fight with all might

2 days later

~~Midnight POV~~

my consciousness slowly faded into darkness after I got knocked out by that kid, I then open my eyes, it's so bright, I stand up and look around to find myself in a field of white flowers, there were flowers as far as the eye could see, I look at my hand and see that I am also white, just like the flowers that surrounded me, for some reason I felt happy being among these flowers, but then I catch something out of the corner of my eye, it was an imposter hiding among the white flowers, a crimson red flower was in the middle of them, I hated how it ruined the harmony in the field and so I walked over to it while making sure not to step on any flowers, once I arrive in front of the white flower I then bend over and pluck it, but when I do the crimson color starts to spread on my arm, seeing that, I try to remove it with my other hand but all that does is make it spread on it as well, while I was trying to stop the spread I dropped the flower on the ground and with that all the other flowers also started turning red while the once bright blue sky started turning black as if stained by ink, and before I realized it everything around me turned crimson and black, myself included

I wake up in a jolt of panic and find myself in a white room with lots of medical equipment and some of them were hooked up to me in order to keep track of my heart rate, while there was a tube stuck to my arm that connected to one of those U.V things

I look around the room for a bit when the door to my room opens and, in comes principal nezu who smiles once he sees me awake, but the smile disappears when I look at him, but after that he regains his smile but this time it's a bit different although I can't pinpoint the exact difference I can still tell that it's not the same as the one before it

he walks over to a chair and drags next to my bed and hops on it, and says "hello nemuri how are you feeling", "I'm fine principal nezu", although I'm not a student any more I still call him that since calling him something different would just be weird, "so could you tell me how long I've been unconscious", I ask, "it's been two days, we found you in an aly in the morning, we were quite worried when you didn't come back from your patrol, and when we found you with a substantial amount of blood on you we thought the worst had happened but when we brought you here and did some examinations........", he then went quiet which alarmed me and so I asked, "what did you find", Ignoring my question he asked, "nemuri did you run into Uchiha Sasuke that night?", "yes, yes I did", I answered, he then leans in and asks in a soft voice, "could you tell me exactly what happened", I nod and start recounting, "well I was doing my nightly patrol and while I was passing by an aly I heard some rustling sounds and so I went to investigate, once I reached the source that's when I found him, he was eating a person, I tried to talk to him in order to diswade him from continuing on with his acts, but do you know what he said?", I question, shaking his head he says, "no, could you tell me what he said?", I nod and answer, "he said it's not cannibalism since he isn't a human, he then pinned me down and told me that he will show me, I tried to use my quirk to knock him out but he was unaffected, he then slashed me in the stomach with something sharp, I tried to resist and get him off of me but then he just knocked me", I say but then remember my injury and so I look down my hospital gown in a hurry, and then sigh in relief as there wasn't any injury

"nemuri", principal nezu calls out to me, hearing him I look at him with a questioning gaze but he doesn't say anything and just hands me a mirror, taking the mirror I use it to check my face and then, *Crash* I drop it, I then look at nezu with my eyes one of which now has a black sclera with red veins while my Iris is a glowing red, I then ask in a low voice, "what happened?", he then looks down at the floor and said slowly, "from the examinations we did it seems that you some how developed the same quirk as Sasuke Uchiha and sadly your body does produce that enzyme disallows you from eating normal food", I cut him off and say, "so in other words I need to eat people now", he looks up and assures, "Don't worry, I will make that you get enough to eat, I will also make sure that no one finds out about your secret, that I promise", he stopped for a few seconds and continued, "I will also make sure that Sasuke Uchiha is caught and given the help he needs, you should get some rest" after saying that he gets up and leaves closing the door behind him, I turn my head and stare through window, looking at the city for what felt like days, after that I slowly fall asleep while wondering to myself 'is this what he meant by not being human'

