new found infamy

~3rd person POV~

in a certain room at U.A highschool in Musutafu were four figures of different sized people, the first was a tall muscular man with blonde hair, two strands of his hair were extending upwards, they looked like rabbit ears, this was all might, he would usually be seen around the city with a smile on his face while saving those in need but that smile was currently nowhere to be seen, not in this meeting.

sitting next to him was a seemingly thin man with tall stature, he had green hair with a few strands of blonde, he also seemed like an extremely serious person from the way he acts and the tone of his speech, wearing a light green suit, he was all might's side kick, sir night eye.

facing him was an organism whom looked like a mix between a polar bear, a rat, with a hint of dog, this was none other than principal nezu of U.A high school, he was looking over some documents that were handed over to him by sir night eye and recovery girl who is sitting beside him, he had a grim expression on his face which only grew darker by the second.

as mentioned before, sitting next to him was recovery girl who had a solum expression, she had just looked over the medical records of a certain child whose gotten famous in the last few days, after analysing said records which were provided by night eye she came to the conclusion that the boy's quirk made eating normal food impossible with the only way of gaining sustenance being through eating human flesh, seeing such an innocent child needing to resort to such acts made her stomach churn.

after nezu was done with reading the documents he let out a long sigh and slumped on his chair while massaging his temples.

taking that opportunity night eye started the meeting, "I assume that you all know why we are gathered here" said night eye

"yes, we are here to discuss on how to deal with young Sasuke Uchiha and how we can go about helping him" said all might

"ah, it's such a tragedy for such a young and cute child to have to do such things due to his hunger" recovery girl commented

"the current best move I can think of is to 'leak' his medical records and show that he needs to eat human flesh in order not to starve, we can also include the fact that he didn't eat in six months and that because of that he lost control and ended up doing what he did-----", nezu said but before he could finish night eye interrupted him.

"you mean massacred and devour an entire city block, killed and tortured heroes, and tore police officers to pieces", night eye said with a serious tone

"night eye you don't have to be so harsh", said all might trying to defend Sasuke

night eye looked at him and then at both recovery girl and nezu and slowly said, "you both saw it, the look in his eyes, those were the eyes of evil, and his attitude toward killing and torturing humans in such a way was like the attitude of a butcher slaughtering chickens, he kills and eats humans as if he is not even of the same species", while he was saying that he remembered the scene of Sasuke among the bodies like a god of death

"even so, we can't just give up on a child, anotnd so I will bring him in and help him", all might said in a firm voice as he clenched his fists

"I agree with All might, we should bring him in and rehabilitate him", said nezu agreeing with all might

"but how will we feed him", asked recovery girl, after all he ate around two hundred people

"I can pull some strings in the government, after all people die all the time", replied nezu

"I don't think catching him will be that easy after all, from what I saw from the video he seems to use strategy even though he is so young", night eye remarks

"a genius?", recovery girl asks

"yes from what we got from our investigation and questioning of the nurses in the hospital he was in after his coma he managed to learn how to speak, read and write in just two weeks, he also seemed to be an intelligent child with the ability to figure out people's emotions intentions and personalities", said all might

"if that's true then catching him might not be easy, and he also has wings which means he will be able to fly away if needed", added nezu

"then our course of action will be the following, we will catch him, after that we will try rehabilitating him and if that doesn't work then we will put him in a mental hospital with high security, in the meanwhile we will release the medical files in order to try and clear up his name, but I doubt we will be able to clear out his name completely since most people see him as a monster, and it doesn't help that a large amount of heroes are competing on catching him in order to boost their fame and ranking", and with that the meeting was adjured

~All for one POV~

I was resting in my private quarters managing some documents of various operations when my assistant kurogiri came in and bowed, "master I am sorry to disturb your work but I think that you should watch a news broadcast of something that happened this morning", he said while still bowing, I then signal for him to stand up and bring it to me, It then starts with a boy with black hair and fair skin and coming from his back were two long black wings and from his lower back were four tails that looked fluid yet firm they were also the color of the blood around him, seeing the sight of the blood and the bodies strewn all over the street brought a smile of nostalgia to my face

then a group of heroes arrive, one of them tried to make him surrender but then the others said that they should take him out instead of talking, at first he ignored them like the ants they are but hearing their talk seemed to annoy him, as he grabbed an arm of the many nearby stood up slowly then turned at them and looked at them with his piercing red eyes and black sclera with many veins in them he then without breaking eye contact took a bite out of the arm, while they were frozen he attacked and killed five of them with his tails then launched feathers from his wings that easily shredded four of them to pieces, he then went on to torture the last one while allowing the camera to film, no he wanted them to do so, then he went on to snap her spine and slit her throat before discarding her and going back to his meal

I then watched on as he ate all the bodies in the scene, shrug off bullets, and then shred the police like he did to his previous victims

after the video ended I sat down in silence, after a few minutes I started laughing in an evil way, after some time of that I ordered my assistant, "kurogiri reach out to this kid and hire him, first start him off with some assassination missions to test him out after that you can give him other types of work"

"it shall be done master", he replied before bowing down then leaving closing the door behind him, "I can't wait to see what he will do in the future" I say to myself before going back to work


in the Todoroki household in Musutafu, a certain white haired boy with burn marks on his hands looked around checking if there was anyone in the area before pulling out his tablet and searching for a certain video, he had heard about this video while listening in on the conversation of a few of his classmates, this was Touya Todoroki, endeavors first son, he had already gone through many of the abuse and mental strain that he had gone through in the canon, after finding the video he clicked it, while watching the video he felt the urge to vomit many times but held it in and forced himself to watch, after all he would see such scenes if he wanted to be a hero, and as soon as the video ended he bolted to the bathroom and let out everything in his stomach, 'is this what this world truly looks like' he questioned himself, he couldn't get those scenes out of his head


in a certain mansion sat a 4 year old young girl playing with a knife, she had ashy blonde hair, yellow eyes and two prominent fangs, she wore a yellow sweater too big for her and sat on the couch facing the wide screen tv, this girl was toga himiko

she was flipping through the channels when she saw some thing that instantly caught her eyes it was blood, blood and lots of it, it was all over the place along with some body parts that seemed to litter the ground, and in the middle sat a boy with black hair he also had black wings and four tails then the heroes arrived, after that he stood up and turned around, looking at his handsome face and the look in his glowing red and black eyes while he tore through the flesh on the arm he was holding made her shiver and feel as if something awakened inside her, at that moment her quirk awakened and she felt a deep thirst for blood and watching as the boy killed the heroes making their blood spill made her feel even more thirst, but she did not move fearing to miss out on any more blood shed, and blood shed is what she got as he tortured the last of the heroes before killing her, she then watched intently as he ate all the bodies, she wished she was there with him, she would drink the blood while he would eat the flesh, she wanted for both of them to enjoy that lovely meal, she then watched as he killed the cops spilling EVEN more blood and causing explosions before leaving

wanting to satiate the thirst she went to the kitchen where she found a maid washing the dishes while humming a small tune with her back to himiko, toga then pounced on her and slit her neck just like the boy had done on tv, she then started drinking her blood but let's just say that her parents were not happy when they saw the scene

[A/N: I hope you guys liked the chappy, I have to say writing in 3rd person was quite nice but I still like the Mc's pov as it allows us to see the world through his eyes after all the world can be quite different depending on a person's perspective and circumstances, well anyway c ya Guys next time]