me as if they had already caught, well then I'll show these rookie heroes how a real villain acts.

while they were still talking I grab a nearby arm and stand up from my crouching position, they seem to have caught on to my movement and tense up in preparation for battle but all which awaits the is a slaughter, I then slowly turn to them while my Rinkaku is swaying menacingly behind me, then I look at them with my eyes active and without breaking eye contact with them I lift the arm I'm carrying and bite through it's flesh with ease then I swallow, this seems to have made them fully tense up, now that I have their attention I say in a clear voice, clear enough for even the camera man and reporter to hear, "oh, it seems we have some uninvited guests, and a loud bunch at that, don't you know it's rude to disturb someone's meal, but do not worry for I am a benevolent host and so I will grant you the honor of being the main course", I say in my childish voice while spreading my arms open.

it seems that hearing such words from a child covered in blood has disturbed them quite a lot, to the point where they seem to have frozen in their place, 'hmmmm freezing from shock?, these guys are real green horns, oh well', while they frozen I run my Rinkaku through five of their stomachs, yes I even got a double kill, this seems to have woken up the others but before they could do anything my Ukaku feathers shred four of them to pieces, I then walk to the last one who was the woman with glasses and purple hair.

she was on the ground looking at me with fear while backing up, I then grab each of her limbs with my Rinkaku and lift her up above the ground I then slowly approach and lift my hand to her stomach, I then insert it, slowly tearing her through flesh, she screams an ear piercing scream, unbothered by her screams I continue to explore her insides, and after a bit I stop moving, look up at her than ask, "is this your first time?", she looks at me and begs in a shaking voice "p- please stop", I then smile and say "don't worry it's my first time as well", and then my hand touches something.

'hmmmm it's her spine I wonder what would happen if I---' *SNAP*, I snapped her spine then she screams and some of her guts spill out, 'it seems like she's dying, well seeing as she was my first~ I'll give her the ultimate respect by killing her', I then grab an Ukaku feather and say to her In a cheerful voice, "well it was nice EATING you!!!", and with that I slit her throat and drop her on the ground before returning back to my food, I also saw from the corner of my eye the camera man shaking while the reporter woman was vomiting.

after I finished my entire meal which makes me wonder where all that meat goes but I already know that due to my super regeneration plus my ghoul body and chakra 99.999 percent of all that food is completely turned into energy and Rc cells while the rest is turned into excrement, 'of course while I was eating the cops had already surrounded the place but oddly no heroes which means they are waiting for one'

after finishing with that thought I spread my wings and imbued them with chakra which was extremely easy since my wings seem to be better chakra conductors that my arms and legs, this seems to grab the polices attention who point their guns at me and tell me to surrender, ignoring them I ready myself for take off by putting my Rinkaku on the ground, the guy who had told me to surrender seemed to have caught on to what I was planning, because then he ordered them to open fire and so they did they all shot at me for 3 minutes straight, once the gunfire stopped and the dust abstructing everyone's vision had cleared, all those on scene were shocked by what they saw, they saw that the wings had wrapped themselves around the boy in order to protect him, but that wasn't what shocked them, the thing that shocked them was the condition of the wings after taking so much gun fire.

the wings were completely unscathed without a single damaged feather, the wings then opened to show the boy completely untouched, the next second the boy launched himself into the air above them then he fully spread his wings and fired feathers at all the police and their cars which resulted

in both the and their cars being shredded, of course due to that their cars started exploding painting a beautiful painting of two seas, one of blood while the other was one of fire using that as a distraction I flew away at top speed satisfied with my debut.

~Reporter woman POV~

my name is Sharon Nakemora, I am a new reporter, I've always dreamed of being one, ever since I was a child I always wanted to be a reporter while other kids wanted to be heroes, and because of that some of them started making fun of me, but whenever something like that happened my best friend would protect and scare them away, today that same friend has called me saying that she got her first case as a hero and that I should report on it, and of course I agreed.

when we reached the scene I was completely horrified by the sight Infront of me, the entire street was dyed red with blood and human body parts all over the place and in the middle of it was a single lone child with his back to us and from that same back there were two long pitch black wings without even a single drop of blood on them and right under them sprouting from the kid's lower back were four long and thick tails the color of blood, they were swaying slowly and menacingly behind him, he was crouching down while munching on something, looking at the sight of that Child no. that monster, I knew that even though he had his back to us and seemed absorbed with something else, he was fully aware of our existence, the only reason why we were still breathing was because he allowed us to. to him we were nothing but ants unworthy of his attention.

once the heroes reached him one of them tried to make him surrender while the other one said that they should use force, after that they all started talking about what they should do to him as if he wasn't there, at first he seemed to ignore them but after interrupting his meal he stood up and looked at them with his eyes that seemed to glow with the color of blood, after that he easily killed all of them, and then tortured my best friend and played with her guts like play dow, I wanted to help I wanted to run to her and save but I knew that if I did then I would be next, after he was done with her, he killed her and dropped her on the ground like a child bored of his toy.

after he was done he ate all the bodies not leaving a single one even that of my friend, and as soon as he was done the police tried to make him surrender, while he simply ignored them and prepared to leave while he was doing so they opened fire and after they were done he didn't have a single scratch on him, so he repayed the favor by killing them all and destroying their vehicles.

of course the news blew up, by the next day every one in the country knew about, Uchiha Sasuke which is his name, there are also many nick names for him such as the demon child or the binge eater but the most popular name is Ghoul which became popular due to his leaked medical reports.

it seems that his inner biology is different than humans and so due to his tongue structure and an enzyme his body produces it's impossible for his body to digest normal food, not only that but it would also taste completely rotten, and since the difference happened 6 months ago it also means he hasn't eaten in 6 months, due to all these factors some say that he did what he did due to loosing his sanity.

there many opinions on him some pity him, some think he needs help, some think he should be put down, of course many believe he is monster or a devil since he can do such evil things with a smile on his face while talking in a childish tone.

and so now every hero is looking for him looking to 'save' him or bring him to 'justice'.

as for me all I want to do is sleep, after all it's hard to do that after watching a massacre like that, ah I'm so tired

[A/N: well this is it Bois, hope you enjoyed the chapter, next chapter I'm gonna do other people's reactions to his actions, like all might or nezu or All for one well c ya]