2 months later

~~Sasuke POV~~

it's been two months and many things have happened, after my experiment with midnight the heroes have started hunting me down more voraciously and in big groups of at least ten and as soon as I deal with one group another one pops up, I've barely even had any time for sleep, but it's all worth it since after a month of this I finally managed to develop my own kakuja, when I activate it my fair white skin turns a rusty bronze color and my hair length grows like stage two curse mark Sasuke, and my wings grow bigger while the color goes from black to an ash gray color, as for my Rinkaku, well it grows a metallic black sort of armor on it while many scythe like dark purple blades, I also grew black horns from my forehead which I think looks wicked, but the biggest gain was, drum roll please, due to the chakra I released from my body the first time I awakened my kakuja my Sharingan turned into a mangekyo sharingan, and it seems that my theory about mangekyo sharingan abilities is wrong

my theory is that the circumstances, desires, and personality of the user decide their mangekyo, for example Obito thought of Rin as his 'world' and after seeing her die he did not want to be part of the world anymore and so he awakened the ability Kamui, another example of this is Madara who due to his desire to go back to a time where he was still friends with hashirama and due to his perfectionist nature he gained the ability to rewind time by a few seconds, [A/N: from what I've seen from a fight between Madara and hashirama, Madara was able to reverse time for a few seconds]

so anyway it seems I have Sasuke's mangekyo abilities which are the black flames of amaterasu and the ability to control any flames even the amaterasu, as for my susanoo it seems I can only make a rib cage but unlike Sasuke's susanoo which is purple, mine is an apple red while my weapon is like those daggers that Madara's susanoo has, after I awakened my mangekyo, you bet your sweet ass that I broke into the morgue where my mother is enjoying her frozen stay, seeing her in such a state made me feel like shit so after taking her eyes I found some nice Sakura trees that on a cliff that overlooked the ocean and buried her under it, I then made a grave stone using earth style, btw I've learned to use all elements but I'm only good at the lightening, fire and ying and yang elements due to my vitality and me being a reincarnation, while I am the worse at the wind and water elements

after burning some incense sticks I left, after all a woman like her deserves proper respect, but unknown to me there was a certain dark purple haired woman wearing an eye patch on one of her eyes watching me

after I went back to my place, I transplanted her eyes but it still took two weeks for me to regain my vision not because I had to heal but because I had to wait for the chakra in my eyes to settle down and so I've been running away from heroes for 2 weeks while blind, and due to that I've had to reveal some of my tricks like my chidori, chidori senbon, chidori spear and chidori stream which again caused some waves in the internet

I exit the shower and grab a nearby towel and dry myself off thoroughly, I then walk over to the clothes laid on the bed that I prepared before hand, they consist of a black shirt and white shorts with white tomoe patterns on the collar and cuffs, I also wore some black combat boots, am I getting ready for a date?, well no, but I'm going to meet a certain blonde muscular persuar of mine

I leave my room and go outside, I walk around for a bit enjoying my time I then stroll my way to the middle of the city, once I reach a large open plaza in the middle of the city I stop and look around, I see some street preformers around doing random stuff while people give them money from time to time, there were also some people feeding birds

I make my way to the middle of the plaza, activate my eyes which are now in the form of three tomoe and release my Ukaku and Rinkaku, as soon as I did that everybody in the plaza ran away while screaming bloody murder, after all I'm pretty famous and many people had already figured out who I was but we're hesitant to disclose it due to fearing for their safety, but I don't attack anyone and just stand there waiting

after a few minutes the police show up and set a perimeter, there were also many heroes but none of them made a move after all they knew that even if they all teamed up I could easily exterminate them, it's not like I haven't done so before, there were many reporters and even a news helicopter filming, waiting to see my next move

after a few minutes someone shows up but it wasn't the one I was waiting for, it was endeavor the number two hero, and someone who disgusts, after all he used his own children just to surpass all might, after he arrives he roars at me, "so you've finally showed up brat, are you tore of running away", I merely glance at him and say, "move along flame beard, my business is with all might, anyway don't you have kids and a wife to abuse or something", hearing what I said he gets angry and throws a giant fire attack at me intending to burn, I activate my mangekyo and use my flame control to make the attack go back to him, he was caught off guard for a second but still managed to dodge, 'thats a pro for you', I then use my other eye, it bleeds and he is hit with an amaterasu, after he is hit he drops on the ground and starts screaming, he tries to roll around but the flames were still stuck to him, after watching him roll around in the dirt like a worm I stop looking at him and begin waiting again for all might after all since he has a fire quirk of that caliber it's not like he's gonna burn to death but he's definitely gonna wish he was, they try to put him out by using water or flame extinguishers but none of it works, of course most people were shocked that endeavor the number two was beaten so easily and by flames no less

after some time I sit down cross legged with my cheek resting on my fist for support while my hair was swaying in the wind while endeavor was screaming in the background with heroes trying to avoid touching him while trying to carry him off

after some time all might finally arrived from the sky and landed Infront of me, of course there was the usual "ah it's all might" from the crowd, but I didn't pay any attention to that and just stood up while Dusting myself off, all might was about to speak but before he did I raised my hand signaling not to, and just continued dusting myself, once I was done I looked at him with my mangekyo active and said, "I already know what you're gonna say, so let's skip the boring theatrics, here's the deal we will fight if you win then I will go with you without resistance and if you lose then you die, simple don't you think?", he frowns at that and looks at the burning the endeavor, he then says, "I agree but on the condition that you remove those black flames from endeavor", I look at endeavor and then back at all might and reply, "deal", after that I look at endeavor with my mangekyo and then the amaterasu disappears, after that endeavor is knocked out and two heroes take him and leave, after they left, a tall circle of black flames appeared around us keeping the others from interfering, after that the fight starts

~~3rd person POV~~

all might leaps towards Sasuke and throws a punch, Sasuke meets his attack head on with his Rinkaku, they collided and stagnated for a second before both of the jumped back, Sasuke then flew to the air and launched feathers covered in lightning, all might dodged most of them but some managed to hit him paralyzing him for a second but that was enough for Sasuke to hit him with his Rinkaku and send him flying, while he was in the air Sasuke launched a large fireball at him, all might punched making a gust of wind that dispersed the fire, after the fire dispersed he found that Sasuke had disappeared, Sasuke then appeared behind him and grabbed him with his Rinkaku and slammed him back to the ground which kicked up a large amount of dust abstructing everyone's vision, after the dust cleared it showed an unscathed all might who then jumped and launched a punch towards Sasuke who crossed his arms and received it, he was then sent flying but managed to stabilize himself with his wings, after doing so he launched consecutive large bolts of lightening at all might who continually dodge them, taking that opportunity Sasuke activated his kakuja, his skin color became bronze, his hair grew, his wings also grew and changed color from black to gray while his tails grew metallic armor and many scythe like purple blades emerged from them, while black horns grew from his forehead, seeing his transformation all might was shocked by while all those watching the fight were terrified by his demonic appearance, Sasuke then sent an attack of extreme speed from one of his tails in a whip like fashion, being caught off guard by such speed, All might was slashed in the chest, but that wasn't the only attack coming his way, more and more attacks kept coming, the flurry of attacks kept coming for twenty minutes without stop, each time an attack missed it would cause a crater on the ground from the force of the attack, Sasuke then used his amaterasu on all might who instantly removed and threw his shirt away successfully evading it, then the battle continued on for another ten minutes with Sasuke throwing fire and lighting jutsu at all might from time to time, with all might dodging without being able to put even a hit, and after a few more minutes they both stopped and started panting, all might's body was full of deep cuts and his skin had many burn marks all over it, on the other hand Sasuke was completely fine with only some blood coming from his eyes, but he was definitely more exhausted then all might, all might then reeled back his arm and crouched down preparing for a final attack, seeing that Sasuke did the same, no he had already started preparing this attack a long time ago, some lightening rippled in the dense clouds above, no one had noticed that the clear sky had slowly grown dark during the battle, looking at the sky, all might had a bad premonition and so he decided to end the battle with his strongest attack, and so he jumped launching himself towards Sasuke, seeing that, all Sasuke did was raise his hand, "kirin", and with one word he dropped his hand, a loud rumble was heard from the sky and with lightning speed a large lightening dragon appeared Infront of all might, all might's fist clashing against the jaws of the dragon, after a long sky rumbling clash, all might roared, "UNITED STATES OF SMASH", and with that the kirin disappeared, and all might went back to the ground with large amounts of burns of his body, but he still stood tall with a large smile on his face, seeing that Sasuke flew down to the ground, undid his kakuja and kagune, stared at all might and said in a calm detached voice, "I lose", after saying that he fell on the ground but before his back could touch the ground, he was caught by all might, and with that he lost consciousness

[A/N: hope you enjoyed the chapter, it took me quite a lot of time to finish, tell me what you think about the fight scene too, and next time MC will be going to the loony bin, well c ya]